Trish’s Journey - Cover

Trish’s Journey

Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision

Chapter 17

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

“Is Steve sleeping?” I asked Lindy as I sat on the settee next to her.

“Yeah, he passed out right after I screwed him. I think he’s going to sleep for a while. I kind of wore him out.”

I smiled and nodded.

“Did you and Kyle do it too?”

“No, but I took care of him. He seemed so tired.”

Lindy grinned. “Blowjob?”

I nodded and licked my lips. “Yup.”

Lindy chuckled and shook her head. I turned on the television, and we watched the end of a movie. After the program ended, I went to the cockpit and looked at the sky. The clouds were gone, and the wind calmed down. I decided to leave and returned to the cabin to tell Lindy.

“Should we wake the guys up?” Lindy said.

“No, let them sleep. We can do it ourselves.”

Lindy and I went outside, disconnected the power and water, then stowed the cords and hose. We walked over to Scott and Frank’s boat to say goodbye, but there wasn’t anyone around. When we returned, I went to the bridge and started the engines.

Once the boat was ready, Lindy and I untied the lines and pulled out of the slip. I headed out into the lake, went east until we were about five miles offshore, then set the autopilot to follow the course Kyle and Steve programmed into the plotter and sat back to enjoy the ride.

The lake was relatively calm, and I was able to trim the boat to make it ride smoothly. Lindy sat in the chair beside me and put her feet on the dash. I did the same thing, letting my dress gather at my hips. The warm breeze felt good as it bathed my body.

“I wonder how long the guys will sleep,” Lindy said.

“I don’t know. Sleeping with the engines running is hard, but they’re tired.”

“How long will it take to get to Port Austin?”

“Not too long.” I zoomed out the plotter and pointed at the peninsula’s tip between Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay. “At this speed, it’ll take about three hours.”

I reset the chart plotter and leaned back again.

“I saw a sign in the tackle shop for a fishing charter. If the guys were to hire a boat, it would have cost them three hundred dollars to go fishing today. Scott and Frank were nice to take them,” Lindy said.

“I had fun last night. I wanted to go again but decided it would be more fun for Kyle if he and Steve got to go without me,” I said.

“It was fun, but I didn’t want to go again this morning. Too early for me.”

I laughed. “I’m a morning person, so five o’clock isn’t early.”

“We could sit here naked, and no one would see us.” Lindy pulled her top off and shook her shoulders, jiggling her breasts. “Man, this feels good!”

I laughed and watched Lindy put her hands behind her head and arch her back.

“Go ahead. This is great!”

“I’m wearing a dress, Lindy. You have shorts on.”

Laughing, she jumped up and pushed her shorts down her legs. She picked them up and tossed them onto the bench seat. I was laughing as hard as Lindy was and got up.

I took off my sundress, sitting back down in my thong. Lindy and I couldn’t control our laughter as we sat on the flying bridge, wearing only our panties.

“What’s going to happen if the guys come up here?” I asked.

“They’re going to see two half-naked girls.”

I thought about someone other than Kyle seeing me, decided I wasn’t ready, got up, and put my clothes back on.

“Chicken?” Lindy said.

“I guess so. I’m not comfortable with it.”

“You’re probably right. I should get dressed too, even though this feels good.”

Lindy didn’t wait for my response, put her top and shorts back on, and returned to her seat. As I relaxed, I wondered how Kyle would have reacted if he’d come up and found Lindy and me in nothing but our panties. I chuckled to myself when I realized he would have probably loved it.

I kept a close eye on the radar, watching for any storms. The screen was clear except for a freighter downbound in the shipping lane. Steve came up to the flying bridge and stood behind Lindy.

“Why didn’t you guys wake us up?” Steve asked as he put his arms around Lindy’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

Lindy tipped her head back and looked up at Steve. “We wanted to let you guys sleep.” She giggled. “I want you rested for later.”

Steve chuckled. “Thanks, I was whipped. How long before we get to Port Austin?”

“We’ll be there in about an hour. We’re getting close. Is Kyle up?” I said.

“Yeah, he’ll be up in a few minutes. He was in the head when I came up.”

A few minutes later, Kyle joined us on the bridge. He gave me a kiss, then sat on the bench seat.

“What were you two doing while Steve and I were asleep?” Kyle said.

“Having wild sex,” Lindy replied quickly.

“Damn, next time, let us know so we can watch!” Steve laughed and gave Lindy’s breast a quick squeeze.

I leaned my head back, looked up at Kyle, and grinned. “How about you? Would you like to watch Lindy and me getting it on?”

Kyle grinned back at me and shrugged his shoulders.

I gave him my best ‘I’m shocked’ look, then grinned. “You would, wouldn’t you?”

Once again, Kyle shrugged his shoulders but didn’t say one way or the other. When I smiled at him, he leaned over and kissed me.

