Trish’s Journey - Cover

Trish’s Journey

Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision

Chapter 29

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 29 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

I woke up before the alarm went off, looked at Kyle, and smiled. He was on his back, his cock standing up, tenting the sheet. I wrapped my hand around his shaft, stroking him until he stirred. When Kyle opened his eyes, I smiled.

“Good morning, baby.” I pulled the sheet back, leaned over, and took Kyle’s cock into my mouth.

Kyle moaned and placed his hand on my head. “I think it will be a great morning, sweetie.”

I kept Kyle’s cock in my mouth as I nodded. He ran his fingers through my hair while I took him deep. After a few minutes, I lifted my head, straddled his body, and guided his hard-on into my pussy. Placing my hands on his chest, I started riding Kyle as he reached up and covered my breasts with his hands.

“You’re right, Kyle. It’s going to be a great day. I love fucking you.”

Kyle moved his hands from my chest to my waist, held me, and began moving his hips, shoving his cock in and out of my pussy. I leaned over, kissing him while he fucked me.

After a few minutes, Kyle flipped me onto my back, pushed my legs back, and shoved his cock into my pussy. I gripped his arms as he continued moving, slapping our bodies together. When Kyle announced his climax, I squirmed from under him, flipped around, and took his cock into my mouth. He lowered his head between my legs, licking my pussy while I sucked him. I felt his dick swell, then his cum shot into my mouth. I swallowed as his semen shot from his cock, then sucked him when he stopped.

Using my tongue, I pushed his cock out of my mouth, then humped my crotch as Kyle sucked my clit and slid two fingers into me, causing my orgasm to roll through my body. When my body went limp, Kyle moved around so we could kiss.

“As much as I’d like to snuggle, I have to take a leak,” Kyle said.

“Okay, but hurry because I have to go,” I said.

Kyle and I used the head and took a shower together. While washing each other, we discussed the upcoming day and what we wanted to do. Helen and Larry were fishing with us this morning, so we had to get going.

After our shower, Kyle and I dressed and went to the galley. I made a pot of coffee while Kyle went to the flying bridge to start the engines.

“Good morning, Trish,” Lindy said when she entered the galley.

“Good morning. How are you today?”

“Great. Steve will be up in a few minutes. Where’s Kyle?”

We heard the engines start, causing Lindy to chuckle. “I guess he’s on the bridge.”

“Yeah. We just came up a few minutes ago.” I looked at Lindy and smiled. “I’m going to miss sleeping with Kyle. I love waking up next to him in the morning.”

“I’ll bet that’s not the only thing you’ll miss.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Kyle and I can have sex when we get home, but I don’t think our parents will let us sleep together, not all the time.”

Kyle came into the cabin with Larry and Helen. We greeted each other while Lindy got the cereal, milk, bowls, and spoons. Larry came up and helped her get breakfast ready, and the six of us sat at the table, eating our food.

“Helen and I can only fish until lunchtime. We’re heading home this afternoon and have to help our parents break camp,” Larry said.

“No problem. We’ll make sure you’re back on time,” Kyle said.

Helen looked at Larry and started giggling. “Our parents know about us. After you left last night, they told Larry and me they knew we were having sex. We discussed it and found out they didn’t mind but wanted us to be careful.”

“Are they worried someone will find out that you’re stepbrother and sister?” Lindy said.

Laughing, Larry shook his head. “No. They don’t want to be grandparents.”

“Mom said she would take me to the doctor and get me on the pill. We use condoms most of the time, but it’s better without them. Larry goes bareback when I’m safe,” Helen said.

“Are we ready to go fishing?” Kyle said.

“I am,” Steve said.

Steve, Kyle, and Larry got up, took their dishes to the sink, and began washing them. Lindy told the boys she’d take care of them and get going. After the boys left, Helen and I helped Lindy with the dishes. We chatted about how excited the guys were. When I felt the boat moving, I felt like checking to make sure Kyle was okay, but I didn’t. He had shown he was capable of running it by himself.

Lindy looked at Helen and smiled. “I’ll bet it shocked you and Larry when you found out your parents knew you were having sex.”

Helen chuckled and nodded. “It shocked me more than Larry. I started crying, and Larry rubbed my back, telling me it would be okay.”

“How did your parents discover you were having sex?” I asked.

