Kelly's Diary 172 - Surprise Office Visit
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 2: Advice From Mom
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Advice From Mom - Lately it seems all my attention has been on my teaching and my boyfriend. Leave it to my mom to gently remind me that my dad has been trying to give me some "space" as I work things out and that it might be nice to show him my appreciation. Well, what better way than to pay him a visit in his office when he was least expecting it?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa True Story Incest Father Daughter Exhibitionism Oral Sex
The next morning I was awake in bed, having hardly slept a wink thinking about everything that had been happening to me lately and how I could make it up to my dad. I heard him get up, use the bathroom, then dress and kiss my mom goodbye ... all without even peeking into my room! Now THAT just wasn’t right. Most likely he knew that if he HAD looked in and seen me laying naked in bed, he might not have the resolve to leave without pulling his dick out first.
As soon as he had pulled out of the driveway, I made it into their bedroom and crawled under the covers with my mom (my dad keeps the air conditioning in their bedroom just slightly above the “frozen tundra” setting, forcing my mom to sleep under a comforter all summer, even during the blazing hot nights.
I snuggled up next to her, feeling her warm naked body against mine. I pressed up close, pushing my breasts against her and draping my leg over her so my bare crotch was pressed up against her hip. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t looking for sex, it was just my favorite position to be with her, going back as long as I can remember.
“He didn’t even look at me mom,” I told her sadly.
“Well, if he had, do you think he would have left so quickly?” my mom replied. Yep, we were on the same page there, both of us knowing full well my dad’s lack of willpower when it came to fucking me.
“I decided that I’m going to go to his office today after school,” I told her, “It’s Friday and I bet it will be pretty quiet by the time I can get there after school.”
“Well, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it. Just watch out for that new receptionist. She watches everything like a hawk.”
Again I was reminded of how much I had been unintentionally ignoring my dad. It had been so long since I’d been to his office, I didn’t even know he HAD a new receptionist. Well, she couldn’t be any worse than the old bitch that use to guard the fort. She’d always given me the evil eye whenever I came to visit and I could tell from the way she looked at me and then at my outfit that she disapproved mightily of my taste in clothes. I knew she suspected that I was fooling around with guys in the office, but I doubt the idea that I might be fucking my dad there never crossed her mind.
“So watcha gonna wear?” she asked.
“I was thinking of that cute schoolgirl skirt and blouse outfit you bought me last time we were out.”
“Ahhhhhh,” she sighed, rolling her eyes just a bit, “I remember when I use to be able to get away with wearing an outfit like that!”
“Oh mom, you look great!” I chastised her. Actually, at 42 I thought she DID look great for her age. OK, maybe not her high school tone and a few extra pounds here and there, but I could only hope I had her genes when I got to be her age.
“Thanks, but let’s face it, the boys don’t follow me around the mall anywhere near the way they do you.”
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