Trish’s Journey
Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision
Chapter 25
Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 25 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.
Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction Sharing Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism First Oral Sex Petting Slow
It was close to six in the evening when Kyle came to get the fish. He told us the fire was ready. Megan made a salad, and Lindy made the rice. Before eating, we all said grace as we did at breakfast.
“I can’t believe how good this is,” Megan said after taking a bite of the salmon. “I don’t remember ever having fresh salmon before.”
Kyle grilled the fish perfectly, and the wild rice and fresh salad topped off our meal. Dan bought one bottle of white wine, and we all enjoyed a small glass with dinner.
“This was the best meal I’ve had all week,” Dan said. He glanced around the dinette as we all nodded in agreement. “What did you guys have planned for tonight? Megan and I can go for a walk if you want us to.”
“I thought we’d go fishing again this evening,” I said.
Kyle perked up and looked at me. I returned his smile and winked. Lindy glanced at me, raising her eyebrows. When Steve began getting excited and talking about fishing, Lindy grinned.
“You were planning to fish again?” Megan said.
“Sure, if you guys want to go. It’s a nice evening, and it won’t be dark for a few hours,” I said.
Kyle and Steve jumped up and began clearing the table. Dan slid out of the bench seat to help.
“Why don’t you guys get the boat ready to go? We’ll clean up,” Lindy said.
Kyle, Steve, and Dan thanked us, then went outside to start the boat and disconnect the power and water. Lindy and Megan cleared the table while I rinsed the dishes.
“You’re something else, Trish,” Lindy said. “I can’t get over how happy the guys are because we’re going fishing again.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “We didn’t have anything else planned tonight, so I thought they would like to go out again. Besides, I like watching them catch fish. I like to catch them, too.”
After we cleaned the kitchen, Megan, Lindy, and I went below to change out of our bikinis. I put on sweatpants and my new sweatshirt. Lindy and Megan also put on sweats. When Lindy saw me wearing my new sweatshirt, she returned to her stateroom to put hers on.
“Those hoodies are cute,” Megan said.
“We had them made in Oscoda,” Lindy said. “All of us have one.”
The three of us went to the cockpit. Kyle had the engines running, and Steve and Dan were untying the dock lines while Kyle stood on the flying bridge. When the boat began to move, I went up to the bridge.
“Thanks for letting us go fishing,” Kyle said, keeping his eyes trained on the things around the boat so he wouldn’t hit anything.
“I’m not letting you, baby. I just suggested it.” I moved over to Kyle, hugging him from behind. “I was thinking about asking Dad if we could take the boat to Lake Michigan next summer. We could spend a few weeks sightseeing and fishing.”
“A trip to Lake Michigan would be so cool! Maybe we could ask Steve and Lindy to go with us if we get to go.”
I laughed. “Maybe we can get some more rum.”
Kyle turned his head to look at me and grinned. I moved beside him, watching as he motored out of the marina. Once underway, Kyle put one of his arms around my waist, pulled me close, and kissed the top of my head.
“Trish, maybe we don’t need booze,” Kyle said softly.
Looking up at Kyle, I smiled. “You liked it as much as I did, didn’t you?”
“If you liked what we did, yes. Honey, I love you with all my heart. There is no one in the world I’d rather be with than you. What we did the other night was fun, nothing more, nothing less. It wasn’t any more fun than fishing, maybe not as much fun. I want you to know I’ll love you no matter what the four of us do together.”
“I love you too, baby! I was thinking about it earlier. I think it would be cool to do it again. Don’t take this wrong, but do you think it’s possible to love more than one person?”
“What do you mean?” Kyle asked.
“Well, I realize I have feelings for Lindy and Steve. I couldn’t have done what we did if I didn’t care about them. I’m figuring out the difference between making love and having sex, but I don’t think I could have sex with someone I didn’t have feelings for.” I paused and took a breath. “I’m talking in circles, aren’t I?”
Kyle shook his head. “No, you’re making perfect sense. You’re right about having feelings for other people, honey. I wouldn’t want to have sex with someone I didn’t care for either. Look, we’re new to all of this. Hell, it was only a few weeks ago we were both virgins.”
“I know, Kyle, and it’s part of my problem. We just discovered making love with each other. Now we’re doing it with Lindy and Steve. It’s like I’m trying to learn everything all at once. I’m worried about becoming a sex addict or something.”
