Kelly's Diary 180 - an Evening With My Dad - Cover

Kelly's Diary 180 - an Evening With My Dad

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 5: Pleasing My Father

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5: Pleasing My Father - There comes a time when a father has needs only his daughter can take care of. If that daughter wants to be a good daughter, she'll always be there for him when he has those needs!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Father   Daughter   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

The doorbell rang, making me jump as it broke my train of thoughts about the good old days. It could be only one person - my dad was here! Reining in my emotions, I did my best to walk deliberately to the door, opening it slowly and then acting as if I was surprised to see my dad standing there.

“Hi daddy!”

“Evening baby,” my dad responded, “Whoa ... you really look nice tonight! Love the hair.”

He reached for me and took me in his arms and kissed me as we stood in the open doorway to my apartment. His lips felt so good on mine! Our tongues met and I felt like I was melting in his arms. God, it had been so long since he had hugged me and kissed me like this! There’s simply no love like that of a father for his daughter.

“I think we’d better get going before we BOTH get carried away,” he whispered to me.

As always my father was right, a few more minutes and I might just pull him into my apartment and said the hell with the dinner and just spent the night in bed with him. As much as I desired it, at the same time I wanted the evening to be something special for him. Not that fucking me wouldn’t be special!

My dad took me by the hand and led me to his car. Opening the door for me like a gentleman, I noticed his eyes were on me the entire time. With my coat over me there wasn’t much to see but the look on his face told me how much he wanted me. God, why hadn’t we done this sooner?

It took about twenty minutes to get downtown where he used the valet service so we wouldn’t have to walk in the cold. I was especially thankful since I wasn’t exactly wearing hiking boots. Inside the restaurant, he helped me off with my coat for the coat check. Once it was off, he - and the coat check guy, both stared at me in my new dress.

“Like my dress daddy?” I cooed, fishing blatantly for compliments.

My dad’s cheeks puffed as he blew out a breath of air. “Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you wearing anything like it.”

Meanwhile, the look on the coat check guy was classic. He seemed to be in his twenties or so, and when he heard me say “daddy” his eyes widened a bit and he looked even more at me. He was probably debating whether I was just being cute or if this guy really WAS my dad. Just to give him a little more to mull over, I reached up and kissed my dad on the lips. The heels were like stilts, making it easier for me to reach him. This time I looked over at the coat check guy and winked at him. He quickly looked away, a little embarrassed perhaps that he’d been caught checking me out.

We were led to our table which was towards the back of the restaurant which was fine with me. The place was fairly crowded but the lights were low with candles on the table which made it seem more private, even though there were people only a few feet away. Just as I had hoped, I was catching the eye of every guy I walked by. I just hoped my dad was seeing them look at me as well. As I sat down, I deliberately crossed my left leg over my right which had the effect of maximizing the side opening in my dress, exposing most of my bare leg up to the top of my thigh. As I scooting in, the table cloth covered much of me but guy at the table next to me was getting a pretty good eyeful of my exposed upper thigh. My dad also noticed as he pushed the chair in behind me and then took his own seat.

“That’s really quite a dress ... new?” he said after we had taken our seats and the waiter left our menus.

“Bought it yesterday ... just for your daddy. Kristen helped me pick it out.”

“Well, I have to say, it certainly shows off your ‘assets’ quite well,” he added with a sly grin and a glance at my open cleavage, “Be sure to give Kristen my thanks.”

I just smiled demurely and actually felt my face flush a little. It was nice to hear him comment on my dress and looks again. It had been quite a while since I got anything more than the basic compliment from him.

Dinner was actually rather uneventful. We talked about his recent cases and he asked me how my new job was going. It’s not like it was a real “job” per se, but it was easier to call it that and he seemed really interested in hearing more about it. One thing we did NOT talk about, and that was my Aunt Linda or even my mom for that matter. It was like we had an unspoken agreement that tonight was just about the two of us. He didn’t even ask me for any updates about my cousin Kristen, which was unusual since he usually loved to hear what new and crazy things she was in to.

All in all, it worked out exactly as I would have hoped. I think we both were a little nervous about the evening and this gave us both a chance to flush out the butterflies. It’s not that we didn’t see each other or that we weren’t having ANY sex anymore, but I think we both knew that tonight was something that was going to be special - or at least we both wanted it to be that way. It wasn’t the kind of thing you just jump into or else we may as well have stayed at my place earlier!

We finished dinner and shared a bottle of wine. I’m not typically a big wine drinker but a nice white zinfandel went over well for me. I only had one glass myself, but even that was enough to make me feel a little light headed! Dad paid the bill and called for the valet as I waited.

