Kelly's Diary 166 - Sleepover With Tammy
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 1: Life With Tammy
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1: Life With Tammy - My cousin Tammy was now sixteen years old and my, how she'd grown up since we first started having sex a couple years ago! As she gets older it's become harder and harder for my dad to find an excuse to spend some private "quality time" together. Well, what could be better than to have her spend the night with me on a "sleepover"? I doubt her mother would have approved if she knew who Tammy really was going to be sleeping with.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft True Story Incest Cousins Uncle Niece Oral Sex
Just two days ago was the anniversary, if you want to call it that, of the first time I had sex with my cousin Tammy. There was nothing premeditated or planned, it was just one of those things where one thing led to another, and then another, and yet another.
Tammy is the youngest daughter of my father’s younger brother, my Uncle Rick. Her mom, Aunt Shari, is a real bitch, the type who thinks she’s perfect and everyone should be like her. As long as I can remember she’s always complained to my mom about the way she raised me, calling me a slut and saying my mom allowed me to dress like a whore. Now normally I consider being called a slut a compliment but not the way my Aunt’s spits it out of her mouth like a fly had just flown in. As for the whore reference, that’s always been an insult to me and frankly, a bit uncalled for in my opinion.
What burns me the most about my Aunt Shari is her sanctimonious attitude towards religion. While I consider myself a good Christian and deeply religious, my Aunt Shari is the type who believes she is 100% right and everyone else is simply wrong. Kate, Tammy’s older sister, is a miniature evil clone of her mother. If anything, Tammy has always tended to be the rebellious one and I think our first time together was born out of that side of her nature more than any real sexual desire.
It was another five months before anything more happened. It was the following December when Tammy “caught” me fucking her older brother Rick (not that we did anything to hide it from her). Although she wouldn’t let him fuck her, she did learn to suck cock - frankly I think I’m a pretty good teacher.
Poor Rick was frustrated as hell for the next nine months as Tammy let him rub himself against her and even shoot a load of sperm on her pussy, but she always stopped him just short of fucking her. She could be a relentless tease! Once I thought for sure it was going to happen as she straddled him and rubbed her pussy up and down long his shaft. Then, just when she had the tip all but penetrating her soaking little pussy, she hopped off and ran away giggling leaving poor Rick with this pitiful look on his face. In the end, it was my dad who took her virginity in a cabin at a state park where we were staying to go boating. For me it was sort of a vindication letting my dad have a fourteen year-old virgin since I had deprived him of having me when I was first having sex.
Since that time, Tammy has been sort of a slut, maybe not quite in the league of her cousins (me and Kristen) as she doesn’t have the support of her mother like we did, but she still has managed to build a pretty good reputation for herself. She prefers boys her age for the most part but she still allows my dad to fuck her now and then. My Uncle Jim has started doing me as well which somehow sort of makes it even for the two brothers. Indeed it was really thinly reason I allowed by boorish uncle to fuck me - so my dad could enjoy my little cousin’s tight pussy around his incestuous shaft.
A few weeks ago, June 30th to be precise, Tammy had her sweet sixteen birthday party. God, I thought my dad’s dick was going to burst he was so horny. Tammy and all her teenage friends were there for a pool party and seeing all those fifteen and sixteen year-old sensuous girls in their itty-bitty bikinis was almost too much for him. It had been months since he’d last fucked Tammy and seeing her in her relatively modest bikini (it was amazing her mother even allowed it to be two pieces) made him horny as hell.
The problem my dad faced was pretty straightforward and not all that unexpected if you really think about it. How does a 43 year-old man rationalize spending time alone with his sixteen year-old niece, at least alone enough to have sex with her, without her mother or seventeen year-old sister finding out? He had to be extremely careful as had anyone else found out there would be all sorts of problems for a number of people.
After the birthday party my dad couldn’t wait to get home and fuck me and the entire time a he did was talk about little Tammy and how much he missed fucking her. After that, SOMETHING had to be done. I mean, I wasn’t jealous of my little cousin or anything but it had gotten to the point where enough was enough! It shouldn’t come to anyone’s surprise that knows anything about my family where the solution came from - my mom. We were talking one day about something or another and somehow the subject came up. Well, it wasn’t really THAT random.
“Mom ... Dad was fucking me this morning and can you believe it, all he did was go on and on about Tammy again,” I whined.
“Well dear, don’t think you’re alone,” she chuckled as she rolled her eyes, “The horny bastard was doing me last night and he actually called out her name when he came. How’s THAT for something to complain about?”
We both laughed and hugged and then she got more serious again. “Really, I’ve been thinking about it a lot since last night. Now that you’re having the same issue we really DO need to do something. Want to hear my idea?”
I just nodded my head, my full attention riveted on her. Of course I wanted to hear her idea!
“How about you invite her over for a sleepover at our house this weekend? It would be as good an excuse as any for her to stay the night.”
“Ummmmm, mom, you’re forgetting something,” I said, shaking my head, “I’m not sixteen anymore and girls my age don’t have sleepovers.”
My mom just grinned slyly at me and came back with, “Oh yeah, so let your old mom get this right ... you just sleep over at Duane’s house but it’s not a sleepover because you’re 23?”
“Mommmmmm!” I whined again, not finishing my sentence. I then got more serious and looked at her asking, “Do you think Aunt Shari will really buy it? I’ve never asked Tammy to spend the night here before.”
My mom just shrugged and said, “I don’t see why not. Besides, we don’t have to tell her it’s only the two of you. Let her think it’s a complete party. I bet she doesn’t think twice.”
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