Body Scanner
Copyright© 2025 by Timm
Chapter 1
Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young college student and entrepreneur meets two young ladies with their plans. The result is a partnership of a different sort. From computer nerd to Artis, he lives a fairytale that ends happily ever after. But getting there is not simple.
Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mult Consensual Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction Group Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism Pregnancy
First, a bit about me: My name is Tim West, and I am a 19-year-old male college student working on my B.A. in computer science. However, I have been into computers for as long as I can remember. As such, I got my first 3D printer when I was 13, so there was lots of time to play with it. This also led to doing my 3D scanning of things to make models. Now, I use commercial programs for this. However, I have modified scripts to help and got very good at it. I could even take some car parts, scan them, make repairs if damaged, and print them out. Carbon Fiber printing was outstanding for things like that. And, as long as you were talking about body parts or non-heat exposed parts, it was great. I was even getting paid for parts for ancient cars, which were not available anymore. Right down to making brass lamps for headlights. In the end, it was also how I was paying for college. It’s amazing what rich people will pay to restore an old vehicle and design 3D parts that could be put on a milling machine for engines and other high-temp car parts. Believe me when I say it was profitable.
Now, I still live at home. My parents let me live in the apartment over the detached garage. It had initially been a mother-in-law’s apartment. However, Grandma moved to a semi-assisted living place 2 years before. That and my part-time job took up a good chunk of the two-car garage below.
As for my dating life, well, it was okay before college. Not so much since.
I was taking a class on programming robot equipment in the auto industry. The problem was that I seemed to know more than the instructor. She did not have a PhD or anywhere close to it, which was bound to happen somewhere in my education path. However, two blond girls in the class seemed to be together constantly. I was sitting next to them in lab class one day. I overheard them discussing whether they could someday program a completely automated fabric assembly system for the fashion industry. I found their plans to be intriguing, to say the least. The idea of taking a picture of a woman and showing that person an image of them in that outfit sounded simple. That is a bit naive, as getting to the correct size of an assembled end outfit would require much better measurements than just a photo. So I said something.
“Excuse me.” I interrupted them.
They both looked at me like they thought I would ask one of them out. The one said, “Before you ask one of us out, we are a couple already.”
I thought about that a moment before responding. “That’s nice, but it had nothing to do with what I wanted to point out to them.”
Well, this got me an odd look from them. “I just wanted to point out that you would need much more accurate measurements to do what they were describing.”
They looked at each other momentarily, and then one asked, “What do you mean?”
“Well, cameras were fine for showing someone what they would look like in an outfit. I knew some software that would do just what they discussed. There was software that would even make the person skinnier or fatter if they wanted. But to give automated machine instructions to make a custom outfit, they would need more accurate measurements of the person.”
One of them said, “I should.” I could hear it: “To mind my own business.” However, the other girl put her hand to her mouth to stop her.
She then asked, “What could I know about that?”
So, I had to explain that I ran a part-time job making parts for old cars and used laser scanners to measure the parts before printing them. I didn’t go into detail on how I had to print parts in parts and snap them together—just enough detail for them to understand that the machine they were talking about needed better measurements. I even had the scanner to do that. Well, I did. I had to build it myself to handle more significant body parts like car hoods. This resulted in a challenge to prove it. So I invited them to take a look at it. I think they didn’t believe me. Because they said, they would have to think about it.
That night, I did the next best thing and took pictures of my homemade scanner and the printers I used. I had several at this point. Then, I also took photos of some of my non-car part projects. This includes the figures of my parents from their wedding photos that I made in 3D. Well, all in all, I was proud of that one. So, next time I meet them, I will be prepared.
The next class we had, I grabbed them and showed them my work on my phone. They seemed impressed by what they could see. Of course, they locked in on the statue of my parents.
“Oh, I want one of us like this!” The one said.
This reminded me that I had no clue what their names were.
“By the way, my name is Tim.” And I motioned to one of them.
“Oh, Sorry. I thought you were trying to ask one of us out the other day. I am Wendy, and my partner here is Amber.”
“Nice to meet you two.” I offered.
Amber said, “I want to see this myself.”
“Sure, any time I am not in class.”
“We’re done with classes for the day.” Amber offered.
“Well, so am I,” I said.
“So, will now work?” Amber asked.
“Sure, why not? You two want to follow me to my place?”
Wendy stated, “Our parents didn’t let us have our cars this semester.”
Amber. “Well, we did get a few parking tickets last semester.”
“I see.” Well, I guess I can drop you off after we are done.”
They just nodded, thinking that it would be okay.
Now, the scanner is large. You can pull a car in and scan the entire body. It consisted of three 3D cameras running on a gantry around the vehicle and three laser measuring units. I didn’t need to use those unless I wanted to stay within exacting tolerances. I had a script written just for that. I had scanned a few relatives and a nabor lady in a bikini so that I could make statues or busts for them. After showing them the scanner and how it used both cameras and laser scanners to get accurate measurements, I explained why I had to build my equipment.
