Kelly's Diary 182 - Mentoring
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 2: Getting to Know Kate
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Getting to Know Kate - Usually when you think of mentoring, you picture an older person passing on their knowledge to a younger person, leading them along their career path. Sometimes it works the other way too, and not just at work but for play too!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual True Story Group Sex Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex
The next morning I drove to the restaurant she had recommended. It was part of a chain with several in the area so I hoped I remembered the right one! Once inside, I saw someone waving at me from a booth towards the back and I recognized Kate. Waving off the hostess, I walked in and took a seat opposite her in the booth.
Kate was dressed about like me - jeans and a blouse, nothing fancy or even suggestive. It was the witching hour between breakfast and lunch when business was slow and there was nobody on either side of us at the time. The waitress came by and offered me coffee, which I politely refused, asking for water instead. Kate was already on what was at least her second cup of coffee judging by the empty cream and sugar packs She was drinking regular rather than decaf so I could just imagine the caffeine levels in her blood about now!
“You know, I can’t believe I asked you to meet me here like this,” she finally said after we exchanged some inane comments about the traffic and weather. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”
I tried my best to suppress a smile. What in the world was she talking about? We were just two women sitting in a booth in a typical Bob-Evans style restaurant. What was so special about it?
“Oh I suppose you’re wondering what I’m talking about,” she rambled on, evidently catching the puzzled expression on my face. “You seemed so easy to talk to about things the other night and I don’t know ... I guess I thought maybe you could help me.”
OK, so what did THAT mean? I just sat there with what I hoped was a supportive look and posture for her to continue. Ten minutes in and I still had no idea where this was leading!
“OK, I guess I should just say it then ... My husband and I haven’t had sex in over a year and I was hoping you might help me be ... well more ... appealing if you know what I mean.”
Whoa! Boy, talking about a change of course the conversation! My mind raced as a number of possibilities came and went. Were they having problems with their marriage? Was he cheating on her? Was she as conservative and repressed in bed as she seemed to be in life and maybe he was just bored with her? Was there a physical issue that needed to be addressed - maybe something medical? Maybe it was just a simple case of ED and some Viagra was all they needed. If so, it wasn’t like it wasn’t advertised so why hadn’t they tried it? It’s amazing how fast your mind can churn and the number of ideas you can have in just a few seconds!
“Do you mind my asking how old your husband is?” I said gently, trying hard not to appear as surprised as I felt.
“He’s 49. I’m 38 ... he wants a younger wife I think. We’ve been married for eighteen years now.”
“Two - boy sixteen and a girl fifteen.”
“Ummmmm, can he get it up?”
Granted, it was your typical conversation starter but I didn’t think it was THAT personal a question, especially considering what she had told me about their non-existent sex life, so I was a little surprised when the tears started to form. Was she a psycho or what? Kate swallowed hard and then bit her lip before answering.
“Well, at least not with me.”
Now I couldn’t let it go at that. What exactly did she mean?
“What do you mean Kate?”, was the obvious follow-up question.
“Well, I know he masturbates. Sometimes forgets to clean up after himself and I find the nasty tissues and towels he uses. There’s porn on his computer but I’m afraid to say anything about it. So he MUST be able to do it but when he’s with me he claims he can’t.”
“Well, an erections usually not something most men con control and keep from happening so it’s probably true, at least so far as that goes,” I said. “Has he seen a doctor? I mean, there are all sorts of things advertised on TV that he can take to help himself.”
Kate pursed her lips again but she hung in there and answered, “He claims he has but he won’t let me go with him, says he is too embarrassed to discuss it with the doctor in front of me. He’s gotten some pills but they don’t seem to help.”
I sat there for a moment, not sure where to go from here. For THAT matter, why was she telling me all this crap anyway? It sounded like either he needed a better doctor or they needed a marriage counselor, neither position for which I was qualified ... or wanted to be involved in.
“So Kate, why tell me all this?” Again, the obvious follow-up question but it had to be asked.
“Oh wow ... I feel so embarrassed talking about this but I thought someone ... well someone like you would understand,” she started out. I wasn’t too sure I was exactly thrilled over the “someone like you” commentary as I doubted she meant it as a compliment, at least not in her mind. “I guess I have needs too,” she finished up by saying.
Her voice trailed off after that and again, my mind raced with all sorts of possibilities. Was she looking for sex? That was my first reaction but one look at her and it was obvious that it wasn’t the case. When I was doing my thing at the party she could barely even look at me, let alone appear turned on by me, and even now she seemed more embarrassed than horny.
Then it dawned on me. Yo! Earth to Kelly - wake up! Of course, that’s what it was all about. The first thing she had asked about was a toy. Kate was looking for a substitute for her husband’s unresponsive dick. Yet something also told me it wasn’t a fake dick she was looking for either
“Kate ... Doesn’t your husband try to help you, even if he can’t do it himself?”
“He tries and he says he enjoys it, even if he can’t get an erection, but I know he just does it to keep me from complaining ... or leaving him. He knows I could NEVER leave him or cheat on him. Kelly, I want you to know that I love my husband totally. It’s just I don’t want to go without sex for the rest of my life.”
“So you think a dildo or some other toy is going to take the place of your husband?”
Kate got that determined look again and her lips practically disappeared as she thought about how to answer me.
“I don’t know ... I’ve never masturbated before.”
Well, I can’t say I was totally shocked. I’d known girls before, even roomed with one back in college, that claim to have never masturbated. Regarding my personal experience, it was a religious thing where my college roomie believed that masturbation was morally the same as having sex, just without a partner present, making the fantasies that accompanied it perverted and against the will of God. Other than her, though, I’ve never personally known anyone who has truly NEVER masturbated at least a little.
Thoughts of my Aunt Sheri came to mind but even then, someone as narrow- minded and twisted as her must still have those urges, those personal moments where she lets her fingers to the walking, so to speak. For Kate to say she NEVER masturbated was a little hard to believe but if true, it certainly might explain her weird behavior.
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