Neighborhood Sex Club - Book 2
Copyright© 2025 by Wolf
Chapter 37: Tantric Sex
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 37: Tantric Sex - Due to the waning sex in their marriages and busy lives, three ‘hot’ neighbors create some sexual challenges, with some requiring people other than their spouses. As the games go on, others besides the three couples join in, forming a Neighborhood Sex Club. Many adventures occur, especially for Melissa, the wildest of the group. Book Two! The sexual challenges, initiated in the first book by Melissa (Mel) and her friends, continue on!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Sharing Incest Group Sex Polygamy/Polyamory Anal Sex Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex Voyeurism
I chickened out. I sold about a third of the holdings that I’d bought in Genelect. The capital gains were huge, and I checked with both Paul and his accounting team before making the move. Since I bought the stock about a year earlier at $40 per share, the stock had split ten-for-one when it reached $627 and then the shares had about doubled in price again. I was feeling this was all too good to be true, but I still had a lot of faith in the company. My research and visit, and even Anne’s observations, indicated this was a strong and growing company with a bright future.
I’d made an outlay of $12 million for the first purchase of the lot when I was working at Dane Cooper. I’d added in more shares at close to the $40 price. Accounting for the price rises and splits, in less than a year, the stock I’d bought was worth under $500 million. Lest, I upset the market for the stock, I spent a month bleeding off shares until I got the holdings I still had down to around $100 million.
Paul Prentiss fully approved and thought my timing was probably ideal. He was also glad that his portfolio still held a significant number of shares.
Nothing bad happened to the stock price other than its rapid growth. I guess I got cold feet and worried about something happening to all those capital gains. I plotted things out and did notice a leveling off of the rapid growth.
I continued to mellow on my tiff with Mel and Mary. Things more or less got back to what had been our normal. My parents became weekly weekend visitors at our house. Living an hour apart, we had gotten somewhat distant from each other. The draw of a new circle of friends, plus our family’s sexual and loving relationship with them, had brought them much closer again.
Over the course of a couple of visits, I learned that my parents had always had somewhat of an open marriage since they started dating thirty-three years earlier. They, too, had had a circle of friends they were intimate with.
My dad mentioned that when they were in their thirties, he’d learned about Tantric Sex. I’d never heard of the term, and said, “What’s that?”
He chuckled and said, “It is a way of making love that changes you and how you make love for the rest of time.?
“What’s it do for you that our normal way of making love doesn’t do?”
“Ah,” he mused. “Let me illuminate you, Grasshopper. First, you will achieve a deeper connection and bond with your partner. You will be more aware, more in the moment, and more satisfied. You will enjoy greater sexual pleasure with more related energy. You will be able to prolong your orgasm, even have more of them in a session because of your new focus. In some ways, you will redefine what a male orgasm is.
“You will come to focus on the experience rather than the climax, reduce anxiety, create greater release, and move you to a higher, more spiritual plane. In the longer run, your sexual health will improve.”
I listened and said, “That sounds too good to be true. That’s almost a dream for anybody that has sex.”
“It is, but you have to learn new skills and then put them into practice when you make love. You can always go backwards, to what you do now, but in time just naturally use the Tantric approach.
“Do you and mom do it?”
“We do. Until recently, we used to take Saturday or Sunday, and then make love all day long. We’d get so focused on each other that we’d forget about meals and wouldn’t even feel the need to go to the bathroom. Of course, we’d have more than a few orgasms, too.”
“I can see where she might have many orgasms, but you – at your age?”
“Just a few weeks ago, during one of our long sessions, I believe I came about ten times. I wasn’t counting, so that’s an estimate. Mary got in a nearly continuous zone of constant orgasm for a while.”
“But you didn’t do that with anybody else in the Sex Club, or did you?”
“I find it hard to apply the techniques when I’m not with someone that understands what we want to do. It’s best as a joint endeavor. I do apply my own spin on it when with someone not tuned in, and I can sometimes amaze myself. Besides, sometimes I want a nice raw fuck with somebody new, and that’s just fine, too. The Tantric stuff is a base and well worth knowing, but it’s not the only thing you can do after you learn.”
“How does one start? Or perhaps I should ask, how do we start? Mel and me, or everyone in our group?”
