Kelly's Diary 182 - Mentoring
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 5: Modeling Together
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Modeling Together - Usually when you think of mentoring, you picture an older person passing on their knowledge to a younger person, leading them along their career path. Sometimes it works the other way too, and not just at work but for play too!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual True Story Group Sex Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex
Several weeks had passed since our first masturbation “lesson”. Since then Kate and I had several more “follow-up lessons” where she gradually began to relax more and become less inhibited. Now when I came over she would greet me at the door in a short terry robe, naked underneath, ready and raring to go. Still, it wasn’t until after our fourth time that she finally found the courage to do it on her own without me being there to encourage her. She actually called me on the phone afterwards, giggling like a teenage girl calling her BFF after a first date with her new crush! I have to say, I was playing with myself as she told me all the details over the phone!
So far as I knew, she still hadn’t allowed herself to orgasm, though. I say “allowed herself” because it was clear to me that Kate was more than capable of achieving orgasm. In fact I got the impression that Kate was much more of a sexual creature than she realized and that she could’ve brought herself to one faster than most women, but she kept holding herself back.
Even though Kate was becoming more accepting of her own body and its needs, she still had this deep fear of losing control. It was like she was afraid that if she let herself just go and have an orgasm, that she might do something. What that “something” was, she couldn’t articulate and most likely didn’t even understand it herself. Yet whatever it was, it was enough to hold her back from realizing her full potential. Sooner or later I was sure she would do it, it was just a matter of time. It was too bad she was so turned off by contact with another woman as I was sure that if she allowed me, I could have brought her to the mountain peak before she knew what hit her! Once she did it, I knew she would realize how wonderful it was but until then, she still seemed to be satisfied with the new pleasures she was giving herself.
“So tell me Kate, what do you like to think about when you masturbate alone?” I asked Kate one afternoon after we had just finished another “lesson” in her bedroom.
We were lying in bed naked next to each other, not quite touching but still only inches apart. I could smell her scent, the pungent odor of her wet pussy just as I was sure she could smell mine.
Kate’s faced flushed even deeper red than it already was having just finished masturbating. Her eyes rolled and she groaned as if I was asking her something a little too personal but I just waited patiently and eventually she answered.
“To be honest ... having sex with my husband,” she confessed, “I know that doesn’t sound naughty but I really do love him and I just wish it could be the way it used to be when we were younger. I really miss having him inside of me.” She hesitated and then grinned at me, “Now before you say anything Kelly ... I LOVE what we do together and I sort of like watching you now but still, mostly what I think about is Bruce making love to me.”
“Mostly?” I teased her, trying to get her to open up. This time she really did redden up and I knew there was something she didn’t want to tell me. “C’mon, you can tell me. Sheesh, of all people I would think you could tell ME about your fantasies.”
Kate was blushing like her bikini top had come undone at the beach. She started to say something, then hesitated, and then finally confessed.
“Well ... you remember the party where we met - the lingerie party?”
Of course I did, as if that was something I would forget about. While it hadn’t been one of my wilder parties, not by a long shot, it was one of the few where anything came out of it afterwards and the only one to lead to a personal relationship such as the one I had with Kate. Usually I would get referred to someone looking for a stripper for a bachelor party or something like that, not to teach them to masturbate! So anyway, I just nodded and waited for Kate to continue.
“I’ve just wondered...,” and she paused again, looking down at the floor as if she was confessing to a murder or something, “I’ve just wondered what it’s like to be a model at a party like that.”
Wow, that wasn’t what I’d been expecting but it was certainly something I could run with it. “You’d be great at it Kate, in fact it might be good for ladies to see what things look like on someone more their own age.”
“You mean someone more flabby and fat,” she said soberly, frowning as her eyes stayed fixed on something that seemed to be fascinating on the floor below her.
“Oh no! That’s not what I meant at all!” I said, trying to recover from my inadvertent negative comment, “I mean you would be proof that they can look hot and sexy too.”
“Crap, it doesn’t matter anyway ... not like THAT would ever happen!” she finally huffed and then tried to change the subject saying, “You know, I’ve been doing it almost every day now.”
“Yes ... Bruce almost caught me the other night. I thought he was asleep and I started to do it in bed. God, I about died when he asked me what I was doing.”
I grinned at her, seeing her eyes sparkle as she related her experience. “So what did you tell him?”
“Oh I just told him it was nothing, that I was just trying to get comfortable. He just didn’t know HOW comfortable I was getting myself!”
