O'Shea Dairy S.A - Cover

O'Shea Dairy S.A

Copyright© 2025 by A Bad Attitude

Part 1

Drama Sex Story: Part 1 - The O'Sheas in South America decide to get in the milk business. This is the story of the people they hire to run the dairy farm. I always have trouble with the codes. Is this story a cheating story or a BTB. I'll let the readers figure it out.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Fiction   Farming  

Chapter 1

Will O’Shea---Remember me? I am the genius who laid out the plans for this million-acre ranch/resort here in South America. Everything is running smoothly. Our family now controls the dam and has added another 180,000 acres on the river below the dam. I use that land to graze my own ‘experimental’ herd of 1,000 head of Angus mother cows.

It was on a shopping trip in the capital that I realized there was a problem. The milk! I noticed on the carton that the milk was grade B! Why are we buying grade B milk?

Grade B milk is milk that contains bacteria or antibiotics! It can be used for making cheese or butter, even yogurt, but should not be consumed by adults, and never by children.

After some further checking I found that all the milk in this country is grade B. There is a lack of refrigeration and very lax rules for transporting and storage of raw milk. I decided to do something about that problem.

First, I needed a milk cow herd. You don’t milk Angus cows. The 1,000 head of mother cows I keep below the dam would supply me with my dairy herd. GG, my wife, and I went to the States. We gathered embryos from the finest Jersey cows in the country. We also harvested semen from champion Jersey bulls. Four months later we returned and started implanting those frozen embryos into the Angus cows below the dam. A year later we had the beginnings of our dairy herd. I contacted Dan, my civil engineer cousin, and we designed a complete dairy. We would start building immediately and by the time these little heifers were ready to milk it would be finished. All we need is a dairy manager!

Chapter 2: Elle Bjork

Elle--- If you guessed I’m Swedish you would be right. I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin. My mother raised me alone. My father had died when I was three years old, so I do not remember him. Mom worked in the county offices as a secretary and never remarried. She dated a few men that I knew about but never got serious about anyone.

By the time I was in high school I was tall, ‘big-boned’ and ‘big-tittied’, (words I heard to describe). I am almost six feet tall and weigh about 130 pounds. I have long blonde hair and blue/grey eyes.

You should know that I was always the smartest kid in my class, but I did not plan on going to college. I did not want to be saddled with a lot of student debt and momma was sick at that time. She needed me to help financially.

Don’t think I did not have boyfriends, I did. My 36-DD breasts attracted a lot of attention. That is part of the reason Brick Olsen was attracted to me. Now while I was number one in my class, Brick was what you might call the ‘tail gunner’. He was going to be lucky to graduate. His father ran an ad in the paper needing a tutor. I applied and got the job.

Before I go any further, I need to tell you about Brick. His family is rich. They own a dairy farm outside of town and milk around 2,000 cows. Brick works on the farm milking the cows along with his father. They are both big men. Brick stands 6’ 5” tall and weighs about 260 lbs. His father is about the same. At the interview for the job I learned that Brick’s mother had died a few years ago of breast cancer. His two older sisters had both married and moved off the farm. They live in Milwaukee.

Let’s make this short. (Maybe I should tell you that I now hate that bastard!) I started tutoring Brick every afternoon at his house. Two 17-year-old kids in a house all alone, you can imagine what happened! We started having sex and fell in love! Or maybe it was, ‘we fell in love, then started having sex’. No matter, you get the picture, we were screwing! The good news was Brick’s grades improved, and he graduated!

His father was very proud. Brick was accepted into a local university and was going to major in Animal Sciences. His father thought that would prepare him to take over the dairy farm one day.

Before I found a job, I received a call from Mr. Olsen. He had a proposition for me.

As I sat in his office he explained his idea.

He did not think Brick would be able to pass in the University without help. He was probably right. His idea was for me to go to school with Brick, take the exact same courses and make sure his son passed. He would pay for everything! He even offered me a salary! I should have thought about it, I did not! I needed the money and I wanted to go to college. Also remember, at that time I was in love with Brick! This was going to be perfect!

It was until, it wasn’t. I got pregnant in our junior year!

Brick and I went home the day after I found out. Momma had died the previous summer, so I avoided having to tell her I was about to be a single, unwed mother. She would not have been happy with the choices her daughter was making. Mr. Olsen was a different story. He was happy as hell!