“Trish, we’re not doing it with Steve and Lindy. We did it once. I don’t know if we’ll do it again, but we probably will at some point. As far as being a sex addict, I don’t think you’re any more addicted to it than any of us.” Kyle laughed and kissed me. “If wanting to make love to you every waking moment makes me an addict, then I guess I am.”
“Lindy and I fooled around together, you know, after the other night. We didn’t do anything more than touch,” I said.
Smiling, Kyle said, “Hey, I thought you guys were going to let Steve and me watch!”
I hugged Kyle. “Next time, I promise. Do you want to watch Lindy and me? Would it turn you on?”
“It did almost as much as watching you and Steve the other night.”
I was a bit startled by Kyle’s statement. Turning to him, I looked up into his eyes. “Seeing me and Steve turned you on?”
“Hell, yes, it turned me on! Look, I believe you love me, and I don’t think you will break up with me. It’s like when I see other guys looking at you, only hotter. Baby, you are very sexy and beautiful. I can’t tell you how lucky I feel you’re my girlfriend.”
I smiled and said, “It turned me on when I saw Lindy’s expression when she got a look at your big cock. It’s funny, but I didn’t feel jealous when we were all in bed together. It all seemed so natural.”
Kyle and I hugged. He slipped his hand into my sweatpants, rubbing my butt. We kissed tenderly but were interrupted.
“Oops, sorry,” Megan said from behind Kyle and me.
“No problem, we were only kissing,” I said.
“Steve said he’s ready to fish when you get to where we’re going. Dan and I helped him get the rods ready,” Megan said.
Kyle glanced at the chart plotter. Chuckling, he backed off the throttles, slowing the boat, then opened the trolling valves to bring our speed down to two miles an hour. “I almost missed it. I guess I should pay closer attention to what I’m doing.”
I chuckled, thinking Kyle was paying attention to what I wanted him to. After kissing Kyle, I said, “Come on, Megan, let’s go down and show these guys how to catch fish.”
Megan and I went to the cockpit. I went to Steve and gave him a quick hug. “We’re going to fish first, so you and Dan can go up to the flying bridge and watch.”
Lindy nodded and agreed with me.
“Are you sure you can get the lines out?” Steve asked. “I can do it for you before we go up.”
“Show us on one, then we’ll do the rest,” I said.
Steve showed us how to set one of the downriggers. I remembered what I learned when we fished with Glenn and Justin. Taking over, I put the line out. “I’ve got it, Steve, thanks,” I said.
Steve and Dan went up to the flying bridge while Lindy, Megan, and I set the rest of the rods. We didn’t do it as fast as the guys could, but we managed to get the lines out. Once we set everything, the three of us stood back to look at the rods.
“It’s still warm out here,” Lindy said. “I think I’m overdressed.”
I removed my sweatshirt and said, “Yup, it’s too warm for this shirt.”
I put my sweatshirt on the tackle station and stretched. “That’s better,” I said.
“Have you no modesty?” Lindy said as she removed her sweatshirt.
“Not anymore. Besides, I’m wearing a bra like you are,” I told Lindy.
Megan laughed so hard she had to hold her sides. She whipped off her top and stood in her bra like Lindy and me. Suddenly one of the downrigger rods went off, and I lunged for it.
I managed to reel in the king salmon, and Lindy netted it. While resetting the rod, another fish hit one of the other rods. Megan grabbed it and fought the fish. We heard the guys cheering us on as Lindy put the fish in the hold. Looking up, I smiled at Kyle, Dan, and Steve.
Kyle kept looking forward, making me feel better because he was paying attention. Lindy netted Megan’s fish, spilling it onto the deck. I noticed Steve and Dan were taking pictures of us and chuckled.
Lindy reeled in the next fish, and I netted it. The guys started complaining and telling us it was their turn to fish. Lindy, Megan, and I went up to the flying bridge, and the guys came down.
“This is so much fun!” Megan said once we were on the flying bridge. “I hope Dan gets to catch another fish today.”
“I hope he does, too,” Lindy said. “He seems to be having a good time.”
“We both are. Our dinner was marvelous, and so was the company. I’m so glad we met you guys,” Megan said.
I laughed, then told Megan how I reacted when I saw Kyle sitting at the table with her. She smiled and shook her head. “You have nothing to worry about, Trish. You and Lindy were all Kyle and Steve talked about, except fishing.”
Kyle yelled, “Fish on,” and we looked down. Dan grabbed the rod and began to fight the fish. I watched for a moment, then went to the helm. Sitting down, I scanned the water for other boats.
We fished until dusk, catching a total of eight salmon. Lindy went down to the cockpit and brought our sweatshirts up. As we motored toward the marina, the guys put the fishing equipment away.