Wendy asked, “So, besides the metal tracks and motors, you 3D-printed the rest of the scanner?”
“Yep, it took two weeks to do so,” I said proudly.
“So you think you could build a scanner to do a human body? I mean, it wouldn’t need to be this big.”
I thought about it. Then, an idea came to me. So I said, “What problems do you foresee doing so?” I wanted them to think this over.
“Um.” Then Wendy blushed a little. “I guess what someone was wearing would affect the measurements.”
“Yes, and what else?” I prompted.
They were both trying to think hard about this but drawing a blank. So I said, “Sag.”
“Sag.” They looked at each other. “We don’t get it?”
“Brest,” I added. “Some older women and those well-endowed have them hanging, which could get in the way of accurate measurements.”
“Oh,” They said in unison. “How can we fix that?”
That got me. “I had never thought about making clothing before. So, it’s something that will need to be worked out. So use your collage brains on that.”
Amber then said, “Ok, can we see your statues?”
“Sure, but they are upstairs in my apartment.” So I led the way, and they followed.
“I knew it!” Wendy exclaimed, “He has nude statues.”
Okay, it’s my turn to blush. Then again, she was looking at the miniature statue of David at the time. “Ah, that was a difficult one to print.”
“Why?” Amber asked.
“Well, because when breaking away the support structure, I broke his dick off a couple of times.”
They both thought that was funny. “So why a male?” Amber ask.
“Oh, it’s a Christmas gift for Grandma. She likes the religious statues.”
“I didn’t know the statue of David was religious.”
“Well, if you think of King David, it could be. Besides, she likes to create scandals in the assisted living facility.”
“So, any females then?”
“My bedroom. As I said, Mom likes her religion, so I can’t have them out in the open.” They were in my room next, looking over some of my work.
“You painted most of these?”
“It covers imperfections as well as makes them look nicer.”
“Oh, I like this one,” Amber stated.
It was a double of two nude women embraced in a kiss.
Wendy asked, “Can you do one of us like this?”
“I don’t see why not. Well, I would need you to model for the scan. We could use my scanner to do that. We wouldn’t need the laser measures for it.”
Amber looked at Wendy and nodded yes.
“Now I asked?”
“How long will it take?” Wendy asked me.
“For the scans, it will be more a matter of getting the pose right. Printing it out will take a few hours. If you want it painted in a few days, I must wait until a color dries before I can do the next. Then again, if you wanted it printed in bronze or marble, only a few hours.”
“How about gold?” Amber spoke.
“I am out of that color, so it would be a few days to order it.”
“Bronze sounds good,” Wendy stated.
“Okay, setting the computer up without the laser will take a few minutes. If you’re serious, let’s return downstairs to do so.”
As we went down the stairs, I overheard, “You okay with him seeing us naked? I mean, you don’t like men that much.”
“It’s fine. It’s them hitting on me that I don’t like.”
I sat at the computer and set it up for a scan without using the lasers.
“Why disable the lasers?” Amber asked.
“To protect your eyes. You wouldn’t want to be blinded now, would you.”
“No. And thanks for thinking of that.” Wendy said.
“Okay, all set. You need to get in place,” I stated as I turned to them to be greeted by the sight of two nude women. As I gazed over their near-perfect body, I immediately saw the problem. That and my pants felt uncomfortable. “We have a small problem.”
“What?” They said in unison.
“Clothing lines from your tight-fitting outfits.”
“What difference does that make?” As they looked at each other. “Oh, never mind. You know how long it will take for them to go away?”
“I have no clue, but I can Google it.” I turned back to the computer and ran the search.
“Looks like up to an hour.” It says so as I point to the screen.
Low moans from both girls. “I guess it can’t be helped,” Amber stated.
So I said, “Well, let’s hope my mom doesn’t enter the door then.” They looked at each other in surprise. I added, “Oh, never mind. It’s date night for them. They were going to dinner and a movie tonight, so I am sure they are already gone.” And the two looked relieved at that. In the meantime, we discussed protecting people’s eyes from lasers and other things. They also mentioned visiting the Sunny Side nudest resort this next summer for the wedding. Why did they think I would be interested? I had no idea. However, it was too soon, and I think the lines were gone. The two of them were inside the scanning area. I suggested we do several scans in different poses, and they could pick the one they liked best to print. So that is what we did. Forty-five times, that is. The modeling for each photo set used to make the 3D image was automatic. However, it still took time. And selecting what one to print out a bit longer than that. I was hungry and offered to take them out for fast food. My treat even. Goodness, I only know I had a bit set aside for dating expenses. Not that this was a date. I learned in high school that girls were expensive, and I didn’t have much in the way of dates in college. Then again, I was too busy with classes and my part-time job. Besides, Asian food didn’t cost that much. When we returned to my place, all the models were ready to view on the computer screen. The problem was that they liked them all. To tell the truth, so did I. They were like Greek statues in feminine charm. Too bad I thought they were already a couple. I could have fallen for either one of them. They finally agreed, so I sent it to the fastest printer. We chatted about their dressmaking machine as they watched the progress.
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