My heart was beating faster now, as I knew we were getting closer to what I had been dreaming so much about. We’d gone out on “dates” likes this before, but that was under different circumstances and it had been quite a while since the last one. Was he as nervous as I was? You would never know it but my dad’s a lawyer and so he knows how to maintain his poker face. The ride home was quiet, as if we were both thinking about what was waiting for us when we got back.

Walking back into the house where I had lived most of my life, it was like I was walking onto the set of “This Is Your Life”. Memories came flooding back into me. God the things that I had done here, heard hear, watched here. Growing up as a young girl and then maturing (at least I like to think so) into a young woman, the one things that stayed constant was our home. No matter what else changed, my bedroom was always there.

We went into the living room where my dad took my coat and hung it in the hallway closet. He started the fireplace (gas logs) and kept the rest of the lights off. I stood on the runner that covered the wood floor in front of the fireplace, the warmth of the flames feeling good against me after walking in from the cold. My dad stood at the entrance to the living room, his hands together front of him, just staring at me.

“My god, you look so ... so beautiful,” he whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear. My heart was ready to burst, like I was being with him for the very first time again.

I stood there, waiting for him to make the next move. He stepped towards me, his arms reaching out for me as he approached. I extended my arms to meet him and we hugged each other tightly. Mmmmmmm, I felt so safe and secure in his arms!

“Kiss me,” he whispered, his voice getting husky as it did when his lust would grow within him. I lifted my head to meet him and we kissed gently in the light of the fireplace although the warmth that was growing in me wasn’t from the flames! His hands were flat on my back, pressing me tightly into him and then he moved them slowly over me, caressing me through the smooth material of my dress.

“Oh daddy, I missed this so much,” I said softly, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to flood from my eyes.

“My dear Kelly, my baby ... I need you ... I need you so badly,” he barely was able to say, his own voice choking with emotion, “Oh god, I NEED you.”

“Take me daddy,” I said, surrendering myself totally to him, “I want you to take me ... I give myself to you, everything to you. I love you daddy and I want to satisfy your needs.”

It wasn’t necessary for me to say that as after all he knew I was his, just as I’d always been. But yet in a way, it WAS necessary. Our lives had changed so much the past few months and in a way, this was like a couple restating their vows. It wasn’t necessary so much as it was needed to renew their relationship. So it was with my dad. I wanted him to know that nothing had changed between us, that I was still his loving daughter and little girl, that he could still have me anyway he wanted, to use me however he needed to quiet the demons deep inside of him.

It was as if I’d opened the door, removed whatever was in the way. His hands moved to my ass and I gasped softly as he put one hand on each cheek and then squeezed me, pulling me up and forward such that I was pressed into him. My boobs were flattened against his chest as I could feel the bulging of his cock inside his pants.

“Take me daddy ... I’m yours ... you can do anything with me ... anything you want ... anything you NEED.”

He didn’t respond at all this time, at least not with words. Instead, he actually pushed me a little away, then looked me up and down, pausing at my breasts as my breathing was faster than it had been all night.

“Damn, I want you so fucking bad,” he said, a little growl in his voice. I stepped back and smiled at him.

“Watch me daddy,” I said in a low deep voice. I started to sway back and forth slowly on my feet, putting my hands on my hips and then turning to allow my dress to open for him. Placing my left leg on the coffee table, I pulled my dress back, exposing my entire leg and upper thigh. I ever so slowly ran my hands down the length of my leg and then back up again as he stood there watching me.

Maintaining my pose, I reached behind and undid the dress, allowing it to loosen and partially unwrap. Then I stood up and it slowly unwound, dropping from my breasts and exposing my bra underneath. Reaching up, I lifted the straps off my shoulders and just let the dress fall to the floor in a heap around my feet, leaving me standing there in the flickering light in just my underwear and heels.

“Do you want me daddy?” I asked, trying to sound like his little girl again, “Am I still your little girl?”

My dad motioned for me to come to him and I stepped forward, leaving the dress behind. He put his hands on my bare hips grasping me firmly. “Yes I want you ... more than anything in the world,” he finally assured me.

He reached around me and he lifted me off my feet, holding me in his arms. Silently he carried me upstairs to his bedroom and laid me gently on my back on the bed with my head resting on the pillows. I watched silently as he undressed in front of me, slowly removing all his clothes until he was left naked. Granted, he wasn’t the hot young man he’d been twenty years ago, but he kept himself in shape and I enjoyed seeing him nude. His dick wasn’t hard but it was starting to respond. I hoped dad had taken one of his little pills! It wasn’t like he had ED but it did take a little more work getting him up during the past couple of years. Not that I was complaining!

