Kelly's Diary 180 - an Evening With My Dad
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 1: The True Meaning of Father-Daughter Incest
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1: The True Meaning of Father-Daughter Incest - There comes a time when a father has needs only his daughter can take care of. If that daughter wants to be a good daughter, she'll always be there for him when he has those needs!
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual True Story Incest Father Daughter Masturbation Oral Sex
If there is one thing I’ve tried to emphasize over and over again throughout the years, it’s that my relationship with my father, while more intimate perhaps than that shared by most fathers and daughters, has NEVER crossed the line to where I am his lover or anything more than being his daughter (as if THAT wasn’t enough!). It was one of the reasons why my mother never felt any jealousy or remorse over my incestuous sexual relationship with my dad. She knew without a doubt that the only woman in the world he made love to was her. Any other woman my dad might have had sex with, be it me, her sister, or my cousins, was strictly “fucking”, an outlet for his sexual needs and lust. Of course he still loved us so it wasn’t “just sex”, but hopefully you get the idea of what I’m trying to say.
Of course, when it comes to sex with me, while he may be “fucking” me rather than “making love”, I’m still his only daughter so there’s always been something special about our times together. It’s more than just about the physical side of it when I say I never feel closer to my father than when I’m in his arms and he is buried inside of me, the warmth of his climax still radiating inside of me. Through sex my father can express his love and respect for me. I say “love” in that how more loving can a father be than to join himself with his own daughter in the most intimate way possible? “Respect” in that he has NEVER abused me or used me, never asked me to do anything that is shameful, humiliating or something I wouldn’t want to do.
It is because of the combination of love and respect that my father has always had for me that I “submit” myself totally to him when he takes me to his bed (or wherever else he wants it). Now I realize that for some people, the concept of “submission” has been twisted and perverted over the years to mean things like slavery and bondage, something kinky or demeaning. All I can say is that for me, that is as far from the truth as possible. While the Bible commands a wife to submit to her husband, it is not commanding her to be barefoot and pregnant. Indeed, there is an equal demand placed on the husband to love his wife. So it is with my father and me. I “submit” to his authority because I know he has such a love for me. Not the same love he had for my mother - that was something special between two people bonded together for life through the wedding vows. It was rather the deep love of a parent for a child, of a father for his only daughter, of a man for a younger woman in his care.
Now don’t get me wrong, my dad IS a man and he has the same male needs and lusts that every other man has. Of course there have been times when lust has overwhelmed him and he has sought me out to quench the burning desires within him. Yet even at those times, when the look in my father’s eyes becomes so intense, almost like he is possessed by his most basic instincts, I still feel wonderful because I am able to be there for him at such a time of need. It makes me feel good to know that not only can I trust him, but he trusts me as well to be there when he craves me, to give him what he needs unconditionally and without expecting anything in return.
Finally, just so nobody thinks I’m too “out there” with all this, I don’t mind admitting that I enjoy it when my dad fucks me. As I said before, he IS a man and I may be a bit biased in my assessment but he fucks me pretty damn good! There have also been times when I too had needs which he helped me with so it’s not a one-way street with him by any means.
Well, one more thing to get off my chest before I step down from my soapbox. Incest, at least “proper” incest, is ONLY an expression of love, NOT a requirement. After all, I spent the first sixteen years of my life with absolutely no sexual relations with my father of any kind. He loved me before I offered myself to him just as much as he did afterwards.
If there’s one thing that tells me what we are doing is right and moral, it’s the feeling of security I get knowing that if for some odd reason we stopped having sex tomorrow, it would have absolutely no impact whatsoever on the love between us. Sex merely allows us to be more intimate, to serve as a means to EXPRESS our love and to allow us to meet each other’s needs. I cannot emphasize enough that it has NEVER been the basis for our love. He is my dad and I love him, period, sex or no sex. Of course I LOVE the sex part.
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