Trish’s Journey
Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision
Chapter 18
Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.
Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction Sharing Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism First Oral Sex Petting Slow
There were no alarms set, but I was wide awake at six-thirty. I cuddled against Kyle and kissed his cheek as he slept. I became restless, so I slipped out of bed and went to the head. After taking care of my business, I took a shower. I wished Kyle were with me, but I didn’t want to wake him. I finished in the shower, dried off, and entered our room. Opening a drawer, found one of my dad’s tank-style tee shirts and pulled it on.
Dad’s shirt came down to my thighs. The arm openings were large and exposed the sides of my breasts. After glancing at myself in the mirror, I decided to wear the shirt and pulled on a pair of panties.
I went up to the galley, made a pot of coffee, and waited for it to brew. While waiting, I straightened the salon, putting the cards back into the box. As I tucked the flap into the box, I chuckled, thinking about what a simple game led to.
When the coffee pot finished, I poured a cup, went out to the cockpit, and looked around to be sure there wasn’t anyone walking around. While I felt liberated, I wasn’t ready to parade around in public. I wore a tee shirt, but my breasts weren’t entirely hidden by how the armholes were cut. The morning air was still crisp and caused my nipples to harden, and I felt the bumps rub against the shirt, sending jolts to the junction of my legs when I moved.
I shivered against the morning air, then returned to the cabin to warm up. Walking around the salon, I grinned when I looked at the coffee table and thought about us sitting around it in the nude.
I turned on the television, searched the limited channels for something to watch, found the local news, and sat on the settee to watch it. The weather report called for calm winds and said it would be near ninety inland and about ten degrees cooler on the lake.
Lindy shook my shoulder and woke me up. I was stretched out on the settee, the television still on. Once I became orientated, I sat up.
“Hi, Lindy. I must have fallen asleep.”
“What time did you get up?” Lindy asked.
“I don’t know. About six-thirty. What time is it?”
“Almost eight. Steve’s still asleep.” Lindy grinned. “I didn’t check on Kyle.”
I shot Lindy a look, then shook my head. Picking up my coffee mug, I went to the galley, emptied the cold coffee, and refilled it. Lindy got the orange juice out of the refrigerator and filled a glass.
“Kind of a wild night last night, wasn’t it?” Lindy said.
I shrugged my shoulders.
“Are you sorry we did it?”
“No, not at all. It was fun!” I replied.
“I’ve always thought of myself as brave, but I never thought I’d get naked, not with you and Kyle.”
“You said you were used to it because of your brothers.”
“Not naked! My underwear is no more revealing than some of my bikinis. If my brothers see me in my bra and panties, it’s no biggie. Being naked is different.”
“Did it bother you? It didn’t seem to.”
“To be honest, I was scared shitless. I would have never done it if it hadn’t been for you.”
“Me? You’ve got to be kidding. I’m the shy one.”
Lindy shook her head. “You may think of yourself as shy, but you are one of the most self-confident people I know. Look at how you’re able to handle this boat and stuff.”
“Handling the boat and being naked in front of you and Steve isn’t the same thing. Anyone can learn to handle the boat.”
“That may be true, but there are other things. I’ve always admired you for being your own person. You do things on your terms, no one else’s. Do you know how many girls at our school gave it up just so they’ll be popular?”
I shook my head.
“I do. A lot of them did.” Lindy looked down. “I let guys feel me up and stuff because I thought I wouldn’t get asked out if I didn’t.”
“Kyle’s sweet and understanding. When we started to date, he tried to feel me up, but he stopped when I asked him not to. I didn’t think Steve was the kind of guy who would pressure you.”
Lindy smiled. “He’s not. That’s why he got my cherry.” She laughed and then grinned at me. “I almost had to rape him.”
Both of us chuckled. I sipped my coffee and smiled at Lindy.
“Are you sorry we all got naked last night?” I said.
“Would you do it again?”
“Yeah, I’d do it with you and Kyle. After a little while, I forgot I was naked and was very comfortable. The fact Steve didn’t grope me in front of you helped, too,” Lindy said.
“Kyle and Steve are sweet guys.” I grinned. “I think they were as nervous as we were.”
Lindy smiled and nodded her head. After a few moments of silence, Lindy shifted in her seat.
“Trish, can I ask you something personal?” I nodded. “How big does his thing get?”
“What thing?”
Lindy blushed. “Kyle’s pecker?”
