Drone - Cover


Copyright© 2025 by wantsomefun

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A couple of college aged guys deploy a drone to spy on local college girls, hoping to see some nude sunbathing, showering, and more sexual activity. When they accidentally recording video of a rapist and his victim, they have a moral dilemma: report what happened and face charges themselves for "peeping" or forget what they saw. More attacks take place, reluctantly forcing them into action.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

Matt hustled through the door of our apartment and set a box on the floor. “Look what I got.”

“Is that a drone?”

“Damn straight it is. We’re gonna see shit no one else does. This is the coolest fuckin’ thing ever, dude. Get my tool kit from my room. Help me put it together.”

I knelt on the floor next to him while he unpacked the contents of the box. “Whoa, Matt! That’s no toy. I’ve seen drones like this on TV. How the hell did you afford it?”

He put on his best fake innocent face. “I got it from a buddy.”

“Oh, wonderful. More stolen merchandise. You take some damn stupid risks, Matt.”

“Don’t be a choirboy, Jason. You didn’t complain when I got those speakers for your room.”

“They’re worth a hell of a lot less than this. You always said the cops work more on thefts of high-dollar items. I suspect this qualifies.”

“If I stole it myself, I’d worry, but hell, technically I don’t know if it’s stolen or what. It was an early Christmas present, okay? Quit your bitchin’. Find the assembly instructions.”

“No way trouble comes back to you?”

“Bro, I’m not fuckin’ stupid. Like I said, it’s not ‘stolen’ as far as I know – more like lost in transit, inventory error, some such shit.”

“That’s a fine line.”

“I trust the guy I got it from, okay? We’ve been tight forever. I did a lotta favors for him when I was a kid. He owed me, so he gave me this.”

“You make me nervous, Matt.”

“You’re such a wimp, dude. Relax. This is about fun. Think of what we might see.”

“That’s true.”

He laughed. “We’re gonna have a fuckin’ blast. You’re supposed to register a drone this big, but screw that. I don’t have to stand out in the open to fly it, so who’s gonna know whose drone it is? If I crash it or go out of range and someone finds it, as long as there are no pics of us on it, we’ll be fine. If they lift prints from it, so what? I never got fingerprinted. Did you?”

“I don’t do dumb shit that could get me arrested, so no.”

“Dude, I never got arrested because I’m smart. I don’t do dumb shit. I do careful shit, so fuck your attitude. There are no prints on file for either of us, which means it’s not a problem if someone finds the drone. I mean, yeah, I’ll lose it, but it’s not like I paid for it.”

“How quiet is this thing? Can you get close enough to really see much?”

“Read the box, Jason. It’s supposed to be for stealth surveillance. Hell, you can turn off the running lights so it’s pretty much invisible in the dark. What the drone sees shouldn’t be a problem. Latest tech hi-def zoom lens and all. Even low light vision for night flights. You steer by the camera in the drone – view it with an iPad on the controller.

I can fly while you’re someplace else talkin’ to me on your cell. That way you can sorta keep watch and tell me if anyone seems to notice the drone. It’s supposed to be super quiet for its size, but I have no clue how quiet that is. We’ll find out when we get it put together. Here, plug this charger in and figure out the batteries.”

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