Trish’s Journey - Cover

Trish’s Journey

Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision

Chapter 15

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

My alarm went off at six, pulling me away from a beautiful dream about Kyle and me. I hit the snooze button and stretched as I woke up. Before the buzzer sounded again, I sat up, swung my legs over the edge of the bed, turned off the alarm, stood up, and went into my bathroom.

After showering and fixing my hair, I returned to my room to dress. I opened my blinds, looked outside, and noticed the sky was overcast, so I turned on the television, flipped to the weather channel, and watched as I put on my panties and bra. I selected a sweatshirt and sweatpants for my outfit, seeing it would be cool.

I gathered my makeup kit and other things before heading downstairs for breakfast. Mom and Dad were up and in the kitchen. Mom cooked French toast and bacon while Dad read the morning paper.

“Morning, Mom, Dad. It looks like we might get a little rain this morning.” I poured a cup of coffee and joined my dad at the table.

“Maybe. I’d be more concerned about the fog,” Dad said.

“I won’t leave if it’s too foggy. I don’t like running in it, and we’re not in a hurry, so waiting an extra hour or two is no big deal.”

Mom brought a platter of French toast and bacon to the table and sat down. “I’m glad you’re thinking about safety, Trish. A few hours, either way, won’t matter.”

“I know, Mom. I want to have fun, not try to adhere to some schedule. We’ll get to where we’re going when we get there.”

Mom grinned at me. “I’m sure you and your friends will have fun. But make sure you don’t get on one another’s nerves.”

“Your mom’s right, honey. Take some time alone with Kyle besides in bed.”

I blushed. “DAD!”

“Your father’s right. You should have some space with and without Kyle and your friends. The boat puts you close together, and it’s easy to feel cramped. Take a walk if you feel like getting mad at someone, even if it’s around the deck.”

“It might serve you to sit down to talk before you leave and set some ground rules to ensure everyone is on the same page,” Dad said.

“Like what, Dad?”

“First of all, never go to bed mad. Since we were married, your mother and I have lived by the rule.”

Mom chuckled. “Yes, and many nights we didn’t get to bed. Your father and I would sit up and talk until we worked things out. If you don’t go to bed mad, you won’t get up mad. The same goes for Lindy and Steve. If any of you have a problem, work it out.”

“Friendships can be strained, and you can say things you don’t mean. But, if you keep your heads, things will be fine,” Dad said.

“We all get along great, so I don’t think we’ll have any problems. Lindy and I have been friends for a long time.”

“Okay, but we want you to be aware,” Mom said.

Once we finished breakfast, I helped Mom clean up the kitchen. My parents and I chatted until it was time for them to leave for work. I hugged and kissed them, then walked out to the garage. They left after a series of goodbyes, and I went into the house.

It was only eight o’clock, but I was ready to go. I considered calling Kyle, but he must have thought the same thing and called me.

“Hi, baby. Are you ready to go?” Kyle asked when I answered the telephone.

“I sure am, sweetie. I can’t wait!”

“Don’t wait. Come to pick me up.”

“I’ll be there in a few minutes. How about Steve and Lindy? Do you think they’re ready?”

“Steve is. He called me a few minutes ago. I have the rest of my stuff sitting by the door.”

“Okay, I’m on my way. Kyle, I love you.”

“I love you too. Hurry.”

We hung up, and I grabbed my things. I locked the house, went to my truck, and climbed in. After hiding the suits my sister and I bought for Kyle and Steve in my makeup bag, I took off for Kyle’s house.

Kyle came out of the front door when I pulled into the drive. He was carrying a small duffle bag. I popped the rear hatch, got out, and lifted it so he could put his stuff in the back of the truck. Once his hands were free, I kissed Kyle and put my arms around him.

“Are you ready, sweetie?”

“You better believe I am. I could barely sleep last night,” Kyle said.

“Wait until tonight. You’re not going to get any sleep.”

“Why not?” Kyle grinned.

“Because I’m going to keep you up.” I slid my hand between us and rubbed him. “I’m going to keep you awake too.”

