The Boss's Daughter
Copyright© 2025 by cv andrews
Chapter 3: The Boss’s ... Wife?
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Boss’s ... Wife? - My boss, Nate, who I really like, invites me to his house to meet his cute wife, Sandy, and his 14-year-old daughter, Tara - who I find out has had a crush on me since she was 10.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual Heterosexual Fiction Sharing Incest Mother Daughter InLaws Anal Sex Analingus First Oral Sex
When I was 14 I was the neighborhood slut – at least for a junior high schooler. I’d jack-off boys and give blow jobs, and show boys – and some girls – my tits and let them touch ‘em. One of the boys at school lived alone with his dad and his dad didn’t get home from work ‘til 6:00. Their basement had an old couch and a couple of old chairs that didn’t match and we’d go down there lots of days after school. It was usually me and two or three boys, and it started when one of them offered me a dollar to show them my tits.
And yeah, even at 14 I had tits. So I took his dollar, but then I realized that the two other boys hadn’t given me anything so I turned so that only the boy who gave me the dollar could see them. So then the two other guys didn’t want to look like pussies so each one of them gave me a dollar so I opened my blouse so that both of them could see me, too. And since I already had my blouse up and I was thinking about this jacket I wanted to buy I said that for another dollar each they could touch ‘em. Then the next time we were in the basement I found out that they’d pay a buck to see my panties, and for another buck I’d told them they could look at what was under my panties, so I got more dollars that way.
One time I told them that for five dollars they could touch my pussy but they didn’t take me up on it. Funny – even today I wonder if it was because they were afraid or if it was because I set the price too high.
And then one of the boys turned the tables and offered to show me his cock but only if I touched it. And then I had to stroke it. And no – he didn’t have to pay me to do it. In fact, I was just happy he didn’t ask me for money to do it.
This became a pretty regular thing. We’d go down in his basement and I’d jack-off the boys and I got pretty good at making them cum but we always caught it in a Kleenex. Also, I’d do blow jobs, and I know they weren’t very good (I’d get a lot better in a few years!), but what teenage guy is going to complain when a girl lets him put his cock in her mouth. I never let any of ‘em cum in my mouth, though, but none of them ever complained!
One time I let a girlfriend’s dad pick me up after band practice and he took me to a cheap motel – they didn’t have cameras all over the place in those days – and I sucked him off. I let him cum in my mouth but I didn’t swallow his stuff – I spit it into a Kleenex. But I did hold it in my mouth long enough to get an idea of the taste, and I didn’t like it, but also, I decided I wanted to try it again.
After I sucked him off he asked if I’d let him lick my pussy. I wanted him to do it – a couple of girls at school told me that they’d done it – one of them with her dad – and that it felt incredible. But for some reason I told him I’d do it but only if I could sit on his face, So he said yes so I sat on his face and face-fucked him and he sucked me ‘til I came – two times. He even asked me to pee in his mouth but then that was too far out for me.
But I never let anyone fuck me. I was saving that for someone special.
Nathan was my little brother. I was almost two years older than he was, and all the time growing up I was his big sister and I looked out for him and he looked up to me. And I was always trying to get him into trouble, but if anybody gave him trouble I’d beat the snot out of them.
I also noticed when my little brother started growing up. All of a sudden between 13 and 14 his skinny little chest started to develop muscles, and it got even nicer after he went out for swimming and water polo. And of course I’d sneak looks at him in the shower and I’d try to listen and guess when he was jacking off and I’d see if maybe he’d left his door open.
And I started trying to catch his eye, leaving the door mostly open when I was in the shower, or going around in my underwear, especially when our parents weren’t home, until one day I couldn’t wait any longer. I knew our parents wouldn’t be home for two and a half hours and I knew that when he came home from swim practice Nate would always shower and dry off and then go back to his bedroom in his towel and lay on his bed and jack off.
So when he came home and went through his normal routine I waited until he was back in his room and well into his masturbation when I opened his unlocked door and walked in in my skimpiest panties and my oldest, most washed-out, torn t-shirt and went straight over to his bed and threw back the towel he was using to cover his “relaxation routine.”
So I said, “Nice lookin’ cock, Little Bro – but don’t you have anything better to do with it than jack yourself off?”
He reached out and tried to snatch the towel back from me and said, “Jeez, Sandy – what the hell! Do you want me to rape you?”
