Trish’s Journey - Cover

Trish’s Journey

Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision

Chapter 13

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

Kyle and Steve were waiting for me when I arrived at the marina the following morning. I opened the boat and started half a pot of coffee while they took out the supplies. I heard the water running and went outside to see Kyle and Steve washing the boat’s foredeck.

Before coming to the marina, I went for my bike ride and was surprised at the lack of discomfort. I was sure riding my bike would have been difficult because of my tenderness. However, I stopped and touched myself during my ride, discovering my pussy wasn’t sore.

When the coffee finished, I filled a mug and went to the flying bridge to watch Kyle and Steve work. They were near the bow, applying wax to the freshly washed surface. Holding my hot coffee, I stared at Kyle’s butt as he coated the fiberglass deck with wax. Steve worked beside him, using a hand-held machine to buff the wax and make the boat shine.

“Hey! Stop staring at my boyfriend’s ass,” Lindy said as she came up behind me. “Got any more coffee?”

“In the galley, Lindy. I was staring at Kyle’s ass, not Steve’s!”

Lindy laughed and stood next to me. “Well, they both have a nice ass if you ask me.”

I nodded but thought Kyle’s backside was much better than Steve’s. Lindy and I went to the cabin and poured her coffee.

“Trish, where can I get some shoes like those?” Lindy pointed at my deck shoes.

“I got these at the marine store up the road. I’ve had these for several years now. They’re the most comfortable shoes I own.”

“I want to get a pair for Steve and me. He talked to his mom last night and told her about getting together with your parents tomorrow. He said she would go, and she wasn’t as adamant about him not going.”

“Steve’s eighteen. Can’t he just tell her he’s going?”

“Sure, but it would only piss his mom off. He still has to live there, so Steve would rather she said it was okay for him to go.”

“I guess I can understand the way he feels. I’d probably listen if my parents told me I couldn’t do something. Do you want to go check out the boat shoes? Kyle and Steve are going to be busy for a while.”

“Sure, I have to find out what size shoes he wears. Maybe you should get a pair for Kyle,” Lindy said.

“I’ll ask him if he wants me to.”

Lindy and I went outside and to the bow. I asked Kyle if he wanted boat shoes, and he said he would. We got the boys’ shoe sizes and headed for the marine store.

I found a pair of shoes for Kyle that matched one of the several pairs I owned. Lindy found shoes for her and Steve, and we paid for them. After leaving the store, Lindy asked if I wanted to go to the mall and look at clothes.

“I’m always up for shopping. Let’s go.”

I drove to a mall near the marina, and Lindy and I went in. We checked out a few shops and found several outfits. One of the items catching my eye was a sundress with a snug top and string shoulder straps. I tried it on, liked how it looked, and decided to buy it.

“Trish, I never knew you liked skirts and dresses so much.”

“I do now. I like the way they look.”

“You wouldn’t be buying them to give Kyle easy access to your cute ass, would you?”


Lindy and I laughed as I told her about going up to the flying bridge in a skirt and how Kyle could look under it. She grinned and said she hadn’t thought of doing it.”

“You wear a lot of skirts too, Lindy.”

“Sure do. Steve loves it when I do. He can’t keep his hands out from under them.” She smiled, then whispered, “A few times, he flipped my skirt up and did me from behind.”

“Sounds sexy.”

Lindy laughed. “It was. We were in the park one of the times we did it. I grabbed the top of a picnic table, pulled my thong aside, and we went at it.”

After paying for the sundress, we left, went to another store, and found swimsuits on sale. They had a rack of tiny bikinis like the one Susie had shown us in the back of the store. Lindy and I looked at the micro suits and made silly comments.

“I’d wear one of these on our trip if you didn’t mind Kyle seeing me in it.” Lindy held up a hot pink bikini.

Looking at the wisps of triangular material, I chuckled as I thought I’d have to shave more pubic hair to wear it.

“Let’s at least try them on.”

I agreed to try on one of the tiny suits and took a white one to the dressing room. Lindy and I tried the bottoms over our panties and looked at ourselves in the mirror. There wasn’t much left to the imagination. Lindy removed her tee shirt and bra and put on the suit’s top.

“It barely covers your nipples, Lindy.”

“I know, isn’t it cool? Let’s get them.”

After trying on the top of the suit I brought into the dressing room, I shook my head and tugged at it to cover as much of my breasts as possible.

“Awe, come on. You look so hot in it.” She laughed. “I’ll bet Kyle would love it.”

I began removing the suit and putting my clothes back on. “I don’t think so. It’s way too small, at least for me.”

Once Lindy and I dressed, we returned the suits to the rack and left the store. We walked around and gazed into some of the store’s windows while Lindy tried to convince me that we should get the micro bikinis.

After an hour of Lindy’s constant chatter, she said, “I’ll tell you what. We’ll buy the suits and see what happens while on the boat. If we both feel the time is right, we’ll wear them. If not, we won’t.”

I finally gave in and agreed to buy the suit. We returned to the store and picked up the micro bikinis we’d tried on. Lindy saw a one-piece terrycloth outfit, and we each bought one. I bought a white one to match my suit, and Lindy found a red one. Because they were stretchy, we didn’t try them on.

