Kelly's Diary 177 - Cockteaser
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 2: My Best Friend Beth
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: My Best Friend Beth - Flirt, lush, tramp, slut, cockteaser, bitch, even whore... I've been called them all. I guess it comes with the territory when you love sex and live by a "if you got it, flaunt it" attitude. I'm not afraid to admit I LOVE to tease. It's fun to see what a man will do using nothing more than the offer of your body for incentive. People ask me if I've ever NOT gotten what I wanted from a guy, at least sexually speaking. Well, my best friend's brother was one of my greatest challenges.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa Consensual True Story Masturbation Oral Sex
OK. So now that I’ve bared my soul and confessed my “sins”, hopefully this will help in understanding my actions of the past few weeks. Shortly after breaking up with Duane, I was at my best friend Beth’s house, just hanging around doing nothing in particular but watching TV and chatting about life in general. We were both dressed casually, nothing especially hot - if anything quite the opposite. Jeans and baggy sweatshirts, about as NON-revealing as it comes. At one point her father came in, having just arrived from work. He glanced at me but when he recognized who I was, he quickly averted his eyes and went over to give his daughter a hug. He then left promptly, never looking at me again the entire time.
“Sheesh Beth, is your dad EVER going to even look at me again?” I sighed, shifting my weight in the chair to pull my legs underneath me.
Beth just shook her head solemnly and looked at me with a rather sad smile. “Well, you can’t really blame him. If a certain someone had kept her hands to herself like I told her to...”
I playfully slapped her and poked her in the side. “Hey, don’t blame ME! After all girl, YOU’RE the one who started everything.”
“Yeah but YOUR dad wanted it.”
“Oh sure ... and like yours didn’t?”
“Give me a break Kelly, you know what I mean. Crap, if my mom ever found out what you two did ... she’d kill you both, and then me probably as well!”
Well, in case you haven’t read about what we were talking about in my diary already, about four years ago Beth became the first woman outside our family that my dad had sex with since marrying my mom. While it isn’t like he went out and just did any old girl off the street, it was still a major event for me.
Beth has been my best of best friends since before kindergarten and is practically a member of our family. Still, I wasn’t exactly thrilled when my dad fucked her given my parents’ rigid position (no pun intended) on adultery that they had been drilling into me all those years I was growing up. True, he only did her once more after that but still, it was the fact he succumbed to his lust in the first place that shocked me. It just goes to show that in the end, my dad’s still a male animal and there are some things that can’t be resisted forever. No matter how I rationalized his behavior, in the end I felt that what she did with my dad called for an equivalent “response” from me.
As I mentioned, it’s not as easy to get a decent father and husband to commit adultery as people seem to think it is which is why it took me eighteen months to complete my “mission” but in the end, I caught him at a weak moment and eventually seduced Beth’s dad into fucking me. OK, so he regretted it as soon as he did it but so what? Personally, I think he was actually more worried that someone would find out what he did rather than any regrets about fucking me but I wasn’t going to argue with Beth about semantics. So far as I was concerned, he DID fuck me, and right in their living room, the same one we were in now, while Beth was home.
As I thought about it, I realized I was sitting just where he was that first time I started sucking his dick! Well, ever since then he hasn’t spoken a word to me and still tries his best not to even look at me - quite a feat when you consider how much time I spend at her house. Of course her mom hasn’t a clue about what happened between her husband and me but I have to wonder at times if she has ever asked herself why he seems almost afraid to be near their daughter’s best friend. I’d love for her to know, just to see the look on her face, but then as I said, I really don’t want to hurt anyone.
As an only child, I never had a sister (my cousin feels like one sometimes but it’s not the same thing) whereas Beth was part of what can only be described as a regular tribe at home. She is the next to youngest of five kids - three boys and two girls. Her older siblings have all finished school and moved out leaving just her and her little brother Tony at home as she finished her education at a local college. Tony was four years younger than her - Beth likes to tease him by calling him the family “surprise”. Being he was so much younger than us, through most of our years at school and such I never really paid him a whole lot of attention. Now that he was 19, though ... wow, had he grown up! More than a few times Beth had needled me in the side with her elbows when she caught me looking at Tony. Hey, what can I say? The boy’s a hunk!
“So where’s Tony tonight?” I teased her, knowing it was a button of hers I could push that always got results.
“None of your business so just get your mind out of the gutter, OK?”
“What??? Meeee?” I replied, pretending to be shocked that she could even THINK such things about me, “All I did was ask where he was.”
“Oh don’t give me that you fuckin’ slut, I know what you want and don’t even think about it! Besides, he’s got a girlfriend now and he’s madly in love.”
“More like in lust I bet ... is he getting any from her?”
Beth smacked me in jest but she answered more seriously, “Probably, she’s got a bit of rep from what I hear. She’s not too really that good looking but he’s always been attracted to the ones with big boobs, and hers are ridiculously HUGE.”
“Like his big sister’s?”
“A LOT bigger,” she answered before thinking it through. Then her face clouded over as she realized what I was inferring. “KELLY! Don’t even THINK that,’ she said sharply, “Ewwwww, sex with my brother ... not me, sorry.”
“Well I certainly wish he was MY brother.”
“Well sure, maybe for you but I can’t even imagine such a thing. You know me better than that.”
“Still, you have to admit that he likes your boobs. I saw him looking when you ran around with them flopping up and down in that nasty little bikini you wore around the pool all summer. Heck girl, even I like your boobs!”
I reached over and squeezed her full breast with my hand. Indeed, Beth WAS built - 36DD, and 100% natural. She started wearing a real bra when she was barely twelve and moved into her first D cups before I was barely filling out. It was like they never stopped growing all through high school. I was SO jealous of her at times. She quickly pushed my hand away and looked about nervously.
“Shit Kelly, you know better. Don’t do that here ... damn, what if someone saw you doing that?”
“Oh? You someone like Tony? Mmmmmmm, I bet he’d love to watch us getting it on. Maybe he’d even want to join in!”
“Oh shut up ... and besides, what’s all this about my brother tonight? God Kelly, what’s got you so horny tonight - I mean more than usual?”
She had me pegged as I WAS horny as hell for some reason. Nothing in particular, I guess it was a combination of a number of things, being at her house and seeing her dad, talking about her sexy brother, not to mention I hadn’t been laid in almost a week! Mmmmmmm, speaking of her brother, I could picture in my mind how Tony looked last summer in his wet swim suit, his maturing dick clearly outlined as his suit clung to him like Saran wrap.
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