Trish’s Journey
Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision
Chapter 23
Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 23 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.
Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction Sharing Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism First Oral Sex Petting Slow
When I woke up, I was facing Lindy. Her arm was over me, our breasts touching. My head was pounding, but not as bad as the first time I drank too much. Behind me, Kyle was on his side, spooned against my back. His cock pressed into my butt, his hand resting on my stomach. While the sandwich I was in was beautiful, I had to pee.
It was impossible to get out of bed without disturbing Kyle and Lindy. But the call to nature was much stronger than my desire to leave them undisturbed. I crawled over Kyle and heard him groan as I entered the bathroom. Once I was finished, I washed my hands and returned to the bedroom.
Glancing at the clock, I saw it was seven in the morning. The sun was up and coming in the window. I opened the drapes and let the bright light bathe the room. Standing beside the bed, I looked down at Kyle and chuckled as he tried to shade his eyes from the bright sunlight. I touched his shoulders and then leaned over and kissed his cheek.
“Kyle, that’s Lindy’s boob you’re squeezing.”
Kyle opened his eyes, pulled his hand away from Lindy, rolled over, smiled at me, and rubbed his eyes. Kyle reached up, covered my breast with his hand, and gently massaged it.
“Hmmm, that’s better. Good morning, baby,” Kyle said.
I leaned into his hand and grinned. “Morning, time to get up.”
Kyle swung his legs over the side of the bed, put his elbows on his knees, and rested his head in his hands. “I need an aspirin or something.”
I rubbed the top of his head. “Too much sex?”
Kyle chuckled and then groaned. “Too much rum. I feel like shit.”
“You’ll feel better after you shower and get something to eat, sweetie.”
Kyle got up and wobbled a little. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him to me. “Have I told you how much I love you?” I said.
“Not today.”
“I love you with my entire being, Kyle. I never knew I could love someone as much as you.”
Kyle stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. “I love you too, Trish.”
“Sweetie, would you be upset if I showered without you this morning? I need to talk to Lindy.”
“About last night?” I nodded. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, I just want to talk with Lindy. It can wait if you don’t want me to.”
“I don’t mind. I think I understand. I guess girls need to talk to other girls sometimes,” Kyle said.
“We do, sweetie.” I kissed him and felt his tongue against my lips. I opened my mouth and sighed as his tongue found mine. “You are the greatest guy in the world, Kyle. I love you.”
Kyle gently smacked my naked butt and hugged me again. I squirmed against him and cooed as he rubbed my back. Moving out of his arms, I pulled the covers off Lindy and Steve.
Lindy was on her back with one leg draped over Steve’s legs. She looked like she was waiting for someone to climb between her splayed legs and screw her. I snickered, reached down, and shook her shoulder.
“Go away!” Lindy said as she covered her eyes with her arm.
“It’s time to get up and get going, sleepyhead.”
Lindy groaned and rolled toward Steve. I started to tickle her butt. She tried to get away, but Steve was in the way. She flipped onto her back again and batted at my hand.
“What time is it?” Lindy asked.
“A little after seven. Time for breakfast,” I told her.
“Damn, did someone get the license number of the bus that hit me?”
Kyle laughed. “No, but the driver was Captain Morgan.”
Lindy laughed, then held her head. “I need to pee and take a shower.”
Turning to Steve, Lindy reached for his cock and rubbed him. He groaned and rolled onto his back as Lindy stroked his erect member and glanced at me.
“I’ve been waking him up like this every morning of the trip. He likes it.”
“I’m sure he does,” I said. “Now, you can use your mouth too.”
“Not this morning. I’m not up to having sex. Not yet, at least.”
Steve finally woke up. When he noticed we were watching Lindy playing with him, he grabbed the sheet and covered himself.
“Come on, stud, get up. You don’t have anything we haven’t seen, kissed, or felt, or...,” Lindy said.
“I get the point, babe, but it doesn’t mean I want everyone watching you jack me off,” Steve said.
“I’m not jacking you off. I’m waking you up. We need food!” Lindy said.
Steve sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. “Does anyone else feel like shit?”
We laughed, then Kyle said, “I think we all do.”
Steve got up and began scratching his crotch. Lindy shook her head and said, “Guys! They can’t keep their hands off their dicks.”
“Like you can. Weren’t you playing with my cock a minute ago?” Steve said.
“There are two bathrooms,” I said. “Lindy and I are going to use one of them. You two can do what you want.”
Steve chuckled, hooked his arm through Kyle’s, and said, “Come on, let’s go. It’s obvious the girls want to be by themselves.”
