Kelly's Diary 178 - K9 Again - Cover

Kelly's Diary 178 - K9 Again

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 3: The Party Starts

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Party Starts - If there is one thing I should have learned by now, it's never say "never"! It's been 2-1/2 years since I did something that disgusted me later, swearing I would "never do it again? Oh well, so much for that promise.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   True Story   Bestiality   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

We had made it just in time from the looks of things. People were gathering in what appeared to be a large living room. There were a couple of couches and several chair had been brought in to add to the couple of older armchairs that were most likely already in the room to start. I counted quickly - 6 guys and four girls so with Beth and me, that evened out the count. I knew they usually tried to maintain an even ratio of men to women which made me a little suspicious of Beth’s so-called “spontaneous” invitation. Something told me she had my attendance planned all along!

As was the custom, everyone was still dressed, a couple were even still wearing light sweaters and jackets to warm up after the cold weather outside. Someone had turned up the thermostat, though, most likely in anticipation of later events when such warm clothing would not be so welcome. Beth and I sat on a couple of pillows off to one side, the only places that looked to be left. Oh well, come last and that’s what you get I guess.

I looked around, trying to spot the new girl. It seemed there was always one, almost like it was an unspoken rule. The initiation ceremony WAS a great way to kick off the evening so I could see why they did it that way. Sure enough, on the couch next to a rather large guy, was a little petite girl with those dear-in the-headlights eyes that immediately betrayed her status. I rarely attended these and my last one had been ages ago so it wasn’t like I knew the regulars, although several of them rang a bell in my memory of past parties. Evidently some of them remembered ME though, as I was greeted by several and I noticed even a couple of the girls were eyeing me with a knowing smile.

“OK everyone, time to get started,” the apparent host announced.

He looked to be maybe thirty or so, long hair, at least for most of today’s styles, and a bit of unshaven growth on the chin. I looked to the girl on the couch and wondered if she had any idea that this guy would be fucking her in just a few minutes. Obviously she knew SOMEONE would be fucking her this evening, after all, what was the point in coming to this if you weren’t into having sex with a number of other people? The key was, had she ever been the center of attention, essentially fucking for the viewing pleasure of her audience? Oh well, we’d soon be finding out!

“Ashley, introduce our newest arrival for us, would you?” the host asked after making the usual statements about the rules for the evening, location of the restrooms, etc.

One of the keys to these parties, and one of the things I liked best about them, was they stayed confined to a few rooms and everything happened in front of everyone else. In other words, no private retreats off to a bedroom or bathroom, which was just fine with me. You didn’t HAVE to fuck anyone, respect for each other was tantamount. However, anyone just playing the part of a voyeur was typically not asked to return.

A girl stood up, evidently “Ashley”, and introduced Emily - the girl I had correctly identified as the newbie. Emily stood up and smiled as everyone clapped for her and a few of the guys made some appreciative remarks. In another setting they might have been considered crude and maybe even rude, but since they would likely be fucking her before the night was over, I guess you could say the language was “appropriate”.

It was then that the host announced the “initiation rules”. Poor Emily, I had a feeling she was just a little apprehensive of the evening’s events as it were but when it started to dawn on her what we being said, her face went beet red and she seemed profoundly embarrassed. Some girls loved being the center the attention and actually jumped at the chance to be fucked in front of the group, taking it as a compliment. Emily was one of the more rare ones, a girl who was here evidently more on a dare than anything else, and was seeming to have second doubts now. I’d yet to see or even hear of anyone flee before her initiation, but there was always a first time.

“Oh, and Emily ... I forgot to mention who the host for the evening was,” the supposed host said as Emily stood there with her feet seeming to take root in the hardwood floors.

With that he whistled and to my utter surprise, and shock, in ran the most beautiful Golden retriever. For a moment I expected my friend Samantha to follow it in as she had one that looked exactly like this one but it seemed that there was nobody else about to join us.

The group was buzzing now, people murmuring to one another, and then everyone looking at Emily to see her reaction. For a moment, I think everyone was expecting the host to announce it was all a practical joke but the announcement was never made. I turned to Beth and whispered in her ear, “He’s just kidding, isn’t he?”

Beth turned to me, her eyes aglow and bright as she grinned at me with the nastiest smile imaginable. She didn’t have to say a word before I knew what she was about to say. Oh my god, they HAD to be kidding!

Poor Emily ... she looked totally confused. Somehow I think she’d accepted the idea of being publicly fucked, after all, she WAS at a sex party, not Tupperware. So even if it wasn’t exactly how she had assumed it would go, she could’ve dealt with the original concept. But what was the story with the dog? The guy wasn’t serious, or was he?

“Well Emily, I don’t know if Ashley mentioned anything about doing it doggie style, but this is going to be what I like to call, Ultimate Doggie Style!”

Ashley’s face had transformed quickly from beet red to an ashen white. For a moment, I thought she might even pass out before she started to regain her composure, at least enough to blurt out, “No way!”

So it wasn’t a speech but still, those two simple words said it all. Emily wasn’t merely protesting, she was making a declaration worthy of a convention. So much for THAT idea, if it was really serious in the first place. Naturally I assumed that the host would recognize the strength of her response and back down, most likely declaring it all some sort of practical joke, regardless of whether it had been or not. Instead, I was shocked yet again...

“C’mon Sandy, roll over,” the host commanded and the dog laid down obediently, rolling over on his back with its dick now plainly showing.

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