I gasped at her question and then started to smirk. “I never measured it, Lindy.” I held my hands out, about eight inches apart. Lindy’s eyes got wide, then she shook her head.
Lindy asked me how big around Kyle’s dick was. I chuckled, formed an O with my mouth, and pointed at it.
Lindy and I began to laugh so hard my sides ached, tears ran out of the corners of my eyes, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment. When we settled down, Lindy wiped her eyes and shook her head.
“How does it fit in you?” We both burst into laughter again. I could tell my cheeks were bright red.
After I was able to settle down, I grinned and said, “Perfectly!”
My reply brought on another round of laughter. Lindy was holding her stomach and falling to her side. Her head fell onto my leg, and she looked up at me.
“How about in your mouth?” She had trouble speaking because of her laughter.
“The same.”
“How much can you get into your mouth?”
I grinned and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. “All of it sometimes.”
Lindy stopped laughing. “Bullshit!”
“It’s not bullshit. If I’m turned on, I can take it all.”
“You can take it in your throat?” I nodded. “Doesn’t it make you gag and feel like puking?”
I couldn’t believe I was sharing the intimate details of my sex life with Lindy. My ability to shock her was intriguing, even exciting. I remembered some things my sister had told me and how I had reacted.
“It gags me sometimes, but I can control it. The look on Kyle’s face is worth it. I don’t always do it, but when I do, he goes nuts.”
“You give him blowjobs because he likes them, not you?”
“Oh, I like it! In fact, I love the feeling of his cock in my mouth and the taste of his cum, but I love how Kyle responds to it the most.” I grinned at Lindy and decided to tell her a little more. “Last night, we did each other at the same time.”
“Yup, it was wonderful!” I said.
“I would have never thought of you doing those things.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Three months ago, I never thought of myself as someone who would have sex like I am now. I’d probably still be a virgin if it were any other guy. I don’t know what it is about Kyle, but I feel so at ease with him. He never gets rough or makes me feel like a slut or anything.”
“It must be love!” Lindy chuckled and continued to look up at me.
I brushed Lindy’s hair off her forehead. “It is love, Lindy. I can’t begin to explain how Kyle makes me feel, but it’s the best feeling in the world. I don’t know what I’d do without him.”
Lindy sat up and pulled the tee shirt she was wearing down to cover her panties. She touched my cheek, smiled, then said, “I hope it works out for you two. You deserve a guy like Kyle.”
“I hope so, too. I hope the same is true for you and Steve. It seems like the four of us have a special friendship. I want it to last forever.”
Lindy got teary-eyed, hugged me, and whispered, “Forever.”
Lindy and I held one another for a few moments. Her warm body felt good against mine, so I pulled her tighter. The feeling wasn’t sexual at all. It was lovely. We finally parted and shared a smile.
Kyle came up from below and said, “Morning.” His hair was wet, and he wore running shorts with no shirt.
“Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?” I asked.
Kyle nodded, went to the galley, poured himself a glass of orange juice, came over to the table, sat beside me, and kissed me.
“I slept great, baby. Why didn’t you get me up when you woke up?”
“You looked too cute and peaceful, so I decided to let you sleep. I came out here, made coffee, and fell asleep on the settee.”
“Steve’s up. I heard him in the shower when I came up here.”
Lindy chuckled. “He’s in the shower?” She jumped up and headed for the stateroom. As Lindy descended the steps, I heard her say, “Goody!”
Kyle and I chuckled. He glanced at my shirt, slid his hand into the arm opening, and rubbed my breast. “I like the shirt, baby.”
I grinned, rested my head on his shoulder, and twisted toward him. “I like your hand on my boob.”
Pulling away, I turned, facing Kyle. I put my thumbs in the armholes and scrunched the material between my boobs, exposing them. “How about like this?”
Kyle grinned, leaned over, and planted a soft kiss on my nipples.
“I loved it when you woke me up and made love to me last night, Kyle.”
“You said I could.”
“I meant it, sweetie. You can do it anytime, anywhere.” I gave him a kiss. “Within reason, of course.”
Kyle leaned closer and hugged me, pressing our chests together. I pulled my hands away from my shirt, but the material remained between my boobs so I could feel his bare chest against them.
“What time do you want to leave for our next port, baby?”
“I don’t know, after breakfast, I guess.”
“It’s too bad we don’t have the right equipment. We could troll as we headed north.”
