Trish’s Journey - Cover

Trish’s Journey

Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision

Chapter 27

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 27 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

Kyle and I woke up and shared a shower, making love while standing in the stall. Once we were dressed, we went up to start the coffee pot and get the boat ready to head out. I knocked on Lindy and Steve’s stateroom door, making sure they were up before heading to the galley.

The coffee maker had just stopped sputtering when our parents came aboard. I filled a carafe with fresh coffee and started another pot. Mom brought a bag of donuts, bagels, and muffins for our breakfast.

“Where should we put our bags?” Mom asked. “We brought our suits and a change of clothes.”

Steve collected the bags so he could stow them in the third stateroom. Kyle went up to the flying bridge and fired up the engines so they would be ready when we were. It was somewhat crowded in the salon and galley, but we managed. I passed out small plates so no one would drop crumbs on the deck.

Kyle said it was time to go, so Steve and the men went outside while Lindy and I stayed in the cabin with the women. We sipped coffee while Lindy and I discussed what to expect while fishing.

“You two sound like you like fishing as much as Kyle and Steve do,” Steve’s mom said.

“Fishing is great, but I don’t think anyone would like it as much as those two do. I like seeing Kyle and Steve have so much fun,” I said.

“You kids haven’t gotten into any arguments about it?” Kyle’s mom asked.

“No, we haven’t had one fight about anything all week. The guys even skipped a night of fishing to take Lindy and me into town to shop,” I said.

My mom chuckled. Kyle’s mom shook her head and said, “I guess you were right, Beth. I thought the girls would get pissed at the boys because of fishing. When I heard what Walt did, I couldn’t believe it. I thought for sure you girls would get bored with the boys wanting to fish.”

“I wasn’t happy about it at first, but when I saw how much they liked it, I got over my selfishness. Steve paid attention to me too. Now I like fishing. The only thing that upsets me is when the guys hog the cockpit,” Lindy said.

“Mom, we were talking about taking another trip next summer. Instead of going to Europe or somewhere else, we’d like to take the boat to Lake Michigan. Do you think Dad will let us?” I said.

“I’m sure he will, honey. I know I’d rather have you in our state than off in one of those places,” Mom said. “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to Dad.”

“It sounds like it would be a lot of fun. I agree. I would rather have the kids close to home,” Kyle’s mom said.

Both Lindy and Steve’s moms agreed too. They didn’t think going out of the country was a good idea and said they would prefer it if we took a trip on the boat. Steve’s mom asked how long we would be gone. When I said a month or so, no one batted an eye.

I felt the boat slow. Getting up, I said, “It sounds like we’re ready to start fishing. I’m going to go drive so Kyle can fish with the men.”

Lindy and I went up to the flying bridge. I asked Kyle what he planned to do. He told me we should start by retracing the same path we fished the night before. I took over the helm while Kyle and Steve went to the cockpit, followed by our dads and my uncle. I put the boat on track and slowed down to our trolling speed.

It didn’t take Kyle and Steve long to get the rods set up and the lines out. Dad and the other men stood back, watching while I gazed down from above. Several times, my dad looked up at me and smiled.

“So that’s how those things work,” I heard Dad say when Kyle lowered one of the outriggers. As far as I know, this trip was the first time the devices have been used.

I swelled with pride while watching Kyle and Steve rig the lines. Kyle’s and my dad asked questions, and Kyle or Steve quickly answered them. I kept glancing forward to be sure no other boats were in our path, but most of my attention was on the cockpit.

A downrigger rod went off, and Kyle yelled, “Fish on!” He grabbed the rod, set the hook, and handed it to my dad.

Mom and the other women came up to the flying bridge to watch the action. I don’t think I ever saw my dad as excited as he was while fighting the fish. Steve stood ready with the net, waiting to scoop the fish out of the water when it was time.

Once the fish was on board, Dad held it up so Steve could take pictures. Dad showed Mom the fish, telling her how great it was to catch it. Kyle reset the rod while Steve washed the deck. The next fish came on one of the outrigger rods. Kyle’s dad landed the fish with Kyle, helping with the net.

Over the next hour and a half, we landed several more of the scrappy salmon. Uncle Ron and Lindy’s dad each caught one, as well as my mom. I laughed while watching our parents acting like a bunch of kids. Dad took a break and came up to the flying bridge.

“Trish, this is the best money I’ve spent in a long time. Salmon fishing is fun,” Dad said. “I can see why you kids like it so much. Your mom mentioned you want to take the boat to Lake Michigan next summer. I’ll let you on one condition.”

