Trish’s Journey - Cover

Trish’s Journey

Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision

Chapter 16

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

Kyle stopped to look at a boat and talked to the two men fooling with fishing equipment. One of the men explained the devices attached to the stern and gunwales, telling Kyle they were downriggers used for salmon fishing.

Steve joined the conversation as the two fired questions at the men. The two men were friendly and took the time to explain how they used the vast array of tackle.

“Hey, Trish, do you think your dad would let you put downriggers on his boat so we could go salmon fishing?” Kyle asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, probably. The equipment looks expensive.”

“You need a seaworthy boat to fish on Lake Huron,” one of the men said. “What kind of boat does your dad have?”

Lindy pointed at the Viking. The men stared for a moment and shook their heads.

“We were wondering whose boat it was. It’s beautiful! How big is it?” The man climbed onto the pier and looked again. “My name is Frank, and this is my fishing partner, Scott. We come here every other weekend to fish for salmon and lakers.”

I introduced our group, and Kyle and Steve shook hands with the two men.

“What are Lakers?” Steve asked.

“Lake trout, not as much fun to catch as salmon, but they’re better than nothing. The salmon put up a better fight,” Scott said.

Both men kept looking at our boat, and I asked if they’d like to see it. They both said they would and followed us to Dad’s boat. Out of habit, I checked their shoes before inviting them aboard.

“Are your parents here? I wouldn’t want to disturb them,” Frank said.

“No, they’re not here. We’re on our way to Mackinac Island,” I replied.

Frank and Scott paused and glanced at all of us. “Your dad lets you take this out by yourself?” Scott said.

I smiled and nodded. Both men shook their heads and began looking around the cockpit. I showed them the bulkhead’s freezer, refrigerator, and tackle station. Kyle opened the hatch of the fish box and showed it to the men, then took them down to the engine room. I followed the four of them into the engine room to answer any questions, but Kyle told them all about the equipment.

When we returned to the cockpit, I glanced at Kyle and raised my eyebrows. He grinned and said, “I told you I’ve been studying.”

Kyle and I took Frank and Scott into the cabin, showed them around, and went to the flying bridge. Steve and Lindy were already on the flying bridge, listening to the stereo.

I stood back and watched with pride as Kyle explained the electronics on the dash. Frank pointed to one of the outriggers and asked if we used the boat for deep-sea fishing.

“No, they came on the boat,” I told them. “Dad decided not to remove them because they would leave holes.”

“You could use them for salmon fishing. We use planer-boards to take baits out to the side of the boat, but the riggers would be much better,” Scott told us.

“How fast do you troll for salmon?” Kyle asked.

“We usually run between two and three miles an hour,” Frank said.

Kyle turned to me. “How slow will this boat go, Trish?”

“Normally, a little faster, but it has trolling valves on the transmissions, so we could get slow enough.”

Scott chuckled and said, “All you need is a couple thousand dollars worth of tackle.”

That’s a lot of money,” Steve said.

“Yes, but you don’t have to buy it all at one time. You could pick up a couple of used downriggers, some rods, reels, and the basic lures for a lot less.” Frank pointed at his boat. “The Cannon Mac-Ten downrigger cost about five hundred dollars new.”

When Frank looked at his partner, Scott shrugged his shoulders.

“Scott and I were getting ready to go out for a couple of hours. Would you like to go with us? It’ll be a bit crowded on our boat, but I think we can manage.”

Kyle and Steve’s eyes lit up, then he glanced at Lindy and me. I was excited and nodded my head.

“Fishing would be great! Are you sure you don’t mind?” I said.

“Not at all. Do you have fishing licenses?” Scott asked.

We all nodded. We left the bridge, and Scott and Frank returned to their boat while Lindy and I changed. Steve and Kyle were wearing jeans and ready to go.

Lindy and I ran to the staterooms, changed into jeans and tee shirts, grabbed jackets, went outside, and walked to the fishing boat. We all tried to stay out of the way while Scott and Frank prepared to leave their slip.

“Where are the PFDs and fire extinguishers?” I asked as Scott backed out of the slip.

Frank showed us where everything was stowed and smiled. “Scott and I have taken quite a few people out with us. You’re the first to ask about the PFDs and other safety equipment.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I think it makes sense to know.”

