Big T and Theresa - Cover

Big T and Theresa

Copyright© 2025 by A Bad Attitude

Chapter 3: The Beta Female

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Beta Female - A young girl falls in love with an older man. She developes a plan to not only help him but hopefully make him hers. A romantic tale of what a young girl will do for love!

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Fiction  

So here is my plan. I offer myself to Lucy. For her dating and fucking T, she gets to play with me. Ok, I hear you. Not only immoral but illegal. I can handle the immoral part to make this work. And I think I can convince Lucy that no one will catch us, and I will never complain. I am good at getting people to do what I want.

I prepare for this big coming out by watching a lot of lesbian porn on my lap-top late at night. I can do ‘that’, no problem.

I waited until after practice one afternoon. Everybody was gone for the day when I walked into the coach’s office in my shower shoes with a towel wrapped around me.

“What’s up Theresa?” she asked as she stared at me with those hungry eyes of hers.

“Coach I need to talk to you about something, something very personal.”

I try to appear nervous as I shut and lock her door, but I am not nervous. I am determined to make my plan work!

“I think everyone is gone for the day but shutting your door will ensure our privacy.”

I was standing as I started to talk.

“Coach, I am in love with T, the man who saved me from being raped. And before you start, it is more than just hero worship or a schoolgirl crush. He is all I think about. I want to marry him and have his kids. The problem is he thinks I am too young. I just turned 17 last week, you know there are girls my age in this county that are married and have kids. But I am trying not to deal with T about being too young.

My plan is to get him a girlfriend. One that will step aside when I graduate. Then I will move in and convince T that I love him. I want you to be that stand-in for me.”

“Theresa, you know I’m gay.”

“No, you’re not. You are ‘bi’, you told me so yourself. According to what you told me; Sam was your first lesbian experience. You had boyfriends before her. You can do this.” I am looking directly into her eyes as I say this.

“Besides getting to date a good-looking man, then probably getting my heart broken in a year; what would I get out of a relationship like this?”

I drop the towel and say, “Me”.

The coach is staring at me with her eyes wide and her mouth open.

Let me tell you what she is looking at. I stand 5’ 9” tall and weigh 110 pounds. My hair is black, straight and flows down passed my shoulders. Today it is a little curly since I just got out of the shower and I have not had time to blow dry it. My breasts are 34-c, my long legs form a V at my crotch, and I have shaved my pubic hair into a landing strip about 2 inches long. My nipples are long, cream colored and standing tall. My nether lips are the same color as my nipples.

She is standing there with her mouth open as I walk over to her. “You can play with me as much as you want but no penetration. I am a virgin, and I want T to take my cherry.”

I lean down and kiss her. Her tongue plays with mine and I think that is a good sign. She is at least thinking about my proposal! I stare into her eyes, hoping she sees all the possibilities.

“We’ll have to be very careful, not even a hint of anything between you and me. I don’t want to lose my job or maybe even go to jail.”

She is going to do it! I somehow knew that she would. When I looked into her eyes I saw it. I kissed her again as my hands gripped her head. I moved her head down my neck to my breasts. I need to dominate her. She needs to learn that I am the ‘alpha’ in this relationship, and she has to do what I say. No better time than now to start.

I stepped back, leaned against her desk and spread my legs giving her access to my pussy.

“Get on your knees. I want to feel your tongue inside me.” I ordered.

She obeyed without any hesitation! This is going to be easier than I thought! I leaned back, her tongue licked it from the bottom to my clit. I felt her teeth nibble on it, a finger massaged my asshole. My legs went behind her back and I swallowed a scream.

“Oh My God!” This was the first time anyone other than myself had touched my pussy!

My body exploded! Her mousy brown hair was in my hands holding her tight. I squirted for the first time in my life! She lapped it up and kissed her way back up my body to my lips. I stood without breaking the kiss.

Quickly I pushed everything off her desk and laid her down lengthwise. My kisses were rough and demanding. I bit her nipples then sucked them into little hard rocks. She was moaning as my fingers toyed with her belly button then it moved lower to her crotch. It was completely shaved! I’ll bet T is going to like that!

My fingers moved around her clit and I felt moisture starting to form in her pussy. I buried two fingers in her. She groaned and her hips came off the desk. I lean forward as I realize this is the moment of truth. I never really looked at another girl’s pussy much less touched one. Now I am about to stick my tongue inside Lucy’s cunt!

I did not hesitate. My lips surrounded her clit and my tongue drew circles around it. While my fingers were still inside her, she started her climax. I swallowed her moisture and it did not taste bad! When she went limp and let go of my head, I kissed back up her body until our lips met.

I think to myself, “I did not do too badly for my first time!”

Watching those porn videos had definitely helped my performance!

“Thank you, Teresa. I have wanted you for a long time.”

I stood and found my towel.

“Let’s use my shower” she suggested.

We did. After we patted each other dry, I wrapped another towel around myself and went and found my clothes. When I returned to her office she was dressed in a sweat suit and was re-arranging the papers I had pushed off her desk.

“How do you propose getting me and this T of yours together?”

“This Sunday at the O’Shea family bar-b-que. It is a weekly thing and the whole family will be there. Bring a swimsuit as it is held around the pool. I will bring you as my guest and introduce you to T. He is a little shy so flirt with him. Ask him out or something.”

“Swimsuit? It’s May, the water will be too cold to swim.”

“No, we’ve been swimming for almost a month. The pool has a solar heater. The water is nice and warm.”

Sunday came and Lucy showed up right on schedule. I introduced her and made sure we both were seated at a table with T. She was dressed in shorts and a summer top. She looked nice. When it came time to change, I showed her to the outside bathroom and when she came out, I was surprised!

She was barefooted, I think she is about 5’ 4” tall. She weighs about 105 pounds and is in really good shape from teaching Phys-Ed all day. But the swimsuit she chose to bring! A red bikini thong! Damn, she looked hot!

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