“What, Dad?” I asked.

“You can take the boat as long as we can meet you and go fishing for a few days.”

I smiled and said, “No problem! I think it would be fun.”

While Dad and I talked, I made a sweeping turn so we could make another pass over the waypoints where we’d been producing fish. I told my dad what I was doing and why.

We fished until eleven in the morning. The fishing slowed, and we decided to go in for lunch. Once we were back in the slip, Kyle, Steve, and the other men took the fish to the cleaning station. Mom and the other women helped Lindy and me make sandwiches and a salad to go along with the rest of the food.

When the men returned, Kyle’s dad went on and on about how his son and Steve cleaned the fish. Uncle Ron also complimented the guys, especially Steve. After eating, our parents decided to go to their rooms to nap. They said they would be back later so we could go out again.

“Fishing with our parents was so cool,” Kyle said. “I think they like it.”

I put my arm around Kyle. We kissed for a moment, then I said, “Dad said buying the fishing equipment was some of the best money he ever spent. He also said we can take the boat to Lake Michigan next summer.”

“Wow, that’s great!” Lindy said.

Steve agreed that going to Lake Michigan would be fun. We chatted about the trip, and I told them about my dad’s condition. No one said anything about the idea of our parents joining us for a few days.

“Trish, I like your uncle,” Steve said. “I know my mom does. She told me she hadn’t been this happy in a long time.”

“I told you Uncle Ron was nice,” I said.

“I think I’m going to try to get some rest,” Kyle said. “I’m heading to our room to lie down.”

Chuckling, I said, “Not alone. I’m going with you, baby.”

Lindy and Steve decided a nap sounded like a good idea. But from how Lindy was acting, I wasn’t sure how much rest they would get. We went to our rooms to relax before our parents returned.

Kyle and I stripped to our underwear in our room, then climbed into bed, cuddling close together. Lying on his back, Kyle put an arm behind my neck as I rested my head on his chest. He stroked my hair while I rubbed his stomach.

“Our parents seem to be getting along,” Kyle said. “My dad and yours act like they’ve known each other for years.”

“Does it bother you, baby?” I asked.

“Hell no, I think it’s great,” Kyle said as he moved his hand over my back.

“Mmmm, that’s nice. I think it’s great, too. Kyle, I love you.”

“I love you too, honey. This is turning out to be the best week of my life. I didn’t think anything could top having you as my girlfriend, but it keeps improving.”

I nodded, feeling my cheek rub against Kyle’s muscular chest. We wiggled until we were comfortable and dozed off.

“Wake up, Trish. It’s time to go fishing,” I heard as someone shook my shoulder.

At first, I thought it was Lindy, but when I opened my eyes, I saw my mom standing at the side of the bed. Panic struck when I realized Kyle and I were almost naked, but the big grin on Mom’s face told me I had nothing to worry about.

“I’m awake, Mom. We’ll be up in a few minutes.” I chuckled and felt myself blush. “We have to get dressed first.”

“Okay but make it snappy. Your father is eager to get going. I think you have sparked a new interest in him. Fishing is the only thing he talked about since we left the boat earlier. Kyle’s dad too.”

Kyle stirred. When he opened his eyes, he gasped. Mom laughed and told us to get going. She was still chuckling when she left the room.

“Oh shit, we’re busted,” Kyle said.

Sitting up, I pushed my chest out and reached for Kyle’s cock. “I’m busted, you’re hard, and Mom’s not mad. We have to get going. Our dads want to go fishing.”

Leaning over, I took Kyle’s hard cock in my mouth. I made noisy slurping sounds as I bobbed my head up and down a few times. Removing my mouth, I grinned at him. “Let’s go. I’ll finish the blow job later.”

Kyle and I got up and dressed. Dad folded his arms over his chest when we got to the salon, tapping his foot on the deck. I could tell he was kidding around by the grin on his face. Using my best puppy dog face, I batted my eyelashes at my dad. He broke out laughing and shook his head.

Dad looked at Kyle’s dad. “Well, Don, what was your son doing in bed with my daughter?”

I felt Kyle jump next to me. I knew my father’s sense of humor, but I wasn’t sure Kyle did.

“If he knows what’s good for him, he was a gentleman,” Kyle’s dad replied.

Seeing our fathers try to be funny, I decided to give them a dose of their own medicine. Fighting the urge to giggle, I said, “Hey, want about me? I like it better when he isn’t a perfect gentleman.”