Frank chuckled. “So do I.”

Kyle and Steve stood near Scott, watching as he motored out of the harbor into the lake. We ran straight out for several miles and joined a small group of boats moving slowly north and south. Scott turned north, slowed down, and asked if someone would steer while he helped Frank get the lines into the water.

I took the wheel and kept the boat on course while the two men showed Kyle and Steve how to set the lines and the depth with the downriggers.

“We’re marking fish at about seventy-five feet,” I said.

“How do you know?” Kyle asked.

I pointed at the sonar fish finder and showed him the marks indicating fish. “We have a sonar on the boat but never use it.”

As we moved along slowly in the two-foot waves, Frank and Scott told Kyle and Steve about their lure choice. They talked about the different colors and styles of spoons they used to try to catch the fish.

“We’re fishing up in the water column. We’d drop close to the bottom if we were targeting lake trout,” Scott said.

Lindy sat next to me and watched the guys moving around. I glanced back and saw the rods arched with the tips pointing down at the water.

“FISH ON!” Scott yelled and grabbed the rod out of the port downrigger. I watched as he pulled back on it and began cranking the reel. “Which one of you guys wants this fish?”

Steve jumped first, so Scott handed him the rod, stood behind Steve, and told him what to do as the fish made a run, stripping the line off the reel. Steve pulled back and tried to wind the fish in, but the fish had other ideas.

The fight lasted about fifteen minutes before the fish surfaced at the stern of the boat. Frank stood ready with a sizeable, long-handled net, waiting until the fish was close enough to scoop out of the water.

Scott coached Steve, having him back up and keep the rod tip high. Frank stretched out with the net and scooped the fish into it. Steve relaxed the reel’s tension when Scott told him to as Frank brought the fish on board.

Frank lowered the net, and the fish flopped around on the deck. He removed the hook from the fish’s mouth, hooked his fingers in the gills, and lifted it for us to see.

“Looks like about an eighteen-pounder,” Frank said. “Nice fish!”

Lindy smiled as she watched her excited boyfriend quivering and staring at the fish. Frank handed the fish to Steve and laughed as he tried to control the wiggling salmon.

Watching where I was going and seeing what was happening was hard, but I managed. The twenty-five-foot boat was a lot different to handle than the Viking, but I could keep it in a straight line. I glanced back and saw one of the rods in a holder on the starboard side jerking and pointed it out.

“Fish on the dispy,” Frank yelled and grabbed the rod. He gave it to Kyle and let him fight the fish.

Steve came to the helm and asked if I wanted him to take over so I could watch Kyle, but I told him I was okay. Lindy grinned as she watched our boyfriends. She winked at me, and I smiled back at her.

“Looks like they’re having fun, Lindy.”

“Yeah, I hope we get a turn to catch a fish,” Lindy said.

“It would be cool, but I’m happy Kyle and Steve are getting to fish.”

Kyle worked his fish until Scott was able to net it. Once it was in the cooler, Scott showed Kyle how to reset the dispy diver and let out the correct amount of line. Frank asked me to make a sweeping turn and head south over our route.

Steve moved over to Lindy, put his arm around her, and told her it was her turn next. She slipped off the seat and went to the stern to wait for the next fish to hit. Scott took over at the helm and let me join Lindy.

By the time it got too dark to fish, we had six in the cooler. Lindy and I each caught one, and the guys caught two each. We all talked about fishing as Frank headed back to the marina.

Frank and Scott secured the boat while Kyle ran to get his camera.

Once the boat was secure, we followed Frank and Scott to the fish cleaning station. Frank hung the fish on hooks to get pictures before we went into the building and watched them fillet the fish. Scott used a large knife to remove the slabs of pink meat and the skin. Once the fillets were washed and put into bags, we returned to the boat.

“This was the best time I ever had fishing,” Kyle said. “Those salmon fight hard.”

“You should see what it’s like to tie into a twenty-plus pound salmon. They’ll plain wear you out,” Frank said. “When we go to Lake Michigan, we catch larger fish, but these are good too.”

“It’s a long way to Lake Michigan. How long does it take?” I asked.

“We trailer the boat. It takes about five hours from where we live,” Scott told me.