“Fuck me daddy ... I want you to fuck me,” I said in a gentle, but demanding tone, “Show me you love me ... prove to me you love me.”

One thing I had learned early in my sexual “career” was that there were two words ALL men loved to hear - “fuck me”. My father was certainly no exception and I think he especially loved it all the more when I added “daddy”.

I was still in my bra, thong and heels as my naked father climbed onto the bed and laid on his side next to me. The room was fairly dark except for a small lamp across the room that he kept on most of the time. It was almost more a nightlight than a lamp with a soft light that accented the room more than illuminated it. Actually, it was perfect for this moment as it was bright enough for him to see me without it seeming like we were displaying ourselves to everyone (although nobody was watching of course).

At first we just kissed as he leaned into me and I felt the warmth of his strong naked body pressing against me. His dick was pressed against my outer thigh as his hand caressed my boobs through my bra. Instinctively, his hips thrust into me, driving his hardening dick more into me. I reached down and held his cock in my hand, just holding it gently, feeling the warmth of it against my palm. I could feel it growing and I knew what I wanted at that moment - to feel it grow in my mouth! I loved being in his arms this way but I knew this might be the last chance I had for this tonight so reluctantly, I pulled back from him.

“Something wrong baby?” he asked, a look of concern on his face.

“Oh no daddy, I just want to suck your dick while it’s growing.”

He smiled at that. I know my dad pretty well and one of the things I know that turns him on is for me talk to him about sex. Even as a teenager he loved me to come home and tell him all about what my boyfriends would do to me. God he use to get SO hard sometimes listening to me! When we have sex, he has always loved me to tell him what I like and how I feel. Thus while I could have simply SHOWN him what I wanted, telling him first and THEN sucking his cock was a sure turn- on for him.

He laid over on his back with his hands to his side, his dick fully exposed for me. He was maybe half-way erect but I knew there was no time to lose. I scooted down the bed and then worked my way between his legs so I could look up at him, as I sucked his dick. Putting my hands on each side of his hips, I leaned over his crotch and ran my tongue up from the base of his dick just above his balls, all the way to the very tip where I took the head of him in my mouth.

“Oh fuck, you look incredible,” he gasped, bunching up a pillow behind his head so he could watch me more easily.

I kept my eyes locked on his as I just took the head and felt it between my teeth and on my tongue. Then slowly, ever so slowly, I descended down onto his dick. Never quite stopping but moving as slowly as I could to ease him deeper and deeper into my mouth until finally he was all the way in. My chin was resting on his hairy balls as I bent my head back so I could still see his eyes looking down at me. He smelled wonderful, a musky mix of his sex and natural crotch odor. There was hint of soap as well, probably from the shower he must have taken before picking me up.

Under most circumstance I would have started bobbing on his dick, running my tongue over it, and so forth, the usual BJ sort of stuff. This was not “most circumstances”. I wanted to make this as special for him as I possibly could, and for me as well. There was no rush, nothing to hurry back home to. So I just remained that way, laying on my stomach between his legs, his dick in my mouth. My tongue played with him, running over and around his dick as best I could.

Meanwhile, he was throbbing in my mouth, his heartbeat pulsing as the blood surged into his cock, causing it to slowly but surely grow. It was like someone had a balloon in my mouth and was gently filling it, causing it to swell and fill my mouth. Our eyes would meet at times and then I saw his turn to look at my body stretched out between his legs, and then at his dick, at least what he could see of it that was not in my mouth.

“Oh fuck, I can’t stand it anymore ... suck it Kelly ... Oh god, suck my dick!” he finally groaned as his dick reached a full erection.

Well, I wasn’t about to argue as it was killing me as well to just stay still while he grew in my mouth but at the same time, it was a special memory I knew we would both never forget.

I gave him a few bobs and then ran my lips outside of it up and down, my tongue flickering across his shaft as I did. He was so hard and stiff he was practically quivering! Then I dropped him from my mouth and moved back up alongside of him, draping one leg over him, pushing myself up so my crotch was pressed against his hip. I ran my fingers through his dense chest hair playfully and then leaned over to kiss him.

“I want to feel you touch me daddy ... put your hands all over me ... touch me anywhere you want.”

My loving daddy smiled and pushed me back over my back as he rolled and resumed his previous position with me, except now his stiff dick was poking my bare thigh a LOT more than it had before. He started to lightly drape his fingers my stomach, tickling me slightly and then moving the backs of his fingernails over my bare torso. His other hand was behind my head and he bent his arm so he could play with my hair as he kissed my neck and ear.

“Your skin feels so soft and smooth,” he whispered into my ear, “I love to touch it and feel you all over.”

I shivered involuntarily as he stroked his fingers through my hair, pulling on it ever so slightly and then running his fingertips into my scalp before starting another stroked for the length of my hair.