“Mom said she got up one night and heard noises from my bedroom. She looked in the room and saw Larry on top of me. Mom told us she watched to make sure no one was forcing anyone and went back to bed.”

“Wow. When did it happen?” Lindy said.

Laughing, Helen said, “It was a few weeks ago. I asked her why she hadn’t said anything when she saw us. Mom said after she and Dad talked, they realized they couldn’t do anything to stop us if we wanted to have sex. Our parents were concerned that one of us was making the other do something they didn’t want. Larry and I assured them everything was consensual, and we loved each other.”

“It must feel good to get things out in the open,” Lindy said.

“You have no idea how good it feels. Larry and I made love last night, and for the first time, I didn’t feel guilty.” Helen grinned. “Our parents said we could share a room if we want to. Larry told them we couldn’t wait.”

We finished cleaning the galley and went to the cockpit. Steve and Larry watched the lines while Kyle drove. I went to the flying bridge, hugged Kyle, and kissed him.

“You can go fish, baby. I’ll take over,” I said.

“Thanks, sweetie.” Kyle rubbed my bottom. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Kyle went to the cockpit, and Lindy and Helen came to the bridge. They watched the boys while I drove, maintaining our course. Fifteen minutes later, I heard one of the guys shout, “Fish on.”

Checking around us, I didn’t see any other boats. I turned on the autopilot and went to watch Larry reeling in the fish. Helen went to the cockpit to watch her brother catch the scrappy salmon.

We fished until ten. Helen caught a fish, and Larry caught two more. After reeling in the lines, I drove to the marina. We took the salmon to the cleaning hut, filleted the fish, and packed the meat in plastic bags. When we finished, we stood outside talking about our fun fishing. Helen and Larry thanked us for taking them and the fish.

“Your parents have my phone number. Call me sometime, and maybe we can get together. We like perch fishing on Lake Saint Clair,” I said.

“We will. It’s been great meeting and getting to know you guys,” Helen said.

We shared handshakes and hugs before Larry and his sister left, heading across the road to the campground. Kyle took my hand, holding it as we walked to the boat. We stood in the cockpit, resting.

“Are we going to fish this afternoon?” Lindy asked.

“Why don’t we have lunch and hit the beach. We can swim and take it easy,” Steve said.

“That sounds good to me. Are we still planning to head home tomorrow morning?” Kyle said.

“Yes, we need to get home,” I said.

“The beach is cool with me. We can fish this evening if you guys want to,” Lindy said.

Lindy and I made lunch. We ate, cleaned the gally, and went below to change into our suits. Kyle and I undressed and came together in a hug. He rubbed my back and kissed my neck while I ran my hands over his butt.

“If we don’t stop, I won’t be able to,” I said.

Kyle nodded, and we released each other. We put on our suits and headed to the salon. Lindy and Steve joined us, and we grabbed towels. Lindy and I walked in front of the boys on the way to the beach. When they commented on our butts, we laughed and wiggled our asses. We spread out our towels and sat on the sand.

“This has been a great trip. I hate to see it end,” Lindy said.

“No kidding. We’ve had a blast seeing new things and fishing. I look forward to doing things together when we’re home,” Steve said.

“I think meeting new people and seeing new places was cool. We learned about salmon fishing from guys who we didn’t know. They didn’t have to help us, but they did,” Kyle said.

“It’s good to know there are people like the fishermen we’ve met. Everyone was nice except the guy in Oscoda. His dad was cool, but he was a jerk,” Steve said.

“You can’t expect everyone you meet to be nice, Steve. While we’ve met many nice people, there are assholes in the world. I’ve learned I don’t want to be one of them.” Lindy put her hand on Steve’s arm. “I’m sorry for how I used to be, baby. I promise to try harder.”

“Baby, I don’t think any of us are the same as we were before this trip. We’ve learned so many things that we may not have. Learning about fishing and boating was great, but I feel the most important thing was learning about myself,” Steve said.

“That’s an understatement. I’ve discovered how sharing can be gratifying. We didn’t have to take Dan and Megan fishing, but we made their trip when we did.” Kyle looked at me. “Trish, you never used the fact that it’s your father’s boat or that he was paying for almost everything to determine what we’d do. You asked us, and we decided as a group.”

“This is our trip, not mine. Why wouldn’t I ask if everyone agreed to what we did? We’ve had fun this past week, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Like everyone else, I’ve learned about myself. Things I once thought were obscure aren’t anymore.” I took a deep breath and thought about what I discovered about myself on the trip.

