Kelly's Diary 181 - Blindfold Games
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 4: Playing Games at Gary’s Place
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Playing Games at Gary’s Place - It was supposed to be just a girl's night out with my cousin and best friend. Things ended up not quite as planned, including being blindfolded at one point. Any guesses as to what the blindfolds were for?
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual True Story Masturbation Oral Sex
We went on some more and before we knew it, we were at the address Gary had given me. Damn, the place was BIG. All I can say is that his parents must be loaded. Funny thing was, he claimed to have his own place but there was no way anyone his age could afford this joint, unless he’d won the Lottery jackpot.
Looking around, I saw their car parked down the driveway, on an extension that left the large bricked circular drive that ran in front of the main house and led to a smaller building off to the side - I was guessing the proverbial “mother-in-law” suite? It might also serve as a guest house or anything else for that matter. At the moment, I was guessing Gary was living in it himself so TECHNICALLY he didn’t live WITH his parents, he just lived on the same property.
The guys were waiting for us as I hadn’t set any speed records on the way there while no doubt they had run the red lights in their quest to get back as quickly as possible. They even opened the doors for us and helped us out which was always a welcome thing when you’re wearing heels like ours - especially Kristen’s.
“Cool place,” Kristen said admiringly.
“C’mon, let’s get in before we all freeze our asses out here!” Terry called out. Given they’d been waiting in the cold for us, no doubt they were already half- frozen. Besides, I imagined their swollen dicks were an incentive for them to get inside as well.
We walked in and it looked to be more a cottage than a home, sort of wide open with a kitchenette, living room, and dining area all filling one large open living space. A single door, no doubt leading off to a bedroom, was at each side with a fireplace in the far wall that was already “burning”, natural gas rather than wood but it looked pretty realistic all the same.
“Here, let me take your coats,” Gary offered as we slipped them off and handed them over. He opened one of the side doors and sure enough, I got a glimpse of a bed inside where he dropped them off before returning, closing the door behind him.
Looking around, I have to say the place wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d feared it might be. As hesitant as Gary has been I had been concerned that we were going to be treated to the stereotypical single male mini-trash dump of beer cans and empty pizza boxes. Surprisingly, it turned out to be fairly well kept up, leading me to suspect the same maid service that took care of the main house also stopped by to keep an eye on Gary’s place.
We all stood there, for a moment there was an awkward silence. ALL of us knew why we were here yet nobody was going to come right out and say it. It was the typical “dance” people go through but fortunately we had Kristen with us. If there was anyone who could get things started, it was my slutty cousin!
“OK, so like ... who’s gonna fuck me first?” she said in a casual tone, almost as if asking what the temperature was outside.
For a moment everyone just kind of stared at her and then at each other, not sure how to respond. To be honest, even I was a little surprised that she was THAT forward but then I guess if I was to think about it more, I shouldn’t have been. Oh well, so much for a simple night out with my friends! Actually, any chance of THAT had gone out the window long before now.
Nobody reacted right away so Kristen just huffed in mock frustration and started pointing to each of us, taking charge.
“Well, if THAT’S the way it’s gonna be ... Kelly, you take Todd ... Beth, Terry ... and Gary, I get you first,” she decided for us. I noticed she emphasized the “first” part quite heavily, as no doubt the guys did as well.
We each looked at our “assignments”. It was sort of funny in that as horny as everyone was - we girls as much as the boys had we dared tell them, the way Kristen was shoving us into it sort of made everyone a little uneasy. Then I had an idea...
“Hey, why don’t we get started with a game first?” I proposed, “You two up for a challenge?”
I was looking at Kristen and Beth, both of whom seemed to have no idea what I was talking about so I explained. Kristen seemed a bit miffed as she now doubt was ready to get down to it but she listened as well.
“OK, here’s how it goes ... In the first round, each girl sucks each guy for one minute. Then the guys get blindfolded and we suck them each again for one minute but they don’t know who does them when. The guy who identifies us in the correct order wins!”
“What does the winner get?” Gary asked quickly, looking a little anxious.
“Ahhhhhh ... Well, he gets to decide the rules for the next round,” I answered, “But it has to be something where the girls are blindfolded instead.”
The guys certainly seemed to be OK with it and Kristen and Beth just shrugged. I think so long as they got to suck some dick - and do it SOON, they didn’t really care what the “rules” were. We were still all dressed and for another pregnant pause we all just stood there until Kristen took over again. “Well, are you guys gonna get undressed or what?” she asked, more a statement than a question though.
Instantly three belt buckles came undone and before long the guys had their pants off, followed quickly by their underwear and socks. Kristen just shook her head and pointed at their shirts, which quickly joined the pile of clothes behind them, leaving three wonderfully nude men standing in front of us. All three had nice erections, their dicks sticking out from their groins like firm fleshy sausages. Todd was definitely in a class by himself but the other two were still well within the “average” range for penis size. Gary appeared to be a little thicker than Terry, and he also had the thickest bush of pubic hair of the three, something that always drew my attention.
