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Body Scanner

Copyright© 2025 by Timm

Chapter 7

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A young college student and entrepreneur meets two young ladies with their plans. The result is a partnership of a different sort. From computer nerd to Artis, he lives a fairytale that ends happily ever after. But getting there is not simple.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Pregnancy  

A week before our wedding, we started exploring the place. Zoe knew things that surprised me. She even got us an electric cart to get around. Well, it was spread out a bit. She took me first to the Lookout Point—or, as she said, Makeout Point. It was the highest point of the resort. You can see everything from here. Even the top of the haunted mansion, as she called it. Well, it’s where the woman who owned the place lived. I learned she owned the whole county. And that was one way to screw the state out of property taxes. Anyways, behind the mansion was the private preserve. Many wild animals were on it, but nothing more dangerous than a bobcat. And it would likely be at the mansion unless it was hunting. I ask, like a pet. She explained that it was not really. The owner just rescued and raised it. However, it is not confined and can go wherever it pleases. Sometimes, you can even catch it playing tag with the kids by the strip mall. Whatever you do, if you see it there, don’t give it ice cream. Why? I asked. Because it will provide it with the runs, and bobcats don’t clean up after themselves. That is actually in the rulebook, by the way. She continued to point things out from the small harbor and the boats there. As well as the highrise we were staying in. Then she drove to the haunted mansion and knocked on the front door. Well, she was leading me by the hand as she went. When the door was answered, it was by a younger woman. Yes, she was nude. Zoe explained she wanted to make sure she got the invitation for the wedding on Saturday when we heard the owner’s soft voice from around the corner. ‘Oh, did I forget the RSVP for that?” As she came into view with that bobcat next to her. “Well, come in, come in, it’s snack time anyways. I am sure there is plenty for all of us.”

As we were led to the dining area, I was surprised to see the statue set as the centerpiece on the table. It was the 1 of 10 that sold for so much.

“Wow, I didn’t expect to find that here.”

“Pardon, young man?”

“Oh, sorry, we never knew who bought it from the gallery, and I was surprised to find it here.”

“You know something about this statue?”

“Well, I am the one that made it.” I blushed.

“And that my sister Patty! She is the main model.”

“Oh, how delightful I get to meet the artist today.” She was clapping her hands in excitement. “You know, if you could make me younger, I would have to do a couple of them of me when I was younger. I would put one outside on that fountain and one down by the mall.”

“Oh, that’s easy to do,” Zoe said. I briefly wondered if we were being volunteered. Of course, that’s when the cat sat on my feet under the table, and I jumped till I realized it was just sitting there.

“What’s wrong, young man?” She asked.

“Oh, I was startled when the cat sat on my feet. For a moment, I thought the ghost was coming for me.”

She chuckled. “His name is Bobby, by the way. And I tell people the place is hunted. It’s easier than explaining what it is.”

Zoe asked. “What do you mean? Growing up around here, it was always a ghost.”

She grinned. “Well, a long time ago, I received a curse from a satanic high priest. He bound a succubus to the mansion, so it’s a demon, not a ghost.”

Zoe and I looked at each other.

“If I gave you a million, could you make me two lifesize statues of the younger me?”

The cat shifted and lay its head in my lap. I looked down into its eyes. It occurred to me that it would make a good prop for the statue. I didn’t even think as I reached out and started to scratch its head. “As long as we included Bobby in the statue, we could make it work.”

“Oh, how wonderful. I take it. Do you have an idea then?”

“The beginning of one. Zoe must work her magic on the computer to make you younger. Once we have that, we can send you an idea for your approval.” Then I looked down at Bobby. “Can you hop up on the table and let me get a few photos of you?”

To everyone’s amazement, the cat did just that.

“You going to try Jeeve’s new scanning software on your phone for this?” Zoe asked

And that’s just what I did. When I asked it to shift poses, it did so as if it understood me. I was genuinely amazed by it. So I asked, “Mind if we give you saborteeth.” And the cat rubbed its head against me in response.

