Kelly's Diary 166 - Sleepover With Tammy
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 2: Picking Up Tammy
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Picking Up Tammy - My cousin Tammy was now sixteen years old and my, how she'd grown up since we first started having sex a couple years ago! As she gets older it's become harder and harder for my dad to find an excuse to spend some private "quality time" together. Well, what could be better than to have her spend the night with me on a "sleepover"? I doubt her mother would have approved if she knew who Tammy really was going to be sleeping with.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft True Story Incest Cousins Uncle Niece Oral Sex
Friday finally came and my mom and I were getting ready to drive over to my cousin’s house to pick her up. I came downstairs and met my mom, purse and car keys in hand.
“Damn it Kelly, do you always have to push it with your Aunt Shari?” she sighed, looking me over, “You know she takes it out on me afterwards, don’t you?”
“Oh mom!” I whined, like a girl half my age, “What’s the big deal?”
My mom looked at my ass, half hanging out from my ultra-short cutoffs. It didn’t help, at least from her perspective, that they were ripped in a couple of places such that you could see my bare butt thought the seat.
“Even so, I thought we agreed you wouldn’t wear those out in public?” she pointed out.
“But we’re not going out in public, just to Aunt Shari and Uncle Jim’s,” I rationalized.
She just rolled her eyes and then pointed at my tank top. “And as for THAT, my darling slutty daughter, wouldn’t you say you outgrew that a few years ago?”
I gave her my best “who me?” look and grinned. OK, so it WAS a couple of sizes too small and was tight as hell on me but it let my nipples poke through like it was Saran Wrap and exposed a few inches of my stomach where it was too short to cover me. The top plunged to show a healthy amount of cleavage. Obviously from the way my nipples showed I wasn’t wearing a bra!
“We’re late so I guess it will have to do. God, your Aunt is going to have a fit!” she sighed in mock despair. She turned to head downstairs to the garage and I followed her, grinning the entire way. She may protest about me upsetting my Aunt but I knew she really enjoyed tweaking her sanctimonious sister-in-law. My Aunt Shari was the type that gives Christians a bad name - “holier-than-thou”, self-righteous, and conservative to the extreme in dress and conduct. Needless to say, she didn’t approve of me and held my mom responsible for how I turned out to be - “a slutty little whore” in her words.
I didn’t help the situation, making sure I always dressed in my most revealing outfits and flirting with all the men when she was around - including her husband and son. What she didn’t know, and what would have probably caused her to “go postal”, was that I was doing more than just flirting with them, a LOT more! If there was any way I could tell her without her going ballistic, I would have loved to seen the expression on her face when she found out her loving husband and teenage son had been fucking me for years!
As we drove over to their house, my mom turned to look at me yet again and shook her head with a loud sigh. “You know, she MAY refuse to let Tammy come over with you dressed like that. That bitch can be pretty stubborn sometimes. God, if nothing else she’s going to give me an earful, I just know it!”
“Oh well, that’s her problem,” I huffed, crossing my arms and feeling more determined than ever to mess with my Aunt’s head.
I hated people like her, or at least really didn’t like them. What right did she have to say how I dressed or what I did with my private life? Look what all her high and might so-called morals had gotten her - a husband doing their niece and kids committing incest behind her back. I’d love to see her in church sometime giving one of her pious speeches about all the ills of the earth and how the world was decaying and then stand up tell everyone there what kind of family SHE was a part of.
“Yeah, but remember that she’s the one who can keep Tammy home and there goes all our plans for your father tonight,” my mom replied.
As usual, she was the calm one who kept things in perspective. She may have been right but it wasn’t like I was wearing my sluttiest bikini or anything. Sure my outfit probably would have gotten me removed from most public places but then we weren’t going to the mall or anything like that.
By then we had arrived so the conversation ended as we got out of the car and approached the front door. Rick answered the door and his eyes immediately went to my boobs and ass - where else? I imagined his cock was already twitching. It had been a few months since he’d last fucked me as usually my mom was the one to grab him when he was over at our place. I can’t say I missed him fucking me all that much but he WAS enthusiastic and damn if he couldn’t stay hard a long time!
“Tammy, Kelly and her mom are here!” he called out over his shoulder, his eyes still fixed on my boobs.
“See something you like Rick?” I couldn’t help but tease him.
My mom’s elbow jabbed me in the side, reminding me to behave. For some reason, standing on the doorstep where anyone in the neighborhood could see me, with Rick right there in front of me, a growing bulge in his pants, and it was like all I could do to stay off my knees and start sucking his dick. One thing about Rick, he DID have the biggest dick in the family, at least so far as I’d seen.
My mom pushed me through the door, taking my mind off thoughts of his hardening dick in my mouth, at least momentarily. As the screen door closed behind us, Aunt Shari made her appearance. As usual, she was dressed in a long denim skirt with a high neck blouse, her hair pulled back tightly in a bun. It was almost funny, in a way, to see someone dressed that way on a day as hot as today was. She started to say hi to my mom when she caught sight of me and her smile instantly dropped into a deep frown. She pursed her lips and curtly told my mom she needed to speak with her in the kitchen.
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