Kelly's Diary 192 - a Night to Unwind - Cover

Kelly's Diary 192 - a Night to Unwind

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 1: All Wound Up

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: All Wound Up - When you have a number of things happen in the space of a few weeks that affect you emotionally and physically, it helps to have a best friend who knows just how to take your mind off things and let you unwind.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

The past month or so may not have been the most hectic or worst of my life, but it was still quite a struggle in many ways. Traveling to California for the first time, applying for a job, dealing with a blackmailer, a surprise visit by my mom’s best friend, some issues with people on-line, and finally that monthly reminder that women don’t have EVERYTHING better than men (just most things), and I guess you could say I was feeling pretty wound up.

Thank God for best friends! Just when I needed her most, Beth was there for me - my absolute best friend and most trusted confidante. Whether it was because she was concerned about my general well-being, being a little nosey, or maybe just fed up listening to my persistent complaining and whining, for whatever reason she stopped by my apartment one day for a visit after I’d bent her ear earlier for an hour or so on the phone.

“Hey girlfriend, you know ... THIS has simply GOT to stop,” she announced with a frown, waving her hands in the air at me as she burst past me into my apartment after I’d answered the steady knocking on the door.

She moved quickly to the middle of the living room area and then twirled around to face me, both hands on her ample hips and bouncing on the balls of her feet like she was preparing for Round One of a boxing match.

“So I just HAVE to ask ... when the hell was the last time you got yourself laid anyway?” she demanded when I didn’t respond immediately to her initial outburst, “And I don’t mean by that jerk you’ll be working for or some weirdo you met God only knows where.”

Although I tried to protest, reminding her about being with my dad and Tammy, she clearly wasn’t looking for that kind of answer, if she was even listening.

“Sheesh Kelly, you know I’m not talking about whatever it is you do with your dad or one of his old girlfriends,” she huffed, “I mean like just a good old- fashioned screwing with one of the guys ... or girls for that matter. Well?”

She already knew the answer so all I did was roll my eyes melodramatically. Sure I’d been out a few times the past few weeks but other than what I’d already mentioned, all I’d done was a few blowjobs - and those without even getting undressed myself. Not that I don’t LOVE giving blowjobs, anyone who knows me at all knows THAT, but she was right - now and then a girl just needs to let her hair down and just get fucked.

“Crap, so how many time a day are you masturbating these days?” she continued her virtual interrogation.

“Oh ... maybe twice a day?” I replied, trying to sound flippant. She wasn’t buying it, which wasn’t all that surprising as Beth knew me better than anyone else alive.

“Yeah right, and I’m the Queen of England,” she responded sarcastically, “Give me a break Kelly, I know you a LOT better than that.”

“OK, maybe three or four,” I confessed. She seemed to almost buy it this time but in the back of her mind she was probably rolling her imaginary eyes at me.

“By yourself?”

“Well duh, isn’t that sort of what masturbation IS?” I countered, hoping I could divert the conversation, false hope that it was...

“Yeah right, and since when does that apply to you my slutty friend?” she laughed at me. Then she got this odd expression and she started looking around for something. Whatever it was she didn’t seem to be finding it and finally she turned to me and asked, “OK, so where are you hiding it?”

I looked at her quizzically, not as part of any act this time as I truly didn’t have a clue as to what she meant.

“You know what I mean ... your double-ended wonder toy silly!” she giggled.

Oh ... so THAT was what she was looking for. Suddenly I knew exactly what she had in mind - my double ended dildo. Over the years I’d had a number of them in different colors, shapes and sizes. While I’m not that big a fan of dildos and vibrators in general, the one she was referring to was my favorite and the only one I kept handy on a regular basis. A college roomie had introduced me to it back when I was a freshman and it had been my “toy of choice” ever since. Of course it was more fun when I got to share it with another girl but if you’re determined (and horny) enough, you can still find a number of ways to have fun with it all by yourself.

My eyes shifted over to the end table by the end of the couch where the TV changer was along with a small lamp. Beth followed my gaze and grinned when she spotted what she’d been looking for.

“Hmmmmmm, looks like it’s out and ready for use ... or has it already seen some action today?” she quizzed me with a big grin.

Actually, I hadn’t used it in a couple of weeks since my cousin had last visited me but there was no sense spoiling the moment so I gave her a mischievous smile instead, letting her assume whatever she wanted.

Beth went over and picked it up. This particular model I’d bought not long ago on-line (you wouldn’t catch me dead in one of those “adult” stores”). It was a translucent purple color model with smooth ridges around the “shaft” and large mushroom-like heads at each end. It was about 18 inches long, the longest I’d ever bought, and quite flexible. Between the extra length and flexibility it made it pretty easy to do sorts of interesting things with it, even when I was alone. Beth held it towards one end, letting it bounce up and down lewdly as she approached me.

“Hmmmmmm, I bet you got off good with it the last time, didn’t you?” she purred as she stuck it between my legs and used it to rub up against my crotch.

All I was wearing was a relatively short t-shirt which was just long enough to cover my butt when standing up, but it didn’t have a prayer of keeping me modest with Beth rubbing the dildo between my legs.

“You filthy slut! Like ... do you EVER wear panties?” she teased me, knowing full well what the answer to her question was before she asked it.

“Why bother?” I replied flippantly, “Do you want me to put some on? I’m not embarrassing you, am I?”

Beth almost choked she laughed so quickly. “ME? Embarrassed? Yeah, like that’ll be the day. Besides, since when have you worried about your underwear - or lack of it, around me anyway?”

As she spoke she rubbed my crotch a little more firmly with the dildo, letting the tip dig into me a little, causing me to squirm a bit as it pressed against my exposed clit.

“Ahhhhhh, somebody’s horny, I can tell,” Beth teased, “I think you need to get laid girl, big time!”

By then I really wasn’t paying a lot of attention to what Beth was SAYING. I had closed my eyes and found myself thinking more about what she was DOING. Her free hand had worked its way under the back of my t-shirt until she had a firm grasp of my bare ass, pushing my hips forward to meet up with the steady motion of the dildo she was rubbing against me with her other hand.

“Oh!” I gasped softly, unable to fully contain myself as I felt her hand squeeze my butt as she started to work the dildo more firmly between my bare legs. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, parting them more for her to make it easier for her to do ... well, whatever she wanted to do to me.

“Ahhhhhh, you want it in you, don’t you,” Beth said in a low sultry voice, not teasing anymore but more like she was seducing me - and doing a damn good job of it as well. “You want a nice hard dick up that sweet wet cunt, don’t you ... you’re just a fucking slut ... and I love that about you Kelly.”

Well, you didn’t have to be a slut to enjoy what she was doing to me. Heck, a nun would’ve loved what Beth was doing to me now. She had the dildo’s head starting to push its way into me, working it slowly just barely in and out of my horny pussy, using my natural wetness to lubricate it. When she suddenly shoved it deeper into me, I thought my legs would collapse!

“Oh fuck that feels so good!” I cried out ever so softly as Beth maneuvered me backwards towards the couch.

When I felt the fabric against the backs of my legs I put my hand back to catch my weight as I dropped down to the seat cushion. Beth was relentless, keeping the first couple of inches of the awesome dildo in me the entire way down. Leaning back, I laid my head against the top of the back cushion and sat there as Beth did most of the work - well, make that ALL of the work. As for me ... I was just enjoying myself!

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