Kyle and I laughed, got into the truck, and headed for Steve’s house. Kyle told me Lindy was ready and that we could pick her up as soon as we picked up Steve. Like Kyle, Steve was out the door when we pulled up.

“Hi, guys,” Steve called out as he headed to the rear of the truck so he could put his things away. “Lindy is waiting for us at her house.”

Steve jumped into the back seat, and we headed to Lindy’s house. Kyle and Steve chattered about fishing and the trip as I listened. When we arrived at Lindy’s, Steve went to the door and helped her with what she was bringing. Before leaving Lindy’s, we all went in and said goodbye to her mom.

Once we were ready, I drove to the marina and parked in the lot. Kyle went to find a cart to haul our gear. We packed the dock cart, locked the truck, and went to the boat. Lindy asked about shopping. We decided we could go to the store when we got to Harbor Beach.

“Take the cart back, then we’ll get ready to leave,” I told Kyle after unloading and putting everything away.

Kyle took the cart back to the area where they were kept, returned to the boat, and went to the flying bridge to get the engines started. Steve and I disconnected the shore power and water, stowing the cords and hose. While the engines warmed, I asked everyone to come into the salon.

“I think we should set some rules before going,” I said. “I want this trip to be fun, and I think it will be if we all agree to a few things.”

“Like what, baby?” Kyle asked.

“We should all agree that we won’t go to bed if we’re mad or upset about something. Mom and Dad said if we work things out before going to bed, we won’t wake up mad.”

“That’s a great idea,” Lindy said. “What else?”

“We should all respect everyone’s ideas and wishes. We should all be open if someone wants to do something or see something. Another thing is that we should be able to have some alone time if we need it.”

“Works for me,” Steve said.

Kyle and Lindy agreed, then Lindy said, “I think we should also try not to worry about being too modest. I don’t want anyone getting bent out of shape if I come out in my underwear or nightie.”

When Steve and Kyle chuckled and said, “No problem,” at the same time, I remembered what my sister said about saying things before thinking, and I laughed, too.

We discussed the chores and who would be responsible for what. To my surprise, Kyle and Steve offered to do most of the work, including the cleaning. Lindy and I assured them they didn’t have to do the cleaning but agreed to the help when they insisted.

“Let’s get going,” I said.

The four of us stood up and milled around the salon. We all seemed reluctant, then Lindy grabbed Steve and Kyle and pulled them to her. I joined in, and we hugged for a minute. My eyes began tearing as I realized the moment’s gravity and how we would live as couples for the next ten days.

Lindy released Kyle but kept her arms around Steve. Kyle hugged me and gave me a tender kiss. When he told me he loved me loud enough for everyone to hear, my heart swelled, and I got a lump in my throat.

“I love you too, sweetie. I love you with all my heart,” I said.

We left the salon and stepped out into the cockpit. It started to rain, and Lindy shook her head.

“I guess we’ll have to wait until the rain stops, won’t we?” Lindy said.

“No, we can leave. I’ll check the radar. As long as there isn’t any lightning, we can take off. Kyle, will you and Steve please put the windows down on the flying bridge.”

We all went up to the flying bridge, and I checked the radar as the boys secured the plastic windows. The radar showed no storms, so I told the guys to untie the boat.

I pulled away from the slip, turned into the canal, then into the lake. Kyle sat next to me, watching the chart plotter. I could tell he was anxious to drive, so I let him take the helm.

“I need some coffee. I’m going below to make a pot. Does anyone want anything?” I asked.

“I’ll have something to eat when you return,” Kyle said.


“Sure, cereal would be great, baby.”

Steve asked for a bowl of cereal, too. Lindy agreed to go down and give me a hand. We left the guys on the bridge, went to the cabin, and started the coffee maker.

“You’ve got to see what I bought for the guys, Lindy. Follow me.”

Lindy and I went to the master stateroom. I pulled the two Speedo swimsuits out of my makeup bag, held one up, and showed it to her.

“Oh my god, I love them. Do you think we can get the guys to wear them?”

I nodded my head. “If they want to see us in our micros, they will.”

“You rock, girl! I can’t wait to see Steve in this thing.” Lindy took one of the suits and held it up. She felt the thin Lycra material and grinned. “These won’t leave much to the imagination, will they?”