And when he said that – the fact that he even thought those words – I swear I almost came when he said that. So I said, “Maybe that’s exactly what I want you to do, hmmm?” and to seal the deal I grabbed the neck of my worn-out old t-shirt and yanked it down and the neckline tore and and I was standing there with one tit completely out and most of the other one and stood there next to his bed.
“See anything you like, Little Bro? Are you just going to lay there? Or are you really going to rape me?”
He reached out and grabbed me around my hips and pulled me down onto the bed and flipped me over on my back and grabbed the leg of my shabby panties and yanked and they ripped so they were hooked around one leg and I couldn’t open my legs fast enough. He got between them and pushed them back ‘til I was almost doubled up and he aimed his hard 14-year-old cock at my cunt that was splayed open and he lunged and went straight into me, all the way in...
Just like I had fantasized so many times when I was alone in my bed thinking of my brother’s cock and shoving my fingers – and other things – into my cunt
We both came almost immediately – I guess our orgasms had been building up in both of us for years, along with lots of “oh shits!” and “oh fucks!”
But the second time he came in me he gasped, “I love you, Sis,” and I said, “I love you, Nate,” and he said “I’ve wanted to do this to you for so long,” and I said, “I’ve wanted you to do it even longer.”
I managed to get out of his bed and back to my room just as our folks were opening the garage door. After that we fucked every chance we got. And one time when our parents went away for a weekend we locked the doors and fucked on every flat surface in the house, and we fucked each other in every hole possible. I even found one of those long crinkly cucumbers in the fridge and we figured out how I could put half of it inside me and then fuck Nate’s ass.
Yeah, I guess you could say we were really horny for each other.
Of course, there’s no way I could ever share any of this with Kyle and Tara...
~ ~ ~
So Sandy got down to telling us what it was she wanted to tell us – and to ask me and Tara.
“I was always loved my little brother and did everything I could to take care of him and look out for him, but then I started to grow and started getting these strange feelings, and then I began to notice that my ‘little brother’ wasn’t so little any more. He was growing taller, but also stronger, and I noticed how his chest was filling out and his arms were starting to show muscles, and it got even worse when he went out for swimming and water polo.
“So I’d sneak peeks at him whenever I could, like when he was in the shower, or if his bedroom door didn’t close all the way and I could see in. What I didn’t know was that he was starting to get feelings of his own and started noticing me, and then finally we started acting on our mutual attraction...
“And we were lucky, really lucky – until we weren’t. After we figured that I really was pregnant and I was about two months on we knew we had to bite the bullet and tell our parents.
“And like we figured, they went ballistic, calling us terrible people and sinners and deviants and how we were going to burn in hell. But they weren’t going to kick us out of the house, and in the end they stepped up, especially when they realized that this meant they were going to have a grandchild. And as soon as they saw the first sonogram of Tara they fell in love. Nate and I were still deviants and sinners, although we weren’t quite as terrible as we were when we first told them I was pregnant.
“And we were lucky. We got genetic testing right after we told our parents and I got every possible test during the pregnancy, and our baby came out perfect...,” Sandy smiled and leaned over and kissed Tara, “And she’s only gotten better.
“But that brings me to the point. As soon as I got pregnant and Nate and I decided that we were going to stay together, for keeps, we knew that we could never let this happen again. So Nate got a vasectomy.
“But now we look at Tara and how wonderful she is, and how wonderful it’s been being her parents and watching her grow up into ... into the person she is today. And we look at the two of you, starting out, maybe having your own family, and, well,...”
She stopped and took a long breath, like she was getting ready to get to what this talk was really about.
“Nate and I have talked, a lot, and we’ve decided that we’d like to give it one more try. We want to have another baby. We’ve seen doctors but something went wrong with Nate’s vasectomy so it can’t be reversed. But even if we could, there’s still the brother-sister thing...”
Sandy’s voice got lower, and there was a hoarseness in it when she said, “And that’s why we hoped, Nate and I, that Kyle could...,” she turned to her daughter, “That Tara would ... that Kyle could get me pregnant...”
Sandy seemed exhausted by having to tell us what she’d just told us.
Somehow, I felt as drained as Sandy. Of course the first thing I did was look to Tara.
“Kyle? Are you OK?”
“Tara? Did you have any idea that this ... that she ... they ... that this...?”
“I knew – a few weeks ago Mom and Dad told me that they were sister and brother, and they said they were going to be asking you – and me – for a huge favor, so I put the pieces together and figured that, yeah, that this is what it was about. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you, but you understand how I couldn’t tell you – I knew you’d understand.”
Yes, I understood.
I thought.
I looked at Sandy – and Nate.
