Kelly's Diary 172 - Surprise Office Visit - Cover

Kelly's Diary 172 - Surprise Office Visit

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 3: Surprising My Dad

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Surprising My Dad - Lately it seems all my attention has been on my teaching and my boyfriend. Leave it to my mom to gently remind me that my dad has been trying to give me some "space" as I work things out and that it might be nice to show him my appreciation. Well, what better way than to pay him a visit in his office when he was least expecting it?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   True Story   Incest   Father   Daughter   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

As I started to head back to my car, it started raining, which turned out to be for the good. What was I thinking heading out in public dressed this way? I was going to have to ride the T to downtown Pittsburgh and then walk over a block to my dad’s office building, and then up the elevator to his floor. If I didn’t get arrested for public indecency, I would probably be propositioned a dozen time on my way!

Inside I went to the closet and pulled out my mom’s raincoat. I called her “spy coat”, as it was a black trench coat style that came down to just below my knees. I wrapped the belt around me and fastened it in front and was off once again, this time “decent” enough for public transportation.

At this time of day, most people were leaving the downtown area instead of heading towards it, so my small train was all but empty. The few people pretty much ignored me and I did nothing to bring myself to their attention. I had to switch to another train after going through the tunnel and before long I was climbing the steps up to the streets of downtown Pittsburgh. The rain was coming down harder and so I grabbed a newspaper that was laying on a bench and used it as a umbrella of sorts to keep my hair from getting soaked and my makeup from being washed away. Fortunately, it wasn’t far to the building and I was able to run under a number of awnings to stay as dry as possible.

Once I got to my dad’s office building, I felt like a salmon trying to go upstream to spawn as everyone was heading OUT of the building while I was trying to push my way IN. At the elevators, again everyone was heading down while I wanted to go up so I had the elevator all to myself as I rode up to my dad’s floor.

The doors opened and straight ahead was the new guard dog bitch my mom had warned me about. We’d never met so she had no idea who I was as I approached. I explained to her who I was. She looked at me like she didn’t believe me and actually made her show me my driver’s license to prove who I was. Sheesh, wait until I told my dad about her!

Once I was past the bitch, I knew my way around the office. A number of associates were there - they NEVER went home at 5:00, not if they wanted a future at the firm. I recognized a couple of older ones but even they had to look twice at me before the recognized me.

“Hey Kelly, how are you doing?” one of them greeted me, “Damn, you’re looking great. What did you do to your hair?”

Again I was reminded of how long it had been since I was at the office. I am naturally a brunette but have been toying on and off the past couple of years with being a blonde until now that us pretty much what I stick with. I was tempted to flash them and let them see what was hiding under the rain coat but that wouldn’t have been too smart, not if I had any plans to play around with my dad - which I most certainly did.

As it was, I just smiled and them and let my hair twirl a bit, enough to tease them but not enough to serve as a come-on to them. I waved goodbye and blew them a kiss as I made my way to the executive suites where my dad, as one of the senior partners, had his office.

When I got to his office, the door was open and nobody was there. Dang it, I KNEW I should have called ahead to make sure he was free but I didn’t want to spoil the surprise. He WAS there, the watch dog out front had confirmed it, but who knew when he would be free. I bet the nasty little bitch knew he wasn’t available and she just hadn’t bothered to tell me. Hmmm, I was going to have to figure out something to repay her kindness.

Under the circumstances, my initial thoughts were to close the door, strip down to nothing but my stockings and heels, and lay back on the couch with my legs spread open as an invitation to him when he returned. There was just one tiny problem - who knew who would be the next to come through the door? It would have been hard to explain to just about anyone why my dad’s daughter was laying all but naked on his couch! So sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and so I just sat down on one of the dark leather chairs, leaving my coat on, and waited for him to return ... and waited ... and waited.

An hour went by and still no dad. Thank god for cell phones and e-mail or I don’t know how I would have kept myself from going crazy waiting for him. It didn’t help that I was still horny as hell, especially now that I was there. More than a few times my hand reached for my crotch and it was only with the strongest of willpower that I didn’t succumb. To be honest, if it had been much longer I might have had to head for the girl’s restroom and take care of it!

