Kelly's Diary 177 - Cockteaser
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 1: Confessions
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Confessions - Flirt, lush, tramp, slut, cockteaser, bitch, even whore... I've been called them all. I guess it comes with the territory when you love sex and live by a "if you got it, flaunt it" attitude. I'm not afraid to admit I LOVE to tease. It's fun to see what a man will do using nothing more than the offer of your body for incentive. People ask me if I've ever NOT gotten what I wanted from a guy, at least sexually speaking. Well, my best friend's brother was one of my greatest challenges.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa Consensual True Story Masturbation Oral Sex
I’ve explained many times in the past why I find sex with married men to be so exhilarating so I won’t revisit that discussion again other than to emphasize what a thrill it gives me. When a husband commits adultery, he violates the most sacred vow he has ever made to his wife and God, risking everything he holds dear, just to spend a little time with me. What more of a compliment can a girl like me receive - especially if it’s his first time! It’s like the most incredible high you can imagine.
Of course, seducing a weak man into the act of adultery for the isn’t the only way to get that “high”, just one of the more “taboo” and thus more exciting ones. That’s a good thing too as it’s not as easy as you might think to get a decent, honorable married guy to cheat on his wife. Oh sure a lot of them THINK about it and WISH for it, but when push comes to shove, the vast majority of them chicken out in the end. Still, I doubt most wives would take comfort knowing the only reason their pathetic husband didn’t fuck me was because they were too scared of the consequences!
It goes without saying that there are LOTS of ways to feel good about yourself besides fucking married men, many of which are more “acceptable” to most girls. Face it, no matter what she might deny or rationalize it, EVERY girl at one time or another in her life has felt that heart-pounding thrill and warm tingle between her legs when she catches a man looking at her “that” way. ALL girls want men to find them sexually attractive - it’s in the DNA. EVERY girl has at least imagined a little bit as to what nasty and probably perverted thoughts were running through the man’s head when he looked at her.
Sure, there are the prudes who try to pretend such attention doesn’t appeal to them, especially those poor girls raised in oppressive households where sex is treated as a sin, something taboo, and even casual flirting is discouraged and labeled as something only “those” girls do - girls like me I guess.
Regardless of their upbringing, in my experience even the most up-tight girls will cave in to the temptation to flirt at least a little bit, even if they have to shy away quickly and then feel embarrassed about it afterwards. Personally, I would say the majority of girls flirt when they are with friends, letting the safety of the “herd” protect them from having to actually carry through with the temptations they offer.
To be fair, it’s a small minority of girls who go beyond just accepting the interest that guys give and actively pursue such attention, dressing slutty to deliberately draw men’s attention (and sometimes women’s), actively flirting and maybe even exposing themselves. Within that small number are the true “sluts”, the girls who don’t stop at just teasing and tempting a guy, but are willing to carry through with their “offer” as well (not to be confused with whores, who will do most anything but for money, not just pleasure).
If I were to look in the mirror, I guess you could say I fall more into the middle category while sometimes pushing it into the latter. It’s all relative I guess, depending on who you compare yourself to. I’m almost virginal compared to my cousin Kristen, who is easily at the outer fringes of even the craziest limits.
Face it, when God was hanging out modesty, Kristen was far away on vacation. There have been numerous times when even I had a hard time believing her behaviors could be so outrageousness. At the same time, how do you argue her methods when you take into account the results? Kristen learned at an early age that all it takes is a little wiggle of her cute ass and a bit of exposed cleavage between her perky boobs and she can have most any guy eating out of her hands - or someplace else on her body.
Despite everything, I love my cousin dearly but if ever a girl matched the stereotype of the blond “airhead”, it would have to be Kristen. My little cousin (she’s two years younger than me) would have likely never even made it through high school without the help she finagled from the nerds - the same guys she used so brazenly in public and then was so contemptuous of in private. Home alone on a Friday night? Never if you were Kristen. Too broke to see a movie? Never if you were Kristen - who needs money when the guy pays for everything? There have been more times then I care to admit to when trying to balance my checkbook that thoughts of how much Kristen was making in one night as a prostitute compared to me in a week of teaching didn’t creep in. I guess so long as being labeled a whore doesn’t bother you, what’s the problem? (Well, in my case it DOES bother me.)
Compared to my “girls-gone-wild” cousin, I would say I am less bold but definitely more devious, preferring to use my mind in addition to my body. Personally, I find it a lot more challenging to manipulate him rather than taking the “easy” route of relying strictly on good looks and outlandish behavior. For me, I prefer to think of men as more like a Mission Impossible assignment, where I find a way to use his own mind against him more so than brute force. Playing the game can be as much, or even more satisfying, as the end results. To put a twist on the saying, “the end doesn’t justify the means”, I would rephrase it as, “The means justifies the end.” Put another way, sometimes it’s the journey that thrills me as much, if not more, than the final destination.
If you STILL don’t understand what I’m trying to say, consider that ANY girl, I don’t care what she looks like or how old she is, can go out and get fucked any night of the year if she wants to badly enough. (Something I bet guys WISH they could say - at least without paying for it!) That’s why simply heading to a local bar to pick up men doesn’t provide any special satisfaction for me. It’s like asking a hunter to go shoot his game in a zoo and expect him to get the same thrill as he would get tracking down a wily bear in the dense woods. Sure it feels great to land the big one, but it’s the thrill of the hunt that he’s pursuing as much as anything else, the deadly dance between him and his prey. It’s the same for me, but my prey is the man I’m after!
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