The Chauffeur - Book Two
Copyright© 2025 by Pablo Diablo
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - David, once an ordinary man with too many bills, continues an incredible journey combining ongoing sexual adventures that almost defies imagination. Starting with a limousine company, him and his team begin acquiring other businesses while avoiding trouble with the death of one of their own. The sex rolls, the adventure is a romp, and you won't be able to put this near 150,000 word Book 2 down!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft mt/Fa Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Workplace Incest Group Sex Orgy Swinging Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex Sex Toys Voyeurism
The drive to the OB/GYN was uneventful. When we arrived, Dr. Ronda had already alerted her receptionist to move us to the top of the list. I went in with each of the ladies one by one. Jill was first. Dr. Ronda prescribed an ultrasound to check on the baby. She had moved into her second trimester. The doctor also gave her a preprinted diet plan and now expected her to begin taking prenatal vitamins. She and Jill hugged before she left the exam room, sending Dakota in next.
This young woman is the one that I am worried about the most. I somehow knew that Jill was ok. She would have said something if she felt there was a problem.
Dakota, on the other hand, may or may not say something. I thought to myself what she had in front of her might just be one of the biggest challenges of her young life. Certainly not the same challenges that Tina has gone through, but a woman being pregnant is a big challenge.
Dr. Ronda did the usual things that most doctors perform when one is in the exam room. Her words to Dakota were much the same as with Jill; start taking pre-natal vitamins, watch your diet closer, drink plenty of water, stay away from smoking and limit your liquor intake. Before Dakota left the exam room, she kissed Dr. Ronda very erotically. The doctor responded by wrapping her arms around Dakota, whispering something that I could not hear, which made Dakota smile.
When Tina entered the exam room, I stood up to give her a hug, trying to give her assurance that everything would be ok. Dr. Ronda began her exam. The doc has no poker face. I knew right away something was amiss. Tina’s answers to the doc’s questions seemed a bit puzzling. It wasn’t but a few minutes of examination that Dr. Ronda began talking about something called an ‘ectopic pregnancy’. She ordered several tests to confirm, however, because of her years of experience, she was positive. She cited the previous attack as the probable cause of the pregnancy.
I put my arms around Tina, pulling her in close. I whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry. We are all here for you. We all love you. You are not alone in this.” I kissed her forehead. She looked up at me with sad, tear-filled eyes.
Dr. Ronda handed me several prescriptions and recommended taking Tina to either LabCorp or another blood testing facility, depending on which one of our medical insurance directed.
As we left the exam room, Dr. Ronda asked to speak to me alone for a couple of minutes. Tina kept walking towards the lobby.
“David, I’m concerned about Tina. This ectopic pregnancy may be an indication of something larger. The testing will find things out, blood tests, MRI, ultra-sound should all help diagnose the various issues I suspect she has. The attack may have had a deeper trauma than originally suspected.” Dr. Ronda said.
“Is there anything else I need to know before I take her home?” I ask.
“No, but I’ll keep you informed as the testing goes on.”
I give her a hug and a quick kiss before leaving. I see her assistant smiling as I give her a small kiss. On the way out, I hear the assistant asking her about me. I get outside before she answers.
As I arrive at the car, I see Jill sitting in the back seat with her arms around Tina. I knew she would be a mess, but thankfully Dr. Ronda gave me the information about Tina, even though her actions probably violated several HIPPA rules.
Fred hops out of the car and holds the rear door open. I see that Dakota has moved from the back to the front seat next to Fred. I get in and put my arms around Tina, giving her a peck on the cheek. “Don’t worry about this. Everyone is here for you. We all love you.” I say quietly in her ear.
As I was hugging Tina, I noticed Dakota with a big smile. It was obvious that she was very happy that she was indeed pregnant, however until her exam, when she admitted to taking a home pregnancy test, I wasn’t aware she already knew.
My head began to go through several questions: Is Tina going to really be ok? How will Dakota being pregnant affect Tina? What about Jill? Will the stress of the new job affect her pregnancy? Do I tell the Jaxsons that Dakota is pregnant?
This was just a quick list in my head about the gals, but what about the new businesses?
I decided to call Mark Newberg.
“Hey Mark, it’s me David. Do you have an answer from Sacramento yet?”
“Actually, you were on my list to call you in a bit. Yes, I do have an answer. Sacramento removed the listing from the MLS. They have ruled in your favor, saying that clearly Jaxson’s Inc. owns all property and that the company assumes all leases to any rental property.” Mark explains.
“Well, I have further news then for you. In addition to Tulip Productions, it turns out that we also have acquired several horse tracks, an industrial trucking company, a recording studio, and a pharmacy business. Hopefully, I can send you some work. If I can get you anything, be sure to send a note to that Brooks guy thanking him for being so shady.” I said, laughing.
“Hey David, can I ask you for a favor?”