Lindy got up, grabbed Steve’s hand, and said, “I want to swim.”

Steve and Lindy walked into the water and swam away from shore.

Lying on the beach, I thought about some of the things my sister said. When she told me that she and Darrel couldn’t imagine not having sex with others, I was shocked. Now I understood. I was deeply in love with Kyle, but I also loved sex. Sex with my boyfriend was far and above anything I’d done with Steve or Lindy, but I had enjoyed the things we had done. That posed another question. What would I do in the future? My only fear was having my decisions or actions affect my relationship with Kyle.

Turning my head, I looked at Kyle lying beside me. He had an arm over his eyes, shielding his eyes from the sun. Reaching for him, I ran my hand over Kyle’s chest. He removed his arm, turned his head, and smiled at me.

“Are you okay? You got silent,” Kyle said.

I nodded. “Yeah. I’ve been thinking about our trip and everything we’ve done. It’s been great.”

Kyle sat up and took my hand. “Are you okay with everything? A lot has happened in the past few days.” He smiled. “Are you having regrets?”

I sat up and moved beside Kyle. “I don’t have any regrets, but I do have fears. Kyle, I love you and don’t want to do anything to make you upset with me. I know we’ve talked about this several times, but I need to make sure we agree on what we do. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. If I lost your love.”

“I already told you that having sex with others isn’t going to change how I feel about you, Trish. It may sound strange, but I feel what we did at the hotel strengthened our love rather than harm it. Like you, I was curious about having sex with someone else. We found out with Steve and Lindy.”

“So you don’t think it’s weird we feel like we do?”

“Not at all. I think we’re willing to explore and learn without fear of hurting each other. It would hurt if I found out you went out with another guy behind my back. Seeing you with Steve was hot. Trish, I don’t feel the least bit threatened by us having sex with others as long as we’re together. I wouldn’t do anything with anyone else unless you were there, and I hope you won’t either.”

Kyle chuckled, looked around, and put his hand between my legs. I giggled and clamped his hand between my thighs. When Kyle wiggled his fingers, I moaned. Moving his head close to mine, he kissed my ear.

“I would love to see Steve fuck you while you ate Lindy’s pussy.” Kyle slipped his fingers under my bikini and into my pussy.

I wiggled against Kyle’s probing fingers. “I’d like to eat Lindy after you fucked her and come in her pussy.”

Kyle and I laughed. When we saw Steve and Lindy headed for shore, Kyle removed his hand, and I faked a pout.

“Are we fishing this afternoon?” Lindy said.

“Sure. We can go out for a while,” I said.

Lindy put her arm around my waist as we headed from the beach to the boat. “Are we going to let the boys fish?”

I put my arm around Lindy and pulled her closer. “Maybe. It depends on how good they are.”

“We’ll be good, won’t we, Steve?” Kyle said from behind Lindy and me.

Steve laughed. “It depends on what they want us to be good at.”

“We’re talking about driving the boat. What were you boys thinking?” I said, fighting the urge to laugh.

“I want to be good at everything I enjoy doing and do everything I’m good at. I don’t care if it’s fishing, running the boat, cooking, or sex. I want to do my best,” Kyle said.

“I agree with Kyle. We’ve learned a lot on this trip, and there are other things I want to try. Trish’s uncle told me we could go to his cabin and try ice fishing this winter. I’ve never been fond of cold weather, but I want to try it,” Steve said.

“Will you take me with you?” Lindy said.

Steve moved beside Lindy, put his arm around her waist, and said. “Of course. I want to do everything with you, baby. I didn’t know you were getting into fishing like you are.”

Lindy laughed. “I’m learning to like fishing. I was thinking of you getting into me if front of the fireplace. Does the cabin have a fireplace?”

“Uncle Ron’s cabin has a huge fireplace. He calls it a cabin, but it’s more like a log home. It has four bedrooms, a loft, and two bathrooms. I haven’t been there in a long time, but I remember it was nice,” I said.

We arrived at the boat and went aboard. Kyle and Steve began getting the rods ready while Lindy and I went to the flying bridge to start the engines. Once the engines were running, I went to the rail to watch Kyle and Steve.

“We’re ready to go,” Steve said after he and Kyle untied the lines and disconnected the water and electric.