“We’re going to clean the fish, honey,” Kyle said. “I’ll wash the boat when we get back.”
“Okay, but you only have to wash down the cockpit. We can do the rest when we get to Rogers City tomorrow,” I told him.
We sat on the flying bridge when the guys returned to watch the sunset. Kyle passed out sodas for everyone. When I took out a cigarette, Megan chuckled.
“Is it okay to smoke up here?” Megan asked. “I’ve been dying for a cigarette all day.”
“You can smoke up here or in the cockpit, but not in the cabin,” I said.
Megan lit a smoke, took a drag, and exhaled. She tossed the pack to Dan, and he lit one too.
“We didn’t know if you’d want us smoking,” Dan said. “We’ve been trying to quit, but it’s so hard. Both of us have been smoking since high school.”
“I don’t smoke too much, not anymore. Kyle doesn’t like it when I do. I’d quit, but I enjoy smoking,” I said. “I don’t think a few a day will do much harm.”
“Smoking isn’t good for anyone, but I know how you feel,” Megan said. “Sometimes, a cigarette tastes so good.”
“I want Trish to live a very long time,” Kyle said as he touched my leg.
“I plan to, baby. As I said, a few won’t hurt me too much. I workout and ride my bike almost every day. I’m eating better since I went on my diet, and I feel great,” I said.
Once the sun went down, we decided to go into the cabin. Kyle and Steve told us they were going to the store for snack food, so Dan went with the guys. I decided to get comfortable and headed for the staterooms.
“What do you guys usually wear?” Megan asked as we went below.
“Lately, nothing,” Lindy said with a chuckle. “I’m going to wear the outfits we bought at Peace Frogs. Short shorts and a camisole.”
We went into our rooms to change. Like Lindy was going to, I put on the new things we’d bought. Megan waited in the passageway wearing a baby doll nightie and a sheer robe when I came out of the stateroom. Megan asked if it was okay for her to wear it, and I told her it was fine.
When Lindy came out, we went up to the salon. I turned on the stereo and adjusted the volume. The guys returned from the store and put away the things they had bought. Kyle, Steve, and Dan joined us, sitting on the settees. Kyle put his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.
Dan moved off the settee and knelt in front of Megan. He picked up her right leg and began rubbing her foot. “I guess I owe you a foot massage, don’t I?”
“Yes, you do, and you better do a good job,” Megan said.
Dan massaged Megan’s feet, moved over to me, smiled, and started rubbing my right foot. I let my head fall back against Kyle’s arm and let out a sigh. Holding my shoulder, Kyle chuckled.
“Does it feel good, baby?” Kyle said.
“It feels great. You need to learn how to do it so you can massage my feet,” I said.
“I’ll massage your feet or anything you want.”
I couldn’t believe how good it felt as Dan used his thumbs and fingers on my feet. He finished my right foot and then massaged my left. When he finished, I wiggled my toes and thanked him.
Megan smiled as Dan moved over to Lindy. “Dan gives great body massages, too,” Megan said.
“I’ll bet he does. He has excellent hands,” I said. I turned my head and kissed Kyle’s cheek. “Will you give me massages?”
Kyle nodded. “Sure, as long as you’ll give me one too.”
Lindy laughed. “I know what he wants you to massage.”
“Don’t all boys, Lindy?” Megan said.
Steve chuckled and said, “I know I do.”
Dan finished giving us our foot massages. He returned to the settee, put his arm around Megan, and smiled.
“It was well worth the price,” Dan said.
“Are you saying you liked looking at our boobies today?” Megan said.
“Honey, I love looking at your boobs anytime. Lindy and Trish were bonuses.”
We sat and talked for an hour before deciding to call it a night. After everyone said goodnight, we went to our rooms. Kyle stripped, and undressed me, then we climbed into bed and kissed each other.
“I love you, Trish,” Kyle said as he hovered over me, looking down.
“I love you too, baby.”
“I’m having a ball! Your dad was very generous in letting us get the fishing equipment.”
“I was surprised but not shocked when he said we could buy the equipment. I’m having a good time fishing, honey. I didn’t know I’d like it so much,” I said.
“Do you think your dad will let us take the boat to Lake Michigan next summer?”
“Yes, I think he will. Oh shit, I forgot to call home tonight!” I said as I jumped out of bed.
Kyle followed me out of our room after we put on robes. Before going to the salon, I knocked on Lindy and Steve’s door. I opened the door when I heard her say to come in. “We forgot to call home, Lindy. We’re going up to call now,” I said.