“I know. It would be fun, but we don’t. I’ve been thinking about what Dad said. I’m not sure he was serious. It would cost a lot of money to get everything we need.”
“I know. Maybe someday we can have a boat rigged for salmon fishing.”
Kyle’s words echoed in my mind. He referred to the future, our future. I felt a lump in my throat, swallowed, and nodded. “Yeah, maybe someday we can.” I took a deep breath. “I love you, Kyle Phillips.”
Kyle’s grin was telling. He kissed my nose and said, “I love you too, Trish. With all my heart.”
“Still feel okay about what we did last night?”
“Making love like we did? Hell yes! I wish I could live on your sweet pussy.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about. I meant getting naked.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m okay with it.”
I grinned. “Me too. Would you do it again?”
“Sure, why not.”
We hugged and kissed again, whispering I love you in each other’s ears. Feeling frisky, I moved my hand along Kyle’s leg and into his shorts. His cock was firm but not at its full rigidity. I curled my fingers around his shaft. As his cock grew in my hand, I began stroking him.
When Kyle started to rub my pussy, I opened my legs for him. He hooked his finger into the leg opening of my panties and touched my clit. I moaned and pushed against his probing digit.
While Kyle teased my clit, I worked his cock out of the leg of his shorts, moved my thumb over the velvety helmet, and smeared his leaking fluid on the tip. Leaning over, I licked the head of his cock and then took it into my mouth. I was still slobbering over his cock when Lindy and Steve came up and caught us.
“Oops.” I quickly tucked Kyle back into his shorts.
Lindy laughed. Steve stared. Kyle pulled my tee shirt back in place, covering my breasts.
“You two have a room, you know,” Lindy said as she chuckled.
“We know, but we didn’t expect you to be back so soon.” I slid next to Kyle, and we both blushed.
“Okay, what will the rest of us have for breakfast?” Steve asked, shifting nervously.
“How about French toast and bacon?” Lindy said. “I’ll cook.”
I laughed and said, “I think I’d prefer sausage.”
We laughed, but I also blushed at my own statement. Kyle nudged his shoulder against me and shook his head. I got up and went to the galley with Lindy to help with breakfast.
Lindy and I made a platter of French toast and fried a pound of bacon. Kyle and Steve set the table, put orange juice and syrup on the table, and sat down to wait until the food was ready.
We ate, then Kyle and Steve cleaned up, washed the dishes, and put them away. While the guys worked in the galley, I went below and changed into shorts and a less revealing top. Lindy also dressed as we got ready for the day.
“When do you want to get underway?” Kyle asked when I returned.
“Any time you’re ready, sweetie. You and Steve can take care of things today.”
“Okay. We’ll be ready in a little while.”
I freshened my coffee and went to the salon. While I flipped through the channels on the television, my cell phone rang. I jumped up, grabbed the phone, and answered the call.
“Hi, honey, this is Dad,” I heard my dad say.
“Hi, Dad. Is everything okay? Is there something wrong?” I was concerned something had happened to one of our parents or something.
“Everything is fine. How are you guys doing?” Dad said.
“Great, we finished breakfast and are getting ready to go. Our next port is Presque Isle.”
“Honey, were you serious about the salmon fishing you talked about last night?”
“I don’t know, I guess so. Kyle is very interested in it. I am, too. It was a blast catching those big fish,” I replied.
“Okay, here’s the deal. If you want to pick up what you need, go ahead.”
“Do you mean it, Dad?”
My dad laughed. “Yes, I’m serious. I talked it over with your mother, and we agreed you could buy the things if you want to. There is one condition, though.”
“You have to promise to take us fishing someday, our friends too.”
“No problem. We have a lot to learn about it first.”
“Of course, but I’m confident you will. You always do when it’s something you want to learn. Get a pencil and paper. I have some information to give you, honey,” Dad said.
I got a pad of paper and a pencil out of a drawer, sat on the deck, and put it on the coffee table. Kyle, Steve, and Lindy stood close, trying to figure out what was happening. When Lindy asked, I waved and held up a finger, indicating she should hold on.
Dad gave me the name of a marina in Oscoda and the name of a man we were to talk with. He said Randy would take care of everything we’d need.
“Okay, Dad. Are you sure about this?”
“You know I am, princess. Have fun. Hang on, Mom wants to talk to you.”
When Mom came on, we chatted for a few minutes. She asked about our trip and what we were doing.