Lindy and I went to the console, and I pulled out of the slip. We motored into the lake and headed for one of our waypoints. When we reached the place where we’d start fishing, I slowed the boat and opened the trolling valves. After making sure there weren’t any boats in the way, I set the autopilot and went to watch Kyle and Steve set the lines.

“They’re getting good at this, aren’t they?” Lindy said.

“Yes. We all are. We’ve learned a lot on this trip, and it’s been a blast.”

Lindy chuckled and nodded. “It’s been fun for me too. I wasn’t happy when you said we could equip the boat for fishing because the guys wouldn’t pay attention to us. Once I got over myself and stopped being a selfish bitch, I started having fun.” Lindy ran her hand over my back. “You’ve taught me it’s better to share than to take.”

I nodded and thought about what Lindy said. Glancing to the cockpit, I watched Kyle and Steve standing beside each other and talking while they watched the lines. I returned to the helm and sat down, checking the gauges. Lindy came over and sat next to me.

“This trip has been life-changing, hasn’t it. I’m surprised by how much I’ve changed the way I think and feel. I never thought I could love Kyle as much as I do. Having you and Steve as my friends is wonderful, too. I look forward to the future and the things we will do.”

“It’s funny, but for the first time, I’m really looking forward to school. It’s our senior year, and I plan to have a blast,” Lindy said.

“I am, too. There are so many things I want to do this year. Having Kyle as a boyfriend is going to be great. The four of us hanging around is going to be the best.”

When we heard Steve yell fish on, I checked for other boats, set the autopilot, and went to watch. Kyle fought the salmon to the boat so Steve could net it. After they removed the hook from the fish’s mouth, Kyle released it.

“Why didn’t you keep it?” Lindy said.

“We have plenty of fish, so we’re not keeping any. Do you guys want to fish?” Kyle said.

I glanced at Lindy. She smiled and said, “I’m good. Let’s let the boys fish.”

“No. You guys fish this afternoon,” I said.

Lindy and I returned to the helm. I shut off the auto pilot and began driving the boat. About a half hour later, Kyle and Steve came to the flying bridge.

“We’re done fishing, sweetie. Steve and I put everything away,” Kyle said.

“What would you like to do now?” I said.

“We can head in and relax. Steve and I want to take you and Lindy out for dinner tonight.”

“Sounds good to me,” Lindy said.

I headed to the marina and backed into the slip. Steve and Kyle secured the boat and then connected the electrical and water. Lindy and I went down and watched them. When they finished, we took a walk. Kyle held my hand as we strolled through the marina. Steve said they caught and released three fish.

“Where are we going to eat tonight?” I asked.

“Anywhere you want to, sweetie. Steve and I want to take you and Lindy to a nice restaurant.”

“My dad took us to a great place when we were here once. Williams Inn is about five miles from the marina. We’d have to have the courtesy car take us,” I said.

“That’s fine. We should go to the marina office to check on it,” Kyle said.

We walked to the marina office to check on the availability of the courtesy car. The woman at the desk said it was available. I told her where we wanted to go, and she said there wasn’t a problem.

“What time do you want to go?” The woman asked.

“Is six good?” Steve asked.

We agreed on the time to leave. The woman gave us a telephone number, telling us to call when we wanted to be picked up from the restaurant.

“The courtesy car service ends at eight. You’ll have to call by seven-thirty if you want a ride back to the marina,” The woman told us.

We assured the woman we’d call before the service ended for the night and left.

“Let’s head to the boat so we can relax and get ready for tonight,” Lindy said.

When we got to the boat, we sat in the salon to relax. Kyle and Steve said they were going to finish putting the fishing equipment away and went to the cockpit.

“What are you wearing tonight?” Lindy said.

“I’m going to wear a skirt and top. I want to look nice tonight,” I replied.

At five, we went to the staterooms to get ready. Kyle and I showered together, spending time kissing as we ran our soapy hands over each other.

“I’m going to miss showering with you when we get home,” Kyle said as he massaged my breasts.

I chuckled and wrapped my fingers around his cock. “Why? We have showers at home.”

“What about our parents?”

Waggling his cock, I said, “What about them? I don’t want to shower with our parents. I want to shower with you. Our parents know we’ve been sleeping together and having sex. I don’t plan to stop when we’re home. I intend to sleep with you as often as we can. I don’t think our parents will tell us no or make us use a car.”

