Kelly's Diary 182 - Mentoring - Cover

Kelly's Diary 182 - Mentoring

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 1: The Party

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: The Party - Usually when you think of mentoring, you picture an older person passing on their knowledge to a younger person, leading them along their career path. Sometimes it works the other way too, and not just at work but for play too!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   True Story   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

It all started out pretty much like any other party. A simple e-mail telling me the date, time and location. After all, it wasn’t like I had to do much preparation other than making myself presentable. A shower, shave, hair and makeup and I was ready to go. I didn’t even have to worry what to wear because whatever I chose wouldn’t be on me for long once I arrived at “work”.

You see, my “job” is to model lingerie and demonstrate adult toys to groups of women no different than those you might see at your typical neighborhood Tupperware party. For most of them, it’s a fun evening where they get to be a little “naughty” and perhaps even a bit embarrassed but it’s all meant to be fun and since ONLY women are allowed to attend, nothing really “bad” ever happens. In fact, if anything like that DID happen, the hostess would have probably fire me!

It was the beginning of December and bookings had been down a bit with the holidays and such First Thanksgiving and then the start of the Christmas shopping and as a result, the party scene was cut down seriously as the amount of time women had to attend such extraneous affairs as a Passion Party disappeared. Still, a girl has to make a living somehow so I made sure I accepted every assignment that came my way. Beggars can’t be choosers.

The party itself was rather uneventful, at least from my perspective. There was the usual gasps and reddening of faces of some of the more conservative ones in the crowd, especially when I would come out in one of the more risque outfits. A little wine didn’t hurt things and as they loosened up as time went by - so did my outfits. The toy demos didn’t start until over an hour or so after the party started, time enough for inhibitions to drop yet even more. Even then, it’s not like I masturbated for them or anything. Mostly I would just rub it up against me with perhaps a little penetration; more to tease and shock them than to turn them on. Nothing improved sales like group guilt!

Another reason I work these parties is that they are great ways to “advertise” for more provocative parties - bachelor, bachelorette, birthdays, that sort of thing. Of course, sometimes I would get requests for more “intimate” parties - maybe just one or two people, which I typically turned down or referred them to my cousin Kristen who made a career doing things of that sort.

In my mind, I’m simple earning money to get by until I can get back into a teaching position, not working my way to being a whore. There was that one time towards the beginning when I did something with a couple (it’s in my diary if you’re interested) but as fun as it was, I knew that if I pursued that sort of thing further I would likely gain a reputation that would kill my teaching career plans.

When the party was officially over, many of the women hung around, as they usually did, to gossip and drink more of the hostess’s wine. Sharon, the distributor, would sit off to the side taking orders and handing out catalogs. Sometimes I would hang around and chat with some of the women who were interested in my “job” and perhaps the other `services” I provided. It wasn’t so much that THEY wanted to do what I did, but rather more why I did it and perhaps voyeuristically share some of my experiences. Typically I tried to diplomatically dodge any such “story telling” but I also felt an obligation to help Sharon bring in more orders. Besides, I got a small commission from whatever was sold at the party so the more sales, the better.

One of the women, she called herself Kate which I later learned was short for Katrina, seemed particularly interested in me. Well, again not so much ME as what I did and how I’d gotten into this line of work. At first glance Kate looked to be your typical soccer mom, mid to late thirties, hair shorter than it had likely been when she was younger, dressed rather plainly in pants and a floral top. The modest clothes couldn’t hide the fact that she was still in pretty good shape, probably thanks to a few sessions at the club each week. She seemed hesitant to buy any lingerie, though, but did seem interested in several of the less- exotic toys.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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