Temporary Girlfriend - Cover

Temporary Girlfriend

Copyright© 2025 by Wolf

Chapter 5: Mile-High Club

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 5: Mile-High Club - A chance meeting between Josh and Megan leads a day later to pleading with her to become his ‘’temporary’ girlfriend and rescue him from becoming the butt of his family’s ire. Megan agrees. The family fully embraces her, and despite the ‘temporary’ label, they eventually wed and have their own sexual honeymoon with friends, involving her sister and others, living in a loving, polyamorous setting.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

The weather was crystal clear over Illinois. From our altitude I could kind of see the curvature of the earth. The jet blasted ahead at slightly under the speed of sound.

Josh said, “One of the things we haven’t really talked about is why we do the things we do, for instance, why am I running the Bannock Foundation? We talked about what I did – the whole portfolio thing – stocks, bonds and investments but not the other side of things – the why?”

“So why?” I asked with a wiseass smirk.

“As my ‘long time’ girlfriend you have to know this; somewhere deep in me is an ever-present voice that says I have to give to others. It’s not religious; it’s spiritual – perhaps it’s even guilt at having so much in such a needy world. It’s also a family mission, to try to uplift people in unique ways around the communities we live in and around the world – and make it stick.”

“Like cure world hunger?” I asked more seriously.

“I’d love to but that’s a sink hole for money. We’re trying to come at issues like that but more creatively – education programs, establishing schools, building a hospital, establishing a bank that gives micro-loans, and so forth.”

“How much do you donate or fund each year?”

“The foundation is over $250 billion. With our investments we’ve been able to preserve the principle – even grow it a little - and invest about eight percent of that a year - $20 billion.”

I sat stunned at the magnitude of the Bannock Foundation. I knew I was traveling in good company. I looked at Josh with new awe but he didn’t see my look. I thought of that old quote: a billion here, a billion there; pretty soon it adds up to real money.

Our discussion wandered around the mechanics of the foundation and how various causes were identified and funded. As we talked I saw how the family came together, often on conference calls to decide on programs and funding. There were solicited for grants, as well. He mentioned that several well to do friends of his parents had donated very large sums of money to the foundation after they appreciated its goals and management.

“Josh, you are amazing. You are so unpretentious and then you come along and sweep a girl off her feet with all this.” I also gestured to the airplane.

He shrugged and explained; “I spend at least a couple of days a week looking at where and how we can invest the Foundation’s money to get ‘bang for the buck,’ as they say. Most of the flights I make with this plane are in the U.S. but we also have programs going in the Middle East, Africa, India, and the backwaters of Malaysia. Sometimes I’m gone for a couple of weeks.”

“Do you travel all that way alone?” I asked.

“No, we have a couple of pilots we can call on that rotate duties on the long-haul trips. We can also add wing-tip fuel tanks to this plane that bring the range on the Citation up to about five thousand nautical miles. We need those for the trips to Europe and beyond.

I was glad Josh had other help on the long trips. When I’d been overseas during college the jet lag alone unfocused my mind so much I couldn’t imagine flying an airplane with that infirmity.

The radio came to life again and we were handed off to Minneapolis Center. I was following our route on a map that Josh had given me. It had been interesting until a layer of clouds obscured my view of the ground.

Suddenly a wave of horniness swept over me. I looked at Josh. He was all business and reviewing one of his checklists.

“Honey? Hey, do you like being called ‘Honey’?” I asked.

“Yes, dear,” he said with a smirk.

“Honey, are you on auto pilot?”

“Yes, dear,” he said with a mocking voice.

“Can we join the Mile-High Club?” I posed.

Josh’s head snapped around and he looked at me with his mouth hanging open. “I’ve never ... I don’t think ... well...”

I said, “In other words, it’s not out of the realm of possibility?”

He nodded dumbly and a lecherous look came over his face.

“Push your seat back,” I commanded.

Josh slid the pilot’s seat back about eighteen inches. He could still reach the controls but the space opened up a nice area where I could work some magic.

“Be right back,” I said. I set my seat back and went to small washroom and retrieved a couple of towels and got a large soft cushion I’d seen tossed on the sofa in the back of the plane. I also removed some clothing.

I went back in the cockpit and got back in my seat but sideways so I could lean across the console. I reached over and unzipped Josh’s slacks. I was overly inefficient about finding and removing his inflating penis through his pants. Josh unbuckled his belt and shifted the pants down his body to help my apparent bumbling. The bumbling had really been on purpose. I bet he really liked having me feel him in all those different ways and positions trying to get things ‘just right’.

At one point I sat upright and pulled the blouse from my body. The bra went next. I looked out the windows and asked rhetorically, “Do you suppose the neighbors can see?” Josh appreciated my humor. One of his hands came and fondled the nearest breast.