Kyle laughed and agreed. We finished in the shower, dried ourselves, and I went to the counter to do my hair. While using the blow dryer, he stood behind me, playing with my boobs and rubbing his hard cock against my butt. I asked him to stop while I applied my makeup.

I took a thong and bra from a drawer and put them on. Kyle kissed me and told me how sexy I looked in my undies.

“You look sexy, too,” I said as Kyle put on his tight boxer briefs.

I selected a pleated cotton skirt, a tank top, and a short-sleeve button-down shirt. Kyle wore slacks and a pullover shirt. We finished dressing and went to the salon to wait for Lindy and Steve. I sat on a settee with Kyle next to me. When he put his hand on my leg and moved to my crotch, I wiggled. Since we first had sex, he became more aggressive, and I liked it.

Steve and Lindy came up from below. She shook her head when she saw where Kyle’s hand was. He stroked the gusset of my panties, removed his hand, and stood.

“Are we ready to go, or are you and Kyle going to stay here?” Lindy said.

“I’m ready,” I said as I got up.

We walked to the marina office and asked for the curtesy car. The man behind the counter called, and we went outside to wait. There was a breeze flirting with Lindy’s and my skirt, but neither of us did anything to hold them down.

When the van pulled up, Steve opened the door for us. Lindy and I got in and sat on the seats while waiting for Kyle and Steve. I told the driver where we were going, and he took off. It only took a few minutes to arrive at the restaurant.

“I’ll call you when we’re ready to leave,” I told the driver. After I gave him a tip, he left.

We went into the building, and the hostess seated us. She gave us menus and said our server would be over. When the server arrived, we gave her our drink orders.

“I’m going to have a steak tonight,” Kyle said.

“I’m not sure what I want yet. Everything sounds good,” Lindy said.

While we were making our decisions, I saw two couples come in. I did a double take, realizing it was Frank and Scott, the two men who introduced us to salmon fishing. I stood and waved.

“Hi, Frank, hi, Scott,” I said.

Scott looked at me, smiled, and led the group to our table.

“Hi, guys. How are you doing?” Scott said.

“We’re doing great,” Kyle said.

“This is my wife, Kathy, and Scott’s wife, Carol. These are the kids we told you about,” Frank said. He went on, introducing us to the women.

“So, how was your trip?” Scott asked.

“You wouldn’t believe it. Why don’t you join us and we’ll tell you about it,” Lindy said.

“Are you sure? We don’t want to interfere with your dinner,” Carol said.

“Please join us. If it wasn’t for Scott and Frank, our trip would have been much different,” Steve said.

Scott, Frank, and their wives pulled tables over to ours and sat down.

“Scott told us about taking you guys fishing. I’m glad it made your trip better. I couldn’t believe it when Frank pointed out your boat in the marina. They told Kathy and me what you said about heading to Macinaw Island.” Carol chuckled. “My parents would have never allowed me to take a trip with my boyfriend when I was your age.”

“We’re planning to spend next summer on the boat. Kyle and Steve want to fish Lake Michigan,” Lindy said.

The server came to the tables and asked for our orders. We told her what we wanted and resumed talking. When we said my dad equipped the boat for salmon fishing, Frank and Scott shook their heads.

Kyle and Steve told them how much they learned, and about the people we met on our trip. When Lindy mentioned our success, they were amazed. We continued sharing the things we learned on our adventure.

“You should give us your number. Maybe we could meet on Lake Michigan next summer and go fishing,” I said.

Scott nodded. “That would be great if we could work it out.”

Frank agreed. When their wives asked if they could go, Scott and Frank said they could.

I checked the time and realized we had to call for the courtesy car. When I mentioned it, Scott said they would take us back to the marina. I called the driver and told him we wouldn’t need a ride.

We finished eating, and I insisted on paying the bill. I still had most of the money my father gave us for the trip and wanted to treat our friends. When we left the restaurant, Frank led us to a motorhome parked in the lot.

“Is this yours?” I asked.

“It sure is. We bought it when we returned last weekend. The four of us took vacation time and are on a trip. We plan to fish our way up the coast this week,” Scott said.

“You tow your boat with it?” Kyle said.

“Yes. It has a camera so we can see the boat from the cab. Scott and I practiced at home before we left,” Frank said.