“So did that get you even hotter ... knowing that your husband almost caught you doing yourself right next to him?”
“Oh my god Kelly, I was soaking wet! I felt like I was being SOOOO naughty! What I REALLY wanted was for him to make love to me, though, but this was different somehow.”
From there I pressed her to tell me everything that had happened, from start to finish, is as much detail as possible. As she did, I started to touch myself and I noted that her hand was planted firmly on her own pussy as well. Kate’s eyes closed as she related how horny she’d been, how it felt to have her fingers inside of her right next to her husband in bed, doing herself while he slept beside her. God it made ME horny as hell just listening to her! When I came, I hoped she would too but just as she was about to go over the edge, I caught her holding back again, as if she just couldn’t let herself go that last little bit.
On the way home, I called the lady who ran the parties that I modeled for. I explained to Sharon the situation with Kate ... well maybe not ALL the details but enough to get the idea across about what Kate wanting to do. Sharon wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea at first. Having me model for her was a major step as it was (I gathered most distributors did not have models) and I think she was worried about crossing the line between her parties being a fun time with the girls to something more sordid.
The more we talked about it, the more she warmed up to the concept. I explained that it would have to be party somewhere out of the immediate area as Kate had been adamant with me about her biggest fear being that someone she knew would be there. Sharon said she would think about it and I didn’t push the matter any further.
It was about a week later that I got a call from Sharon and as it turned out, she had considered the idea some more and agreed that it would be worth trying - so long as Kate went through with it and didn’t get all skittish or anything during the show to embarrass her. I assured her that I would make sure Kate was prepared and besides, it would probably be just a one-time thing to let Kate realize her fantasy. When I called Kate later and told her the good news, the phone was silent and for a moment I thought we’d been disconnected.
“You still there Kate?”
The silence was finally broken with, “I can’t believe you did that Kelly!” At first I wasn’t sure if it was just a measure of disbelief that I would actually arrange it or if she was truly upset with me for divulging her fantasy with someone else. Fortunately it turned out to be the former.
“Oh ... my ... god ... are you serious Kelly? I’m not sure I can do it.”
I assured Kate that I was and she just kept repeating over and over how she couldn’t believe could be happening. Overall, despite her disclaimers, she sounded excited about it. She was relieved when I told her it was going to be way up north, about half-way to Grove City where my grandparents live. This the odds were about zero that anyone would have the faintest clue who either of us was, addressing her biggest fear (well, her second biggest one).
“So what do I have to do now?” she asked, “I can’t believe this is happening.”
I explained that really there wasn’t much to do. Just be sure to shower and shave as best as possible and to minimize the pubic hair - or at least trim it down a bit so it wouldn’t be so obvious in her lingerie outfits.
“But no nudity ... right?” she checked once last time.
It was about the tenth time she’d asked the same question and I just sighed softly on the phone, assuring her that this was strictly a lingerie modeling gig, not a strip show, and that it would be for women only, just like the ones at the party she had attended earlier.
With that Kate hung up, giggling like a teen girl with a new secret about her best friend’s boyfriend. As for myself, I was left to wonder what I was getting myself into. From personal experience I knew full well that it’s one thing to sit at home and fantasize about being a stripper, but quite another when you find yourself facing the REAL thing. Would Kate chicken out and embarrass me after all my assurances to Sharon? Deep down, I didn’t think she would which is why I set it all up to begin with.
Now that Kate had overcome her fear of masturbating, it was like a whole new side of her had been opened up and she was eager to explore it. Of course, at her age and given the love she had for her husband and the commitment to her marriage, it wasn’t like she was about to become the neighborhood MILF or anything. Modeling at a party like this was probably the best way for her to express her newfound sexuality without getting in too deep over her head.
The night of the party, I picked up Kate and no sooner had she gotten into the passenger seat next to me than she started to giggle and blush.
“Tell me this isn’t a dream ... This isn’t happening ... I just know it isn’t!” she gushed, “I told Bruce I was going to an Avon party and he didn’t even bat an eye! Oh my god, Kelly, I’m SO horny right now. I’ve done nothing all day but think about this.”
I smiled at her, trying to concentrate on the curvy roads while still listening to her. “Well, it’s not like you’re going to get laid tonight, you know,” I teased her.