“I don’t know how to thank you guys for taking us,” Steve said. “I know I had a blast.”

We all thanked Scott and Frank for taking us fishing with them. They said they enjoyed teaching us about salmon fishing and had an enjoyable evening. Kyle and Steve offered to help put the tackle away, but Frank said they were going out again in the morning.

“I think Scott and I will go into town and try to find a place to get a coffee before we call it a night,” Frank said as he put the last rod into a holder on the boat’s hardtop.

“I’ll make a pot of coffee,” I said. “It sounds good to me too.”

“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble,” Frank replied.

We went to our boat and into the cabin. Kyle and Steve continued to ask questions about salmon fishing while I prepared the coffee maker and turned it on. Lindy and I sat at the table listening to the guys as Scott told Kyle and Steve about the season and the techniques he and Frank used to catch salmon.

“How long have you been fishing for salmon?” Steve asked.

“I don’t know, about ten years. Our wives come with us sometimes, but not on this trip. At first, we went out on charters, but we liked it so much we decided to buy our own boat,” Scott said.

When the coffee was ready, I asked the two men what they wanted in it and began filling mugs. Frank took his black, and Scott used a little cream. I gave them their coffee and sat down.

We all chatted for about an hour, finishing the pot of coffee. Lindy told them about our plans for our trip and some of the things we wanted to see. Frank said he and Scott fished in Alpena, Oscoda, Roger City, and other ports on Lake Huron.

“Too bad you kids are leaving in the morning. We’d take you out again,” Scott said. “We try to get out before six and usually get back before ten.”

Kyle and Steve looked at Lindy and me. We grinned, and I said, “It’s okay with me if you guys want to go fishing,”

“You wouldn’t mind leaving a little later in the day?” Steve asked.

“No, we’re only going to Port Austin tomorrow, and it isn’t very far from here,” I told them, then smiled. “Lindy and I will even make you breakfast in the morning.”

Kyle got up, came over to me, and hugged me. “Thanks, baby.”

“Well, if we’re going to get up in the morning, we better get some sleep,” Scott said. “We’ll meet you at the boat at about a quarter to six.”

“You and Frank are invited for breakfast,” I said. “I’ll have the coffee on for you guys. Is there anything we should pack?”

“Thanks for offering breakfast. We normally get coffee and donuts at the gas station in town,” Frank said. “Do you think we could fill our thermoses too?”

“Sure. How do you guys like your eggs?” Lindy said.

Frank and Scott chuckled when Frank said, “Any way you want to cook them, Lindy.”

Frank and Scott left and headed for their boat. Kyle and Steve hugged and kissed Lindy and me as they thanked us for letting them go fishing again.

“Hey, it’s your trip, too,” I said. “I want you to have fun.”

“What will you two do tomorrow while we’re gone?” Steve asked.

Lindy and I laughed and said, “Sleep!”

“I’m going to put my pajamas on,” I said. “Maybe we can watch a little television or something.”

Lindy said she would change too and went to the staterooms with me. I removed my jeans, hung them up, and peeled my tee shirt over my head. I hadn’t bothered with a bra and just pulled my nightshirt on. When I left the stateroom, Lindy came out of hers wearing a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top.

We returned to the salon and sat beside our boyfriends on the settee. The television was on, and Kyle was flipping through the channels, looking for something to watch. He found the local news and put down the remote.

After watching the news and the weather, we decided to go to bed. I locked up the boat, then the four of us went below, said goodnight, and went to our staterooms.

I set the alarm clock for four-thirty and pulled the covers back on the bed. Kyle came over to me, put his arms around me from behind, and kissed my neck. I leaned back and looked up so he could kiss my lips.

For some reason, I was nervous, but as Kyle continued to kiss my neck and ear, my nervousness turned into desire. He moved his hands up, cupped my breasts, and held them firmly. I twisted around in his arms, facing him and kissing his mouth.

Kyle worked my nightshirt up as our tongues flicked in and out of one another’s mouths. He pulled back a little, and I raised my arms so he could pull the shirt over my head. I lowered my arms and began to unfasten his jeans.

Kyle and I kissed, hugged, and stripped off each other’s clothing. Once we were naked, he guided me to the bed, laid me on the mattress, kissed me again, and moved his mouth down to my chest.