“Of course.” I reply.
“I have twin nieces that need work. They’ve both graduated college, tops in their classes. One from USC and the other from UCLA. They are sweet, smart, hard working and very competitive. Kay, the one from USC, graduated with a master’s degree in accounting. Kim, the one from UCLA, graduated with a master’s degree in statistics with a minor in Business Management. Both graduated in the top 1% of their respective classes.
“Um, Mark, why do they need jobs, then?”
“Because they keep getting job offers for work in the $35,000 a year salary range. They believe that they didn’t work that hard in college to get a job that pays less than being a McDonald’s manager.” He explains.
“I certainly understand. Let me text you my assistant Dakota’s contact information. Pass it along to Kim and Kay. They need to call her and set up an interview time. Dakota controls my schedule and will put them down to meet me and have a discussion. One question, should I interview them separately or together?” I ask.
“Hmm ... My instinct as their uncle is to say separate, but since they are so competitive, maybe they will both show their skills if they are interviewed together.” Mark answers.
I told him to let the ladies know that Dakota would be waiting for their call. He thanked me, and we ended the call. I texted him Dakota’s contact information.
I decided that since I hadn’t heard from either Diane or Amy, I thought I might give each of them a call.
“Diane, how are you? It’s David Greene.” I said when she answered the phone.
“It’s great Mr. Greene. Jennifer and I are making plans and setting things in motion to progress on your consolidation idea.” She answered.
“Well, that’s not why I called you. I hadn’t heard from you and decided to check in with you.”
“Well, John’s on my shit list right now, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Really? May I ask what happened?”
“Well, you already spoke to him about his ‘recruiting’. It seems that he idolizes you so much that he now sees himself as a younger you. He’s trying to recruit other women to join us. I wouldn’t mind playing with others, but he only wants to recruit women. With him, it’s only a threesome with two girls. I never get to have two guys to play with. It’s just not fair,” Diane says.
“You know, you’re welcome to play with us anytime you get lonely. But, there’s only me, so you would need to bring a guy that you could trust ... unless ... you’re willing to do your step-brother Marcus.” I said, throwing out something I was sure would say was too gross.
There was an inordinately long pause.
“Um, I don’t know what to say.” She replied.
“You know, I was just throwing out something. I’m not trying to get you to do something that would gross you out.”
“Um ... well...”
“Diane ... what are you not telling me?” I asked.
“Ok, I’m kind of embarrassed to tell you this, but you have been so open and honest with me ... so here goes ... Marcus and I used to fool around about my 18th birthday. We haven’t done that in quite a while. I still think of how nice he was and how gentle he was when we played.” She explained.
“Well then, go pick him up and bring him to our house. Come over tonight.” I tell her.
“Ok sir, if it won’t weird you out thinking about me doing my step-brother.”
“Weird me out? Diane, this is hot!” I say to her, tipping my hand at just how freaky I am.
“Um, should I tell him why or just bring him?”
“Just bring him. He seems to be a normal, horny guy.” I say.
“Great! We’ll see you tonight, then.” She says with excitement in her voice.
We ended the call.
Before I could dial up Amy, Mark Newberg called again.
“Hey David, I forgot to tell you something. I don’t think I told you that Michelle and I got divorced about a year ago, did I?”
“Um, no Mark. I had no idea you and Michelle were on the rocks. Should I ask what happened?”
“Well, it’s the same old song. Routine marriage leads to boredom, which leads to looking around, which leads to action,” Mark says.
“Oh Mark. What did you do? I thought you and Michelle had a good marriage.”
“Not me you, jackoff, her.” He says.
“Michelle? What the hell happened?” I’m stunned.
“Our life had become really routine. I was working a lot, and she was spending more and more time at work. Her boss was hitting on her and she finally gave in, thinking it would only be a onetime thing. But he videotaped the whole thing and used it to blackmail her to keep things going. Eventually, he used her as the pass-around girl at the office. She willingly became the office slut doing anyone he requested. Hell, she even did the janitor one night. She’s pregnant by someone, she’s not sure whom, though. She told me that she fucked 57 guys in 23 nights. A couple of times he filmed her with 3 or more guys at once. And, just to make sure that I divorced her, he sent me a blank DVD that said watch me on it.” He said in a tone that I had never heard from him before.
“So then, are you seeing someone right now?” I ask thinking he might just need to come over and play with Jill.
“No. Really, haven’t been in the mood for any sort of relationship. Our divorce, while civil, broke my heart. I guess you could say that my girlfriend has been my right hand lately.” He said in a defeated tone.
“Then come over to my house tonight.”
“I don’t know.” He says.
“Get your ass in your car and come over. Don’t make me come get you because you know I will. I’m not taking no for an answer. I’ll see you tonight.” I say as I end the call.
