Let It Snow
Copyright© 2025 by Big Ed Magusson
Chapter 2
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Snowed in? No problem! It’s a cliché, or is it? Brandon’s trapped in a mountain cabin with his sister. He knows what he wants. But does she? How can he find out without destroying their relationship? If you like character-driven taboo erotica, you’ll enjoy Let it Snow. Yeah, you know the plot. Time to enjoy the journey.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Incest Brother Sister
Natalie’s eyes bugged out and her mouth hung open as she stared at me across the bubbling hot tub. She laughed in disbelief. But not disgust.
“Yeah,” I said.
“Did she do it?”
“Do it?”
“Seduce her dad.”
I shrugged. “Not that I know of. But she didn’t tell me everything.”
“As proven by the gangbang.” Natalie leaned back and took a large sip of wine.
“So why’d she tell you?”
I shrugged again. “Pillow talk. She was constantly bringing up things she wanted to do.”
Natalie nodded knowingly. “But incest?”
“What can I say? She thought’d it be hot, and she was into anything.”
“I can’t imagine having sex with Dad.”
I chuckled. “Well, neither can I. Of course, I’m straight.”
Natalie smirked at that. “Did you ever meet her dad?”
“Once. He’s pretty good-looking.”
“But you don’t know if they ever did it.”
“No.” I sipped some of my wine. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they had ... but I wouldn’t be surprised if they hadn’t, either.”
“Yeah.” I leaned back and let myself float a bit. My blood was racing thanks to the conversation. It’d gone much better than I expected. But still...
Natalie stared off into space, thinking. Her face was calm, actually. That made me a bit nervous.
“You’re not shocked?” I blurted.
“Oh, I am. Not that shocked, though.”
“Why not?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“Reasons. So why?”
She held up her mostly empty glass and grinned at me. “I’m not drunk enough to answer that.”
I grinned. “We can fix that.”
“Maybe. But after you get me some wine, I wanna hear more about this gangbang.”
I snorted in amusement. That was my big sister, always twisting things so I’d do her favors.
I rose out of the water. “I’ll be right back.”
I brought a full bottle back to the hot tub. I refilled Natalie’s glass and then my own before getting back into the tub. I placed the bottle within reach, though. Natalie waited until I was settled. To my relief, I was surprisingly calm.
“So,” she said. “Cheryl. Gangbang.”
I shrugged. “Like I said, I wasn’t there. I was working late that night. She went clubbing with a girlfriend and ended up back at one of the guy’s apartment.”
“With six guys.”
“Mmm hmm. Apparently, all six did both girls.”
“And you’re okay with it.” She quickly added, “Or would’ve been, if she’d told you about it.”
“Well...” I briefly considered not telling the truth. But this was Natalie. My big sister. The woman who knew when I was lying, every time.
“Well,” I repeated, “it’s not like she hadn’t let me fuck some of her friends.”
“Yeah. You’re not the only one that’s had threesomes.”
Natalie smirked and swirled her wine.
“But,” I continued, “the agreement was, we’d do it together. You know?”
My sister nodded. “And she broke that.”
“Yeah.” I tried to keep the bitterness out of my voice, but it was hard. I was bitter. At least a little. Cheryl had proven I couldn’t trust her.
“I get it,” Natalie said sympathetically. “It doesn’t matter how good or wild the sex is if they can’t keep their promises.”
“Uh-huh.” I smirked. “And it did get wild.”
She laughed. “Duh. You were having threesomes.”
“And a lot more,” I chuckled.
“Like what?”
“You name it, we tried it. Well, except a few things. No scat or golden showers. Those were just disgusting.” I dramatically shuddered.
“But other stuff.”
“What was the wildest? That you did together?”
I laughed. “My big sister actually wants to know about my sex life?”
Her face reddened. “I’m just curious.”
“Because your sex life is so tame.”
“In comparison. Yeah.”
I tilted my head. “When was the last time you got laid?”
“New Year’s. It wasn’t very good. So what was the wildest thing you did with Cheryl?”
“Mmm. Why should I tell you?”
She shrugged. “Up to you.”
“Well ... if I tell you, you have to tell me something wild about your sex life.”
“Okay ... well ... the wildest thing I probably did with Cheryl was have sex at a concert.”
Natalie raised her eyebrows and waited for me to go on.
“In the middle of the concert,” I said. “Surrounded by people. We were packed, standing room only. She was wearing this really short skirt with no panties. So I stood behind her, unzipped, and we did it.”
“Wow. Really?”
“Mmm hmm.”
She chuckled and shook her head.
“Okay, your turn.”
“What do you want to know?”
I wanted to ask why she wasn’t shocked about the incest, but I chickened out. Instead, I said, “Your choice.”
“Well ... I’ve never done it on a concert floor, but I did do it in a club bathroom once.”
“Okay ... that doesn’t sound too wild.” I took a sip of my drink.
“It was with a girl.”
I nearly spit out my wine. Fortunately, I managed to clamp my mouth shut in time to avoid spraying the tub and my sister.
“I sat on the sink counter while she licked me. A couple of people came in, but they ignored us.”
“You’re kidding!”
“Nope.” Her smirk was so devilish I could almost imagine little horns on her forehead.
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m not. It really happened.”
“Mmm hmm. Something for you to imagine when you’re alone later.”
My eyes went wide. Hers danced.
“So let’s talk about something else,” she teased. “Before you explode over there.”
“You are a cruel, cruel woman.”
“And you love me.”
I snorted. I certainly did.
Natalie wanted to change the subject, so we did. Mostly, we talked about dating. She really hadn’t done much since New Year’s and had even spent Valentine’s Day just hanging out with a friend. I had to admit my own love life had been dry since Cheryl and I broke up, but to be honest, I was fine with that. I admitted that I really wasn’t ready for anything serious, though I did miss the sex.
Natalie grinned at my hint but didn’t take the bait.
We talked a little bit more about movies and TV shows. The cabin had WiFi so I was looking forward to catching up on some of the shows I’d heard about. That is, when we weren’t skiing.
“You want to go to the hot springs?” Natalie asked.
“Hot springs?”
“Uh, Brandon, it is named Steamboat Springs. There are hot springs here. Some of them are clothing optional.”
I grinned. “Count me in.”
I had a hard time falling asleep. My thoughts kept turning back to my sister. As a result, I tossed and turned in bed and spent way too long staring at the ceiling.
The problem was, I wanted my sister. I hadn’t really been conscious of it before Cheryl. She’d figured out that I’d had a crush on Natalie. It was hard not to. My sister was beautiful, sexy, and smart. Even better, she was kind and clearly loved me. I’d looked up to her constantly when we were kids.