Lindy and I laughed. I put my arm around her waist and said, “Take your time, boys.”
“Yeah, and don’t do anything we wouldn’t do,” Lindy said.
Kyle looked over his shoulder at me, grinned, and said, “It leaves a lot of things open, doesn’t it?”
“Not today, sweetie. I just want to talk.” I pulled Lindy into the bathroom and closed the door.
Lindy used the toilet while I started the shower, got in, and let the water cascade over my head and body. When Lindy joined me, she hugged me. I took her face in my hands and gave her a quick kiss.
“Lindy, as much as I want to fool around, I want to talk.”
Lindy let me go and stepped back a little. I saw the look on her face and kissed her again. “Don’t look at me that way. You’re making me feel bad.” I hugged her and rubbed her back.
“Kyle and I talked about you and me last night, Lindy. He told me he would understand if we wanted to, you know, be together once in a while.”
“Do you want to?” Lindy said softly.
“Yes, I do. There was something I felt when we were, you know, something I can’t explain. It felt good when Steve was screwing me, but there was no real emotion, but with you, there was.”
Lindy smiled. “I felt it too, but I was kind of drunk.”
Taking Lindy in my arms, I kissed her and moved my hand between her legs. Our breasts pressed together as we moved our chests to increase the feeling. I hooked my finger and slipped it into her pussy, making Lindy suck on my tongue. After a couple of minutes, I moved back.
“Well?” I said.
We smiled, kissed quickly, and began to wash one another. Neither of us did anything else sexual as we showered.
“How about what we did with the guys? How do you feel about it, Lindy?”
“I’m fine with it. It was a blast! As you said, it was rock and roll sex. I liked fucking Kyle, but not as much as I like it with Steve.”
“Steve does know a few tricks, doesn’t he?” I said.
“Yup, and then some. You should have let him screw your butt.”
“He did enough with his fingers. I want Kyle to be the first to do it to me.”
“You’re going to love it, Trish. Make sure you use plenty of lube, or Kyle’s big cock will hurt you.”
We finished in the shower and climbed out of the tub. I handed Lindy a towel, then grabbed one for me.
“Lindy, would you do what we did last night again,” I looked into her eyes, “without the booze?”
“Would you?”
“I asked first,” I said.
“Brat! Yes, I would. I had fun last night.”
“So would I. It was fun for me, too. I thought I would hate myself this morning, but I don’t. Kyle and I discussed it, as I’m sure you and Steve did. He’s cool with it.”
Lindy chuckled and grinned. “What would our friends say if they knew what we did?”
“I don’t plan on telling them. What we do is between the four of us.”
We fixed our hair and continued our conversation, agreeing it wasn’t something we would want to do all the time, but we would like to do it again. I told Lindy I wanted to have some time alone with her. Lindy said she would like it, too.
Once we finished, we went out and put on the outfits we had brought with us. Lindy asked for help with her bra, something I knew she could do alone, but I helped her. After clipping the bra, I reached around her and felt her breasts. Lindy leaned her head back and grinned.
We finished dressing and went to the living room. Kyle and Steve got up, and we left for the dining room. Once we were seated, I asked for coffee. The server brought a carafe and placed it on the table. After pouring a cup, I offered the coffee to Kyle. Much to my surprise, he poured a cup.
The server came back and asked if we were ready to order. We told her we were and ordered breakfast. After a glass of juice, fresh fruit, and an omelet, I began to feel human again.
After finishing our meals, we remained at the table and discussed what we wanted to do. I poured my third cup of coffee and sipped it.
“I want to see the fort,” Kyle said.
“How about the butterflies? I’d like to see them,” Lindy said.
“We can take one of the carriage tours,” I offered.
We decided to see the fort first, take the tour, then look at the butterflies. The four of us got up and went to our room to gather our luggage and take it to the boat.
“Damn, this place is a mess,” Kyle said when we surveyed the room.
“No kidding, it looks like there was an orgy in here last night,” Steve said, causing us to laugh.
Lindy and I packed our things while Kyle and Steve threw away the empty cans. Kyle put the empty rum bottle in our small suitcase to be disposed of later. He didn’t think it would be a good idea to leave it in the room. After checking that we had everything, we left the room and headed for the boat.
We decided against using the porter, and the guys carried the bags to the boat. It was a beautiful morning with a gentle breeze blowing from the west. I glanced at the sky and noticed the dark clouds in the distance.
I unlocked the door and went inside when we got to the boat. Lindy and I took care of the dirty clothes and tossed a load in the washing machine.
I was in the stateroom when Kyle came in. He wrapped his arms around me, tossed me on the bed, jumped on top of me, and we began to kiss.