“So you mean, like, you want me to be a sperm donor?”
It was Nate who answered.
“No, Sandy and I decided, and we want any baby we have to be made the real way – with love and sex.”
I think I blacked-out – or blanked-out – when Nate said that.
I got my head together enough to ask the logical question, even though I think I already knew what the answer would be.
“So, you mean, I’m supposed to ... to ... have sex, with Sandy – with your wife?”
I couldn’t even believe I was saying those words.
“That’s about the size of it, Kyle. And it shouldn’t be too hard. Sandy’s had a crush on you for a long time. And don’t go getting a swelled head – Big Papi is still her #1 squeeze. But that doesn’t stop her from noticing you,” he paused to chuckle, ‘and from hearing how happy you make her daughter.
“So, yeah, Kyle, we want you to fuck Sandy and make a baby for us.”
I looked at Sandy. Does he mean this, what he just said? That this is something you and Nate want?
I looked frantically,
She sat next to me and took my hand, but she didn’t say anything. She waited for me to put what I wanted to say together.
“Tara, you heard...? You heard your dad say ... what he said? Do you ... what...?”
She held my hand just a little bit tighter...
“Yes, Kyle, I heard what Dad said, and what they’re asking. I’d ask you what you think, except right now I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you think, so maybe it would help you if I told you what I think.
“And Kyle – I think it’s OK. I understand how they want a baby – why. And I understand why they want you to ... why they want you.
“And Kyle, I know what you want to ask, and yes – it’s OK – I want you to do it.”
She smiled.
“Also, it’d be nice to have a baby brother or sister.”
So there it is. No point in repeating it – it is what I thought it is. Plus, Tara thinks “it would be nice” if she has a baby brother or sister.
And Sandy is hot. I knew it when I saw her by the pool in her bikini. And I really knew it when I danced with her, that time back...
I looked at Tara again. “Are you sure?”
~ ~ ~
So Tara and I talked. And I asked her the three questions that had to be asked.
“Are you sure your mom is good with this?” “Are you sure that your dad is really OK with this?”
And finally, “Tara – how do you feel about this – about us?”
And just as I would have expected her to, Tara had already answered all three.
“First, about them. They really do want to have one more baby, and for all the right reasons. And think about it – the reasons, I mean. Their experience with me, and seeing me and how I’ve turned out, including with you, and they’re still young enough to enjoy another child.
“And the fact that Dad not only likes you but he really admires you, and I guess when he asked you, it was his way of saying that if he had a son, he’d want him to be like you.
“And Mom? Dad was telling the truth – she’s had kind of a Mom-crush on you since you and I started getting together, and from things she’s said, little comments that she’s kind of thrown out, I don’t think she’ll have any trouble performing her... part ... in this.”
Tara smiled, but she also snuggled into me, like she thought that idea was kind of cute. Or maybe kind of hot.
Okay, her explanation of where her parents are coming from makes sense – in a wild, unorthodox way.
“And what about you? How do you feel about ... lending ... or donating ... or... whatever me to your own mother? I mean, mother-in-law sex is kind of a hot thing for some guys but I don’t think it’s very high on the list for the girls.” I elected not to mention where sex with this mother-in-law ranked with this guy and I’m pretty sure there’s no need for me to spell it out for her.
“Seriously, T, you – us, we – are the most important thing in my life. Do we really want to risk this – risk screwing up what you and I have?”
She sat up and turned, and she held me, and she gave me one of those incredibly loving best-kiss-ever kisses.
“Kyle, I’ve thought about it a lot, since when Mom and Dad kind of raised the idea with me a week ago, and yes, I’m sure – making a baby with my mom will not risk what you and I have. So you don’t have to worry Kyle – everything will work out alright.
“Now, you and Mom go and make a baby brother or sister for me!”
~ ~ ~
We thought that it would be best to wait until the next Friday night. That way all of us – all four of us – could make whatever mental adjustments each of us needed to make – and possibly, to change minds.
No one did.
Also, I talked it over with Tara and explained that it might be easier if she and I didn’t have dinner with “the family” tonight. I felt that it would be too much of a leap for me – to go straight from “Please pass the mashed potatoes” to ... to having sex with the cook.
Instead, Tara and I chose to have dinner at a nearby, diner, kind of like a Denny’s but local, not a chain. It was early enough that the hostess was able to give us a booth that was a bit out of the way. I was just plain nervous and the idea of eating right then didn’t seem real attractive but Tara convinced me that I had to eat.