I began to wonder how well I knew Kyle. Was he the cute, shy boy I’d fallen in love with, or another person hidden beneath his seemingly tender personality? Once more, I wondered if it made a difference to me. As long as Kyle was mine and mine alone, why should it matter if he had fantasies? After all, I did.

Fooling around with another girl was one of my fantasies. After my sister did what she did, it set my mind in gear, and I couldn’t shake the thought. I wasn’t sure what two girls would do together, but I had a pretty good idea. One of the things keeping me from pressing the matter with Lindy was the idea it might hurt Kyle.

The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Kyle. My love for him grew by the moment, and I couldn’t imagine being without him. There wasn’t anything more important to me than his love.

I went wide around the lighthouse at Port Austin and headed toward the harbor. I called the harbormaster and was given the number of a slip and its location. When we got into the harbor, I pulled up to the gas dock to top off the fuel tanks, and the holding tank pumped out. I paid for the fuel and the slip, then went through the marina to the assigned dockage.

We secured the boat, connected the utilities, then I went down to put the sheets into the dryer. When I returned to the cockpit, I saw Kyle and Steve washing down the outside of the boat.

Lindy and I took a few minutes to vacuum the carpeting and wipe the surfaces. We went back out when we finished and joined the guys.

Kyle and Steve finished and sat in the cockpit. They had taken out the deck chairs and set them up.

“Look at this, Steve. We could mount three downriggers across the stern and put another two on the gunwales. There are already rocket launchers on the edge of the flying bridge.”

“What are you planning to do to Dad’s boat, Kyle?”

Kyle laughed. “Rig it for salmon fishing. It would be great!”

“All you have to do is convince my dad.” I chuckled. “I’m not sure he’d want you drilling holes in his boat.”

“We wouldn’t have to, Trish. Scott said they make downrigger mounts to go in the rod holders.” Kyle pointed. “This boat was designed for fishing.”

“As I said, all you have to do is convince my dad.”

Kyle sat back down and continued to redesign my dad’s boat. He and Steve went on and on about what could be done to outfit it.

“What are we going to fix for dinner tonight?” Lindy asked.

“We have fish,” Steve said.

“There’s a little place in town with good food,” I said. “Let’s eat out tonight so we won’t have to cook.”

“Sounds good to me,” Lindy said. “What time do you want to eat?”

“About six, I guess. I’m not hungry right now. Want to go for a walk and look around?”

We all left and walked into town. We went up one side of the street and down the other. I pointed out the restaurant I planned to eat in. On the way, Kyle and Steve stopped and looked at every boat in the marina rigged for salmon fishing.

We all called our parents and told them about meeting Scott and Frank. The guys couldn’t stop talking about their fishing trips. While talking to Dad, I told him Kyle and Steve planned to transform his boat for salmon fishing. Dad laughed and asked if I was serious. When I told him about fishing, he sounded interested.

We chatted for a bit longer, and Dad asked how much it would cost to rig the boat. When I told him the guys we fished with said it would cost several thousand dollars, he told me I could do it if I wanted to. After saying goodbye, I fell back against the settee.

“What’s the matter? Was your dad mad about what you said about the boat?” Kyle asked.

I shook my head and began to chuckle.

“What did he say? Is he upset?”

“No, Kyle. Dad told me I could do it if I wanted to.”

“No way!” Steve said.

“That’s what he said.”

“Wow, are you going to do it?”

“I don’t know. I mean, we’re only going to be gone for a week. It’s a lot of money to spend for a few days of fishing.”

“Yeah, but it’s cheaper than going on a few charters. Besides, there’s always next summer,” Kyle said.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I guess. I don’t know what to do. Part of me wants to, but I’m still unsure about it. Maybe I’ll think about it and call Dad again if we decide it’s what we want to do.”

We sat in the salon and listened to the stereo until it was time for dinner. We walked into town, went to the restaurant, and had fresh lake perch. Kyle and I split a piece of cake and prepared to leave. I didn’t argue when Steve insisted on buying dinner.

It was almost eight when we got back to the boat. The evening was warm, and I decided I wanted a cigarette. After getting my pack from the cabin, I sat against the gunwale and enjoyed the smoke.

Kyle stood next to me and watched. I could tell he wanted to ask if I was considering my dad’s offer, but he didn’t say anything. While we hung out in the cockpit, several people walked by and looked at the boat. Some people who stopped commented about how beautiful it was. A couple about our age stopped, and we began to talk to them.

I told the girl we were on a trip and headed north. She said it sounded like fun to spend a week on a boat. After chatting, they left, and we went inside the cabin.

I turned on the stereo and put a couple of CDs into the player. Steve suggested we play cards, so I took a deck out of a drawer, and we all sat in the salon around the coffee table.

“What do you want to play?” Kyle asked.

“Does everyone know how to play euchre?” I asked. “It’s easy to learn if you don’t.”

Kyle, Steve, and I knew how to play, but Lindy didn’t. I separated the cards and dealt a few practice hands as we taught Lindy the rules and how to play. After she was comfortable, we began the game.