Brick wanted me to have an abortion. His father was not going to let that happen.

“You are not aborting my heir! Your sisters do not want to live here on the farm. They have their own lives in Milwaukee. I plan on leaving the farm to you, Brick. That way this farm will continue. We are one of the biggest family-owned dairy farms in the state. My legacy is secure with you. Get married, go back to school, graduate and move back here and run this place. I’ll retire in a few years, and it will be all yours.”

I don’t remember Brick ever asking me to marry him! Mr. Olsen just told us what was going to happen, and we both agreed! I stood and ‘Big Daddy’ (that’s what Brick calls his father) hugged me. As I remember that hug today, I think it was a little too long and he sniffed my hair. What the hell is it with old men sniffing young girls’ hair?

Three days before the wedding Brick and I were called into Big Daddy’s office. There was another man with him who was introduced as his attorney. I was handed a three-page document to read and sign. It was a pre-nup! It mainly dealt with the ‘offspring’ of the marriage. Big Daddy wanted them raised on the farm with Brick if there was a divorce. There were also some provisions about alimony but who cares, Brick and I were in love and going to be together forever. I signed and so did Brick. Our signatures were notarized. I never gave it a second thought. I was pregnant, in love and naïve as hell!

Anyway, (I hate saying ‘Whatever’) Big Daddy (I started calling him ‘Big Daddy after we were married) paid for the wedding and a nice honeymoon to Cancun, Mexico. I came back tanned and happy.

We returned to school in the fall. We had moved out of the dorms and were living in an apartment, that Big Daddy paid for, just off campus. I got bigger and bigger. I remember being so happy when we found out the baby was a boy! Big Daddy was very proud!

One day when I was eight months along, I was doing laundry. As I carried a basket of clothes back to our apartment, I tripped and fell down half a flight of stairs. It was horrible! A neighbor heard me screaming and called 911. I was rushed to the hospital where I lost the baby. But that was not all. I can never have another baby!

Brick arrived at the hospital later that afternoon. I asked where he had been.

“Studying at the library.”

I had my doubts but let them pass.

Big Daddy took the news hard. His attitude towards me changed before I even got out of the hospital. I was no longer the fair-haired daughter-in-law who was going to supply him with an heir. Brick and my relationship also changed. We rarely had sex. But life went on.

Our senior year things were a little better. We took our finals and were planning on graduating the next week. When final grades were posted, Brick got a D in a class we both needed to graduate. I received an ‘A’. I could not understand his grade. We had studied for this test together and I could not believe he missed so many of the questions. He went to the professor and asked to retake the exam.

I waited for him in the apartment.

Chapter 3: Making the Grade

Brick came home about an hour later. He had good news! The professor had agreed to change his grade to a ‘C’. IF...?

“What the hell do you mean? No way! I am not having sex with another man! I’m your wife for God’s sake! How can you ask me to do that?”

“Listen for a minute, please. We have disappointed Big Daddy so much. You see how depressed he is about losing our son, his grandson. If he finds out I am not going to graduate it could kill him. Please? It is only going to be for two hours. I mean how bad could it be? The guy is an egg head. He probably can’t get it up but once. Elle, do this for Big Daddy, please!”

Brick never thought much of highly educated men.

He was right about Big Daddy! I disappointed him. I thought for only a minute. Dr. Taylor, the professor was tall, probably 6’ 2”, thin, and nice looking. He looks to be only 8 or 10 years older than me. I could do this, so I agreed.

Two nights later I was knocking on the door of room number 140 of the CrossRoads Motel. Brick was sitting in the car waiting. At least that’s what he told me he was going to do.

The professor opened the door, and I stepped in. He was in a robe; I could tell he had just exited the shower.

“Don’t be nervous, Elle. I’m going to make this as enjoyable for you as I can.” As he said that he pulled me into his arms and kissed my lips. His hands unzipped the back of my dress and caressed my back. I’ll admit, I was getting aroused! With finals and this ‘problem’, it had been over two weeks since Brick had touched me. Now an ‘older’ man had his hands on my butt, squeezing. I felt my pussy starting to moisten! When he slipped the dress off my shoulders it fell to the floor. I was standing in my bra and bikini panties. I felt his hands unhooking my bra then sliding it off. He held my large breasts as his lips kissed one of my nipples then sucked it into his mouth!