“No more than our suits will.”

“I don’t know why we bother. Maybe we should go naked.”

“I think it will be sexier if we wear suits.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

After I put the suits away, we went back to the galley. The coffee was finished, so I poured a cup. When I offered Lindy a cup of coffee, she accepted.

“I didn’t know you drank coffee.”

“I don’t often, but a cup sounds good this morning. Do you have cream and sugar?”

“Yes, creamer and sugar are in the cabinet. What kind of cereal does Steve like?”

“I don’t think it matters. I forgot what we have.”

I listed the types of cereal we had in the cabinet. When Lindy said Steve would eat Raisin Brand, I decided Kyle would too. I fixed two bowls and put spoons into them. Lindy and I took the things up to the flying bridge and gave the bowls to the guys.

The rain was steady but not hard and didn’t hamper our visibility. We watched the drops of water run down the clear plastic windows. I sat next to Kyle and closely watched the radar screen, watching for any indication of a storm. It was August, and thunderstorms could materialize at any time.

“I’m going to take the dirty bowls down to the galley.” Steve took Kyle’s bowl and put it in his. “Does anyone need anything?”

“I’ll have another cup of coffee, please.” I held out my cup. “Thanks.”

Steve left, returning with my coffee and a small camera bag a few minutes later. “My mom let me bring her video camera.” He put the bag on the seat, opened it, and removed a small video camera.

After removing the lens cap, Steve pointed the camera at Kyle and began taping him. I leaned close to Kyle and kissed his cheek while Steve captured the kiss on tape.

“Mom bought this thing a little while ago. It takes stills as well as videos.”

“That’s a cool camcorder. Why don’t you show Trish how to use it so she can tape us?” Lindy said.

Steve showed me how to use the camera, and I taped him as he kissed Lindy while they sat on the bench, waved, and began to kiss again. Lindy squirmed when he put his hand on her breast but didn’t try to make Steve stop.

I gave the camera back to Steve and sat next to Kyle. He reached over, put his hand on my leg, and squeezed me firmly. Curling my legs under me, I leaned forward and took my coffee out of the cup holder on the dashboard. As I bent at the waist, I felt Kyle tug at the back of my thong.

Glancing at Kyle, I remained bent over and let his fingers trace the small triangle of red material on the back of my panties. Kyle slipped his hand into the waistband of my sweatpants, and I straightened up.

Kyle gripped my bottom, rubbed me as I wiggled, and felt his hand go deeper into my pants.

“I like the feeling of you touching me.” I shifted so he could get closer to my crotch.

Kyle grinned and tugged at the thin band of material running between the cheeks of my butt. I glanced at Steve and saw he had the camera to his eye, taping Kyle and me. I considered flashing my bottom at Steve for a fleeting moment but decided against it.

I sat in the chair, watching out the window while Kyle motored up the river toward Lake Huron. He kept his hand stuck in my sweatpants and moved his fingers.

“It looks like we’re moving out of the rain. The radar shows the weather is clearing ahead.” I pointed to the screen and showed Kyle what I was talking about.

“That’s cool. It’ll be nice to open the windows and get a breeze going through here,” Kyle said.

Lindy got up, came over, and stood behind me. She looked at the radar screen and asked me to show her what I saw. “You see this line? It shows the edge of the front. The rain is moving away from us.”

“Good, I want to get some sun. I’d hate it if I spent a week on the boat and didn’t improve my tan.”

“I think we’ll be able to get all the sun we want. The long-range weather report is for hot and humid days,” I said, then leaned my head against Kyle’s shoulder. “The forecast also calls for hot and steamy nights.”

“Now that’s what I want to hear,” Steve said.

We all laughed, and then Kyle said, “I thought we had air conditioning.”

Steve reached around and smacked Kyle on the back of the head. “If you keep talking like that, I feel you’ll know what cold is.”

“I don’t think so! I know he’s kidding. My sweetie loves me,” I said.

“Yeah, and I intend to make Trish’s nights as hot as the days, probably hotter.”

