Trish’s Journey - Cover

Trish’s Journey

Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision

Chapter 21

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 21 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

“Kyle, get up. It’s beautiful outside.” Steve’s voice brought me out of my slumber, and I rolled onto my back.

“Okay, I’m up. Give me a chance to get dressed,” Kyle said.

I pulled the sheet up to cover my exposed breasts and rolled away. While running around the boat naked had become somewhat routine, not to mention fun, having Steve see me in bed was a bit different. The bed I’d been sharing with Kyle was like my little hideaway, a place for Kyle and me to be alone.

Kyle reached over, rubbed my back, and asked if I was awake.

“Yes, I’m up. Are you guys going to fish this morning?” I said.

“We’d like to, baby.”

“Okay, let me get up and dressed. I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

Kyle told Steve we’d be ready in a while, then Steve left. Kyle pulled me onto my back and gave me a kiss. “Is everything okay, baby?”

I put my arms around Kyle’s neck. “Yeah, I’m just a little selfish.”

“About what?”

“I don’t know. I guess I’m a little silly, that’s all. I like having you to myself when we’re in here.”

“You’re upset about Steve coming in?” I nodded. “You walked into their room before. I guess he felt it was okay to do the same thing.”

“You’re right. As I said, I’m acting silly. It shouldn’t upset me.”

“I’ll tell Steve not to do it again.”

“Tell him to knock first.” I wiggled against Kyle and kissed his cheek. “After all, who knows what we might be doing?”

“Trish, Steve knocked. I told him to come in. You were still sleeping.”

“Oh, now I feel stupid. I didn’t know he knocked.” I paused and grinned. “I wouldn’t want him coming in while you were doing what you did last night.”

Kyle chuckled, looked into my eyes, and said, “What are you talking about?”

I gave him a smack on his arm. “You know what I’m talking about! When you held me down and shoved your dick in my mouth.”

“Steve might want to see what a real blowjob looks like, baby. Lindy doesn’t do it for him too often.”

“How do you know?”

“He told me.”

I sat up, put my hands on my hips, and looked into his eyes. “What did you tell him about me?”

Kyle rubbed my cheek and ran his thumb over my nose. “I told him you were the best in the world when it comes to blowjobs.”

I grinned and shook my head. “Well, at least you didn’t call me a cocksucker.”

“I would never call you a cocksucker.”

I leaned close, kissed his mouth, and put my hand on his erection. I began to slowly stroke his cock and smiled. “I told you I’ll be your cocksucker. I don’t care if you call me one as long as you don’t say it to anyone else.”

Kyle laughed. “Okay, you’ll be my little cocksucker. I’ll be your muff diver.”

“What’s a muff diver?”

Kyle pushed me onto my back, grabbed my legs, pulled them apart, put his head between my thighs, and began licking and kissing my pussy. Kyle nibbled on my clit and screwed his tongue into my opening. After a moment, he sat up and grinned.

“That’s a muff diver.”

“Oh yeah, and what a great muff diver you are. If we don’t get up and get going, we’ll have breakfast in bed.”

“Mmmm, I can’t think of anything better for breakfast.”

I chuckled and got up. Kyle jumped out of bed, and we got ready to go. Once we were dressed, we went up to the galley. I started a pot of coffee while Steve and Kyle went out to get the boat started and ready to go. I was pouring water into the coffee maker when Lindy came up.

“Morning, Trish. I’m amazed.”


“I figured you’d be a zombie this morning. From the sound of it, I thought Kyle fucked your brains out. I expected to see you sitting in the corner, drooling and babbling.”

“Oh no, were we too loud?” Lindy laughed and nodded her head. “Next time, I’ll turn the stereo on.”

“Please don’t. It was fun for Steve and me. We were laughing and screwing like crazy.”

Lindy started to take the bowls out of the cabinet. “Is cereal okay?”

“Sure,” I said.

I watched the coffee dripping into the pot while Lindy set the table and put the cereal box out. She poured the juice into four glasses and sat down at the table. When the coffee finished, I filled a cup and joined her.

Kyle and Steve returned, sat down, and filled their bowls with cereal. I glanced at Kyle, then at Lindy. We all began to chuckle and then laugh.

“I guess we were a little loud last night, Kyle,” I said.

“You two were into it from how it sounded,” Steve said.

“I know. Lindy already told me.” I grinned at Steve. “She also told me you guys were getting off on it.”

Steve blushed as he nodded. “It was almost as hot as when we all did it in the salon.”

“Did you guys see Justin and Glenn this morning?” I asked.

“No, their boat’s gone, so I guess they got out early,” Kyle replied. “Did you see the name of their boat? Maybe we can call them on the radio to see if they’re catching fish.”

“I think it was ‘Boy’s Toy’ or something,” Lindy said.

Kyle and Steve both laughed. Kyle said, “That’s it. I remember seeing it on the transom. I thought it was funny after they told us they were gay.”

“You’re sick, Kyle,” I said.

“Why? Don’t you think it’s funny? I couldn’t get the image of them playing with each other out of my head. Like I said, it doesn’t bother me, but it’s amusing.”

“I guess it’s kind of funny.” I grinned. “The thought of them playing with each other’s dicks is funny.”