As for us girls, we just dropped our heels and otherwise stayed dressed. No doubt we would be naked soon enough, but all of us had learned years before that staying dressed at the beginning can be more of a turn-on for a guy than stripping down to nothing right off the bat. The guys were lined up with Gary to our left, then Todd and finally Terry to our right. At that moment, Kristen was lined up with Gary, followed by me and then Beth.
“Well, I guess we need to give you guys something to remember, don’t we?” Beth finally spoke up, getting into the game.
As if we’d practiced this before (which we had NOT), we each took a step forward at the same time and dropped to our knees in front of our first designated guy. I reached out and took hold of Todd’s hard dick by the base and just held him there as the other two watched me and then did the same with their guy’s dick.
“OK, who’s keeping time?” I asked. The guys looked at each other and Gary lifted his shoulders and said he would try his best. “Mmmmmmm, OK then Gary, tell us when to start and then let us know when the first minute is over.”
I looked to my right and then my left. Both girls were gripping their guy’s dick and I could see the lust shining in Beth’s eyes. Damn she seemed to be horniest of the three of us - and that’s pretty darn horny! Just then Gary exclaimed, “OK - go!”
My attention immediately returned to the wonderful hard cock in my hand. As I took Todd’s fat dick in my mouth, I couldn’t help but remember the last time I’d sucked him and how great it had been when he fucked me. I was sure he remembered as well as I felt his cock surge in my mouth as I started to stroke up and down on it, my tongue dancing along the stiff shaft as it slipped in and out of my mouth. Damn, he was really big! I circled his dick with my right thumb and forefinger to stabilize it as my other hand carefully caressed his hairy balls. He smelled incredible, a mixture of thick and heavy musk with a faint odor of sweat, and I loved the taste and feel of him in my mouth.
“Time!” Gary called out.
Damn! It seemed like it had been only a few seconds! Todd looked down at me appreciatively as I dropped his dick from my mouth and scooted to my right in front of Terry. Beth moved around to Gary while Kristen took my spot that I’d just vacated in front of Todd.
“Ready ... set ... GO!” Gary called out and I took Terry in my mouth this time.
There was a dramatic difference in how he filled my mouth compared to Todd’s dick but he tasted just as good, if not better. I could hear the guys all starting to grunt as the second minute of getting their dicks sucked passed by quickly. Too quickly, at least for me, but then it was me in front of Gary this time for the third and final round of the pre-”game trial runs”. I stared at the incredible forest of pubic hair in front of me, running my fingers through it as we got settled in our new spots and waited for the go-ahead. I loved the way it ran through my fingers, kinky and coarse. Of course, the best thing was the beautiful dick that emerged from it, like a tall redwood tree reaching out from the forest canopy below.
“Go!” Gary called out, not giving us any warning this time.
I briefly looked to my right and saw the other girls had dived onto their dicks, like they were starving and the dicks in their hands were the first food they’d had in ages. As I suckled Gary’s dick in my mouth, I wondered if it reminded him of the time I’d done almost this very same thing while we were playing hooky from the church service in the church basement? I certainly did! God, it had been so hot to fuck him while we could hear the goings on in the pews right above us. Imagine if the minister had known anything at all about what we were doing instead of listening to his boring sermon?
Once the third and final minute was completed, we stood up and I wiped the spit from my mouth, smiling at Gary as his eyes rolled. I wondered how I’d done compared to my cousin and best friend? Well, we would find out shortly how memorable each of us had been!
Gary went to the closet to find some cloths to use for blindfolds. All three of the guys were even stiffer than before, not surprisingly, and none of them showed any sign of dwindling as they waited to be blindfolded. As soon as they were all properly prepared, the three of us girls silently pointed to who we wanted to start with. Funny, but all three of us pointed to Todd first! I guess we all wanted that incredible massive dick right away but then, we would all have a shot at it soon so why make a big deal out of what order we did it in? Soon we settled on an order, which turned out to be exactly the same as we had started. It was my silent suggestion to do so, figuring they would expect us to change around so it mike make it more interesting to see who they thought was who this time.
With a blindfold on, Gary couldn’t keep time for us so somehow or another I was given the task. I wasn’t thrilled as the last thing I wanted was that sort of distraction but unless Gary had a kitchen timer handy (which he apparently didn’t), SOMEONE had to do it and since it was my idea in the first place, I was given the task. Needless to say, I couldn’t say anything as that would have defeated the game so my intention was just to poke the other two when the time came.