“Don’t you dare tell Kyle or Steve about these bikinis. I don’t want them to start bugging us to wear them.”

“I won’t, I promise,” Lindy said.

We went back to the marina. Lindy and I grabbed our new clothes and shoes, went to the boat, and took the items into the staterooms. After stowing the bags, we went out to see how Kyle and Steve were doing on the waxing.

“The bow’s starting to look good, guys. How much longer do you think it will take?” I asked as Lindy and I stood back from where they were working.

“We should finish tomorrow,” Steve said. “I didn’t realize how big this boat is. Kyle and I want to finish the topside today and do the sides tomorrow.”

“That’ll be great. My dad will be happy you guys did it. He usually has it done a couple times a year.”

“Steve and I are happy to do it. It’s the least we can do for him,” Kyle said.

“I’m going to clean up the cabin and staterooms. I’ll hold off on the showers in case you guys want to clean up when you’re finished for the day.”

Lindy and I went back into the cabin and began cleaning. We vacuumed the decks, polished the wood, and cleaned the heads, leaving the shower in the day head for the guys to clean up.

“Have you ever showered with Steve?” I asked Lindy while we finished cleaning the day head.

“No, but I plan to. Have you and Kyle showered together?”

“Yeah, a couple of times. It’s fun!”

Lindy and I went into the VIP stateroom and changed the sheets. I couldn’t remember the last time they had been changed. The VIP stateroom wasn’t as big as the master, but it had a queen-sized berth like the larger stateroom. We went into the small stateroom and made sure it was clean.

“We should tell the guys we had to promise our parents we wouldn’t sleep in the same rooms as they did and tell them they have to sleep in here,” Lindy said as she looked at the upper and lower berths.

“I don’t think they’d believe us,” I said.

“No, I guess they wouldn’t. But it would still be fun.”

“I’m getting hungry. We should get burgers or something,” I said.

“Sounds good to me. Is the deli we passed any good?”

“Yeah, it’s good. I’d love the salads. I have a menu in the galley.”

Lindy and I went to the galley, pulled out the menu, and made our selections. Once we were set, we went out to see what the guys wanted.

Kyle and Steve ordered corned beef sandwiches, fries, and fresh fruit. Lindy and I left, drove to the deli, and placed our order.

“Food’s here,” Lindy announced when we returned. “Let’s eat.”

It was getting hot, and the sun was high in the cloudless sky. Kyle and Steve had removed their shirts and were working in their shorts. I got towels for the two guys and asked them to put them on the bench at the table. While we ate our lunch, Lindy and I listened to Kyle and Steve talk about how much work they were doing.

Neither of them complained. In fact, they seemed to be enjoying the work. After lunch, we sat at the table and relaxed before returning to work. The more I cleaned the cabin, the more I found to do. I wanted the boat to be in tip-top shape. I was sure Dad would invite the parents to see the boat on Wednesday night, and I wanted him to be pleased.

Kyle and Steve went back to work. The four of us spent the day working on the boat, and we were all tired by the time it was dark. Kyle and Steve took turns in the head. After they finished, I cleaned the shower.

We sat in the salon for about half an hour before going home.

I met Kyle and Steve at the boat again on Wednesday morning. They went right to work and began waxing the sides. They had to sit on the pier and reach down to the waterline. The marine service company sent two men to change the oil and filters. They spent most of the time in the engine room.

I went to the flying bridge and cleaned the dash, using a small stiff brush to get into all the nooks and crannies around the instrumentation. Kyle and Steve had the port side and the transom cleaned and waxed by eleven in the morning. The men who changed the oil finished and left a few minutes before Kyle and Steve were ready for me to turn the boat around.

“Want to give it a shot, Kyle?” I asked as we went up to the flying bridge.

“I guess so. I have to learn someday.”

Steve untied the boat. I helped Kyle as he pulled out and turned into the canal. He did well, but I had to stop the boat when he pulled into the slip.

“You have to take it a little slower, but you did great,” I said.

“It’s not like a car, no breaks.”

“The boat kind of has breaks. You reverse the engines. Learning when to do it is the key.”

Kyle helped Steve tie the boat to the pilings while I shut down the engines. I took off and did some errands while the guys worked on the starboard.

I returned with two cases of soda and two cases of bottled water for the trip. I refused to consider Steve’s mom wouldn’t let him go. When I got to the boat, Kyle and Steve helped me offload the dock cart and put the soda in the cockpit refrigerator. I picked up burgers for the three of us, sat in the galley, and ate. Lindy had to take care of a few things at home and couldn’t come to the marina.

When Kyle and Steve went back outside, I went to the master stateroom, pulled my new outfits out of the bags, and cut the tags off them. I put the things away, deciding to wash them later. I looked at the new bikini I’d bought. Shaking my head, I wondered what made me do it.

I closed the door, removed my clothes, and tried on the suit without my panties. I looked into the mirror and tried to tug the bottoms to cover my pubic hair. After several unsuccessful attempts, I decided I’d have to shave more of what was left if I wore the suit. There was one thing for sure: if I wore the bikini, it wouldn’t be in public.

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