The Chauffeur - Book Two
Copyright© 2025 by Pablo Diablo
Chapter 5
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - David, once an ordinary man with too many bills, continues an incredible journey combining ongoing sexual adventures that almost defies imagination. Starting with a limousine company, him and his team begin acquiring other businesses while avoiding trouble with the death of one of their own. The sex rolls, the adventure is a romp, and you won't be able to put this near 150,000 word Book 2 down!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft mt/Fa Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Workplace Incest Group Sex Orgy Swinging Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex Sex Toys Voyeurism
As I woke up the next morning, I felt like a train had run over my ass. I glanced at my bed mates to find Darleen on one side and Jill on the other side.
I sat up and quietly slipped out of bed to go pee.
Once I was done, I put on a pair of shorts and left the master bedroom.
I peeked into Dakota’s room seeing Marcus in her bed. They were all snuggled up.
I peeked into Tina’s room to see John and Diane all snuggled up.
So far only one unaccounted for. Jennifer.
The living room couch was empty. I found her naked body on the TV room couch. I picked up a blanket from our TV room closet and put it over her. She opened one eye, reaching up to pull me down to her. I kiss her. She moans in my mouth. “Last night was wonderful Darling. I am so envious of Jill and Dakota. They get you all the time. I only get you occasionally.” She says in her sexiest voice.
“Darling, do you really mean that?” I ask.
“Well of course I mean that. Why do you ask?” She says to me.
“Because I may have a solution.”
“What are you saying? Jill isn’t divorcing you, is she?” Jennifer asks with a bit of worry in her voice.
“No, no ... nothing like that. She loves me more than anything. No, Jill and I are moving in two weeks, when we all return from the east coast trip.” I tell her.
“Where are you moving? I hope not far away.” She says with a bit of urgency in her voice.
“No Sindee, nothing like that. No, instead Jill and I have acquired a rather large house that you and John could move into if you want to. Or, if you want to see John mature even more let him stay where he is taking over the job of keeping a house up, doing his own laundry, cooking for himself, vacuuming, doing dishes, grocery shopping, stuff like that. I think it would be wonderful for his development. Hell, maybe even Diane could move in and keep him under control as sort of ‘married’ couple.” I explain to Jennifer.
“Fuck David, that’s a wonderful idea. However, I don’t want to be a burden on you or Jill or your girl Dakota. Tell me more about his house please.” Jennifer says.
“Um, what day is it?” I ask not sure what day it is.
“Oh, fuck.” I look at the clock. While it’s only 11am, I still need to get ready for the ‘closing’.
I kiss Jennifer and get up from the couch.
I hustle down the hall to the master bedroom, pulling out clean clothes to put on after my shower. I also grab my cell phone. I head into Dakota’s room, gently shaking her trying to wake her.
“Darling, can you call for a car for me? I must go to the closing at Mark Newberg’s. I have to be there by 1.” I say with a bit of urgency.
I use my phone to call Agent Fernandez to make sure he will be at the closing at Mark’s office. He assures me he will be there about 12:30 and position a couple of other agents in another office waiting for his signal. I ask if he coordinated with Lt. Horowitz, he assures me he has, and everything is ready.
I get into the bathroom and begin showering. I hurry through the shower as quickly as possible. I hear the bathroom door open, then my shower door open and see a beautiful naked Jennifer joining me in the shower.
“Jen, darling I don’t have time now to fuck you silly. I’ve got a closing in a short while. You’re welcome to join me if you would like.” I say to her rinsing my hair from all the shampoo.
“Darling I’ve not seen you this wired up. What’s going on?” She asks me.
“Nothing. I just want this to go smoothly. There’s a lot riding on it.” I say to her not wanting to tell her anything about the FBI or the Police.
We take a rather quick shower. I get out first and she is just moments behind me.
While we are drying off, I kiss her passionately promising to play with her later after the closing.
I leave the bathroom and head back into the master bedroom to get dressed. I put on long dress slacks, a Cuban style shirt, belt, socks and dress shoes. I grab about $500 out of the fire box and head back down the hallway.
I see Jennifer in the living room putting panties on. Zipping up her skirt and tucking in her shirt. She puts the heels on that she shed when she got here last night that were sitting just inside the front door.
I think to myself just how beautiful she is. I don’t want to put Jill or Dakota in harms way. Not that I want Jennifer to be in harm’s way, but with Jill and Dakota being pregnant I don’t want to risk it at all.
I see Fred pull up with a mid-size limo with all black windows. I grasp Jennifer’s hand and head out the door. Fred has the back door open and waiting for us.