The four of us played several hands. Lindy and I were partners and played against Kyle and Steve. After six games, we were tied at three games each, so we took a break, opened sodas, and returned to the game.

“We should play for something,” Steve said.

“Okay, how about fifty cents a game,” I said.

“Let’s play for a dollar a game and two dollars for a euchre,” Kyle said.

I got a piece of paper and a pencil to keep score on. We’d been using two fives to keep track of the points, but my dad told me I should keep score on paper if playing for money. He said it’s too easy for the cards to get moved and the score to get lost.

We began to play, and Lindy and I won the first game. Kyle and Steve won the next and euchred us in the process. Lindy playfully reached across the table and slapped my hand because it was my fault we lost.

We owed the guys two dollars by the end of the second game. Kyle pointed out that it was two dollars each as we dealt the cards again.

“Okay, you two, you’re going down now,” Lindy said as she dealt the cards. She turned up a jack of hearts and stuck out her tongue at Steve.

Steve studied his cards and grinned at his girlfriend. “You think you’re so smart, do you. How about raising the stakes?”

“Name it, buddy!” Lindy looked at her cards again and grinned.

Steve chuckled, glanced at Kyle, and said, “Okay, here’s the deal. If you euchre us, we take off an article of clothing. If we euchre you, you two have to.”

Lindy looked at me. I looked at Kyle. When I saw him grinning, I figured what the hell and agreed to the wager. When Kyle’s smile grew, I realized he was as interested in the idea as I was. Lindy quickly accepted the terms of the bet and told Steve to get ready to strip.

Making a quick inventory of what everyone wore, I said, “My dress has to count as two pieces of clothing to make it fair.”

Kyle nodded and said, “Okay, but you have to take it off in two parts if you get euchred. You can’t wait until you get euchred twice.”

I nodded, and the play resumed. When the hand ended, we took one point. Lindy passed the cards to Kyle, and he began to shuffle them. “Okay, before I deal, how about this. If someone shoots the moon and doesn’t make it, they take something off.”

“What’s shooting the moon?” Lindy asked.

“That’s when you think you can take all five tricks without your partner. If you win, you get four points. If you take less than five tricks, you only get one point. If you get euchred, you lose four points,” Steve told her.

“What if you get euchred? Do you have to take off two things?” Lindy asked.

“Sounds fair,” I said.

Kyle dealt, and we played the hand. Lindy and I won and took another point. When it was my turn to deal, Lindy told me to pick up the card I turned over. The ace of clubs was the only club in my hand. I discarded a ten of spades and tucked the ace into my hand. Steve led and tossed out the jack of clubs, the highest.

When I tossed my only trump card on the pile, Lindy groaned. After that, the guy took three tricks and euchred Lindy and me.

“Oops, I messed up. I thought you’d have at least one more trump card, Trish.” Lindy blushed.

“Okay, girls, off with your clothes,” Kyle said, surprising me.

“Only one thing, not everything,” I said as I lowered the top of my sundress.

Lindy removed her top, and we were both in our bras. Steve and Kyle chuckled as we started the next hand. We finished the game, with Kyle and Steve winning. No one got euchred the next game, but Lindy and I won.

Steve shot the moon, and the boys lost their shirts when he didn’t take five tricks. As we played, it seemed we were all conservative. When someone named trump, they were positive they would take three tricks without their partner’s help.

The very next hand, I ordered Kyle to pick up the ten of diamonds. I had the jack of hearts, the second-highest card, the ace of diamonds, and the ace of clubs. As we played, Lindy and I were outplayed and euchred again. I stood up and took off my dress, leaving me in my bra and panties. Lindy removed her shorts and sat back down.

Steve and Kyle both whistled and made cute comments about our underwear. I felt a bit embarrassed at first, but it soon passed. Before I knew it, I was as comfortable as I was dressed. Kyle and I shared glances. Each time our eyes met, he smiled.

Lindy and I euchred the guy the next game, and they were down to their underwear. Kyle wore a pair of boxers like he always wore, and Steve wore briefs. They began to protest when they realized they had one less article of clothing than Lindy and me.

“This isn’t fair,” Steve said. “You guys have on an extra piece of clothing.”

I laughed and said, “I’ll lend you a bra if you want, Steve.”

“Okay, give me the one you’re wearing.”

The guys put up a good argument but lost in the end. Lindy ordered trump the next hand, and we were euchred. I felt she did it on purpose, but it didn’t matter. I was ready to take off my bra and sit topless in front of Kyle and Steve.

I made a production of removing my bra and holding it against my chest after unhooking it. Before letting it slide down my arms, I turned my back to the table. Lindy wasn’t nearly as timid. She whipped her bra off and tossed it aside.

We all sat quietly as I became comfortable, and the guys became used to seeing Lindy and me. I finally grabbed the cards and dealt.

The following two games went fast, with each team winning one. Once again, we played cautiously, ensuring no one made a stupid mistake. Halfway through the next game, Lindy and I euchred the guys.

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