Then I asked her to pose and took her 3D likeness as well.

As we said our goodbyes, the cat sat in the back of the golf cart.

Zoe said, “It must have heard that we were going to the mall next.” I just shrugged.

Sure enough, the cat was out of the cart and heading to play with some youngsters as we headed into the pizza oven for a slice. After that, we did get an ice cream cone. It was good that the cat was playing and not looking for a handout as we climbed back into the cart. As we drove away, someone yelled, “Hay, you forgot your pet.” So we had to stop and explain that it was the resort owner’s cat. Not ours. Thankfully, another couple said they would explain, and we left for the beach. After we arrived and looked around, she led me to a rock outcropping. On the other side was a sandy area, and another couple was going at it hot and heavy.

Zoe whispered, “When we were little, we would sneak over here to see what some adults were doing. We would sometimes hear the woman complaining about sand in her who-ha. So remember, bring a beach blanket if we ever return here.” I nodded.

Well, the day of our wedding finally arrived. As I made my way to the beach, I was shocked at the size of the crowd waiting. An arbor was set up in the same place as last week but was covered in assorted flowers this time. And to my shock, Mom and Dad sat close to the front on the groom’s side. Now I know she said she was coming, but I didn’t believe it for a minute. That and she was nude. As I took my place and looked out, I smiled to see the owner was at the back with Bobby. When the music started, I was surprised to see Amber walking down the aisle. Wendy, then Stacy, and Patty followed her. They all lined up like a regular bridal party, with Pat holding a bouquet. Then the music Here Comes the Bride began. She and her dad started down the aisle, and I lost breath. She had a long veil on and was carrying a bridal bouquet. Her breasts were visible above the flowers but hid everything between her hips. She was so beautiful I couldn’t believe how lucky I was that she was marrying me. After her dad said his part, I looked into Zoe’s eyes, and the rest was a blur. That was until I heard, “Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to the West family.” When I realized I had not been asked to kiss the bride. Later, it was explained that although Zoe and I were only legally married, kissing all the girls might not have been a good idea. Well, that came later, anyway. I did dance with all of them. Dad did the same with Zoe as I did with her stepmom. Then, her birth mother as well. I never danced with my mom, but I was grateful for that. Mom is petite and good-looking, and I will leave it at that. Eventually, the party was over, and we wished everyone good buy. When we returned to the HiRise room, all the girls went in. To say I was treated like a hue. I think he still had me beat. It was also significant as it was my first time inside Wendy and Amber. At least I came inside Zoe that night. After the girls had exhausted themselves, I was left in bed with Zoe, and the others returned to their rooms.

At some point, we returned home. Jeeves had already altered the image of Millie and even had the 3D rendering ready for approval. No, he did not give Bobby Sabor teeth. At least not for the lifesize statues she ordered. It was quickly printed on a printer, and Zoe painted away on it before sending it to her for approval. That came with blushing praise and half the money upfront. I desided on a gantry system outside along the length of the showroom. That kiln is big enough for all the bronze to melt at once. Well, the Crain would make it easy to handle. The first casting worked perfectly. It was the second time the bronze didn’t fill the mold. There is nothing to be done but try again. That cut up the failed statue to go back to the furnace. At least the second attempt worked. We used the same shipping company, and they sent a crew to place the statues. I heard that one of the men was outraged at where they had to deliver the two to. He did his job but refused to take his clothing off and work nude. Well, she wired the rest of the payment as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing the statues when we return to the resort.

Mom called and invited herself over. I was concerned, but she had behaved at the wedding, so I agreed. Of course, I did warn everyone. In the process, I was told it was time for Pat to get pregnant. In other words, I needed to make sure I came inside of her. Zoe’s telling me made it softer on me. She had been working with Jeeves on the Sabertooth Bobby. When I saw the image, I was impressed. I was also impressed that all the girls had undergone weight training in the gym. Well, we had all the equipment for it. At least they were more than an audience when I worked out. By this point, that extra muscle mass showed very nicely.

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