“The hotel was cool, but I like being in our own bed, baby,” Kyle said as he looked at me and stroked my hair.
“I do, too, Kyle.” I felt my body tingle when he referred to our bed.
“Would you do something for me, Trish?”
“Of course. What do you what?”
“Could you wear a skirt today? I love the way you look in one.”
I nodded. “Is it okay if I wear a sundress?”
“Sure, I like you in those too.”
We got up, stripping off my shorts and top while Kyle sat on the bed watching. I looked through the hanging locker and brought out two of my sundresses.
“Which one do you want me to wear?”
“I like the light green one.”
“You would. I can’t wear a bra with it.”
“Lucky me.”
I removed my bra, went to Kyle, and pushed my breasts in his face. He held them and rubbed his face back and forth.
“Lucky me,” I said as he kissed my nipples.
I moved away and put on the light cotton sundress. I tied the strings on my shoulders and adjusted the clinging top. After smoothing the dress, I turned around and showed Kyle.
He got up, put his hand on my leg, and slid it under the dress. “Very nice.”
“The dress or my butt?”
“Both, but I’m partial to your ass.”
I wiggled against his hand. “I’m ready.”
“Me too. Do you think we have time?” Kyle said.
I rubbed his cock through his shorts. “We’ll make time, sweetie. If you want a quickie, bend me over. It’ll have to wait until later if you want to make love.”
“I want to wait so we can make love, Trish.”
“Okay, maybe we can grab a quickie while we’re out and make love when we get back.”
“In public?”
“No, not out in the open, but maybe we can find some bushes.” I laughed and spun away from him. “Come on, lover boy, let’s go sightseeing.”
Lindy and Steve were waiting in the salon when Kyle and I came up. We left the boat and headed for the fort. It wasn’t too far, and the walk felt good. When we arrived at the historic fort, I was feeling normal again.
We paid the entrance fee and spent a couple hours touring the fort. We learned Fort Mackinac was well over two hundred years old, and the British built it. We read the information on plaques and discussed how hard life must have been back then. Kyle reminded us it was relative to the times, and we couldn’t compare it to our way of life.
Kyle took pictures while Steve taped some of the things we saw. Lindy and I posed for the guys in front of several buildings.
After seeing everything we wanted at the fort, we headed to the butterfly house. It was a fairly short walk from the fort to the building we wanted to visit. As we walked along, the stiff breeze flirted with my dress and lifted it high enough to reveal the white lace boy-short panties I wore beneath it. Steve and Lindy walked behind Kyle and me and commented every time the dress flew up.
Kyle put his arm around me, pulled me close, and said, “Would you mind if I walked with Lindy and Steve?”
I laughed and shook my head. “If you want to see under my dress, look. You don’t have to wait for the wind, sweetie.”
“Don’t worry, Kyle, I caught it on tape,” Steve said.
I looked back at Steve, grinned, and flipped the back of my dress. “Did you get it?”
“No, I wasn’t ready. Do it again.”
I glanced around to make sure no one paid attention to us and pulled my dress up again. Before dropping it, I shook my bottom at Steve.
“Thanks, I got it this time.”
Lindy laughed. “Yeah, thanks.”
We went into the butterfly house and looked at the free-flying butterflies. There were some of the most beautiful bugs I’d ever seen. We spent an hour in the building and then moved on.
“Let’s take a buggy ride,” Lindy said. “I want to rest.”
We went to the livery and asked about a tour. The man fixed us up with a driver, and we climbed into the horse-drawn cart. The driver told us about the things we passed and answered our questions during the hour-and-a-half-long trip.
After the tour, we walked downtown and had lunch at a sidewalk café. We ate our sandwiches, paid the bill, and walked along the street. When we got to a store called Peace Frogs, we went in.
Kyle and Steve looked around, then went outside. Lindy and I checked out the cute clothing and other things the store offered.
“We should get these for the guys.” Lindy held up a pair of lounge pants.
“Those are cute. Let’s get them for Kyle and Steve.” I found short shorts and matching camisoles and showed them to Lindy. “Look, we can get these to match the guys’ pants.”
Lindy and I matched up outfits for the four of us. We picked out shorts and camisoles for Lindy and me and matching lounge pants and tee shirts for Kyle and Steve. Lindy said she liked the lounge pants, so we picked a pair. Kyle and I had matching outfits when we finished, and so did Lindy and Steve.
We paid for the things and left the store. When the guys asked what we had, we told them they’d have to wait until we got back to the boat. Lindy and I window-shopped while the guys tagged along. We’d duck into a shop while Kyle and Steve waited for us.