Mom and Kyle’s mom covered their mouths. Not because they were shocked, but because they didn’t want to laugh out loud. It didn’t work, and they broke up. Dad looked at mom and grinned. When he said, “I wonder where she gets it from!” Mom winked at him.

Kyle was still a little pale. I gave him a hug and whispered in his ear. “You better get used to my dad. He thinks he’s funny. He’s trying to embarrass us.”

“I don’t know about you, but it’s working. I thought I was in deep shit!” Kyle said.

“Don’t worry, Kyle, we’re pulling your leg,” Dad said with a chuckle. “It seems my little girl called my bluff.”

“Serves you right, Dad. You scared Kyle,” I said. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Lindy’s parents are in the cockpit with your uncle and Steve’s mom. I don’t know where Lindy and Steve are. I haven’t seen them yet. Are we going fishing or what?” Dad said.

“We’re here,” Steve said as he came up the steps. “Why didn’t someone wake us up?”

“We didn’t know if you two were sleeping,” I said.

“Shut up, Trish! Steve and I were sleeping,” Lindy said as her mom and dad came into the cabin.

“Hi, Lindy. Are you and Steve finally up?” Mrs. Hanson said.

“Yes, we’re up, Mom.”

Kyle and I headed out to start the boat. Steve followed us, offering to help. When we stepped into the cockpit, we saw Steve’s mom and my uncle hugging and kissing.

“Geez, Mom, get a room,” Steve said, then laughed.

Looking around, my uncle, Steve’s mom, grinned and said, “Do you mind if we use yours?”

I couldn’t help giggling when I saw the shocked look on Steve’s face. His mouth hung open as he stared at his mom. Mrs. Mitchell and my uncle laughed, then separated. Kyle, Steve, Lindy, and I went up to the flying bridge.

“What the hell is going on around here?” Steve said.

I told Steve and Lindy about my mom finding Kyle and me in bed half-naked and what our dads said when we entered the salon. “I guess the boat and fishing can make everyone horny, not just us.”

Kyle fired up the engines, and I asked Steve to help me with the lines so we could go once the boat warmed up. Kyle said he and Steve would handle the lines and prepare the tackle. When the boat was ready, I pulled out of our slip.

While heading out to the area where we would fish, Mom and the rest of the women came to the flying bridge. All of them were wearing the tops of their suits and shorts. I’d seen my mom in a two-piece before, but the top she had on was much skimpier than anything I had ever seen her wear. The other women were wearing revealing bikini tops, too.

Lindy and I looked at each other and grinned. When I said, “I told you, it’s the boat and fishing,” Lindy laughed.

Leaning close to me, Lindy whispered, “I should go get our micro bikinis.”

“Go get them. I’m game if you are.”

“What about our dads?” Lindy asked.

Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “It doesn’t matter to me if my dad sees my boobs. I have half a mind to go without a top and give all of them a shock! If you ask me, they’re testing us. I don’t know what’s happening, but I know my parents are acting differently than I’m used to.”

“No, kidding. I didn’t know my mom owned a two-piece suit, let alone a bikini,” Lindy said. “I’m going to get our bikinis.”

When Lindy returned with our suits, we shucked our shirts and put on the tops. I tugged at my top until it covered my nipples. Lindy brought the bottoms, but we didn’t put them on. Our moms were looking forward and didn’t notice as we changed.

I reached the area we wanted to start fishing. Slowing the boat, I turned north to begin our troll. Traveling at two and a half miles an hour, I set the autopilot.

“We’re on the same course as this morning,” I said as I leaned over the rail, looking down into the cockpit.

Kyle looked up, doing a double take, when he saw what I was wearing. Shaking his head, he started to set the lines. Instead of doing it themselves, Kyle and Steve showed our dads and my uncle what to do. Dad, Kyle’s dad, and Kyle worked on the boat’s port side while Steve, my uncle, and Lindy’s dad set up the starboard side. While I was watching, Mom came to stand beside me and watch too.

“I like your top, Trish,” Mom said. “Your father is having a ball, isn’t he?”

“It looks like it. Kyle and Steve are showing them how to set things up rather than doing it for them,” I said.

“This is good for your dad. He works much too hard most of the time, so I love seeing him let loose for a change,” Mom said.

I glanced at the helm. Lindy and her mom were sitting in the helmsmen’s seats, watching ahead of us. Lindy told her mom what she had learned about the boat’s electronics. I grinned when I realized Lindy paid attention and seemed interested in the boat.