Lindy and Steve dressed, then went to the salon with Kyle and me to call our parents. Steve called home first, then Lindy called to tell her parents we were all okay and having a good time.
Kyle called next, leaving a message on the answering machine. “No one’s home at my house right now,” he said.
I took the phone and called home. When my mom answered, I said, “Hi, Mom, sorry we forgot to call earlier.”
I talked to my mom briefly about our day and guests. Grabbing my cigarettes, I headed out to the cockpit. Kyle, Steve, and Lindy came out, waiting for me to hang up.
I closed the phone and chuckled. “Your parents are at my house, Kyle. Our parents are in the hot tub. They’re going to meet us in Harbor Beach on Saturday.”
I turned to Lindy and Steve. “Your parents are coming too.”
“No way. Is my mom going to go fishing with us?” Steve said.
“That’s what my mom said. I guess they all talked about it over dinner last night,” I said.
“Wow, I never knew Mom liked fishing,” Steve said.
I shrugged my shoulders. “Um, I’m supposed to tell you your mom is going to have a date with her, Steve.”
“A date? Mom hasn’t gone out since my father died.”
“I guess my mom introduced her to my Uncle Ron, Mom’s brother. Mom said they’ve gone out every night since we left,” I said.
Steve leaned against the gunwale and stared out into the water. Lindy went over to him, slipping her arm around his waist. “Are you okay?” Lindy asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine, sweetie. My dad passed away a few years ago. Mom’s been in a funk ever since. I’ve tried to talk her into getting out, but she never would,” Steve said, not talking to anyone in particular. “It’s just strange she would start all of a sudden.”
“I think you’ll like my uncle. He’s a doctor and has never been married. I thought he was gay or something. Mom said he was into his practice and never found a woman he wanted to date on a long-term basis.”
“I hope he doesn’t hurt my mom,” Steve said.
“I don’t think he will. He’s very nice. I guess we’ll have to wait until Saturday. Then you can talk to your mom,” I said.
Steve asked me for the cell phone and took it up to the flying bridge, telling us he was going to call home again.
“He looks worried,” Lindy said.
“Wouldn’t you be?” Kyle said. “He just found out his mom is dating. I remember when his dad died. His mom took it hard and was a wreck for over a year. Steve took it hard too, but he’s better now. He doesn’t talk about his dad too much.”
I lit another cigarette. Kyle, Lindy, and I stood in the cockpit, waiting for Steve to return. When he came down, Steve was smiling.
“Mom said I should mind my own business!” Steve said with a chuckle. “I guess your uncle has taken Mom out to some of the nicest places in town since we left. All of our parents have gotten together a few times.”
“Are you okay, sweetie?” Lindy asked.
“Yeah, I am now. Mom sounded happy. She hasn’t sounded so good in a long time. She’s excited about me meeting Ron,” Steve said.
I laughed and said, “Mom has been trying to fix my uncle up for years. He never went out with any of the women she’s introduced him to as far as I know.” I took one more drag from my cigarette and flicked it into the water.
The four of us headed back to bed. While passing Megan and Dan’s stateroom, I heard the sound of their lovemaking. Grinning, I hooked my arm through Kyle’s. I went to the head to brush my teeth before getting into the berth with Kyle. He stretched out on his back with his hands clasped behind his head.
Turning around, I took Kyle’s cock in my hand. Before it grew to its full size, I put his member in my mouth, and Kyle groaned as his cock swelled, filling my mouth. He put his hands on my hips, guiding me until I was over his upturned face, then pulled me down, swiping his tongue over my sex.
Kyle and I made love to one another with our mouths. I swallowed his semen when he came, savoring the texture and flavor. When I reached my orgasm, Kyle sucked on my pussy.
“Mmmm, this was nice,” I said after turning around and kissing Kyle.
“Yes, very nice.”
Kyle and I snuggled close, kissing and professing our love, then settled down, falling asleep in each other’s arms.
“Good morning, sexy,” Kyle said as he kissed me. “Time to get up.”
“Mmmm, what time is it?” I said as I blinked the sleep from my eyes.
“Okay, I’m awake.” I put my arm around Kyle’s neck, pulling his lips to mine. “I love you,” I said after we kissed.
Kyle and I got out of bed and went to the head. We got into the shower after using the toilet. When Kyle joined me, we began to play, so I turned off the spray head. Sitting on the bench, I pulled Kyle close to me and used my hands to caress his cock and balls before picking up the razor and shaving gel. Kyle remained motionless as I carefully shaved his genitals. After rinsing him, Kyle knelt and shaved my crotch. I finished my legs while Kyle shaved his face at the sink.