I tell him we’re heading back downtown to Mark Newberg’s office again and we MUST be there before 1:00. He says he will get us there as fast as he can. I think to myself that I was stupid not having Dakota set this up for me in advance.
As we drive quickly through Friday traffic, I begin to tell Jennifer about the house.
“It’s 28,000 square feet. 20 bedrooms and 31 bathrooms. The asking price was 188 million, but we made an offer for less than 40 million and they took it. I required that the owners show up to the closing and not send their lawyer or legal representative. I want to speak to them personally about the property.” I tell Jen.
“Wait, you’re telling me you got a 188-million-dollar property for about 25 cents on the dollar? Who are these idiots?” She asks.
“A couple of desperate brothers. They need the money and I want their property.” I tell her not admitting to what is in store for them.
We arrive at the Kraft building about 12:40. We head inside. Jennifer says she is impressed by this building. I tell her just wait, it gets better ... much better. I stop at the security desk and ask if a couple of Russian guys have arrived for Mark Newberg’s office yet? He tells me no. I ask him not to say anything because I didn’t want anyone to know that I was running late. He smiles acknowledging he knew what I meant, even though he really had no clue.
Jennifer and I head to the 38th floor. She turns around in front of me and kisses me. I put my arms around her and kiss her back.
The bell dings for our floor. We break from the kiss.
We walk to Mark’s office. We go inside. I see Mark waiting for us. “Where’s Jill? Isn’t she coming?”
“No, she’s not feeling well. Are my guests already here?” I ask cryptically.
“Yes, your guests are all here, 22 of them to be exact. They brought a woman to take our receptionist place. They are scattered around to look like a normal office. Horowitz and Fernandez are in the conference room. I called the brothers and checked with them to make sure that they will be here at 1pm or the deal will be off. I stressed that they had to be here to properly sign the documents due to the high amount of money changing hands. They said they would be here with their attorney. The brother’s names are Isaac and Vladimir Petrovosky. They said they have a 4pm flight out of LAX. I told your guest this already.”
I hear the elevator ding and two rather large guys get off the elevator. Both guys have similarities. They stride into the office requesting to see Mark Newberg.
“I am Mark. Are you the Petrovosky brothers here for the closing on your property?” He asks them.
“Yes” one of them says with a hard-Russian accent.
“Well, gentlemen, this is David Greene, the man buying your property.” Mark says.
I reach out to them and shake each of their hands.
“Who is the bimbo?” One of them asks.
“This is my wife, Jill” Thinking that they probably checked on me and already know my wife’s name is Jill.
Mark ushers us into a conference room where Horowitz and Fernandez are already waiting. The brothers ask who are these guys.
I explain that this is Horowitz and the other one is Jay Fernandez my legal representatives. They look at the two of them and decide to sit down.
Mark offers coffee, water, or something to drink.
“You got any Vodka? Russian Vodka, none of that crappy American stuff.” One of them says in their deep Russian accent.
Jennifer grasps my elbow. She senses something is up. She keeps a straight face.
Mark leaves the room to ‘go get’ the paperwork and the notary.
He returns with an attractive young lady, maybe mid-30’s and introduces her as the notary. He calls her Donna Smith. I think to myself, nice generic name.
Mark has quite a stack of papers. He begins by handing each of us new pens to sign with. He hands the brothers several paper-clipped papers that have the red tags that say, ‘sign here’. He marked the Russian spots with red tabs and my part in green tabs. Of course, the notary’s spots were highlighted in yellow tabs.
It takes about 45 minutes for all of us to get through the signing of the papers. When it came time for the exchange of money, I pulled an envelope out of my shirt pocket. I told them inside was a cashier’s check for them. They both smiled.
They greedily grabbed the envelope. I see Horowitz and Fernandez subtly reach for their pistols.
The brothers rip open the envelope and pull out the check.
It says: Pay to the order the sum of ONE DOLLAR.
They look confused. They begin yelling about what kind of joke is this?
Suddenly the conference room door busts open and several FBI officers rush in with their pistols already drawn. I grab Jennifer pushing her against the wall and stand in front of her acting as a shield to protect her.
The brothers stupidly take a swing at a couple of the officers who bounce their head off the conference room table. Special Agent Fernandez introduces himself to the Petrovosky brothers as the agent in charge of the FBI. Our other special guest, Lt. Horowitz introduces himself as well. Lots of guns drawn, none by the Petrovosky brothers though. They did have weapons, but never got the opportunity to unholster them.
Once they were in cuffs, I asked Agent Fernandez if I could say something to them. He tells me to say whatever I want as they won’t be leaving Federal prison for about 30 years only to go to California prison for another 30 years.