I reached back and slowly masturbated Josh. As I did he reached across with both hands and started to massage and tweak my breasts and nipples. Soon we both had each other panting for more significant sexual contact. Josh’s rod pointed towards the midday sun.

“Can I mount you?” I asked looking at all the controls.

“Yea, I think with the seat back this far. Just don’t bump the control wheel. Come around the console.”

I pulled my skirt down my legs and revealed to Josh that I was now totally nude in the co-pilot’s seat. I struck a sexy and very revealing pose. “This is so whenever you fly this plane again, you’ll always remember your favorite co-pilot.”

I moved out from the seat and wiggled by the console with the throttles and some other stuff, and onto Josh’s lap, facing him. He immediately sucked my right breast into his mouth. I moaned.

I masturbated Josh again, rubbing his swelling cock against my wet slit.

After only a few seconds of that kind of foreplay I judged him ready for penetration and I rose and directed him into my pussy. I pushed down slowly so we could both enjoy every fraction of an inch of his cock sliding into my body.

Josh uttered, “Oh shit, this is soooo nice.” I moaned even louder as his cock bottomed out against my cervix. He went on, “I think that I should take you on all my flights.” I liked that idea instantly. That remark had a long-term flavor to it.

I moved above his body since he was severely motion restricted. He massaged my breasts with his hands and guided my hips up and down on his rod. My breasts were great amusement for his mouth.

I pulled away and looked him in the eye. He looked back and we kissed passionately.

“Welcome to the Club,” I said. We both grinned at each other.

“I’m not going to last too long,” he warned.

“Neither am I. Just cum in me. I want your juice.”

Josh’s hands made my up and down frequency on his cock increase along with the stroke length. We were both getting near.

Then we were there. Josh yanked my body down on his cock with four powerful down strokes and then froze. I felt his cum shoot into me and I came with just that single sensation. I arched back, careful not to disturb the flight controls.

We kissed each other passionately all-around face, neck, ears, lobes, breasts, and shoulders, anything we could reach. Our tongues probed deep into each other’s mouths, tasting and sharing. The whole time we were groaning and moaning. One thing was certain; nobody was going to walk in one us.

Suddenly Josh sat upright. “Wait,” he said to me. He pulled the headset microphone back down in front of his mouth and said, “Roger, Minneapolis. Could you please repeat that frequency?” After a second he repeated, “Roger, over to Denver Center on one-three-three-point-seven-five. Thanks and good day.”

We both broke up laughing. Josh reached forward again to the microphone button and checked in with Denver Center. I noticed his voice had an unusual edge to it as well as a little pant.

I reached across to my seat and retrieved the hand towels I brought. I gave one to Josh to catch his soggy penis as I pulled off of him. I clutched the other towelettes to my full pussy as I rose.

In what was far from a graceful maneuver I somehow twisted and turned around Josh and dismounted without touching any of the plane’s equipment. I shuffled off towards the rear of the plane to clean up. I told Josh, don’t go anywhere; I’ll bring you a wet washcloth to help you clean up.

Five minutes later I returned to the cockpit only wearing my bikini underwear that I had packed with two sanitary mini-pads I’d found in the jet’s small bathroom. I leaned in and kissed Josh very tenderly, rubbed my breasts all around his right ear, and then passed him a makeshift washcloth and watched as he wiped himself clean of our juices.

“I could help,” I offered, purposely running my tongue over my lips in a very suggestive manner.

“Later,” he smiled at me. I was still horny and I think he was too. He hitched his pants up and re-dressed himself, awkward in a seated position. When he was through he hitched his seat back into its regular position.

I shook my breasts at Josh one more time in a blatantly exhibitionist move; turned and retrieved my bra, blouse and skirt; and went into the back of the plane again to redress from our love making. I also took the opportunity to touch up my makeup and hair that had become mussed in all the excitement.

A few minutes later I went back to the cockpit. I kissed Josh and said, “Thank you. That was very special in many ways.”

“You just wanted to be a bona fide member of the Mile-High Club,” he said in a matter-of-fact voice.

“Were you already a member?” I asked, interested in his response.

“No, but I sure am now,” he grinned.

“Thank you, lover.” I stroked his cheek and then kissed him.

I put the headset on just in time to hear Denver Center come on line: “Citation One Bravo Foxtrot descend and maintain flight level two-four-zero.” Josh replied and made one small adjustment to a dial on the panel; instantly I could feel the plane smoothly nose over and start to descend.

The cloud deck disappeared about ten minutes later and I could look ahead and even see the Rocky Mountains through the haze. They were spectacular, with many of the higher peaks still carrying snow. Josh pointed out Denver ahead of us. Gradually we came to the foothills and then were deep over the Rockies.

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