When we all got back to the house, I tipped Fred, and everyone knew that we were to expect guests. As we all went inside, Dakota shed her clothes, asking me to join her in a shower. I looked to Jill for approval. She nodded that it was OK and off I went with our lithe little pregnant beauty.
As we headed down the hallway, she stopped at the bathroom door to kiss me passionately. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her tightly into me. Her tongue passed my lips to begin the dance that lovers make with their mouths.
She whispered in my ear, “I love you so much. Daddy. We’re having a baby! I love that you have me carrying your baby. I’m yours, now and forever. I will do whatever you want me to do, with you or anyone else. I only want to please you. You have fulfilled my deepest wishes. Please make passionate love to me,” Dakota said with her heart in her eyes.
“Then we can take a shower after we’re done.” I say as I lead her into her own room.
We close the door behind us. Dakota begins taking my clothes off. She’s untucking my shirt, unbuckling my belt, and unzipping my pants. Within moments, I’m standing before her as naked as her.
I scoop her up, honeymoon style. I place her on the bed. I lay down next to her and begin kissing her softly. I gently bite her bottom lip, causing a small sigh to escape her lips.
“Make love to me, Daddy.” She whispers.
“I will, my darling.”
I begin to kiss her neck, long slow kisses. Licking and sucking on her neck. I work my way down her neck to her shoulders, gently biting on her skin around her collarbone.
As I’m doing this, I hear the bedroom door open.
“I should have guessed she would have drugged you in here. I figured it out when there was no shower running. Have fun, my dear. Remember we have guests coming soon, and I’ll start without you.” Jill said, chuckling as she closed the door.
Dakota turned my head back to her. We kissed. I roll on top of her. My cock is at the entrance to her womanhood. She pulls her knees up towards her head. Her legs are spread wide. Her pussy is wet with anticipation. Clearly her want for sex has gone up, not down. Dr. Ronda told me that the arousal of pregnant women can go to either extreme. Makes them not be interested in sex or makes them ten times hornier. Clearly, it was the latter, as if she needed to be ‘hornier’.
I thrust myself forward. The head of my cock parts her labia. I slowly push my manhood into her. I hear her gasp as my rock-hard cock reaches its full depth inside of her. I begin my slow, gentle thrusting in and out of her sex. I hear her moaning into my ear as her ankles are now over my shoulders. I push myself deeper into her. I feel her womanhood clamping down on my cock. It is milking me, looking for more of my seed. I increase my thrusting. I put my hands on her shoulders, pushing in and out of her with some force.
“OH, GAWD DADDY, I’M YOURS, I SO LOVE YOU!” she exclaims as I feel her body shudder with an orgasmic crescendo.
I feel my own orgasmic release begin its ascent. “FUCK ME BABY. I’M SO PROUD OF YOU. I DO LOVE YOU.” I announce loudly as I peak.
After a few minutes, my body and breathing return to normal. I know she is already pregnant, but if she wasn’t the amount of man-seed that I just pumped into my lover would probably have created a baby.
I held her in my arms in a post-coital embrace. She snuggled up tightly to me, gently rubbing her delicate fingers along the hairs of my chest.
I think to myself just how lucky I am. Jill loves me. Tina still loves me. Dakota loves me. How could any guy ask for anything else? My mind drifts off to work once again.
With the new companies, we have a whole new set of issues. I know virtually nothing about the pharmacy industry. The industrial trucking company could probably be folded into our trucking and logistics company. I do love music, but running a recording studio might be a different egg all together. Then there are the race tracks. Jill and I need to get financials on them and have the lawyers look at the rules concerning licensing for each track in each state.
Dakota has fallen asleep on my chest. I do love her. Somehow, my feelings for her are different from those for my wife or for Tina. Maybe it has to do with her carrying my baby or maybe it has to do with her seeming to be able to anticipate my needs before I even ask.
I try to get out of the bed to shower without disturbing her. No such luck. She awakens with a dreamy look on her face and whispers, “Where are you going, darling?”
“To take a shower. I’ll wake you when I finished.” I say to her.
“Maybe I should join you.” She says with a devilish smile.
“Darling, you stay here. We have guests coming soon and I want to have some left. If you shower with me, I’ll have nothing left for our guests. OK my dear Dakota?”
She put on her pouty face, but I just winked at her and leave the room.
Before I even got to the bathroom, my phone buzzed. I went back into the bedroom to answer it. It was Roger.
“Hey Roger, what’s up?”
“Dakota texted me that your limo driver has two guys that might be good for our security team. Yet, she didn’t text me their contact information. How do I get hold of them?” Roger asked.
“Hold on, I’ll get Dakota for you.”
I handed Dakota my phone and told her that Roger needs the contact information on Fred’s two nephews. She popped out of bed and headed for her notebook. I headed into the shower.
As I got to the door, Jill opened it. I startled her. I put my arms around my beautiful wife and kissed her.
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