Kelly's Diary 179 - Memories of My Mom - Cover

Kelly's Diary 179 - Memories of My Mom

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 2: My Mom’s Early Years

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: My Mom’s Early Years - Until now, I had no any intention of writing about my mother's passing. The last thing I wanted was to turn her death into some sort of erotic tale and so I've pretty much kept quiet about it until now. Then Valentine's Day arrived and I realized just how much I miss her. This entry is meant as a tribute to most wonderful important woman in the world - my mom.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

My mom’s family comes from traditional Illinois farming stock. Both of her parents were raised in smothering conservative environments where sex was never even discussed, let alone openly practiced. Topics like masturbation, premarital sex, incest, etc. would have been considered sinful perversions in accordance with the over-bearing laws of their strict Protestant beliefs.

When my mom reached the sixth grade she started to notice that she was drawing the “attention” of the older boys, and maybe even a few teachers. Suddenly boys started bumping into her in crowds and “accidentally” touching her chest and butt. It wasn’t much longer before they started groping her in the darkness of the local movie theater but even then, it was all pretty innocent stuff - nothing between her legs or at least, not inside her panties.

Just after starting seventh grade she was invited to a party by some older kids where they dared her to suck a high school boy’s cock. She didn’t want to look immature so she did it but she could barely get him in her mouth. Never having done it before, you can imagine her surprise when he came in her mouth! That experience opened new doors for her once the other boys heard about it. Throughout the rest of grade school she was in high demand by the high school boys in her neighborhood. At that age, she was willing to go to “third base” but she drew the line at putting out all the way.

My mom use to tease me that my love for masturbation was genetic - from her genes. Indeed, to hear her side of the story, she was doing herself pretty much non-stop shortly after her tenth birthday! She and her best friend Tammy would often masturbate together, especially when one of them had a juicy story to tell about a recent date or boy in school.

Speaking of Tammy, she was my mom’s best friend, much in the same way that Beth is my BFF today. Unfortunately, bisexuality wasn’t nearly as acceptable back then as it is now. Even so, everyone in school knew that Tammy was one of “those” girls who liked other girls, which is NOT to say that Tammy didn’t love the boys just as much! In fact, I was more than a little surprised when my mom revealed to me that Tammy had actually dated my dad BEFORE she did. Tammy even gave up her virginity to my dad when she was barely fourteen.

As my mom hung around with Tammy most of the time, my dad saw a lot of the her as well. If you were to push my dad a little, he’d admit that when he first saw my mom, he knew her reputation and saw her as just an opportunity for another “notch” on his belt, No different than the other slutty grade school girls, all ripe for sexual conquest.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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