Kelly's Diary 178 - K9 Again - Cover

Kelly's Diary 178 - K9 Again

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Doing It for the Last Time (Again)

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Doing It for the Last Time (Again) - If there is one thing I should have learned by now, it's never say "never"! It's been 2-1/2 years since I did something that disgusted me later, swearing I would "never do it again? Oh well, so much for that promise.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   True Story   Bestiality   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Everyone cheered wilding as I stood up and nodded my head in agreement with the terms, not the least of which was Emily. As I started to undress, the host didn’t waste any time getting his end of the bargain as he had Emily strip down naked as well. He pulled her over to the side and got her down on her hands and knees. Someone handed him so1me sort of lube and he was fucking her from behind so quickly she barely had time to realize what was happening to her!

As for me, I was naked now, the only one in the room besides Emily for the moment to be nude. Several of the guys were looking at me and I could only imagine what they were thinking about doing to me before the night was over. It wasn’t just the guys either as a couple of the girls were starting at my body just as much as the guys were. I guess sloppy DOG seconds didn’t bother them!

It had been years since I had been with Sandy before and even then, I had Samantha helping me out. I’d never actually done a dog by myself before so in some ways, it was almost a first time for me again as well. Everyone was watching with hardly a sound except for the gasps from Emily as she was slowly fucked to the side of me. Even the two of them seemed more interested in what I was about to do than the fucking.

Oh well, here goes nothin’. If I was going to do it in front of everyone, then at least was I going to make it look like I knew what I was doing - like I’d done this a hundred times and was a true dog-loving girl in every sense of the word. Beth knew the truth but if she knew what was good for her, she’d better shut up or I’d have her down here joining me! Sandy was not your typical Golden Retriever, at least not when it came to sex. Sam had him well trained and he laid on his back, waiting patiently as if he knew what I was about to do to him - which he probably did.

As I reached for his dick, I couldn’t help but think that if I turned and ran away now, I could avoid having to break my vow and the inevitable shame and guilt I was sure to feel after this was all over. At the same time, I wanted SO bad to be fucked it really didn’t matter all that much to me anymore who, or WHAT, fucked me. When I grabbed Sandy’s dick, it was like suddenly something in me just clicked. Heck, I could do this, why not? It was just a dick and I’d sucked some that weren’t a whole lot better looking than this one! Besides, I’d already done it with Sandy before so was there really THAT big a difference between doing it once or doing it twice? Isn’t rationalization a wonderful thing?

Sandy’s dog dick was practically burning in my hand as I took a deep breath and tried not to think too much about what I was about to do. The fact that I was kneeling stark naked in the middle of the room didn’t even phase me. After all, I’d already been fucked by most of the guys, and some of the girls, in the past so it was no big deal for them to see me nude. I focused entirely on Sandy’ dick as it seemed to grow even more in my hand, mostly in length more so than in thickness.

The room was suddenly strangely quiet, as if everyone was collectively holding their breath, wondering if I would really go through with this or if I would chicken out at the last minute. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was really the only girl in the room to have had sex with a dog? I knew some of them were pretty wild, to say the least, so it as making it hard for me to accept their silence. Oh well, it wasn’t like I could call them liars and who knows, maybe it was true. No doubt had anyone known of someone who had been involved in this before, they would have squealed on the person, just as Beth had just done to me.

One last look around - I had the full attention of everyone now, even the two of them fucking over to the side. He was just holding himself in her, letting her pussy grip his dick as the two of them watched to see what I would do next. Leaning over, my mind was racing, debating if I should lick it first or just go for it and suck it. It wasn’t like Sandy was going to be mad at me if we didn’t have foreplay. Undoubtedly in his mind, in whatever form such things took, he was wanting just one thing - to fuck something. Come to think of it, I guess there’s not all that much difference between men and dogs when it comes to that department.

One last breath and without further ado, I leaned over and took his dick in my mouth and plunged my face down, taking as much as I could into my mouth on the first move. The smell of his dick and crotch was strong but not all that bad. If you want to know what he smelled like, just sniff your fingers next time you scratch your dog - nothing all that unique about it.

As for taste, well ... it tasted like a dick! Men vary all over the map as it is when it comes to the smell and taste of their dicks so really, Sandy wasn’t that much different. He didn’t have the head like men have which I sort of missed. I like being able to run my tongue around the ridge and then licking up to the slit and then taking the whole head in my mouth with my lips sealed around it. Nothing doing like that with Sandy. He was so well behaved. I only wished more men would sit so still for me when I suck their cocks.

