Kelly's Diary 180 - an Evening With My Dad - Cover

Kelly's Diary 180 - an Evening With My Dad

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 3: Aunt Linda’s Suggestion

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Aunt Linda’s Suggestion - There comes a time when a father has needs only his daughter can take care of. If that daughter wants to be a good daughter, she'll always be there for him when he has those needs!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Father   Daughter   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Then, just a few days ago, I got a surprising phone call.

“Hello Kelly, this is Linda.”

I couldn’t even remember the last time my aunt had called me. Although I still referred to her as my “Aunt Linda”, she had been trying for years to get me to just call her Linda. Not sure what to say at first, I quickly regained my composure and replied with a simple “hello”. She got straight to the point.

“You know, of course, I’ve been spending a lot of time lately with your dad...”

Yeah, like damn near every night lately it seems. It wasn’t that I was jealous or anything, really I wasn’t. At the same time, I was starting to wonder if she was still seeing all this as a simple sexual liaison or maybe she was hunting for something more. This was hard for me to come to grips with as I would’ve sworn no such thing could EVER happen between her and my dad, but then again, they DID have a long history and no doubt had my mom not gotten to him first, he may well have married Linda.

“ ... and I know Valentine’s Day was a little, well, awkward...,” she continued as my mind raced well ahead of her.

My dad had taken the two of us out for Valentine’s Day. We went to a great steak house where he presented us with flowers. It was almost identical to last year’s Valentine’s dinner with one major difference - back then my mom had sat next to me but this year it was my Aunt Linda. Not only that, but last year my dad had fucked me when we got home while my mom waited patiently for her turn, or should I say, for the rest of the night with my dad. This year it was different. I was the one who went straight home from the restaurant while Linda went home with my dad. Saying it was a little “awkward” was like saying the Titanic had a leak!

“ ... but I felt you needed to know something about your dad,” I barely heard her saying.

“Oh? And just what would THAT be?” I asked, trying to keep the sarcasm from my tone.

“Just listen to me Kelly for once. He needs you Kelly ... he REALLY needs you.”

“What do you mean? He didn’t seem to need me all that much last week. Besides, he has me Sunday morning like he always did.”

There was a pause on the phone, as if she was gathering her thoughts as to how she should best respond. I kept on, saying, “Why does he need ME so much? It seems you’ve been doing pretty good taking care of any ‘needs’ he may have been having lately.”

“Oh Kelly, don’t say that! Don’t even think that way,” she protested, “You know how it is with me and your dad. We’re just friends, nothing more, but YOU are his daughter and he loves you more than ever.”

She paused again, waiting for my response, but this time I kept quiet, waiting to see where this was leading.

“Think for a moment ... When was the last time you submitted to him?” she asked quietly.

“Uh, like I just said, Sunday morning before church.”

“No, I don’t mean just a quick fuck to get him off. I mean ... when was the last time you REALLY submitted to him? You know what I mean dear.”

My silence spoke volumes. Indeed, it HAD been a long time since I had done anything “special” for my dad. I couldn’t pin down the exact date, but it was before my mom was gone. Since then he’d fucked me numerous times, but it was always just a quick fuck, a few minutes before church, a quick BJ after a dinner out, little things like that.

“You know dear, moving out may not have been the best idea...” she sort of threw out but I wasn’t biting.

“We’ve been over that enough, haven’t we? If anything, I’m more sure today than ever I did the right thing.”

“OK, it was just an observation, you don’t bite my head off,” she responded, trying to add a little laugh to take the edge off. She quickly moved to change the subject.

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