The Fuck-it List
Copyright© 2025 by ahorsewithnoname
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Award-winning erotic adventure of a lifetime, with two good friends fulfilling one's bucket list item in the wilds of Arizona. White-water rafting the Colorado river is daring; when it's at an all-time high, it becomes a face-off with death, where an unlikely hero surfaces. Mixed with lots of sex, romance and a splash of humor, this romp is a thriller AND explains the author's pen name origin! You can view reader's comments over at Bookapy.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Heterosexual Fiction Anal Sex Oral Sex Safe Sex
In the summer of 2014, I traveled to Pennsylvania to meet Rich. We’d been talking for a couple of years, both having a love of writing, and our senses of humor meshed well. He told me that he had something special to do, and asked if I’d join him, that it’d take about a week, wouldn’t cost me a dime and I might just have the time of my life.
Mysterious! So I put my affairs in order, cranked up the ‘94 Jag convertible, and set off for Amish country.
It was late afternoon when I entered town, cruising up High Street, passing the A&M Pizza, then making the next left onto Main where I noted the Brick House Cafe, a little diner-like place that Rich said he frequented. Two blocks up I made a right and another quick right, and found a place to park, just like he said I would.
“Hey, young fella’,” came the call from the 2nd story window of the brick building, “come on up!” He smiled wryly, the smile I’d seen plenty of times via Skype. Grabbing my suitcase from the backseat of the Jag, which is infamous for having little luggage space in what they call the trunk, I walked up the steps and knocked on his door.
It was a modest apartment, as he’d described. Didn’t have a woman’s touch, to be sure, but it smelled of a crock pot working its magic, and there were books, plenty of books.
“So what’s all this mystery about,” I asked, once I’d settled into a comfy chair and took a long drink from the glass of water I’d requested.
He pondered the question for a moment; it looked like he was gearing up for an announcement of sorts.
“Well, neither of us is getting any younger, right?” he started, and I nodded, definitely agreeing with him. “So, I don’t have a bucket list, but I do have a few things that I’d like to do before I either get too old and hobbled to do them, or, lose too many marbles and forget what I wanted to do! I call it my Fuckit List.”
I nodded, chuckled a bit, and took another long draw from the glass.
“Okay, here it is: I want to white-water raft in the Grand Canyon, and I want you to go with me.”
I looked at him with what most likely could only be described as sheer disbelief.
“Um, Rich? Have you ever white-water rafted before?”
“Hell no, if I had I wouldn’t be planning this trip.” The wry smile was gone and now it was a full-out shit-eating grin.
“Okay look, I don’t wanna’ be the wet blanket here, but aren’t you--” and I got cut off.
“Hold it right there, Sonny. If you’re gonna say too old; hell no. If you’re gonna say not medically fit; hell yeah, but if I don’t do it now, it’s just gonna be that much harder next year, or the year after.”
“Okay, but I know you are, well, apprehensive about heights. What about airplane travel?” Pretty sure I tripped him up with that, I thought to myself.
“Apprehensive? I’m terrified of heights! Tough shit on me. I’m gonna take a strong tranquilizer before I fly and tough it out.” He pointed to a prescription bottle sitting on the coffee table.
I’d known Rich long enough and had discussed his famous stubborn streak with his good friend Ellen long enough to know that I wasn’t gonna win taking that approach. So, I tried another tactic.
“Rich, not looking to pry into your business, but, you mentioned more than a few times that you were living on a budget, that the divorce--”
“--cost me a lot that I had saved, yeah yeah. Absolutely true. But,” and he looked around the room almost conspiratorially cartoonish-like, “I have a stash.”
“A stash?” Now he had my full attention.
“Yep. It’s true, I don’t live on much throughout the month, but I had a hobby collecting coins over the years, and that was one thing that my ex never managed to sink her claws into, and last month I sold it. Made a tidy sum, too. You’d be surprised at what a $20 gold coin from a hundred years ago is worth, especially in near-mint condition. Even better when you have a few of them. Took six months to find the right buyer, but I did it.”
“So, let me see if I have this correct. You wanna go do something terrifying, so you sold off a coin collection to finance the trip. I’m not sure where that leaves me because while I do have some money, I don’t think I have--”
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