“We’re having a great time, Mom. We just had French toast and bacon for breakfast. Kyle and Steve did the dishes and cleaned the galley. We played cards last night.”
“Strip poker?” Mom asked, shocking me.
“No, we didn’t play strip poker, Mom!” I chuckled. “We played strip euchre.” I tried to shock her like she did to me.
“Make sure you sit on towels. I don’t want any stains.”
I couldn’t talk.
“Trish, are you still there?”
“Yeah, Mom, I’m here.”
I heard Mom laughing and telling my dad what I said. In the background, I heard Dad say, “Like mother like daughter.”
“What does he mean, Mom?”
“Nothing, your father is a smartass. Have a good time. I’ll talk to you tonight,” Mom said.
“Bye, Mom. Love you.”
“I love you too, Trish. Goodbye.”
I stared at the phone for a moment and set it down.
“What’s going on, Trish?” Lindy asked. “Is everything okay?”
I nodded my head.
“I can’t believe you told your mom we played strip euchre last night,” Kyle said. “Is she pissed?”
I grinned and shook my head. “No, she asked if we played strip poker. I told her we didn’t. To get to her, I told her we played strip euchre.”
“What did she say?” Kyle asked.
I laughed and replied, “She said to sit on towels because she didn’t want any stains.”
After a moment of silence, we all laughed.
“Why did your dad call?”
“You’re not going to believe it. Dad said we should go to a marina in Oscoda today and spend the night there.”
“Why?” Steve asked.
“Dad said there is a guy named Randy we’re supposed to talk to.” I was purposely keeping them in the dark as long as I could. I wanted to see the looks on the guys’ faces when I told them why Dad had called.
“Come on, Trish, what’s going on?” Kyle asked.
“Okay, let me give you a hint, sweetie.” I picked up the book I bought for Kyle, pulled it out of the bag, and handed it to him.
Kyle looked at the book, read the title, and looked up at me. “I guess I’m dense. I don’t get it.”
I moved in front of Kyle, put my arms around his waist, and smiled. After kissing him, I said, “Dad said we could get the things we need to go salmon fishing, sweetie. The man at the marina is going to help.”
“No way!” Kyle’s eyes were wide, and he grinned. “Are you serious?”
I kissed him and nodded.
“This is going to be so cool,” Steve said. “I wish we had more time to fish on this trip.”
Kyle hugged me, gave me a kiss, then let me go. “Let’s get going! Steve, give me a hand so we can get out of here.”
Steve and Kyle almost ran out of the salon. I could hear them on the flying bridge above me as they got the boat ready.
“You’re so spoiled!” Lindy said. “Does your dad give you anything you want?”
“No, but I get most things I ask for.” I ginned. “I’m not spoiled. I’m loved.”
“Bull! You’re spoiled, and you know it!”
“Oh well, what’s a girl to do? I don’t take advantage of it. If my dad hadn’t called, I wouldn’t have bought the fishing equipment we’re going to get.”
“You mean you’re going to get.”
“I mean we. It’s for all of us to enjoy. It wouldn’t be fun if you and the guys didn’t want to fish.”
“You confuse the crap out of me sometimes. Don’t you ever think of yourself?”
“Sure, but my parents have always taught me to share. I don’t know exactly why they’re the way they are. I think it has something to do with my sister.”
“They didn’t do the same things for Amy?”
“I don’t remember too much. Amy is five years older than me, so we were never very close. I do know she was wild when she was younger.” I wasn’t going to tell Lindy about the things Amy told me.
Lindy shook her head. “I guess we should help the guys, shouldn’t we?”
“Yeah, we can take care of the lines. Let’s go. It’s supposed to be nice today, so we can wear our new bikinis.”
“After last night, we could run around in the buff,” Lindy said.
“I know, but I still think it would be sexier if we wore the suits and the boys wore theirs.”
“True, very true,” Lindy said.
Lindy and I went outside and began untying the dock lines. Kyle had the engines running and was helping Steve disconnect the power and water. I stood behind Kyle a few minutes later as he eased the boat out of the slip.
Once we were in the lake, Kyle set the autopilot. He and Steve programmed the waypoint for the marina in Oscoda into the chart plotter and saved it.
“Trish, you said there’s sonar. Can you show it to me?” Kyle asked.
I told him how to change the mode on one of the color screens to display the fish finder. Kyle asked a few questions, but I couldn’t answer them.