“You and Kyle looked cute this afternoon,” Mom said. “You know I wasn’t upset, don’t you?”

“It did shock me when I saw you were waking us up,” I said.

“Look, none of us are blind, Trish. We know you kids have been sleeping together. It’s none of our business. Is there anything we need to talk about?” Mom asked.

“No, I don’t think so. It’s been fun for Kyle and me. He’s so sweet and loving, Mom. But, unfortunately, sometimes he’s too sweet.”

My mom nodded, smiled, and put her arm around my waist. “You’re lucky to have a boyfriend like Kyle, honey. Many boys his age aren’t as understanding as he seems to be. You would tell me if there was a problem, wouldn’t you?”

I nodded, thinking my mom didn’t know the half of it. She had no way of knowing how understanding Kyle was. Mom also had no way of knowing how much I wished Kyle wasn’t so passive when it came to sex.

“You know you can ask me anything, don’t you? I don’t care what it is, honey. If you have any questions, ask, and I’ll do my best to answer them if I can.”

“Mom, there is one thing I was wondering about. It’s kind of silly, but are all boys shy when it comes to, you know?” I said while blushing.

Mom smiled. She stared at me for a moment, then said, “The ones who love you are. Kyle is probably scared of upsetting you, so he doesn’t press you for, you know.” My mom smirked, and I chuckled.

“I wouldn’t worry about it, honey. You could always tell Kyle you want him to club you over the head and drag you to bed.”

Cocking my head to one side, I looked at Mom. She began laughing again, and so did I.

“I think I could do without the club.”

Mom stopped laughing. “It’s simple. Just tell him what you want.”

I grinned at my mom, then said, “I’m going to go down and see how Dad’s doing. Keep an eye on Lindy for me.”

Mom said she would make sure Lindy was okay. Mom didn’t operate the boat much, but she would be able to call me if needed. I went down to the cockpit in time to see my dad start fighting a fish.

Kyle came over to me, keeping his eye on Dad. He put his arm around my waist, resting his hand on my hip. “Our dads look like they’re having fun, baby. Your uncle has been staying very close to Steve’s mom.”

“How about you? Are you having fun?” I asked Kyle.

“I’m having a blast! It’s cool hanging with our dads. They’ve been teasing Steve and me about sleeping with you and Lindy.” Kyle leaned close so he could whisper in my ear. “I think we could shock the shit out of them if we told them about the night in the hotel.”

I laughed at what Kyle said, thinking about how my parents would react if they knew we had our own private orgy. Kyle let me go to give my dad a few tips as the fish came closer to the boat. Steve scooped the fish into the net, flopping it onto the deck.

“Good job, Dad,” I said, moving closer to see the King salmon.

“I never realized fishing could be this much fun,” Dad said.

I grinned when I noticed my dad kept glancing at my breasts. When our eyes met again, I blushed.

“Sorry, Trish, I didn’t mean to...,” Dad said.

I placed my hand on my dad’s arm and said, “Don’t worry, I’m flattered. I hope you’re not upset because I’m wearing this top.”

“Honey, I’m not upset at all.” Dad smiled. “You look very nice in it.”

“Thanks, and thanks for letting us buy the fishing tackle. We’re having a blast,” I said for the umpteenth time.

Steve yelled when one of the rods went off. He grabbed it, reeling in the slack to set the hook, then gave the rod to my uncle so he could fight the fish.

We caught two more salmon before heading to the marina. Once I backed in the slip, Kyle, Steve, and the other men took the fish to the cleaning house. Kyle said my dad wanted to grill salmon for dinner when they returned.

Lindy and I helped the moms fix the rest of the meal while the men stood around the grill. Kyle brought in the grilled salmon. The adults sat at the table, but there wasn’t enough room for everyone, so Kyle, Steve, Lindy, and I stood at the counter while we ate.

“This is great,” Uncle Ron said. “Salmon is one of my favorites; this fish is as good as I’ve ever eaten.”

“I have to agree with you there, Ron. This is wonderful,” Steve’s mom said.

“Dad, can we stay here and fish for a few more days if it’s okay with the rest of the parents?” I said.

Mom, Dad, and the other parents chatted for a moment, and then Dad nodded and said, “Yes, if you want to stay for a few days, you can. When will you be home?”

“Um, let’s see, school starts in two weeks,” I said, then I laughed. “Seriously, we’ll come home Wednesday or Thursday if it’s okay with you guys.”

