O'Shea Dairy S.A - Cover

O'Shea Dairy S.A

Copyright© 2025 by A Bad Attitude

Part 2

Drama Sex Story: Part 2 - The O'Sheas in South America decide to get in the milk business. This is the story of the people they hire to run the dairy farm. I always have trouble with the codes. Is this story a cheating story or a BTB. I'll let the readers figure it out.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Fiction   Farming  

Chapter 1

Elle---The next morning we were all three sitting in the motel’s restaurant drinking coffee as we waited for our breakfast. There’s an expression for what we looked like. “Rode hard and put up wet.” That fit us perfectly!

What a night it was! If I thought having both brothers separately was exciting this was un-believable. It was like comparing going to a county fair to going to Disney World!

My climax started in the shower with both of the brothers soaping me, rinsing me off then patting me dry! On the bed, one started kissing me as the other licked my pussy. It only got better from there. We called it a night about 1am. Me in the middle of that big bed with a brother on either side of me!

I woke up with an urgent need to relieve myself. I slid down and ran into the bathroom. On the toilet I expelled more cum than piss! I showered alone, using plenty of hot water. I had to shampoo my hair. How ‘it’ got there I haven’t a clue! (Author---Misused quote from the lyrics in the Jimmy Buffett song ‘Margaritaville’. RIP, I always enjoyed your music, your politics not so much.)

I used the mirror over the dresser to dry and brush my hair while the brothers showered. Separately! They don’t do everything together!

John looked across the table and asked what my plans were since I was about to be divorced.

“Good question! Really the only thing in my future is a Monday morning meeting with that asshole of an attorney. I’m supposed to bring an attorney with me.”

“Elle, you and Brick were married just over 2 years, there are no kids and you signed a pre-nup. From what I read you are entitled to only 12 months of alimony at a $100 a month for each year you were married. That amounts to $200 a month for 12 months or $2,400. You are a college graduate. If you complain the judge will tell you to get a job and support yourself. Everything you did for Brick and Big Daddy will not be taken into consideration, neither will the promise of getting the farm when he dies. But I have an idea.”


“Come to South America with Jacob and me. I’ll hire you to run the new high-tech milk barn.”

“I’d love to do that but what about the meeting Monday. I need to find an attorney...”

“Forget it. That’s their problem if you don’t show up and sign the papers. Let them find you in the mountains of South America!”

“Tell me about this ‘high-tech milk barn.”

“Like I said it’s brand new, never had a cow in it. It is completely, how do I say this...”

“Automated,” offered Jacob.

“Yes, automated. There will be as few laborers as possible. Just you, the machines and the Jersey cows.”

“Jersey?” I questioned.

“Yes, Jersey. They were chosen for their smaller size, docile nature and higher butterfat.”

“So, they will be making ice-cream and butter?”

“Some, but mainly long-life milk. That’s Jacob’s job. Your job will be to send clean milk downstream to him. He will process it then package it for shipment. Think you can handle that?”

“Of course.”

“Then it’s settled. I’ll call Dr. O’Shea when we get back to the room and tell him I’ve found the milk barn manager. Then we have to get you ready to leave in the morning. Two suitcases maximum, please.”

“All I own is in those two suitcases and two pillow cases in our hotel room. I’ll sort thru what I want to take and trash the rest.”

Jacob spoke up, “Do you have a passport?”

“No worries there. I honeymooned in Cancun. What time are we going to leave?

“We meet the plane in Milwaukee at nine in the morning. It’s a two-hour drive to the airport; I say we eat breakfast here when the restaurant opens at 5am. Then drive to Milwaukee, turn the rental truck in and wait for the plane.”

“What airline are we flying? I hope I can get a ticket at this late date, if not...”

“They’re sending the company jet for us.”

“Oh, okay.” I shut up and just grinned. Then I thought about the truck I was driving.

“I have to take this truck back to the farm before we leave for the airport in the morning!”

“We don’t have time for that.”

“I’ll handle it,” Jacob offered to help.

We finished and went back to the room.

“Let me see those divorce papers.” I handed them to Jacob and watched as he thumbed through them.

“Follow me in that red truck.”

I followed him to a strip mall and parked next to him.

“Give me the keys.”

He walked into the law offices of Goodman and Associates. I sat in his rental truck and waited.

Jacob---I walked up to the secretary’s desk and asked to speak to the lawyer handling the Olsen divorce.

“That would be Mr. Pollitt, I’ll buzz him for you.”

“Pollitt? You got to be shitting me!”

This guy came out and I handed him the keys and said I wanted a receipt.

“Where’s the truck?”

“Outside your front door, in the parking lot.”

“Tell Elle I’ll see her Monday morning 10 am sharp.”

I laughed in his face and left.

Back in the truck, Elle asked what happened. We wondered how long they would wait for her on Monday morning before they realized she was not coming!

Chapter 2: Meeting the O’Shea’s

Elle---Friday morning we again looked like we had been ‘rode hard and put up wet’ but nobody was complaining! We ate a big breakfast and drank a second cup of coffee. We all felt a lot better as the excitement of the trip was starting to set in.

The drive to the airport in Milwaukee was filled with chatter about what it was going to be like living in a remote area in South America. I was in the middle of the front seat, a brother on each side, and my mind was wondering off topic. They were talking about double ultra-pasteurizing the milk, and I was thinking about sleeping every night between these two wonderful men. My daydream ended when we pulled into the airport. We unloaded the truck then John and I waited on the curb as Jacob returned it to the rental agency.

In the lounge we waited until the plane arrived. John pointed out the window as a pretty red-haired lady exited, followed by a blonde, then a big man in a cowboy hat.

“That’s Angel, followed by Joan and their husband Billy Bob. They are married in some type of trio marriage. Make no mistake, the redhead, Angel is the one in charge. Come on I’ll introduce you and Jacob.”

We met them at the door to the tarmac where John introduced us. I was told to call them by their first names and I immediately felt comfortable around all three. Angel has the most beautiful green eyes! As our luggage was loaded, we took our seats. Angel explained that we would fly to Miami, have lunch while the plane was re-fueled, then pass through immigration. It would be about a four-hour flight to our destination in South America. There we would spend the night before boarding another plane for the flight to the ranch. I was very excited and had a million questions, but I tried to hide my anxiety. Angel squeezed my hand and told me not to worry she would explain everything on the plane.

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