I held Kyle’s head as his mouth moved over my naked flesh. His tongue darted out and flicked my nipple. When I moaned and pulled him to my breast, he sucked my nipples, moving from one to another as his hand gently stroked my stomach.

When Kyle put his hand between my legs, I spread them, and he began stroking me and probing my pussy with his finger. Kyle kissed my navel as his finger slid in and out of me.

I groaned as he stuck his tongue into my belly button and moved my hips. He continued to move lower, kissing and licking as he went. I knew what he planned to do but did not know what to expect.

Kyle shifted himself to kneel between my splayed legs, looked up, and smiled. With our eyes locked, he lowered his head and put his mouth on my mons.

The brief kiss he planted on my sex earlier in the day was sweet, but when he dropped his head between my legs and licked the length of my vulva, it sent me to new heights. I bent my knees, placed my feet on the bed, and pushed my crotch against his face.

Kyle moved his tongue slowly, licking the edges of my labia as I put my hands behind my knees, pulled back, and opened myself to him. He moved his mouth and kissed my clitoris as he slid a finger into my opening.

I was in heaven as Kyle kissed my pussy and moved his finger in me, then he reached up and rubbed one of my breasts, driving me closer to an orgasm. I wiggled and moaned as he kept his mouth pressed against me, then he nibbled on my clit.

My stomach clenched, and my toes curled as I reached my climax. Kyle looked up at me, and I braced myself with my arms to see what he was doing. The look in his eyes was priceless, and the feeling was incredible. I fell back and groaned aloud when the next orgasm rolled through me.

Kyle buried his face between my legs until I could no longer stand it. My orgasms came one after the other, making my entire body convulse. I finally reached down, grabbed Kyle’s head, and pulled it away from my sensitive crotch.

Moving up, Kyle kissed me until our mouths met. I held the back of his head and smashed my lips against his as my tongue snaked out in search of his. I could taste my juices on his lips and face as I continued to kiss him.

“Oh my god, it was...,” I couldn’t finish before gasping for breath. “It was wonderful!”

Kyle kissed my cheek and moved his mouth to my ear. He nibbled on the lobe, trapping it between his lips and pulling until it came free.

“I’m glad you liked it, baby. I love the way you taste.”

I cooed as I thought about the taste of his semen and how much I loved it in my mouth. Kyle kissed my lips again and shifted between my legs. I felt the end of his cock pressing against my labia, so I wiggled until I felt it slip into me.

Kyle moved slowly, pressing forward until his cock filled me. When our pubic bones met, he stopped moving and pushed against me. I sighed, hooked my legs over his, and humped up. He pulled back and shoved back in.

Placing his hands on the bed next to me, Kyle pushed himself up and gazed into my eyes. The connection of his cock in my pussy was different than it had been before. It was like we joined our souls, not just our bodies. I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he began to move.

Moving ever so slowly, Kyle pulled his cock back until it was almost out of my pussy, then slid back in. I held his shoulders and gazed into his eyes as he maintained his steady rhythm. His movements were not urgent, and the pleasure was building in me.

I don’t know how long he kept up the slow movement before he began to speed up. Time was at a standstill. I know it took him longer to ejaculate than the other times we made love. When his cock swelled in my pussy, he pushed himself in and let out a throaty groan. I could feel his dick surging as he filled me with his semen.

Kyle collapsed on top of me and breathed heavily in my ear. I stroked the back of his head and let my legs slip off his and rest on the bed.

“I love you so much, Kyle. This is so nice.”

Kyle lifted his head and smiled at me. “I love you too. I love making love to you and being in your arms.”

We were both a little sweaty, but I didn’t care. Kyle finally rolled off me and stretched out at my side. As he moved, I felt his cock pulling out of me, and I felt empty. Kyle was on his side, facing me. Our lips touched in a light kiss when he tried to move closer.

I rolled onto my side to face Kyle, put my arm over him, and hugged him to my body. I could feel his semen leaking from my pussy, but I didn’t care. I chuckled under my breath when I realized I’d be doing a lot of laundry for the next week.

“Honey, I’m getting a little chilled. Could you reach the blanket and cover us?”