“Let’s go back to the boat and relax,” Lindy said. “My feet are starting to hurt.”
“Okay, I could use a rest, too,” I said.
We headed back to the marina and onto the boat. When we got into the salon, we flopped on the settee. I kicked off my shoes and put my feet on the coffee table.
“This is a cool place,” Steve said. “There’s a lot to see and do.”
I pulled the pamphlet out of my purse and began looking through it. “It says the sunsets are beautiful from the boardwalk. Do you guys want to check it out tonight?”
“Sure, it sounds fun,” Kyle said. “Are we eating out or on the boat tonight?”
“We have a lot of food. We should eat here,” Lindy said.
After we had relaxed for about twenty minutes, Kyle got up and started pacing. I watched him as he went from one thing to another.
“Cabin fever, sweetie?” I said.
Kyle chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Why don’t you go look at the boats or see if there are any fishermen you can talk to?”
“Would you mind?”
“No, you can do whatever you want to do. I’m going to stay here and relax,” I said.
Kyle asked Steve if he wanted to go, and Steve jumped to his feet. They gave us kisses and left. I chuckled and shook my head.
“They’re so funny sometimes, Lindy. I love them to pieces,” I said.
“They can be funny. I think they get bored too quickly,” Lindy said.
“Kyle said he wants to go fishing in the morning.”
“Wow, what a surprise. I wonder if there are any fish around here,” Lindy said.
“They have two charter boats listed in the pamphlet, so I guess there must be fish somewhere close.”
“I don’t mind the fishing, but I wish they didn’t have to do it so early in the morning.” Lindy laughed. “I need my beauty sleep!”
I laughed and then wiggled my toes. “I need to do my nails.”
“I’ll do them for you, Trish. Where’s the polish?”
“In my room, I’ll go get it. You need anything?”
Lindy shook her head. I ran down to retrieve the bottle of polish, remover, and a bag of cotton balls. When I returned, I placed the things on the coffee table and sat down. Lindy moved from the settee to the coffee table and lifted my right foot onto her leg. I squirmed as she rubbed the bottom of my foot, then Lindy picked up the remover and applied some to a cotton ball.
One by one, Lindy cleaned the old polish off my toenails. When she finished my right foot, she started on my left. Once my nails were cleaned, Lindy began rubbing the calf of my leg. She moved higher and tickled under my knee before shifting her hand to my inner thigh.
She stroked my leg, moved off the coffee table, and knelt on the deck. Lindy put her other hand on my right leg and leaned forward, pushing my dress to my waist. When she put her mouth on my panty-covered mons, I took her head between my hands as she planted kisses on me and breathed her warm breath through my sheer panties.
“If you don’t stop, I’ll go nuts, Lindy.”
When Lindy moved her hands to the waistband of my panties and tugged on them, I put my feet on the table’s edge and lifted my bottom so she could take them off. I raised my legs when she had my underwear down to my thighs. Lindy removed my panties, tossed them on the settee next to me, pushed my legs apart, leaned in, and kissed my pussy.
I moaned as her tongue parted my labia and moved to my clit. Lindy closed her lips around my nub and rubbed it with her tongue. I felt my body quiver as she teased me, then I reached for her head. “Please stop, Lindy.” I pushed her head away from my crotch.
Lindy sat up and looked at me. “What’s the matter? Don’t you want me to do it?”
“Yes, I do, but I can’t, not right now.” I lowered my legs and covered myself with my dress. “I feel like I’m cheating on Kyle.”
“Kyle said you could if you wanted to, didn’t he?” I nodded. “Steve said the same thing as long as he got to watch once in a while.”
I grinned. “I know, but it doesn’t feel right. I want to, but.”
“Okay, I understand.” Lindy sat on the coffee table, picked up my right foot, and began putting cotton balls between my toes. “Look, I don’t want to make you upset, Trish. After last night I thought you would want to explore a little more. I want to know what it’s like when it’s just you and me.”
I watched Lindy as she carefully applied the nail polish. I thought about what she said, how it felt moments ago when she kissed my pussy, and about the night before. She smiled at me as if she was reading my thoughts.
“I want to know too, Lindy. Kyle told me I could, but I guess I’m not ready.”
“Not ready to do it or not ready to do it without Kyle knowing about it first?” Lindy finished my right foot and started on the left.
“Lindy, I can’t help the way I feel about Kyle. I love him and wouldn’t want to do anything to make him pissed at me.” I grinned. “I’m not ready to fool around without Kyle knowing about it first.”
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