Just then I heard voices down the hall, one of them being my dad. I had left the door barely open and my heart leaped as my dad pushed it open just far enough to see me and then stop.

“Say Bill, why don’t we finish this later. I just remembered a couple of things I need to take care of right away,” he said to somebody in the hallway that I couldn’t see - and thus he probably couldn’t see me either.

I couldn’t make out the response but it must have been agreement because my dad slipped in without opening the door further and quickly closed it quietly, but firmly behind him. I barely heard the “click” as he turned the lock. He HAD to have been surprised to see me but nobody ever accused my dad of not being quick on his feet and he had instantly recognized the situation and reacted appropriately. After locking the door and making sure the shades were drawn completely, he turned to me with his hands on his hips and smiled.

“So to what do I owe the honor of your majesty’s presence today?” “Oh dad, it hasn’t been THAT long since I was here ... has it?”

“Well, let’s see ... yes it has,” he teased me. I got up from the chair and went up to him where he hugged me first and then leaned down to kiss me, just a peck the first time but then with passion and lust. After a few minutes, we separated slightly and he looked me over, a quizzical expression on his face.

“What’s with the raincoat?” he asked, “Not exactly your style I might add. Steal your mom’s?”

I giggled and nodded.

“Since it’s not exactly raining in my office, any reason you kept it on?”

Again, I just giggled and smiled. My dad smiled as well as he reached to untie the belt and unbutton the rain coat.

“Let’s see ... do you even have anything on at all under here?”

For a moment, I was worried that he would be disappointed when he saw I wasn’t stark naked under the coat. I guess I could have gone that route but the conservative side of me was worried about the trip downtown. If anything had happened, even my slutty outfit was better than being naked! Of course, such worries were needless with my father.

“Mmmmmmm, nice outfit,” he complimented me, “Is this the one your mother was telling me about?”

I nodded as it undoubtedly had been. He huffed a little at that and said, “You CAN talk you know.”

“Yeah, mom helped me pick it out,” I blurted out suddenly, as if I had to get it all out in one quick breath.

“Well, I have to say, you look fabulous!” he joked, trying to imitate Billy Crystal, but doing it poorly.

All joking aside, a quick glance at his crotch was all I needed to confirm that his intentions were true. Always quick to notice things about people, my dad caught me glancing down at his crotch.

“Well, are you just going to look at it or do something about it?” he suddenly asked in a more firm voice.

This was a little unusual for him as typically he likes to play along for a while before actually doing anything. He must have been really horny himself to come right out and ask for it without me even teasing him a bit first. Not that I was complaining!

I set aside the raincoat and kneeled on the carpeted floor in front of him, looking up into his eyes and I smiled as he undid his belt and pants for me. I just waited patiently as he unzipped himself and reached inside his underwear to pull out his dick for me. He was already about half erect as he stroked it slowly in front of me.

“Been a while since you’ve done this in my office,” he said softly, his voice sounding huskier now as his lust built up along with his erection, “Suck my dick Kelly ... put me in your mouth.”

I reached for his dick but he pushed my hand away, holding his dick out for me to take in my mouth. The tip of his cock brushed against my cheek as he stroked his cock along the side of my face and over my lips. I let my tongue stick out and he rubbed his cock head along it before pushing it against my lips. Easing my mouth open just a bit, he pushed his dick in my mouth and I could feel it sliding across my lips, filling my mouth. His crotch smelled of sweat after a long day of work, not too strong but distinctly noticeable.

As he filled my mouth, he released his hold on his dick and pushed himself forward, driving his dick deeper into my mouth. Being he still wasn’t full erect, I easily took him all in without having to take any down my throat. My tongue ran over him as I sucked harder on his cock, as if I was trying to make him grow just with the force of my mouth on him.

“God this feels so good,” he groaned softly, standing there with his hands on my head, his fingers running through my hair as he started to fuck my face.

My dad held my head still as his hips started to slowly swing back and forth, driving his dick into my mouth and the pulling it back out again. “That’s it Kelly, suck it ... suck it hard ... god I love it when you suck my dick like that!”