I put on my sweats and watched as Kyle put his on, then went up to the galley so I could start the coffee. Lindy and Steve came up a few minutes after Kyle and me. Lindy was grinning and hanging on Steve’s arm.
“Steve did something for me this morning,” Lindy said.
When I asked what, Lindy pulled Steve over to where I was standing, took my wrist, and pushed my hand into Steve’s sweatpants. “Feel,” she said.
I tried to pull my hand away, but Lindy held me tightly. I ran my fingers over Steve’s balls, laughing when I realized they were hairless.
“I complained about getting hair in my mouth, so he shaved like Kyle does for you,” Lindy said as she pulled my hand out of her boyfriend’s pants.
Kyle laughed so hard tears ran out of his eyes. I went to where he was standing and hugged him. “Now we have two hairless guys,” I said.
We had settled down a little when Megan and Dan came up wearing jeans and carrying their bags. Dan put their luggage in the salon while greeting us.
“Do you guys want coffee?” I asked.
“I’d love a cup,” Megan said. “I loved sleeping on the boat. Dan and I can’t thank you enough.”
“No kidding, this has been the highlight of our honeymoon,” Dan said as he took a cup of coffee from Megan.
“What time are you two leaving?” Kyle asked.
“After we take you out to breakfast,” Megan said. “The ferries run every half hour.”
Once we finished our coffee and juice, we walked to a restaurant. Dan paid for breakfast, and we headed back to the boat.
“When are you guys pulling out?” Megan asked.
“Pretty soon. We want to get down to Rogers City so we can get some fishing in this afternoon,” I said. “We can drop you off if you’d like.”
“Thanks, but we’re going to take the ferry. It’ll take us to where we’re parked,” Dan said.
We stood in the cockpit, talking for a few minutes. After exchanging telephone numbers, email addresses, and addresses, we said goodbye to our new friends. Kyle and Steve offered to help Dan and Megan with their luggage. When Dan declined, Kyle insisted.
We walked to the ferry docks with Megan and Dan. Before saying goodbye, we shared hugs. Megan, Lindy, and I had tears in our eyes as we finally parted. I took Kyle’s hand in mine, holding it firmly as we walked back to the boat.
The four of us chatted about the time we spent with Dan and Megan. We talked about fishing and the other things we enjoyed as a group. When we reached the boat, we began getting ready to leave. I went to the marina office to settle our bill while Kyle, Steve, and Lindy disconnected the water and power. When I returned, Kyle had the engines running.
Our mood was solemn as I pulled out of the slip. Once we were in the lake, we started to cheer up. Kyle came up behind me, circling my chest with his arms. Leaning over, he kissed the top of my head.
“Hey, are you feeling her up?” Lindy said from the seat she shared with Steve.
Kyle moved his hand to my breasts and said, “I am now. What’s it to you?”
“I’m jealous, that’s what!” Lindy said.
“Tell Steve to feel you up then,” Kyle said as his fingers massaged my boobs.
“I’m not jealous of Trish. I’m jealous of you.” We all started to laugh.
Kyle looked at Lindy. “I’ll move if you want to take over, Lindy.”
Laughing, Lindy came over. She used her hips to bump Kyle aside, replacing his hands with hers. After a moment, she pulled my top up and rubbed my breasts through my bra. Leaning forward, Lindy kissed my neck, causing me to shudder.
“Do you want me to drive so you two can have fun?” Kyle asked.
Laughing, I said, “Would you mind?”
“Not at all, baby,” Kyle said.
I got up so Kyle could take the wheel. Lindy and I hugged and laughed aloud. After a moment, Lindy stopped laughing and kissed me. I was startled, but I returned the kiss. Lindy and I fooled around for a minute before settling down and separating.
“Damn, I thought we were going to get another show,” Steve said as he chuckled.
“Not right now, baby,” Lindy said. “Trish and I aren’t in the mood, are we?”
I shook my head, but I was more than in the mood. I wanted her to kiss me again. I wanted to touch her. Lindy and I sat on the bench seat while Kyle cruised toward Rogers City. Steve got up and sat next to Kyle.
Leaning close to Lindy, I whispered, “I’m in the mood!”
“I know, I am too, but I don’t want to do anything up here. I’d rather be comfortable. Maybe we’ll give the boys the show they want later if you still want to,” Lindy said.