“Hey you dumb fucks. You tried to pull some shady shit in my company. I already own your stupid property. You gave it to me when you sold Happee, Happy Limo. I own all your property and underground businesses. The recording studio, the pharmacy group, the race tracks, the limo company, the porn studio and now even your prize home. I got it all because you were to busy trying to so some shady shit. Think about that when you are sitting on your husband’s fat dick or some thick brother is knocking out your teeth to get a better blowjob. Enjoy prison bitches.”
I turn away from them as the FBI and Lt. Horowitz walk them out to a waiting 15 or 20 agents.
Agent Fernandez walks back in and hands me an envelope saying, “I really didn’t think you could pull this off. However, I’m so happy you did. Taking them down will close a lot of open cases. This is the reward for bringing them to justice. If they are convicted and you agree to testify there’s another check waiting for you.” He tells me smiling the whole time.
“Out of curiosity, what tipped you off to them?” He asks.
“Sasha. She was a sadist, but she wasn’t smart enough to be the brains behind all of this. I just looked around. When Mark showed me the property that they had for sale that was owned by Tulip Production, which I already owned, I figured that they were the ones behind the whole scheme.”
I open the envelope. I pull out the check. Pay to the order of David Greene One Million Dollars. On an FBI embossed check.
Jennifer gasped. Whispering in my ear, “Holy Fuck.”
I shook Agent Fernandez’s hand and thanked him. I told him to just get in touch with me if he needs me for anything further.
He leaves the conference room. I turn to Mark Newberg asking for the keys to my new home. He hands me a large key ring with about 40 or 50 keys on it. I turn to Jennifer asking her if she wants to go see the new home. She says yes.
I am too wired up. I need to settle down and going to see the new home will be just the thing. Jennifer pushes me against the conference room wall kissing me passionately whispering in my ear, “Darling, are you sure you want me to come live with you, Jill, and Dakota?”
“Absolutely! C’mon let’s go see if there’s enough room for you to find a place in our new little shack.” I say smiling from ear to ear.
We ride down the elevator together. Fred is waiting out front. The security guy asks me if my company is hiring as he has been given his notice that they are being bought out. I write down Roger Johnson’s phone number telling the security guy to call Roger today and tell him that David Greene sent you. He thanks me. Jen and I head out to the limo.
Fred closes the door. He asks where are we headed. I hand him a paper with the address on it. He says he remembers this place when we were seeing property with that Brooks fella. I agree, thinking to myself, this guy is sharp and has a great memory. Maybe we need to find out if there’s a better place for him in our organization.
The drive to the new property takes about 45 minutes. We pull into the new home in Beverly Hills.
I open the door before Fred has an opportunity to get to it. Jennifer steps out and gasps.
“How big is this fucking thing?” She asks. I note that the apple of John using the fuck word didn’t fall far from the source.
I smile telling her that it’s 20 bedrooms and 31 bathrooms sitting on 30 acres. It has two guest houses, each one two bedrooms just in case we can’t find you a room of your own in the main house. Two pools, three kitchens, a garage that houses 20 vehicles and a courtyard that holds an additional 30 vehicles. A fully stocked wine cellar, tennis court, a game room, a video room, an exercise room, several bonus rooms, three master suites, 285-degree view from inside the home plus other amenities. “Would you like to go inside?”
“Does Sindee love sex with her Master?”
I just love the way she talks. I kiss her, and we head inside. I ask Fred to join us, he accepts.
When I get to the front door, I must take a few minutes and several tries to figure out the front door key. Once the door opens, Jennifer gasps once again.
“Fuck, David. I’ve never even seen a home this luxurious. This is like my idea of what a home in Heaven looks like.” She says as she is swirling around in a circle trying to see everything.
I tell her to just feel free to explore until her hearts content. I direct Fred to look around as well.
I go a different direction looking at things making mental notes.
I text Mark Newberg and ask if he can pull the blue prints on the mansion. I don’t want to miss anything because I haven’t discovered it. He texts me back that he will have them by Monday. I thank him.
I was thinking about the million-dollar check from the FBI. My instinct is to hold a party for the agents that worked on this case. I would cater it with high end cooking, wine, but no debauchery while they were here.
I pull out the envelope from my pocket looking at the check once again. Yes, I am proud of myself for pulling this off.
I text Jill letting her know that we own the house in Beverly Hills now and we probably should spend the weekend over at the new place making notes, picking bedrooms. I also told her that I invited Jennifer to come stay with us letting John take over the home where he is currently living. Allowing him to learn how to take care of himself and what it takes to run a home. She thought it was a wonderful idea all around. She also said that she really likes Jennifer and would be happy for her to join us and the new commune.