“Oh now Kelly, you know I didn’t mean it THAT way at all!” she exclaimed, as if she just realized how what she was saying could sound to someone else, “I just can’t believe I’m going to expose myself to women I’ve never met before - like you did at that last party!”
“Well, you know how I get myself ready just before a party?” I asked in a conspiratorial tone. She looked at me anxiously, as if I was about to reveal the secrets of the universe to her. “Well, let’s just say it’s gonna take us a bit to get to the party so why not pleasure yourself a bit on the way?”
“You mean do it in the car?” she exclaimed with disbelief, “Now? With all these other cars and trucks all around?”
“Oh for goodness sakes Kate, nobody will see you and besides, that’s half the thrill, seeing everyone out there and knowing they have no idea what you’re doing right in front of them.”
“I don’t know...,” she hesitated but I could see her squirming in her seat. God, she must really be as horny as she said she was. One thing I had to say, Kate had come a long ways from the mousey housewife I’d met not that long ago!
“Here, how about I do it with you?” I encouraged her. Without waiting for a response, I unsnapped my jeans and pulled down the zipper with one hand while I tried to stay in my lane. As I wasn’t wearing any panties it was easy to slip my hand down to my shaved crotch where my pussy was already warming up just talking about all this with her. “C’mon ... do it ... you KNOW you want to.”
Kate was also wearing jeans - I’d told her to dress casual since she would be taking it off anyway once we got there. Giggling like a little girl, she followed my lead, unbuttoning the jeans and then unzipping them. As she started to reach down in, I noticed she had on pink panties underneath.
“Since you’re not driving, why not just slip them all the way off?” I challenged her. Kate’s eyes widened yet again and she looked around at the traffic around us. It was dark and even I could barely see her in the seat right next to me, let alone anyone from the outside. “Go on now ... pull them down! Let’s see that bare bottom!”
Kate grinned, wanting to do it but just need in a little encouragement - as usual. She lifted her hips up and she slid her jeans and panties down to her ankles, leaving her bare-assed on the seat which fortunately had warmed up by now. She still had her top and jacket on so it wasn’t like she was totally exposing herself to the world.
“Oh my god, I’ve NEVER done anything like this before!” Kate said more to herself than me as she started to masturbate, “God this is SO hot!”
As she started playing, I was also touching myself but between driving in the dark and trying to pay as much attention to Kate next to me as possible, it was more absent-minded playing than serious masturbation. In any case, I was wet enough to be happy and now and then I couldn’t help but flinch in my seat as my finger would touch my clit in just the right way.
“Oh Bruce...,” I heard her whispering as she had both hands between her legs.
She must have been fantasizing about her husband again, one of her most common thoughts whenever I watched her doing herself. It was such a shame he couldn’t satisfy her the way she needed to be. I wondered if he had any idea his wife was rubbing herself daily, wishing he would make love to her. No doubt he still masturbated. Interestingly, the men I’d met who had a difficult time getting erections could still masturbate and cum, they just couldn’t get hard enough to fuck me. I couldn’t help but wonder if her wonderful Bruce was as loyal to her in his masturbation fantasies as she was to him. Somehow I doubted it, not if I knew men at all!
“Oh my!” she moaned, her hips lifting up off the seat as she was rubbing herself furiously.
Up and down she went on her emotional rollercoaster. I had taught her over the past few weeks how to get herself on a high and then slow down to let things simmer for a while and then ratchet it back up again. Now if only she would push herself that last little bit but it was not to be tonight as she suddenly all but collapsed in the seat. The car was filled with the scent of our sex - mostly hers. I grinned as a thought came to mind. Imagine if I was to get pulled over by a cop now!
“Oh my god Kelly ... that was nice,” she finally sighed, rolling her head over on her shoulder to look at me, a big grin spread from ear to ear.
“Well, just in time too as we’re almost there,” I told her as I turned into the subdivision where my GPS which had giving me the directions to the party address said to turn.
Kate gasped and worked feverishly to pull her panties and jeans back up again. “Oh no, I must smell like a whore,” she worried.
“Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to wash up and get ready,” I assured her, “Besides ... I sort of like the new perfume you’re wearing now.”
“Oh Kelly, you’re so silly some times,” she brushed me off, as she always did any time I would mention anything remotely leading to something between us that might be a bit more personal than just mutual masturbation.
If there was one thing Kate was, it was being straight as an arrow. She wasn’t as hung up about being nude with another girl or, obviously, masturbating with one, but that was as far as it ever went, even in jest.