“This is going to be great! Fun in the sun all day and fun in the sack all night,” Lindy said.

I put my hand on Kyle’s leg and laughed. “Who says we have to wait for night to have fun in the sack?”

“Damn, Trish, are you turning into a sex fiend or something?” Lindy said.

“No, I like being with Kyle. Is there something wrong with it?”

“Hell no, you went from the ice princess to hottie overnight,” Lindy said.

Steve put his arms around Lindy and said, “Like you didn’t? You can’t get enough.”

“Me? How about you? You’re always grabbing at me?” Lindy said.

“Yeah, but you love it.”

“I think we all do,” Kyle said. “At least I know I do.”

Moving my hand higher on Kyle’s leg, I began to tickle the inside of his thigh. I watched his crotch to see if his cock was getting hard in his jeans. He started to shift in his seat, and I knew I was affecting him. I wanted to touch him but refrained.

When we crossed under the Blue Water Bridge into Lake Huron, the rain let up and finally stopped. Within twenty minutes, the sun was shining. I took the helm while Kyle and Steve wiped the windows and rolled them up. A warm breeze came across the flying bridge.

“This is more like it. I think it’s time to see how well Steve and Kyle did with the chart plotter.” I turned on the autopilot and brought up the course to Harbor Beach.

“Our course should take us about a mile and a half offshore,” Kyle said. “The charts showed some spots with shallow water toward shore.”

“Kyle and I decided to run near the shipping channel but not in it,” Steve said.

“It should be fine if we trim the boat and set the speed for a comfortable ride.” I took the engines up to fifteen hundred RPMs and adjusted the trim tabs. “We should be in Harbor Beach in four hours or so.”

“Too bad we can’t go below and fool around, but I know we can’t,” Kyle said.

Lindy laughed and said, “We can, can’t we, Steve?”

Lindy and Steve both looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. We all chuckled as Lindy and Steve went down the ladder to the cockpit.

I got up, kissed Kyle, and said, “I’ll be back. I want to put on something a little cooler.”

“How about me?”

“I’ll bring you a pair of shorts if you want me to.”

Kyle nodded, and I went down to the cabin. Steve and Lindy were sitting in the salon and making out.

“Hey, you two, you have a room.”

“We know. Steve and I want to sit here and cuddle for a little while. We’ll be back up in a few minutes.”

“Okay, I’m going to change and get Kyle some shorts.”

I went to the stateroom, removed my sweats, and changed into a pair of terrycloth shorts and a tank top. I found shorts in Kyle’s drawer and took them to the flying bridge with me.

“Here you go, sweetie.” I tossed the nylon shorts to Kyle.

“Thanks, baby. It’s starting to get warm.”

When Kyle stood up, I moved in front of him, reached for the snap on his jeans, unfastened it, and lowered his zipper. Kyle stood holding his shorts as I pushed his blue jeans down his legs, slipped off his boating shoes, and removed his pants and socks.

Dropping to one knee, I pulled his cock out, rubbed it against my cheek, kissed the head, and took him into my mouth. After working about a third of his member into my mouth, I sucked gently and looked up.

Kyle grinned and watched me as I sucked his cock and rubbed it with my tongue. I moaned around his shaft, and he let out a muffled groan. Keeping him in my mouth, I put the shorts on him.

I lifted one of his legs, slipped his foot into the shorts, and did the other leg. Kyle chuckled as I held his cock in my mouth and worked his shorts up. When the shorts were up around his thighs, I pulled my mouth off, tucked his cock into his underwear, and pulled the shorts up.

“You’re such a tease!”

“I know, but you still love me.” I stood up, kissed him, then we both laughed.

Kyle turned me around, hugged me from behind, slipped one of his hands into my shorts, moved between my legs, and cupped my sex. He put his other hand over my breast and squeezed and released it.

“Two can play the same game, you know.”

I leaned my head back against him and sighed. “I love it as much as you do.”

Kyle stroked between my legs as I opened them for him. As his finger moved over my panties, I wished I’d removed them when I changed. After a couple minutes, Kyle moved me to the helmsman’s chair, sat me down, knelt on the deck, and kissed my legs.

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