Bob grinned. “Do you know what ‘Mindfulness’ is?”
I scratched deep into my head for an answer. “Isn’t that the state of mind you achieve when you meditate in some way?”
“Very good, Grasshopper. The first step of many is the learn to meditate, to be Mindful.”
Dad reached over and picked up my cellphone off the nearby counter. He swiped and typed for a few seconds, and then put the phone down. “You have a bookmark to a website on the subject. In the margin of that site, you’ll see references to a dozen others. Practice, dear boy, practice.”
“That’s all?”
“Oh, no. That’s your first step. You master that, and then I’ll teach you a few others. I’m not being mean. Understanding Mindfulness and meditation is the gateway to most of the other techniques. Watch the videos. Practice daily, even multiple times a day, and then we’ll talk further.
“By the way, involve Mel.”
Bob and Dave talked to me about Tantric Sex and what the results might be like. I was enthralled, and wanted to try it. I guess that I’d have to learn to meditate. I tried that a few years earlier when I took up yoga, but got too busy to keep practicing. Dave and I both made a commitment to do this, and then learn some of the next steps.
I was motivated when Mary told me about a continuous and long-lasting orgasm that could be achieved and controlled once one had some mastery of the technique. She also mentioned Bob coming six, eight, or even ten times over a day of lovemaking. We were awed by those results.
Shortly after that discussion, Ron coordinated with Brad and me for a two-night trip to Panama Beach, Florida, to appear at the Lionsgate Adult Superstore, and then the next evening to be north of Tallahassee at the Golden Girl Lounge.
I looked up the two places on the Internet. The first was just what it sounded like; a sex shop that sold just about everything. The also had a huge presence with online sales, apparently.
The Golden Girl Lounge appeared to be a classic strip club. Ron suggested that I learn how to do a little striptease to go with the Lounge. He assured me that I was top-tier entertainment, especially with my great knockers – which I’d have to show off if I danced. Between some of the porn sites and instructional videos on YouTube, I found and practiced being a stripper.
The idea had some appeal and the whole thing was good exercise.
I talked to Dave and the girls about the unfolding plans when we were home that evening.
Trish laughed. “Slippery slope, Mel. You can have more fun and make even more money doing lap dances after you’ve been on stage, and if they have a VIP room, you can clean up and also probably get some good fucking in if you go that far.”
Dave snorted but was laughing and nodding. He agreed with Trish. He said, “I don’t know that specific club, but ten years ago, before we were married, I went to a few places like that up north. I was poor, but if a guy had any money, he could score some very hot pussy, and that’s what you are. Going there was like announcing you wanted to have sex and hoping for the best.”
“I shouldn’t do that,” I affirmed.
Dave said, “Hey, you turned down Warren for some big bucks. Maybe you’ll reconsider after some bloke offers you $100 for the same thing.” He was laughing.
He added, “Besides, we’re all going to see Warren and the other Prentiss family members in a couple of months at their Christmas party in early December. Anne is on the planning committee and explained that for me and you all, it’s mandatory attendance. It’s on the calendar.”
Wendy nodded, “I already heard. Mom sent me a copy of the invitations that are being printed as we speak.”
I grinned and said, “I feel a new dress coming on.”
Cindy rubbed her hands together. “Oh, boy, shopping trip.”
The Lionsgate Adult Superstore was about 4,000 square feet of retail space selling anything you could think of that related to sex. They probably had ten-thousand DVDs, multiple copies of a hundred different sex magazines from all over the world, each one aimed at some perversion or fetish. Even for me, some were downright gross.
There were dozens of dildoes for all occasions, other sex toys, sexy clothing, sex equipment like whips, canes, swings, a sybian, parlor games, and about anything else you could think of.
A whole area of the store near the cash register had been given over to Dixie Sparks – me! A special display rack contained about two hundred of my DVD features. Near where I’d be sitting, was a TV playing some of my short videos in an endless loop, some of which were free on the Internet.
There were handouts, and about two hundred eight-by-ten-inch glossy photographs of me in a revealing and compromising position with one of my co-actors. Actually, the pictures were R-rated, but the DVD was pure ‘X’. The glossies were what I’d be autographing and handing out when somebody bought one of my DVDs for $19.95.