I pulled up to the house and parked at the curb. It gave me a chance to get my own jeans back together again and I couldn’t help but put my fingers to my nose. Mmmmmmm, I LOVED the way my pussy smelled when it was wet! We got out and I noticed my distributor’s car was parked just ahead of me which was good as I didn’t like to arrive before she did. In fact, she was already opening the door for us when we walked up to the front steps.
“Great to see you Kelly,” she welcomed me in, “and you must be Kate. I’m Sharon.”
Actually, although I’d never asked her age, Sharon looked to be about the same age as Kate as they shook hands. Kate just stood there, looking at me for directions.
“Follow me, there’s a room in back for you to use,” Sharon said, leading the way down the hallway.
I didn’t see anyone else and I wondered where the hostess was. Probably getting the snacks and whatever ready. Sharon led us to what appeared to be a guest bedroom. It had its own bathroom which was convenient as well. In most cases I had to use a common bathroom which sometimes led to some “interesting” moments should the hostess’s husband or kids be at home.
Sharon already had the outfits hung up on a rolling hangar bar as well as the toys we would be demonstrating laid out on the bed on a white satin clothe. “I wasn’t sure what size you wore but most of this is one-size- fits-all and you look to be in great shape Kate so there shouldn’t be any issues.”
Kate blushed a little at the compliment and I winked at her. Sharon noticed the flush in her face and looked a little concerned.
“You’re OK with all this Kate, right?” she asked, “Kelly says this will be your first time doing anything like this.”
It was tempting to explain why Kate was really flushed but I didn’t think Kate wanted me to be telling Sharon about what she’d been doing during our drive over so I just stepped in and assured both of them that everything was going to go just fine.
“Ok then, things should get started in about an hour so I’ll give you a heads up when the show is about ready to start,” Sharon said as she left the room, closing the door firmly behind us. Kate looked around the room at the outfits and the toys, seeming to be a bit apprehensive now.
“I forgot about the toy part,” she said with a worried tone, “Do I have to do those too or are you just going to do that?”
I knew she hadn’t really forgotten about the toys but I understood her concerns. Like I’d said before, it was one thing to fantasize about doing something but quite another when the reality was staring you in the face.
“Don’t worry Kate, you’ll do just fine,” I reassured her, “besides, it’s not like you really USE them to get off. All you’re supposed to do it get it close and let their imaginations do the rest, OK?
Meanwhile she had walked over to where the outfits were hanging up. “Geeze, these are soooooo ... revealing!”
“Well, this isn’t a winter parka show, you know!” I teased her gently, “Besides, even Sharon said you look great and trust me ... you look marvelous!”, using my best Billy Crystal imitation. She giggled nervously at that and started to sort through the outfits.
“So which ones will I wear?”
“Whichever ones you want,” I answered, “You can pick out anything you like, it really doesn’t matter what order they go in.
Sharon likes to keep some of the sleazier ones to the end. By then, usually the women are more drunk and aren’t as easily offended. It also helps her judge the party to see if they SHOULD be shown. There have been a couple of times when she has had me NOT wear them if she thinks the party isn’t right for them.”
Indeed, that was a key point to these parties. They were meant to be fun and to allow your typical desperate housewife to cut loose a little in a safe environment without going TOO far as if they would had they gone to a male strip club or something.
As I said, there had been a couple of parties where the reaction to even some of the more conservative outfits was so strong, that Sharon sensed it would be best NOT to demo the more daring outfits. This also applied to the toys. I had learned myself over time how to gauge the audience and how far to let myself go with them without crossing the line. Most of these women just wanted to be teased a bit and go home feeling a little naughty about themselves, not to be seduced or treated to something they would be embarrassed to talk about the next day.
“Soooooo, any ideas which one you want to start with?” I asked.
Kate pulled out a pretty white satin teddy. It was opaque and probably one of the more conservative outfits on the rack. Actually, probably the best choice for her to get the ball rolling. I nodded and then pointed to the bathroom, time to get ourselves looking good.
She had already done her hair up nicely and I wondered if she had told the girl at the salon what the event was that she was getting ready for. Somehow I doubted that! It fit her face nicely, not looking like some middle aged woman’s style but at the same time, not as if she was trying to be a teenager again. As she undressed, I noticed her pussy was shaved down considerably more than before as she pulled her panties off. She still had plenty of coverage but it had been trimmed down considerably from the wild bush she had the first time I’d seen her crotch.
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