Our parents talked again and agreed. Kyle, Steve, Lindy, and I thanked them. We finished dinner, then Lindy and I began cleaning up. Steve and Kyle helped while my dad fixed drinks for the parents.

“We fished off the break wall on our way up,” Kyle said as he dried the last pan. “Fishing from the boat is much better.”

“Did you catch anything?” Kyle’s dad asked.

“We caught a few rock bass, but they were too small, so we threw them back,” Kyle said.

Everyone moved to the salon. The parents sat on the settees, and we sat on the deck. Kyle, Steve, Lindy, and I told our parents about our trip and the people we met along the way.

I could tell Kyle wanted to go fishing again because he fidgeted. He kept glancing at Steve and rolling his eyes.

“Evening is a great time to fish. Does anyone want to go out again?” I said.

Kyle and Steve nodded their heads. Lindy and I chuckled. My mom said she wanted to go to Bad Axe to shop, and she would go fishing the next day. After a brief discussion, the men would go fishing while the women went shopping, including Lindy and me.

I watched Kyle pull the boat out of the slip and head toward the lake. We waved before I followed my mom and the other women to the car. Uncle Ron gave Steve’s mom the keys to his Suburban so we could go in one vehicle.

We walked around town, looking at the displays in the windows of the shops. My mom suggested I look for new clothes for the upcoming school year.

“I’ll start shopping for school clothes when I get home, Mom. You know there are certain stores I like,” I said.

“Don’t wait too long, honey. You realize you’re going to have to buy an entirely new wardrobe, don’t you? Your body isn’t the same as last year,” Mom said.

“If Trish keeps working out, she’ll be able to wear my clothes.” Lindy laughed and added, “Except for my bras.”

Mom and Lindy’s mom laughed. Steve and Kyle’s mom asked what was so funny. When Lindy repeated what she said, they laughed too. We went to several shops, then stopped in a coffee shop to rest and continue chatting.

“I hear you guys have been spending time together while we’ve been on our trip,” I said.

Kyle’s mom smiled and nodded. “Yes, we have been getting together, Trish. It’s been very nice for all of us.”

“Did the contractor finish Dad’s new hot tub and sauna?” I said.

“Yes, and we’ve been using it,” Mom said. “I wasn’t too happy when your father said he was putting it in, but I’ve changed my mind.” Mom glanced at Kyle’s mom, and they smiled at each other.

“I think they’ve been having hot tub parties while we’ve been gone,” Lindy said.

“We’ve gotten together, Lindy. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland invited all of us over a couple times,” Mrs. Hanson said.

The four women shared chuckles. I decided I would talk to my mom about it later. We finished our coffee and soft drinks, then returned to the motel where our parents were staying. The motel was about a block from the harbor, and we decided to walk to the marina. Mom went into her room to drop off the package of things she purchased in Bad Axe.

I followed Mom into her room. Glancing around, I noticed two double beds and both looked unmade. Looking at Mom, I furrowed my brow.

“Your father and I are sharing the room with Don and Betty,” Mom said without batting an eye.

I didn’t know what to think. My parents were staying in the same room as my boyfriend’s parents. It seemed weird to me. “Didn’t they have enough rooms?” I said.

“There were plenty of rooms, honey. We wanted to share the room. We’ve all become good friends,” Mom said.

Mom and I left the room and walked to the marina with the other women. Lindy and I lagged behind, and I smoked a cigarette.

“Want to hear something weird? My parents are sharing a room with Kyle’s parents,” I told Lindy.

“Wow! That is weird.” Lindy chuckled. “Maybe they’re all fooling around.”

I laughed but didn’t let Lindy know I thought the same thing when I found out about my parents sleeping arrangements. After thinking about it for a moment, I decided I wouldn’t be a hypocrite. I didn’t feel what Lindy, Steve, Kyle, and I did was wrong, so how could I feel it wasn’t okay for someone else, even if it was my parents. Remembering what Amy told me, I wondered if it was a family trait.

When we saw the boat was in its slip, Lindy and I hurried toward the pier so we could find out how the guys did while fishing. We stepped into the cockpit and found our boyfriends. I gave Kyle a hug and kissed him.

“How did you do?” I said.

“We did great, Trish,” Dad said from behind me.

Still holding Kyle, I twisted my head to see my dad.

“We caught ten kings today. Kyle and Steve have this salmon fishing dialed in. Hell, my arms are sore,” Dad said.

“My dad likes it so much he told your dad he would pay for half of the tackle,” Kyle said. “This has been one of the best days I’ve ever spent with my dad.”