Once again, we “assumed the position”. Beth and Kristen watched me as I waited for the time to hit on the minute. Rather than say anything, I just started sucking Todd’s dick and others quickly followed suit on their own. After having just sucked all three just minutes before, I once again marveled at the size and thickness of Todd’s dick. God, it was incredible! Actually, it made me want to have him fuck me more than anything as sucking something this bad boy was actually not the easiest thing to do.
When it comes to blowjobs, give me an average or smaller dick every time as I can be more creative with them without stretching my mouth out to wear it feels sore afterwards. Most guys really don’t have that big of dicks, unlike what you might think watching porn flicks and such. Indeed, that’s another reason I don’t like to get “cock shots” in my e-mail as I doubt how authentic they are. If I was to believe my e-mail, every guy on the planet is sporting an eight inch or larger dick! As that directly contradicts my personal experience - and it’s not like I haven’t had enough dicks to suck to form a statistically large enough sample, I have to conclude that most of these so-called “cock shots” are “borrowed”, to be kind about it.
As I had feared, it was definitely a distraction to have to keep time! Still, I think I did a pretty good job on Todd, even getting that massive head a bit down my throat without gagging, well not much at least. I glanced at the watch and saw I was actually ten seconds overdue so I let Todd out of my mouth and poked the other two. They didn’t seem entirely happy but we silently traded places. I handed the watch to Kristen, who was sucking Todd this time, figuring that it was only fair we shared the duty.
For the next minute, and then the one after that, we each did our thing on our assigned guy. The only sounds were their moaning, with Gary being the loudest. God, he sounded like he was in agony and it didn’t seem to matter which of the three of us was sucking him. Now there was a guy who definitely appreciated a BJ! When the last minute was over, we stood up and backed away from them, waiting a minute before saying anything so they wouldn’t know if we had shuffled around at all.
“OK, blindfolds off!” I declared and the guys quickly removed theirs. “Well, what do you think? Did you all figure out who was who?”
The guys looked at each other and all three of them were grinning like crazed idiots. I noticed Terry was holding his dick, apparently subconsciously stroking himself. The other two just stood there, apparently not at all embarrassed at being nude in front of one another after each having received partial blowjobs.
“Hmmmmmm, I think I have it,” Terry was the first to volunteer, “Kristen was first, then Kelly and then Beth.”
We couldn’t tell him if he as right or wrong as that would have told the other two what order we had done them in so I just nodded and pointed this time to Todd to get his answer.
“Easy,” he grinned, “Kelly ... Beth ... Kristen.”
It took all my willpower not to grin and show him he was right so I turned my attention to Gary instead.
“I agree with Terry, at least in the order,” he said, a smirk on his face as if he was sure of himself, “Beth, Kristen and then Kelly.”
The three of us girls looked at each other, rolling our eyes as if all of them were wrong.
“C’mon, I know I had it right!” Todd protested. Indeed, he was the only one. I found it personally interesting that while the other two had both mixed up Kristen and Beth, they ALL had correctly identified me.
“OK, here’s how we started,” I said as we changed around to our original order. Terry and Gary seemed surprised but Todd looked triumphant.
“I knew it” he crowed, and then he got this look in his eye as the realization of what his “win” signified, “And so now what do I get for a prize?”
I was about to answer but Beth jumped in first. Kristen, meanwhile, was standing there with her arms folded, looking a little miffed actually. I was sure she caught on that the two guys had confused her and Beth while all three and correctly identified me. It wasn’t something her ego was ready to accept apparently!
“Well Todd, you get to choose the rules for the next round,” Beth told Todd, “Don’t you remember?”
“Todd just shrugged and smiled, “Sorry, I’ve been a little distracted since then, you know?” after which we all laughed. Then he grabbed his chin with his hand, assuming a more solemn look as he contemplated what to ask for. His eyes brightened and he straightened up to announce his decision.
“How about something similar, except this time the guys fuck the girls and they have to figure out who’s fucking who?”
Well, it certainly sounded fine with me! The others seemed to accept it as well and it was time for us to get undressed. We took off our clothes rather unceremoniously, and finally the six of us were all nude. It was Kristen who then took the lead.
“C’mon, we can all three sit back on the couch and they can do us next to each other, what do ya think?”
Sounded like a viable plan to me! Once again, I was in the middle with Beth to my left and Kristen to my right. It seemed sort of appropriate as I was the one in the middle when you compared us most ways. I had the middle-sized boobs with Beth having the overwhelming favorites with her large D cups while Kristen’s perky B’s may have been smaller than mine but they looked fabulous! Kristen was the petite one while Beth was a little heavy, putting me somewhat in the middle and I’d rather not say which was I was leaning. Kristen was the whore, Beth the party-orgy girl, while I was the one that preferred more intimate and personal sex (well, most of the time anyway).
