Kelly's Diary 181 - Blindfold Games
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 1: The Girls
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: The Girls - It was supposed to be just a girl's night out with my cousin and best friend. Things ended up not quite as planned, including being blindfolded at one point. Any guesses as to what the blindfolds were for?
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual True Story Masturbation Oral Sex
The Three Musketeers, The Three Stooges, three blind mice ... why is it that a group of three works out the best so often? Is two being too personal? What about the old saying, “Two’s company, three’s a crowd,”? Is it really that FOUR is the crowd?
I guess this train of thought came to me after the events of last weekend. Myself, Kristen and Beth have always made a great threesome and it seems like as much as I love being with them individually, some of our best times have been when the three of us are together. Kristen, my cousin, is just a couple of years younger than me and it seems the older we get, the less significant those two years have become, if they ever really were.
Beth, almost exactly the same age as me at 23, has been my best friend forever - long before the “BFF” phrase was even coined. Over the years the three of us have shared so many things, argued and debated - even fought at times, that in many ways they are the sisters I never had. In some ways we are as different as night and day yet at the same time, we have a number of common traits that have kept us together through thick and thin. Maybe it’s our differences that make us such friends even more so than our commonalities?
Kristen is the 21 year-old daughter of my mom’s younger sister, my Aunt Linda. She was raised by her mom, never knowing her dad as he divorced Linda while Kristen was still young. Apparently he wasn’t as ready for her “family” lifestyle as he claimed that he was when they got married and allowed his jealousy and insecurity to drive a wedge between him and my aunt. After he left, Aunt Linda and Kristen practically lived at our house, or so it seemed at times, so in some ways she was more of a sister to me than a cousin.
Over the years, there has always been a friendly competition between me and my cousin, well maybe not always so friendly, especially when it came to boys. Being the younger one, it was like she always had to do something at a younger age than me or crazier and wilder. That competitive spirit is even visible today, although she would deny it has anything to do with her “career” versus mine.
As for me, I currently work as a model for a “home entertainment” distributor, but it’s just modeling and demos, not selling my body, at least not physically like Kristen does. My REAL career goal is to return to teaching elementary school and I view this current phase as just a transition to my next teaching position. Kristen, on the other hand, dropped out of college (not the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with - just being honest) and now earns a healthy income on her back, as well as many other positions. Enough said about THAT!
Beth and I met when we were little girls playing in the neighborhood and we’ve been inseparable ever since. While only a few months apart in age, she was always years ahead of me in terms of physical development. Beth was overflowing her B cup bras before I legitimately needed a training bra. Even now, large natural D cups (at least) swell from her chest a hell of a lot more than my solid C’s. Granted, she gets a little help from the fact she weighs about twenty pounds more than me, but she’s still by no means fat.
Speaking of bodies, put the three of us in bikinis and you’ll see we differ quite a bit as well - three different body types. Kristen is the cute, dark blonde, perky one who has always looked probably two or more years younger than she is. Her B-cup boobs are amazing - not a hint of a sag yet large enough to fill out her bikini perfectly. Beth is the heaviest but as I mentioned, nobody would think of calling her fat. It doesn’t hurt that most guys never get their eyes below her chest!
I’m the only natural brunette of the bunch, although I’ve been bleaching it out blonde for a while now. People say I have the “girl-next- door” body which is a polite way of saying I’m no swimsuit model or future centerfold consideration, but I like to think that I draw the attention of most men. I lack the perkiness and tight body of Kristen and my boobs will never rival Beth’s, so I guess I fall sort of right in the middle. My point being in all of this, is that while we may be emotionally and spiritually “sisters”, nobody would confuse us for being twins!
One thing the three of us share, and that has probably been a major factor in keeping us together, even when times were rough, and that is a deep-seated love of sex. But just as we differ in appearance, we also vary a LOT in our approach to sex and the activities we enjoy. Of course, the biggest difference between us pertains to incest. Beth is not involved at all with her family, even though I’ve fucked both her father and brother.
Beth has the considerable distinction of being one of only two girls not in our immediate family that my father has had sex with - the other being Tammy, my mother’s best friend. Interestingly, the two women my dad has committed adultery with were the best friends of his wife of daughter. It sort of takes the sting out of the “adultery” label but it is what it is and he’ll admit it.
Kristen, not having a father or siblings, was always very close to her mother growing up, to the point they have always shared the same bed and bedroom - and still do today. When I was younger, it never occurred to me that they might be doing anything other than simply sleeping together, something I didn’t learn about until much later. While sexual topics, including masturbation, were never taboo in my family, incest wasn’t really discussed in detail until I was sixteen and made my own choice to have sex with my dad. He certainly would have liked for it to have happen sooner, but my mom felt VERY strongly that such a decision had to be made by me without any coercion from either of her parents.
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