Lindy and Steve came over to where Kyle and I stood. Dad climbed off the boat to talk to Mom, and Uncle Ron followed Dad. He walked up to Steve’s mom, put his arms around her, and kissed her. Their kiss lingered as I looked at Steve, and he smiled.

“Your uncle’s great, Trish. I had a chance to talk to him again while we fished. Did you know he is one of the top doctors in his field?” Steve said.

“I didn’t know. I guess you don’t mind that he’s dating your mom then,” I said.

“No, I don’t mind. But, even if I did, what could I do about it? Mom looks happy, and that’s important to me,” Steve said.

“We talked with our dads about going to Lake Michigan next summer. They said we could spend the summer on the boat if we want to, as long as they can fish with us,” Kyle said.

“The entire summer would be so cool!” Lindy said. “My dad said I could go?”

“It would cost a fortune,” I said.

“That’s what I said, but our dads told us it would be worth it. They said it wouldn’t cost any more than taking a trip to Europe or somewhere else,” Kyle said.

“Are you ready to clean the fish?” Dad said to Kyle.

“Sure, Mr. Kirkland,” Kyle said.

Steve ran to get a dock cart. He returned, and we transferred the fish from the hold to the cooler, then put the cooler into the cart. Kyle grabbed the knives and plastic bags. We all headed to the cleaning station to fillet the fish. Kyle and Steve hung the salmon on the hooks outside the building at the cleaning station so they could take pictures. With the fish displayed, the men stood near them while I took photos with Kyle’s camera.

Our dads went in to watch Kyle and Steve, helping by rinsing and bagging the fillets. While they cleaned the fish, they talked about catching each one. I stood near Mom and Mrs. Mitchell while we watched from outside.

“Ron said he had a great time today,” Mrs. Mitchell said.

“That’s what Steve said, Mrs. Mitchell,” I said.

Steve’s mom chuckled and said, “Please call me Gwen. It makes me feel old when you kids call me Mrs. Mitchell. I hope my son learns to accept Ron.”

“Steve told us he likes Uncle Ron,” I said.

The men finished cleaning the fish, and we returned to the boat to put the fish in the freezer.

“We should send some of this fish home with our parents,” I told Lindy as we put the packages in the freezer. “We’re going to run out of room in the freezer.”

Lindy and I finished putting the fillets away, then went over to the rest of the group to see what they planned for the remainder of the evening. Our parents told us they planned to have a campfire in the fire pit at the motel. Kyle, Steve, Lindy, and I agreed to join them for a little while. Our parents left for the motel while we changed into jeans.

“Kyle, did you know our parents are sharing a room?” I said as I stripped down to my underwear.

Kyle scrunched his forehead and shook his head. “No, I didn’t know. I wonder why?”

Grinning, I hugged Kyle. “Hmmm, maybe they’re fooling around together.”

“I don’t even want to think about it,” Kyle said.

“Why not? We did it with Steve and Lindy,” I said.

“I know, but it sounds weird when I think about my parents doing it.”

“That’s how I felt at first, but after thinking about it, I can’t fault our parents if they are. I don’t want to be one of those people who have a double standard. You know, it’s okay for us, but not for anyone else.”

“Maybe, but it still sounds weird to me. There’s probably a good reason they’re sharing a room. I wouldn’t read anything into it,” Kyle said.

Kyle and I finished dressing, met Lindy and Steve in the salon, then left for the motel. When we arrived, we found our parents sitting around a roaring fire. It was still warm outside, so we all sat away from the heat.

Dad offered beers to Kyle, Steve, Lindy, and me. I furrowed my brow when he did.

“You can have a couple beers if you’d like. I can remember when the drinking age was eighteen. They lowered it during the Viet Nam war,” Dad said.

“I remember. They did it because someone figured if boys were old enough to die, they were old enough to drink,” Mr. Phillips said.

Kyle took a beer from Dad. Once he did, the rest of us did, too. I took a sip from the can and made a face. “I like rum better,” I said. Kyle, Steve, Lindy, and I laughed.

“When would you leave if you decide to spend the summer on the boat?” Dad said.

“I don’t know, Mr. Kirkland. We haven’t talked about it yet,” Kyle said. “From what Steve and I have read, the fishing starts in late April or early May. The salmon work their way north during the summer.”

Dad nodded and said, “First of all, I think it would be okay if you called us by our first names. Does anyone have a problem with it?” The rest of the parents agreed. “Good, now, if you could do whatever you wanted, when would you leave?”

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