“I’ve never done much with the sonar. I do have the manual for it, though. Want me to get it for you?”
“Yes, please, or tell me where it is, and I’ll get it.”
I told him I would take care of it and went below. When I returned to the flying bridge and gave Kyle the book, he read it and pressed the unit’s buttons. Steve was reading the book on salmon fishing. Soon, they were discussing what each of them was reading.
Lindy and I went to the cockpit, leaving the guys alone to study the books and learn how to use the sonar. We pulled out deck chairs and relaxed as the boat cut through the water.
I yelled to Kyle and told him to take the engines up to two thousand RPMs.
“Would you like something, Trish? I’m going to have a soda,” Lindy said.
“Sure, I’ll have a diet.”
Lindy got the sodas and handed me one. I got up, went to the cabin, and returned with my cigarettes.
“It’s nice today,” I said.
“Yeah, it is. It’s only nine-thirty, and it’s already getting warm.”
“I was wondering if our parents said it was okay if you would like to stay on the boat for a few more days? It’s not like we have much to do at home,” I said.
“I’d love to. I’m having a great time. I could live on this boat!”
I laughed. “It would be a little difficult in the winter.”
Lindy grinned. “Not if we took it to Florida or somewhere warm.”
“True, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. We still have school to think about.”
“I know, but it’s fun to dream. Do you think your dad will let us use the boat for a few more days?”
“Probably. Dad said he wanted to go fishing. Maybe we could meet my parents at Harbor Beach,” I said.
“It would be crowded with them sleeping on the boat.”
“Sleeping with Kyle with my parents in the next room would be weird. Maybe they could get a motel or something.”
Lindy and I finished our sodas, then sat in the cockpit, looking out at the water. Lindy got up, stretched, and said, “I think we better take care of our rooms. I know my bed needs clean sheets.”
“So does mine.”
Lindy and I went below and removed the sheets. I started the washer and put clean sheets on the bed. After straightening up the room, I went to see how Lindy was doing.
Lindy was wearing her new micro bikini when I entered her room. I grinned, went to get mine, then went back to her room to change. We put on our suits and stood back to look at one another.
“I don’t remember these things being this small.” I tugged at the thin strip of material covering my mons. “I think I need to trim my pussy a little more.”
Lindy looked at my crotch and nodded. She traced the edges of the suit with her fingertip and caused me to shiver. “Yup, you need to trim this thing. You don’t want your suit to have a beard.”
I laughed and shook my head. “I’ll be right back.”
I went to the head in my stateroom and removed the bottom of the suit. While wetting and applying gel to my mons, Lindy watched me transform the short hair triangle into a half-inch wide strip. I used a washcloth to wipe away the gel’s remains and looked at myself in the mirror.
“What do you think?”
“One more razor swipe and you’d look like a ten-year-old.” Lindy laughed.
I laughed, put my bottom back on, and checked myself in the mirror again. “There, no beard.”
We left the head, and I stopped in my room to get a cover-up. I selected the one-piece terrycloth outfit and stepped into it. After pulling it up and covering my breasts, we went to Lindy’s room so she could get something to wear over her bikini. Lindy took a wraparound skirt, and a tank top out of her hanging locker and put them on.
“Where are the suits we got for the guys?” Lindy asked.
“I hid them in my room. Should we get their suits?”
“Why not? I can’t wait to see Steve and Kyle in them.”
We went to my room, pulled the two suits out of their hiding place, removed the tags, and gave one to Lindy. “Should we do it now?”
Lindy shook her head. “Leave Kyle’s on the bed. I’ll take Steve’s to our room. We can have a little fun with them.”
Lindy and I went up to the flying bridge and sat on one of the benches. We watched the guys for a few minutes, then I asked if they could figure the sonar out.
“Yup, we got it. This thing is cool. It has a color display and everything.” Kyle pushed a couple of buttons and called me over. “There’s the bottom. If a fish swims by, it’ll mark it here.” Kyle pointed at the screen.
“What do the different colors mean?”
Kyle pointed again. “That’s a temperature break. You can’t tell the temperature but can see where it changes.”
“Salmon prefer a certain water temperature. We know how deep to run the cannonballs if we can find it,” Steve said.
“How do you know the temperature down there?” I asked.
“Scott and Frank used a probe attached to one of the downriggers,” Steve told me.
“Is it something we need?”
“It would be nice, but we can do without one,” Steve said. “This book says knowing where the breaks are is enough.”