Kyle kissed my nose, reached down, and pulled the sheet and blanket over our sated bodies. He turned off the light and put his arm around me as his hand slid down to my bottom and pressed my crotch against his.

“We’re all sticky,” Kyle said. “Do you want to take a quick shower?”

I wiggled against him and sighed. “No, sweetie, I want to fall asleep with your cum in me and on me. We can take one in the morning, okay?”

“It’s more than okay with me.” Kyle pulled me tighter and kissed my forehead, “Goodnight, lover. I love you.”

“Goodnight, darling. I love you so much I feel like I will explode.” I found his lips with mine, kissed him, then snuggled my head against his chest.

I’d been thinking about being in bed with Kyle all day. My thoughts were of wild, rampant sex, but tender lovemaking was what we shared. I rolled over, put my back against Kyle’s chest, and pulled his arm around me. His fingers moved slowly in a small circle under my breasts, causing goosebumps. I wiggled my bottom against his crotch and held his arm.

My limited sexual horizons once again changed. Until this point, our sexual contact had been fun and carefree for the most part. However, the lovemaking I experienced was serious, at least in my mind. As I drifted to sleep, I realized what Amy told me about the difference between making love and sex was true. I grinned and let out a sigh as I decided I loved both.

I slapped the alarm clock to stop the annoying buzzing sound it emitted. After staring at the bright digits, I remembered why I’d set it for such an ungodly hour. Before the clock could buzz again, I turned off the alarm and turned on the light. Kyle was facing away from me, lying on his side, so I put my arm around him, kissed him behind his ear, and whispered his name.

“Kyle, it’s time to get up.” He stirred and rolled onto his back, stretching his arms above his head. I kissed his nose and waited for him to come out of his slumber.

I watched his facial expression change as his eyelids fluttered open, and he shielded his eyes from the light. Once his eyes met mine, a big grin formed on his face.

“Morning, sleep well?” Kyle pulled my mouth to his and kissed me.

“Mmmm, like a baby, you?”

“Same here. I could get used to this. What time is it?” Kyle said.

“Four-thirty. You have to get up if you’re going to go fishing, sweetie.”

Kyle kicked the covers off his body and exposed his nakedness. I glanced at his crotch and smiled when I saw he was aroused. Reaching down, I flattened my hand against his shaft and rubbed him.

“Mmmm, your cock seems happy to see me.” I smiled and curled my fingers around it.

“It’s always happy to see you, baby.”

Kyle’s cock was coated with the crusty remains of our lovemaking, as was his pubic hair. I rubbed him for a moment before he pushed my hand away.

“I have to pee.” Kyle sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

“Okay, I’ll make sure Lindy and Steve are awake. Then we can shower together, okay?”

“You bet! I can’t wait.”

I slipped on a short terrycloth robe, left the stateroom, and knocked on Lindy’s door. When I didn’t get a response, I opened the door and peeked inside the room. Lindy and Steve were spooned together, with his chest against her back. The covers were down around their waists, and I could see his hand holding her breast.

Quietly, I moved to the edge of the bed and touched Lindy’s shoulder. She flinched, and her eyes opened. When she saw me standing there, she smiled.

“Time to get up. The guys are going fishing this morning.”

Lindy nodded and pulled the sheet over her chest when she realized I could see Steve’s hand on her breast.

“He can’t keep his hands off me.” Lindy grinned.

I grinned back. “Is it a problem?”

Lindy laughed and shook her head. Steve woke up, saw me, and covered his eyes with his arm. Lindy nudged his side with her elbow and told him it was time to get up.

“I’ll meet you in the galley. I need a shower,” Lindy said.

“Me too. Kyle’s waiting for me.” We both grinned.

Kyle was already in the shower when I walked into the head. I dropped my robe, opened the shower stall door, and joined him. We hugged, kissed, and took turns washing each other. I noticed I needed to shave my legs but decided to do it later.

After finishing our shower, Kyle and I got out to dry off.

“I loved what you did last night, sweetie,” I said.

“Me too.” Kyle grinned. “You taste marvelous!” His imitation of Billy Crystal was poor, but it made me laugh.

“So do you.” I leaned over and kissed his cock. “I wish we had time right now.”

Kyle grinned and rubbed my back as I continued to kiss his expanding member. “We do. It wouldn’t take me long at all.”

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