Kelly's Diary 192 - a Night to Unwind - Cover

Kelly's Diary 192 - a Night to Unwind

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Back at My Apartment

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Back at My Apartment - When you have a number of things happen in the space of a few weeks that affect you emotionally and physically, it helps to have a best friend who knows just how to take your mind off things and let you unwind.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Beth drove me home and it was nonstop chatter as we recalled everything from the party. When we got to my apartment, I leaned over and we kissed in the car for several minutes. God I loved her! Talk about the best girl I could have for a best friend!

“You know, I don’t need to get up in the morning for anything special,” she hinted, not too subtly. I was supposed to tutor a few kids the next day but the first appointment wasn’t until 11:00 so there was no rush on my part either.

“Do you ever get enough?” I teased her as she parked the car. Once she stopped the engine she turned to me and grinned saying, “Of you? ... never ... I could never get enough of you Kelly.”

Obviously she was still pretty worked up from the party to be this forward with me but I loved it. Sometimes I wondered why we didn’t get together this way more often but then I’m not sure our “BFF” status would have survived. I think it’s the fact we DON’T have sex all the time and that or relationship is built on a much broader foundation that has served to keep us together for so many years.

We held hands as we walked to my doorway. A few guys were standing by a car in the parking lot, staring blatantly at us as we walked by. It wasn’t so unusual for two girls to be holding hands but it must have been a little different when Beth pulled me closer and we exchanged a quick kiss right in front of them. They whistled appreciatively and Beth just waved at them as we resumed our trek to my apartment.

Once inside I closed the door and then we turned to each other and kissed long and hard, hugging each other close, her incredible breasts pressed tightly against mine.

“God, I had a great tonight ... did you?” she whispered to me when our lips finally parted. I just nodded, not trusting my voice and she grinned at me and backed away suddenly.

“Fuck, I need a shower BAD,” she said, “Damn, do I have cum in my hair or what?” as she ran her fingers through it.

Actually, I don’t know how she could have possibly NOT had cum in her hair after a party like this, I knew I certainly did in mine. There was no sense even trying to comb it out on the way home, I figured I’d be in the shower quickly enough once I was home. I just hadn’t expected Beth to join in with me!

We quickly stripped and stepped in the shower. It was a little small for two people but neither of us minded being pressing up against the other. Her body felt so smooth and slippery once the shower soaked us down. We teased each other, squeezing each other’s butts and rubbing our boobs against the other. I soaped her down and then she did the same for me, making sure all the cum that remained on us was washed away. The hair was the hardest part. We both had gobs of cum stuck in our hair and by now it had dried and caked. It took a lot of shampoo and scrubbing but finally it was all out and I felt clean again. We dried off, leaving our hair wet rather than fool around with it this late at night.

Suddenly I felt exhausted, as if the entire day and night’s events suddenly all converged on me at once. Wow, it had been quite a day at that. Beth was feeling the same so we went to my bedroom and lay next to each other under the covers, facing each other with our legs intertwined. We gently kissed for what seemed to be forever, just two old friends enjoying one another.

Now I finally understood why Beth had wanted to leave the party when she did. Yes, I loved Beth. She was indeed my “best friend forever” and I hoped she always would be!

As I fell asleep in her arms all I could think about was how lucky I was to have her as a best friend.

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