Scott drove to the marina and pulled into the lot. “It was great seeing you guys again. Frank and I are glad we were able to get you interested in salmon fishing,” Scott said.

“Are you staying in the parking lot?” Lindy said.

“No. We have a campsite across the road.” Kathy chuckled. “The bathroom in the RV is too small.”

“Would you and Carol like to see the boat?” I said.

“I’d love to see it. Scott and Frank told us about it, but I’d rather see it for myself,” Carol said.

Scott parked the motorhome, and we headed for the boat. After checking everyone’s shoes, I invited them aboard. I opened the door to the salon and let our guests enter.

Lindy and I led Kathy and Carol to the galley and then below to the staterooms. They continued making comments about how beautiful the boat was. We finished looking at the staterooms and heads and went up to the salon. I noticed the cockpit spreader lights were on, and we went outside. Kyle and Steve were showing Frank and Scott our fishing tackle.

“Your father didn’t spare any expense when he bought you this tackle,” Scott said.

“Dad always buys the best,” I said. I turned to Kathy and Carol. “Would you like to see the flying bridge?”

They said they did, so Lindy and I led them up to the bridge. I showed them the helm and other things. Once we finished, we returned to the cockpit.

“If we weren’t heading home in the morning, we’d take you out tomorrow,” I said.

“Thanks. Maybe next time we see you will be at Lake Michigan,” Scott said.

Frank, Scott, and their wives thanked us for dinner. They said goodbye and left. Kyle, Steve, Lindy, and I watched them walk away. It was good seeing the men again and meeting their wives. After all, if it hadn’t been for Frank and Scott’s willingness to take us on their boat, we may have never started salmon fishing.

We went into the salon and sat as couples on a settee. Kyle put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me against his side. Lindy and Steve sat on the L of the settee so we could see each other.

“It was nice seeing Frank and Scott tonight. They’re responsible for introducing us to salmon fishing,” Steve said.

“I know, right? It really surprised me when they invited us to fish with them. We’ve met a lot of helpful people on this trip,” Kyle said as he moved his hand lower, and his fingers scraped the side of my breast.

We started reliving some of the highlights of the trip. Steve and Kyle talked about their success as new salmon fishermen and some of the fish they caught.

“I feel I learned about myself and the value of our special friendship. When Trish said her dad offered to set up the boat for salmon fishing, I thought it would ruin the trip because it was all the boys would want to do.” Lindy chuckled and kissed Steve. “I was so wrong. If anything, it made the trip better.

“I learned to stop being a selfish bitch and enjoy sharing instead of trying to get my way. I’ve never felt better about myself. Once I realized I could be happy because Steve and Kyle enjoyed fishing, I started to enjoy it, too.”

“I think all of us have learned while on this trip. As I said before, one of my turning points was our euchre game. It felt like my inhibitions came off with my clothes, and I started seeing myself differently. After we were all naked, I began to understand some of the things my sister said. I felt liberated inside and out.”

We continued talking about the trip and the experiences we’d had. While we talked, we avoided the elephant in the room. I wasn’t sure about anyone else, but, as I had many times since it happened, I thought about our night in the hotel on Mackinac Island. It was a night filled with new discoveries about myself. Even though the events were fueled by alcohol, a sex video, and playful banter, it ended with the four of us sharing something very special. In the days that followed, what my sister told me about her and Darrel began to make sense.

I was eighteen and learning about sex and the joy it brought me. Kyle was the love of my life, but I wasn’t sure he was my entire sexual life. Having sex and making love with him was wonderful, and I loved every moment. Sex with Steve and Lindy was fun. I wondered if I was moving too fast when I thought about it. Then, I realized there were no rules to state what happens when. If I tried a new food or activity, I didn’t have to wait to decide whether or not I liked it. I knew immediately. I also knew the more I ate a new food or did something new, the better I liked it. Sex was the same, and not only did I like it, I got better at it.

Kyle moved his fingers against the side of my breast. I wiggled and moved to increase the contact. As he caressed my boob, I thought about the first time a guy touched me. It wasn’t Kyle, but it felt good with Joe that night on the porch at my sister’s wedding. The first time Kyle felt me up, it was wonderful and made me wonder why I had denied him for so long. I smiled as I remembered the first time I exposed my breasts to Kyle, the first time we had sex, the first time I gave him a blow job, and the first time he went down on me. In each instance, I enjoyed it immediately.

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