“What kind of lures are you guys going to get?” I asked.
Steve and Kyle began listing the names of different spoons they wanted to get for the boat. They had funny names, and I chuckled as they told me about them. Lindy was laughing, too.
“I wish you guys got as excited over Trish and me as you are about fishing stuff,” Lindy said.
“Baby, you excite me more than any fishing equipment ever could!” Steve grinned at her.
“I better!”
Lindy got up, stood behind Steve, and kissed him. When she began whispering, Steve grinned.
Steve nudged Kyle and asked me to watch the helm. They scrambled down the ladder and into the cabin.
“What did you tell him?” I asked.
“I said we have new bikinis, and if they wanted to see them, they had to put their suits on.” Lindy grinned. “I also told him to wear the suits we left on the beds.”
Kyle was the first one up the ladder. He looked at Lindy and me, shook his head, and smiled.
Steve came up and stood in front of Lindy. “You guys bought these for us?”
“Yeah, do you like them?” Lindy said.
I looked at the bulge in Kyle’s suit and smiled at him. I could see the outline of his cock and the ridge separating the head from the shaft. Reaching out, I took his hand and pulled him closer to me. Kyle leaned over so I could kiss him, then he chuckled.
“Thanks for the suit, I think. This thing doesn’t leave much to the imagination.”
I stood up, told Kyle to turn around, and glanced at Lindy. She also got up and turned Steve until he was facing away from us. As we removed our cover-ups, I stared at Kyle’s butt. The thin material accented his buns and firm thighs.
After removing our cover-ups, Lindy and I pulled our tops into place and checked our suits’ bottoms.
“Okay, you can turn around now,” Lindy said.
When Kyle and Steve turned around, their jaws dropped, and their eyes got as wide as saucers. Lindy and I both grinned as we watched them staring at us. I glanced at Kyle’s crotch and could see his cock moving in the tight confines of his suit.
“Holy shit, those are the hottest bikinis I’ve ever seen,” Steve said.
“I don’t think they could be any smaller,” Kyle said. “WOW!”
I moved over to Kyle, put my arms around his waist, and pressed against him. Dropping my hands, I rubbed his butt. He groaned as my hands moved over his skintight Lycra suit. I could feel his cock swelling against my stomach as I wiggled against it.
“If you keep it up, I’ll pop out of this suit,” Kyle whispered.
I looked up, kissed him, and said, “So?”
Kyle laughed and shook his head. “What’s gotten into you, baby?”
I grinned at him and said, “You have. Not often enough, though.”
Lindy and Steve were also hugging and whispering to one another. When she stepped back, Steve’s erection was visible. Lindy glanced down at his crotch, placed her hand over the prominent lump, and rubbed him.
“Is this for me?” Lindy said, causing Steve to blush.
I laughed, stepped away from Kyle, and rubbed his hard-on. “Oh, look, I have one too.”
Kyle pushed my hand away and shook his head as we laughed, then we all took our seats. Kyle and Steve sat at the helm while Lindy and I sat on the bench seat. I pulled my legs up, crossed them Indian style, and looked at my crotch. The folds of my labia were clearly visible in the thin fabric straining to contain them.
Lindy and I shifted and squirmed, flashing ourselves at Kyle and Steve. They tried to avoid looking at us but were unable. Once in a while, one of the boys would reach down and attempt to find a comfortable position for their swollen organs.
Feeling brave, not to mention very excited, I removed my top and leaned back. Lindy grinned and removed hers. When Kyle and Steve noticed we were topless, they both smiled.
I clasped my fingers behind my head and thrust my chest out as the warm breeze washed over me. The sun was high in the sky and was much warmer than it was supposed to be. I could feel the sun on my naked flesh and decided to use sunscreen to keep it from burning.
“I’m going below to get some lotion. Want to help me, Kyle?” I grinned and winked at him. “Steve can keep his eye on things for a couple minutes.”
“No problem, take your time,” Lindy said, smiling at me.
Kyle and I went to the cockpit to get the sunscreen out of a drawer in the tackle station. I handed the bottle to Kyle, smiled, and asked if he wanted to apply it to me.
Kyle removed the cap and poured some into his hand. I stood facing him as he smeared the sunscreen on my shoulders and breasts. Kyle coated my stomach, then knelt to do my legs. His hands moved on my legs, and he kissed my mons through the thin material of my bikini.
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