We scooted to the back of the couch, each of us putting our feet on the edge with our knees spread until they were touched the one next to us. If there was ever a case where three girls were definitely ready to be fucked - and were showing it, this was it! My pussy was feeling like it was on fire and I reached down to touch myself - once again almost in perfect sync with the other two as all three of us were horny as hell. We slowly masturbated, wetting ourselves in preparation for their swollen dicks, which hadn’t shrunk one bit since we’d gotten started.
The guys also took the same order as during the BJ round, apparently out of habit now more than anything. Mmmmmmm, that meant I’d be getting Todd’s dick first! There were definite pros and cons to that, as my mind raced while they took their positions. On the one hand, it WAS the biggest dick so naturally I couldn’t wait to feel it in me. However, the other two after that were considerably smaller, a fact that would be accentuated after being stretched out by Todd’s monster dick. Oh well, it was only going to be for a minute so it wasn’t like I was getting a nice long fuck.
Once again, Gary had the watch as the three of them positioned their dicks at the entrances to our pussies. Todd instinctively started to rub his dick up and down my pussy slit, provoking my clit and sending shivers up and down my spine!
“Ready, set ... FUCK!” Gary called out, being a little more clever with his announcements this time.
I was spreading my pussy out with my fingers for Todd as he lunged forward. God, it was like I was being split in two! His massive mushroom head forced its way into my wet pussy, spreading me apart and making me feel practically like a virgin from the way he felt so huge in me! I couldn’t help but cry out a bit as he pushed it deeper and deeper into me, making me feel like he was filling my entire insides up. Damn, how far up in me was he going to go?
Then he hit bottom, his hairy crotch smashing up against my bare, smooth pussy. He ground his pubic hair into me as his hips swiveled to circle his dick inside of me like he was stirring a large soup pot with his dick. The he started stroking himself, in and out of me in a slow rhythm which quickly sped up until he as pounding that great dick in me! God, I was about to cum already when to my total frustration, Gary called out that it was time to switch. Todd looked me in the eyes, the lust burning within them as he reluctantly pulled out. When his head popped out it was like I felt suddenly totally empty inside, like I’d just expelled a baby or something!
No sooner than I had started to catch my breath than Gary was in front of me, his stiff dick firm and ready to go. The guys certainly weren’t wasting any time this round! As soon as they were in position, rather than wait for the time to start on the minute, Gary called out to get started and he rammed himself deep inside of me in one fast push. After Todd’s massive tool, he slide easily in me but I still loved the feeling of his dick inside of me. For that matter, I loved the feeling of ANY dick inside of me! Sure, there may be some that are better than others, but I can’t recall one that I did NOT enjoy inside of me!
“Oh yeah ... fuck me,” I whispered, almost to myself as he started to drive himself in and out of me.
I was struck by how much more I could feel his pubic hair against me, that massive bush that spread even down his thighs a bit. He certainly had never shaved or trimmed it, that was for sure!
Gary simply thrust in and out of me for what remained of the minute. He was staring at my boobs and pussy the entire time, never once meeting my eyes, or at least not once that they met. His hands reached under my ass, lifting me up and off the ouch up to his hairy crotch as he slammed himself into me.
Terry was the last one to fuck me and he was rather uneventful, to be frank. As soon as time was called to start, he entered me but didn’t push it all the way in, rather he stirred his cock head around just barely inside of me for half the time before ramming it without warning into me to the hilt. It felt good, of course, but I can’t say there was anything that made him stand out from the other two.
The whole time I hadn’t even looked at the other two besides me. I could hear Kristen moaning while Beth seemed to be going for the quiet approach, a little grunt now and then when I suppose whoever was fucking her shoved himself a little extra harder into her.
It seemed more like a few seconds had gone by rather than little more than three when Gary called out time was over for the last time. In a way this was a little fun but at the same time it was more than a bit frustrating to just get into the swing of things and have him pull out without so much as an extra stroke! Now things were going to get more interesting...
“Your turn to put ‘em on this time,” Gary said as he handed each of us a blindfold.
We stayed in the same positions on the couch. I looked over at Kristen and she was grinning from ear to ear, obviously enjoying herself. Beth seemed a little less taken with the whole thing and knowing her, she was wishing all three of them would gang up on her and get it over with! Oh well, may that would happen later, who knows?
With our blindfolds in place, once again I waited for my pussy to be filled - but this time I wasn’t knowing ahead of time whose it would be. Actually, I didn’t expect to have an problem figuring out who was who. The three dicks were all so different that it would be next to impossible NOT to tell them apart. Sure enough, one by one they fucked me and I knew from the first instant they penetrated me who it was. Todd, needless to say, was the easiest. Neither of the other two stood a chance of imitating that massive cock! Even Gary and terry weren’t that hard to distinguish and when the last round was finished, I knew exactly which one had done me when. From the looks on Kristen and Beth’s faces, they seemed just as confident as well.