We laughed and cleared the table. Lindy and I took care of the dishes while Kyle and Steve went out to pull the boat out of the slip and head for the lake. I felt us begin to move and went to see if Kyle was okay.

Once I felt Kyle was safely underway, I returned to help Lindy in the galley. We washed the dishes, put them away, and went out to join the guys. When Lindy and I climbed the flying bridge, Kyle asked me to take over so he and Steve could prepare the rods.

I headed out into the lake and took the boat up on plane. The lake was almost flat with only a slight chop. Scanning the horizon, I looked for other fishermen. I called Glenn and Justin on the radio and asked how they were doing when Glenn answered my call.

“We’re over ninety feet of water and have two in the box,” Glenn said. “Tell Kyle and Steve we’re running the same program we did last night. Troll north over the waypoints we marked.”

I thanked Glenn, then called for Kyle. He poked his head up through the hatch to the flying bridge, and I told him what Glenn said. Kyle thanked me and went back down to the cockpit.

I slowed the boat and turned north as we approached the first waypoint. I set the autopilot and then went to the rail to watch the guys set the lines. Lindy stood next to me and asked how I was feeling.

“I’m fine. Why?”

“I just thought your pussy would be sore this morning.”

I bumped my shoulder against Lindy. “My pussy’s fine, but thanks for asking.”

Lindy and I began to laugh. Steve looked up and asked what we were laughing about. I told him nothing, but Lindy wasn’t as coy.

“I was making sure Kyle didn’t hurt her last night. From how it sounded, he was really giving it to her.”

“Lindy! Shut up!” I shouted, and I smacked her arm.

“What? He was, wasn’t he?” Lindy said.

“Well, yes, but you make it sound so nasty.”

“Sweetie, there’s nothing nasty about getting a good fucking, not as far as I’m concerned.” Lindy looked down at Steve. “Right, stud?”

“You never complain,” Steve said.

“Only when I’m not getting enough from you,” Lindy said, returning the banter.

We were all laughing by now. Kyle shook his head and then looked up at me.

“Do you get enough, Trish?” Kyle asked.

“Honestly?” Kyle grinned and nodded. “I don’t think there is such a thing.”

Lindy looked at me and laughed. “Why, you little hussy! No such thing as enough?”

“Well, is there?” I said.

“No, I guess not.” Lindy started bouncing and then yelled, “Fish on!”

Steve and Kyle turned around and looked at the rods. Kyle ran to the starboard side and pulled one of the rods out of the holder. He pulled back on it and began to crank the reel. Steve grabbed the net and waited for Kyle to get the fish to the side of the boat.

After a short battle, Kyle netted the fish and pulled it onboard. They removed the hook, and Steve put the fish in the hold. While Kyle reset the line, Steve washed down the deck.

Lindy and I sat at the helm and gazed at the rising sun. It was still low in the sky and reflected off the water. I called Glenn on the radio and told him about the fish we had caught. Glenn told me he and Justin needed only one more king before their limit.

“I wish we were doing as well,” I said.

“You will in time. You guys are doing very well for newcomers. Remember, it’s the fishing, not the fish, we come here for,” Glen said.

“Thanks, Glen. I’ll try to remember what you said.”

We signed off, and I hung up the microphone. “Those guys are nice, aren’t they, Lindy?”

“Yeah. I enjoyed spending the evening with them. I think you enjoyed it more after they left.” Lindy laughed and made a silly face.

“Stop it. Kyle and I were making love. Like you and Steve weren’t doing the same thing.”

Lindy laughed. “You know we were. I never thought of you as a screamer, that’s all.”

“You do. Kyle and I have heard you guys.”

“I know. I can’t help it sometimes. Steve drives me nuts, and now he eats my pussy. What can I say?”

“Are you returning the favor?” I said with a big grin.

Lindy shook her head and then smiled. “I kiss it and give him a hand job. He seems okay with it. Steve asks, but I can’t seem to do it.” Lindy laughed and put her hand on my arm. “Maybe you could do Steve for me. You like to give head.”

“Don’t be sick!” I paused for a moment. “You remember our kiss on the beach yesterday?”

“Yeah. I can’t wait to do more,” Lindy said softly.

“That’s the thing. I want to, but it would be kind of cheating on Kyle. No, it would be cheating on him. I’ve thought about it a lot, and as much as I want to, I won’t do it.”

Lindy nodded. “I understand. Have you ever thought about having sex with another guy?”

I gave her a look and shook my head. “Have you?”


“Would you?”

“I don’t know. I love Steve, but sometimes I wonder how doing it with someone else would be. When you think about it, sex is a big part of our relationship. Steve and I like to do other things, but we end up screwing almost every time we go out.”

I smiled. “That’s not all bad. I love having sex with Kyle.”

“Our dates are usually a burger, fries, and a fuck.” Lindy laughed. “I think I’d like to try chicken sometime.”

Lindy and I laughed until Kyle yelled out there was a fish on. Lindy and I went to the rail to watch Steve fight the fish on a dispy rod while Kyle stood ready with the net.

“Those two love fishing, don’t they?” I said. “It’s great to see them having so much fun.”

We watched the guys land the fish. Steve slipped his fingers into the gills and held it up for Lindy and me to see. Kyle took pictures and asked Lindy to take one of him and Steve. Lindy climbed down the ladder, grabbed the camera, and shot the photos for them.

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