“If I know Mom you’re going to need all your strength!” she teased. She suggested a dinner salad might be just the right thing so I ordered the chicken farmhouse salad and Tara ordered the chicken caesar salad, and we talked.
But not a lot. Inconsequential stuff – what happened the past week, what we have planned for next week. The usual.
Back at their house Tara and I watched some TV, and all the time I’m wondering, “How “it,” this whole thing, is going to get started.”
And as usual, it turned out to be pretty straightforward. Nate came into the den where we were watching TV and said, “Hey, Kyle, Sandy suggested that you might want to go up to yours and Tara’s room and change into something more comfortable.”
Which means, “more practical” – practical for what you’re going to be doing in a little while.
The only response I could think of was, “Uh, yeah, uh, that seems like a good idea.”
Once her dad was out of the room we stood up and Tara kissed me – not one of those sensational, soft, best-kiss-in-the-world kisses, but a quick kiss that almost said, “Off you go,” but also “ ... and I love you.”
~ ~ ~
“It’s a bit weird, isn’t it?”
That’s what Sandy said as she closed the door to her bedroom – now our bedroom, I guess. At least for the next several hours.
And yeah, I guess it’s more than “a bit” weird.
She smiled. “Isn’t this like one big porn movie cliché – screwing the boss’s wife?”
Despite my nerves, she made me smile.
I said, “Almost as bad as the pizza delivery boy, huh?”
She smiled, and I got the sense that she was kind of nervous, too, and that she appreciated my joke.
Then she got a little serious.
“I guess Nate told you the... rules... for us – for you and me?”
Yes, when I first came over this afternoon to pick up Tara for dinner Nate suggested that we all sit down together, “just for a few minutes.”
“First, you can only fuck Sandy in the pussy. We – you’re doing this to make a baby, right? So nowhere but her pussy,” and then he added,’ – at least until she’s pregnant!” and he winked so all of us could see. “Second, no spending the night together. Sandy’s my girl, and the only arms she’s gonna sleep in are mine.” He looked at me and smiled. “You’ve got your own girl to hold.” And the thing was, the way he looked at me, it was like he was genuinely happy that my “own girl” – his daughter – had someone special to hold her at night.
And that’s Nate, and the kind of bond that he and Sandy have between them. Another man would be fucking Sandy and trying to get her pregnant but she’s still “his girl” and she only spends nights with her guy – with Nate.
And at that moment I thought, will I ever be as cool and loving and as rational as Nate is? Practical, at least for this totally far-out situation, but still in love with the freckled little girl he fell for when they were both teenagers. And also thinking of his daughter, and how she has – at least now – a man of her own, to hold her at night.
Sandy was already “ready” for tonight, hair brushed and shiny, and wearing a full-length dressing gown that I guess you’d call emerald green. And then I thought of that blouse, almost the exact same color, that she was wearing the night of Tara’s birthday dinner, when she and I danced ... I guess she likes that color. And I gotta admit – with her skin, and the few freckles, and her strawberry blonde hair – but real light, so it tends more toward the blond than it does the strawberry – she looks amazing in that gown.
“Why don’t you get ready, too, Kyle,” and the realizing that I might be just a little shy about ... about all of this, she added, “You can change in our bathroom if you’d like.”
“Yeah, that might be...,” and ran out of how to describe...
“Oh, yes,” she went over to the dresser and picked up a package that was wrapped in pale blue tissue paper. “This is for you, to put on now.”
I gently tore open the tissue paper. I was a beautiful robe, or maybe what you’d call a men’s dressing gown. And it looked like it was silk
“Tara thought that you should have something special to wear for ... for tonight. She searched and found it on the internet and bought it for you.”
I did my best not to tear up and Sandy did her best not to notice. I went into their bathroom and got out of my nice “lounging” track suit and put on the new robe. But even though I know that it’s all alright and I know what we’re supposed to be doing tonight, for some reason I decided that I should keep my underwear on under the beautiful new robe.
“You look very handsome in that robe, Kyle.” She put her hands on my shoulders and turned me one way, then the other, to “admire” me from different angles. Then she walked around behind me, running her hand across my buttocks as she did. “Yes, you look very nice indeed.”
She stood in front of me, close, almost touching, and she put her hands on my shoulders.
“You might not know it, Kyle, but I’ve thought about sex with you for quite a while.”
It’s one thing when Nate tells me that his wife has “had a crush on me” for a while. It’s a very different thing when Sandy says that she’s “thought about sex with me for quite a while.”
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