With each stroke he seemed to get a little longer, a little thicker. He maintained a slow but steady rhythm, pulling his dick out until the head was barely between my lips and pushing himself back in my mouth again. As he got longer, I could feel the head of his cock drive deeper into my mouth and finally down into my throat. It was difficult at first as he was just barely making it into my throat, causing my gag reflex to kick in but I fought it back. Finally he was to where he actually pushed his dick down into my throat past where I felt I had to gag. He would hold it there for a few moments, and pull it back out again to let me breath.

As I sucked my father’s dick, I loved the way he felt in my mouth, the way he tasted, the way he smelled. Looking up, our eyes met and I could see it in his eyes, the way he felt about me, the way he wanted me, the way he NEEDED me. There was something special when he looked at me this way that brought goose bumps to my skin and made my pussy tingle. The kind of look only a father can give his daughter.

I knew I was pleasing him, satisfying him in a way no other woman on earth could - not even my mom. Sure, there are lots of girl who could suck his dick, some of them who could probably even do him better (although I doubt many could). There was only ONE girl, however, who could create the emotions and feelings that were flooding through him now, only one girl who was his own daughter - ME! It made me feel special knowing that I was the only girl in the world he could look down at like he was now and say to himself, “That’s my daughter sucking my dick!”

My pussy was throbbing now and I reached down and under my skirt, rubbing myself through the thong at first and then pulling it to the side to get direct contact on my clit. Talk about feeling good! I reached further down, pressing my fingertip into my pussy and rubbing it, drawing out the moisture and using it to wet my pussy lips and clit, making it easier to slide my fingertip over and around my hard, sensitive clit. Shivers ran up and down my back as I rubbed myself while my dad kept stroking himself in and out of me. Finally, I needed more than just a finger in me, I needed my dad’s dick!

Grabbing his cock with my free hand by the base of the shaft, I pulled him from my mouth and looked up at him with a smile and twinkle in my eyes. “Fuck me daddy. I want you to fuck me ... now.”

Grabbing me by the shoulders, my dad helped me to my feet and directed my backwards onto his couch. When the backs of my legs felt the leather behind them, I dropped back onto the couch, keeping my ass towards the front edge and leaning back to give him a nice view of my crotch. Grabbing my thing by the sides, I quickly slipped it down and off my feet, leaving my skirt on but pulled up to my stomach so my bare bottom was exposed for him. Reaching down with both hands, I used the fingers on one hand to spread my puss apart and then pushed my middle finger of my other hand into my soaking wet pussy.

“I’m so wet daddy ... I need your dick in me,” I whispered to him, just loud enough for him to hear but not such that anyone outside his office would know what was going on inside. “Fuck me daddy ... fuck me ... fuck me”

If there was one thing I knew that turned my dad on the most to hear, it was those three words - “fuck me daddy”. All I had to do was go to him and whisper those words in his ear and it was like a switch turned on inside of him, making him instantly horny. Over the years, I’ve learned just about every man loves to hear a girl ask him to fuck her, but with my dad it was special because of the extra word I added for him - “fuck me DADDY”. Sure, some guys liked to role- play a father-daughter situation but in the end, that was all it was - a role- play. With my dad, there was no pretending, no fantasy, it was the real deal!

My dad looked down at me as he dropped his pants and underwear to his ankles. With his shoes on they wouldn’t come all the way off but in his office, my dad never liked to get TOO undressed as you never knew what surprise might be in store. His white shirt tails hung around his hard which poked through them like it was poking out to see what was waiting for it. I could tell from the way he was breathing and staring at my pussy that he wanted me.

Oh yeah, he wanted to fuck me - badly. It was like he was hypnotized or something, as if he was in another world as he just stared at my open pussy, licking his lips with anticipation. He didn’t say a word, those eyes told me everything I needed to know. It was moments like this that thrilled me, like when you’re at the top of a roller coaster and you know that no matter what, you were going down that hill and through the loops and there was literally nothing in the world that could stop you now. So it was now with my dad. When he was in this frame of mind, consumed by his lust and sexual desire, it was like that roller coaster. Nothing was going to stop him now from fucking me. I think the door could open and the entire staff walk in and it wouldn’t have mattered. His dick was going to be buried inside of my pussy in just a few seconds, and there was nothing I could do about but then, that’s what I wanted as well.

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