A murmur began to rise and then I could make out people talking to one another. Some seemed surprised that I actually did it while others were evidently turned on. Well, they may have been turned on WATCHING but I wasn’t getting any offers to help out. Meanwhile, the host and new girl started back into their fucking and I could hear her moaning with pleasure. As hot as I imagined they looked, no doubt the center of attention at the moment wasn’t them but rather on the naked girl in the center of the room with a dog’s dick in her mouth.

“Ugh ... that is SO gross!” I heard one of the girls saying to someone.

I couldn’t tell who it was but for a moment, it reminded me of what it was I was doing and for just a split second, I thought I was going to vomit or otherwise choke on Sandy’s doggie dick. Whoever she was, she was right - it WAS gross when you think about it. But then at the same time, I imagined some of them had been fucked by guys and maybe even sucked the dicks of guys who were even grosser. Just because the guys were human didn’t make it any less gross than me sucking on Sandy’s dick, did it?

Ignoring her, I dropped Sandy’s dick from my lips and sat back on my bottom. Using my right hand, I wiped the wetness of my spit off my mouth and caught my breath. Sandy must have taken this to mean it was his turn as he twisted and was up on his feet instantly, his hard dick sticking out almost obscenely from his belly. For just a moment, I was ready to call it quits. So what if people got mad at me, or even made me leave? Heck, it wasn’t even MY initiation so I didn’t feel any special obligation to do anything. Then I saw Beth sitting down across from me. She was staring at me and I couldn’t tell for sure if it was fascination or disgust written all over her face. Well, THAT was answered soon enough as when she saw she had caught my eye, she mouthed at me, “Do it!” Well, it wasn’t all that difficult to figure out exactly what “it” was. In a way, I was surprised as I never had thought Beth would be into this sport of thing - I mean even just watching, let alone get involved (which I knew she would NEVER do). This was one case where “never” really DID mean “never”.

Honestly, I was still horny but not to the same degree I had been before. Sucking on a dog’s dick isn’t exactly the most erotic thing in the world, at least not for me. I saw a number of guys were either rubbing themselves through their pants or at least sporting a pretty impressive hard-on underneath. Certainly any one of them would be happy to take Sandy’s place right now. Why not just take advantage of them and forget all about the dog thing?

“Hey, you gonna let him fuck you or do I turn little Emily over to the hound?”

I turned and saw the host was still fucking Emily from behind. His movements continued to be slow and deliberate, but now he was pointing at her as if to indicate that she would be getting Sandy’s dick next if I didn’t take it.

Poor Emily didn’t say a word - she seemed to be enjoying the fucking actually. But when she realized what the host was doing, she looked at me with those big brown eyes, silently imploring me to let the dog fuck me so she wouldn’t have to suffer being fucked by an animal for the first time. Honestly, I was about to say the hell with it and let her take it. I mean, if it was so bad for her then why should I want to do it?

Everyone was still watching intently. Would it be more embarrassing to back out now than to go ahead with it? After all, I’d already sucked Sandy’s dick which to some girls I would think was more gross than letting him fuck me. Oh well, time for debate was over. It seemed I had been battling this in my mind for hours but in reality it was probably less than thirty seconds, it that long. If there was one thing I wasn’t about to do, and that was quit something once I started. Besides, I’d be getting plenty of dick from the guys before long so why not indulge in something a little more exotic? It was a party, after all, so it wasn’t like I was at home along in my room making love to some dog or anything perverted like that.

Sandy was getting impatient with me, pacing back and forth and trying to nudge his nose into my crotch as I got on all fours facing Emily. Our heads were only about a foot apart and our eyes locked onto one another’s as she took his dick from the rear while I prepared to take Sandy’s. I was a little concerned that evidently Sam hadn’t sent along Sandy’s boots that kept him from scratching, or maybe nobody knew what they were for. Hopefully I wouldn’t get all marked up in the process but there wasn’t any more time to worry about it as Sandy did instinctively what a male dog does when his bitch is in heat. As wet as my pussy was with the anticipation of being fucked, it was no wonder he was drawn to me. I felt him trying to mount me, his stiff rod poking me in the ass as he stabbed at me with it.

Without Sam’s help, I quickly realized that this wasn’t going to be as easy as people might have thought. Sandy was pumping wildly, almost frantically as he tried to home in on my warm pussy. I reached underneath me and managed to finally grab his dick and positioned it at the entrance to my pussy, just as he thrust himself hard into me again. It was like a hot curling iron was suddenly pushed inside of me, almost a feeling of burning as Sandy’s dick was shoved into me unceremoniously. A cheer went up as everyone realized that I had actually done it. Maybe some of them hadn’t believed I would go through with it but they were believers now!

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