Smiling, I nodded. Lindy and I scooted closer together. We didn’t do anything, but being so close was nice. I glanced at Kyle and Steve. They were talking about fishing when we reached our next port. Staring out over the water, I thought about what I agreed to do with Lindy. After pondering what Lindy and I planned to do, I began to waver.
“Lindy, I don’t want to put on a show for Kyle and Steve. The next time we fool around, I want it to be you and me. If we ever do it.”
“Don’t you want to?” Lindy asked.
“I don’t know what I want. All of this is starting to confuse me. I want to, but I can’t help feeling it’s wrong, and it would be wrong to do to Kyle. What if he gets pissed? What if Kyle doesn’t want me anymore if I fool around with you? I don’t think I want to take a chance.”
“Kyle and Steve said it was okay with them, Trish. I don’t think they’ll get pissed off at us.”
“Maybe not, but are you willing to risk it? Lindy, I like you; in fact, I love you. Having sex or not isn’t going to change it. While I have feelings for you, the way I love Kyle is way beyond the way I feel about you or anyone else.”
“Whatever you want is okay with me, Trish. I care about you, too, and wouldn’t want anything to come between us, but maybe you’re right, and we should stop trying to fool around. I love Steve so much. Like you love Kyle.”
Lindy moved to face me. Taking my face between her hands, she kissed me tenderly. “I love you too, Trish.”
I hugged Lindy. We embraced for several moments before settling back on the seat. At the helm, Steve and Kyle were still talking, seemingly unaware of our conversation.
Lindy and I talked about the fun we were having on the trip. Neither of us mentioned our sexual adventures, but I thought about it. Sitting back, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the cool breeze.
Kyle nudged me and asked if I wanted coffee. I nodded and got up to go to the galley with him. Steve and Lindy moved to the helm and sat down, watching out in front of us.
I filled my mug, snapped the cap on it, and turned to Kyle. We hugged for a moment, then he kissed me.
“You seem distant this morning. Is everything okay?” Kyle said while rubbing my back.
Nodding, I said, “I’m okay, sweetie. I’ve been thinking, that’s all.”
Kyle kissed me, pulled his head back, and looked into my eyes. He took a deep breath and smiled. “Is what the four of us did together bothering you?”
“I don’t know if it’s bothering me, but I have been thinking about it and everything else. I’m so afraid of upsetting you, Kyle. Do you think we’re moving too fast? Do you think there is something wrong with me?”
“Trish, how many times are we going to talk about this? To answer your questions, no, I don’t think we’re moving too fast. All four of us are exploring and learning new things. It’s like fishing. A few days ago, we didn’t know anything about salmon fishing, and now we’re doing it.”
“I’m not talking about fishing, Kyle.”
Kyle chuckled and gave me a kiss. “Sweetheart, I know, but it’s the same thing. We’re trying new things to see if we like them or not. If we find something we like, we can keep doing it. If we discover we don’t like it, we don’t have to do it again.”
“Even the sex stuff?” I whispered.
“Yes.” Kyle grinned, put his hand on my butt, and pulled me close. “Especially the sex! I don’t know about you, but I think about sex a lot.”
I wiggled and said, “Yeah, me too. Do you think about having sex with other people, you know, people other than Steve and Lindy?”
“I haven’t thought about it, but it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t. We have to decide where we’re going, Trish. I’m open to almost anything. As I’ve told you so many times, I love you, and that’s not going to change.”
“I love you too. I don’t want to do anything to upset you, baby. Maybe I’m overthinking all of this. All I know is I’m curious about many things, including sex.” I went on, telling Kyle about my sister and her honeymoon.
“That’s wild! It sounds like you get your hornyness from her.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know where I get it from, but I seem to be horny most of the time. It’s great because I have a wonderful boyfriend who indulges me.”
Laughing, Kyle said, “No luckier than I am. I guess we’re a couple of horn dogs. Can we stop rehashing this? Let’s go with the flow and have fun.”
“That’s what you keep saying,” I said.
“Yeah, and hopefully, you’ll believe me. One thing we do well is talking to each other. As long as we do, we’ll work things out. We might make a few mistakes along the way, but I want us to be together for the ride. Our love will be our strength.”
“I can’t believe how much I love you, Kyle. You’re always there to help me sort things out.”
“That’s what friends are for, Trish. No matter what, I’ll always be your friend. We’re lovers too, but your friendship is as important to me.” Kyle kissed me and grinned. “I wonder if it’s warm enough for you to take off your clothes.”
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