“Did I ever tell you how fucking hot you look as a blonde?” he said, more of a rhetorical question I assumed, “How many guys besides your daddy know you’re a natural brunette though?”

He chuckled at that, a clear reference to the fact I was shaved so any evidence of the dark brown hair that would have naturally covered my crotch was gone. Only a boy who had fucked me early in my teens would have known the truth today. I think my dad got a kick out being one of the few guys ever to fuck me when my pussy had hair, even if I DID grow it out for a short while just for him.

His back hand reached around and started to trace small lines on my cheek and neck while his other hand began to tease my nipples through my bra. Then he reached up a little higher and dipped his fingers inside the bra until they were surrounding my hardened nipple. Then his hand cupped my still-covered boob, pulling the bra tightly against my back as it fought against him.

“You know, the bra looks REALLY hot on you but I think it’s served its purpose, don’t you?” he again asked somewhat rhetorically because he was already reaching around me to go for the clasps.

There were only two so it wasn’t all that hard to undo and he pulled it off of me and tossed it on the other side of the bed, leaving my breasts bared to him. I loved the way to felt to have them free again, the air against them as they awaited my father’s attention. They didn’t have to wait long!

“You have the most incredible tits,” he said soothingly as his hand started to caress first one, and the then the other.

My dad put his hand over my entire boob, letting the pointed nipples poke between his fingers and then he squeezed it gently, pulling up and letting his fingers grip my nipple as he pulled up against it gently, then letting it snap back into place.

“Oh daddy, that feels so good!” I purred as I watched him play with my bare boobs.

His other had was still caressing my face and I sucked on his finger as he pressed it into my mouth. We laid there like that for a while, me sucking on his finger like a pacifier as he lovingly caressed and massaged my breasts. It was like they were being jolted with electricity as each time he would pinch or pull on my nipple, it would tingle like being touched with a battery. Then finally he leaned over and took my right boob in his mouth, his tongue playing with my nipple as his mouth slowly closed around my nipple and he grabbed it gently between his teeth and tugged on it.

“Oh yes daddy, that’s it ... oh god, I love your mouth on me ... bite it daddy, oh fuck don’t stop!”

He gripped it tighter between his teeth, causing a momentary painful sensation but that was overwhelmingly erases with a flood of pleasure that coursed through my body. He kept biting and sucking on one boob while his hand massaged and squeezed the other. I was in heaven! I felt his hips pressing in tighter to me as he instinctively started to hump my leg, almost like the neighbor’s dog, except in this case it was my daddy’s stiff dick rubbing up against me. I sighed as I thought of how it was going to beside me of soon - very soon.

Dad kept suckling on me as his hand left my boob and started to travel slowly down my torso, over my stomach, and down to just above my thong. Then he lifted his fingers over the things and reached down between my legs, which I obediently spread apart for him. I thought he was going to touch my pussy but instead his hand touched my inner thigh, that warm soft and smooth area which he knew turned me on so much to be touched.

Up and down his fingers roamed, the backs of his fingernails slowly tracing a path from one knee, just barely to my crotch, and then down the other leg to the other knee where it would reverse and take the opposite path. Each time he came to my crotch and I thought I would feel him against my pussy, he lifted his hand until he was on the other leg, teasing me each time. I couldn’t lay still as my hips started to gyrate slowly under his touch.

“You’re pretty fuckin’ horny now, aren’t you baby?” my dad teased me, looking up at me from my bosom. “That cute little pussy craving some attention? I bet it’s craving some daddy dick, isn’t it?”

“Oh daddy ... touch me daddy ... PLEASE touch me,” I begged, reaching down to grab his hands to force them into my crotch but he pushed them away.

I felt his fingers press against the fabric of my thong and he started to run his fingers up and down my crotch, but outside the thong. Damn, I KNEW I should have gone bare-bottom! He was using my thong to tease me, I knew it. My hips rose up to meet his touch, my pussy crying for him to be in me.

“Hey hey, you really DO want it, don’t you baby,” he chuckled, “You’re just my little fuckin’ slut, aren’t you, craving something for that horny pussy of yours all the time. But you want your daddy’s dick most of all, don’t you?”

My dad has been calling me “his little” slut since I was fourteen so I didn’t take him calling me one now to be anything bad, just the opposite. The only time he called me a slut was when I had done something that really turned him on. Besides, technically he WAS correct. I’ll readily admit to anyone I’m a slut (NOT a whore though) and yes, I DO crave something for my pussy most of the time but then what girl doesn’t? It’s just the degree of desire and what you’re willing to do to satisfy the “itch” that differentiates us.

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