Damn! I love that!

I decided that I may as well enjoy what was about to happen. This is not cheating, my husband is waiting for me outside the door, and he is the one who caused me to be doing what I am doing. That’s how I justified enjoying myself!

Dr. Taylor started on my other nipple. I was close to having a climax! He maneuvered me over to the bed and I sat down. He dropped to his knees between my legs and pulled off my panties. His thumbs gently pried my nether lips apart and he blew on my clit! Then I felt his tongue! It was magical! He licked, sucked and bit until I exploded! I don’t ever remember having such a hard climax!

He removed his tongue from my pussy and began kissing up my body as I was recovering from that mind blowing climax. He paid more attention to my nipples! I was getting excited again when he stopped and started kissing my mouth. I tasted my own juices on his lips.

“Now do me.”

I moved over in the bed as he laid down on his back. He had taken off his robe when he knelt between my legs, but I had not seen his dick. Now I was getting a good up-close look at it.

Let me stop the story for a minute.

I was not a virgin when I met Brick, but I had only been with two other boys in my short sexual life. Both had dicks about the same size. They were just boys and un-experienced in making love to a woman. Then Brick came along. Brick had a little bigger cock than either of my first two lovers, but just a little bigger. Brick’s cock measures 7 1/4 inches. I know I measured it. The cock on the professor, in my estimation, without using a ruler, is probably 8 or maybe 8 1/2 inches long! His girth is also larger than Brick’s. I determined that by using my fingers as I held it. With Brick, my thumb and middle finger touched when I held it. With the professor, I could put two fingers in the gap. Another thing, this cock was hard, not squishy like Brick’s.

Now, back to the story.

As I leaned over him, one of my hands cupped his balls while my other hand held his cock. A drop of pre-cum oozed out. I caught it with my tongue. It did not taste any different than Brick’s. I let my tongue circle the head, then sucked it into my mouth. He groaned. I used my mouth the same way I always did on my husband. But this was different! Instead of him roughly holding my head and trying to ram his cock down my throat like Brick always did; this guy gently held my long blonde hair back out of my face! I looked up at him. He has soft brown eyes. I had never noticed, until now! He smiled down at me and said, “You’re beautiful, Elle.”

At that minute I felt beautiful! Brick never commented on how I looked, and he never spoke during our lovemaking. A surge of moisture left my pussy as I swallowed that long cock! I felt him trembled, then begin shooting his load down my throat! I let him finish, then I enjoyed feeling his cock soften in my mouth. Again, something Brick never did. He always jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom. I used that time to get myself off with my fingers because I knew our ‘love making’ was over for the night.

The professor pulled me up in the bed and kissed my lips. Something Brick would never do after getting a blowjob. “Too gay!” he always said.

Dr. Taylor played with my breasts as we kissed. Then he rolled over on top of me and I felt his cock at my entrance. He was hard again! Brick is a one and done kind of a guy. Where is this going? He eased it inside me and I gasped. His lips found mine and my tongue went into his mouth. Before long, I was climaxing!

He pumped in and out for a few minutes as I screamed, or tried to, we were still kissing! I felt him go stiff as he climaxed inside me. That’s twice he has climaxed in less than thirty minutes! We stayed connected for a few minutes, then he rolled off me. I thought it was over. Boy was I wrong!

His fingers made little circles around my nipples. It tickled! His left hand moved lower and touched the piercing in my bellybutton. Then lower! I felt a finger on my clit! Then two found their way inside me! He used his cum as lube as his fingers started to massage my clit.

“Oh God! I’m cumming again!” I shouted.

I bucked like a rodeo horse! I grabbed his head and kissed his lips! This is crazy, unbelievable! Never in my life...

“Elle, why don’t you go in the bathroom and freshen up?”

I could take a hint. I imagine he wants me to expel his leavings so he can ... WHAT? Who knows but I want to find out.

I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I shut the door so he could not see me as I sat on the toilet and emptied, then flushed. I was still messy! I decided on a quick shower. As I was soaping my front side, I heard the door open, then the shower curtain was pulled back and he stepped in with me. My back was to him as I faced the shower. His hands went around me and gently massaged my breasts. I turned my head and he kissed me.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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