Trish’s Journey
Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision
Chapter 12
Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.
Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction Sharing Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism First Oral Sex Petting Slow
I rode my bike Monday morning and went to the gym. On my way home from the gym, I stopped at Lindy’s house to tell her we could go on the trip. While we were talking, she called Steve to let him know.
“Where are we going besides Mackinac? What are we going to do? What can we see up north?” Lindy’s excitement was bubbling over as she fired endless questions at me.
“Maybe we can go to dinner at the Grand Hotel one of the nights we’re on the island. We’d have to bring nice clothes, but the place is great. I went there with my parents before.”
“Cool, I like to get dressed up. What are you going to wear?”
“I don’t know. Maybe the dress I wore when Kyle took me to the play for my birthday. It’s really sexy, at least Kyle thinks it is.”
“I have a red dress I got for a dance. Steve hasn’t seen it, but I think it would be okay. Want to see it?”
I nodded, and we went to Lindy’s room. She took the dress out of her closet and held it up.
“Wait a minute, I’ll put it on.” Lindy pulled off her tee shirt and her shorts. She put the dress on and modeled it for me.
“I like it, Lindy. It would be perfect. Do you have shoes?”
Lindy went back to the closet and returned, holding a pair of red pumps.
“Are you going to wear pantyhose?” Lindy asked.
I shook my head. “I like stockings with a garter or thigh-highs better.”
“I never wore stockings.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “My sister bought some for me when I stood up for her wedding. They’re a lot nicer than pantyhose.”
“Maybe I can get some and try them. What else are we going to do?” Lindy took off her dress and put it away.
“I don’t know. I guess it’s up to us. We can go straight to Mackinac or check out some other ports between here and there.”
“I think seeing other places would be more fun,” Lindy said.
“We can talk to Kyle and Steve and see what they want to do.”
“Steve will do whatever I want to do. I have a way of convincing him.”
“How?” I asked, showing my naiveté.
“Sex, silly! All I have to do is get him all worked up and ask what I want. He’ll say yes to almost anything, so I’ll let him get off.”
“That’s mean!”
“It works.”
“I could never do it to Kyle. It wouldn’t be fair.’
Lindy laughed. “He does the same thing to me. It’s a game we play.”
I smiled at the idea. “Can I ask you something?”
Lindy sat on her bed. “Sure.”
“Does Steve try to touch you all the time?”
“Yeah, he’s always grabbing my boobs or my ass. He tries to get under my skirt whenever I wear one.”
“Does it bother you?”
“I wear skirts more than shorts or pants when we go out.”
“Do you do the same to him?”
Lindy nodded. “You don’t have to ask if he likes it. He loves it.”
I sat down next to her. “Do you mind if I ask when you guys first did it?”
“About four weeks ago. We were in the car, and we did it. I don’t know if he was planning it, but I was.”
“Are you sorry you did?”
Lindy shook her head. “The first time was bad because neither of us knew what to do, but we figured it out.” She laughed, then she grinned. “It’s a lot better now.”
“How often do you two do it?”
“Every chance we get. When his mom goes out, we have his house to ourselves. Other times, we do it in the car. It doesn’t matter to me as long as we’re together.”
Lindy and I sat in her room and talked about sex for about twenty minutes. She gave me some details of her relationship with Steve and answered my questions. While we were talking, the telephone rang, and Lindy answered it. When she hung up, she looked upset.
“What’s the matter, Lindy?”
“It was Steve. He talked to his mom and said she wasn’t keen on the four of us taking a trip on the boat. He said she thought a week was a long time, and Mackinac was too far away.”
“Is she going to let him go?”
“He doesn’t know. He will talk to his mom tonight when she gets home.”
“How about his dad?”
Lindy shook her head. “His parents are divorced. His dad lives somewhere out west.”
“Do you think he’ll be able to talk his mom into it?”
“Maybe. I’m not going to give up hope,” Lindy said.
“Maybe I should talk to my parents. Remember how my dad convinced your parents to let you go to Cedar Point.”
“That’s a great idea! Do you think he’ll do it?”
“I think so, but we should get together first. We should have a plan. I’ll talk to Dad when he gets home tonight. I’ll call you if he agrees to talk to Steve’s mom.”
Lindy agreed, and we chatted for a few more minutes. She had a job babysitting for a neighbor and had to go.
After leaving Lindy’s house, I rode my bike to the marina to schedule the boat’s maintenance. I stopped at the office to put in the work order, then went to the boat to inventory the things on board and make a list of the things we’d need.
The first thing I did was start a load of laundry. I needed to wash towels and sheets. While the washing machine was running, I went to the galley to check the cabinets and check things out.
Finished in the galley, I went below, moved the towels to the dryer, stripped the bed in the master stateroom, and put the sheets in the washer.
Back in the stateroom, I stared at the bed and began to wonder. Would this be the place Kyle and I first make love? Will it hurt? Will he like making love with me? Will I like it with him?
The questions went without answers. There was no way to know, but I made up my mind. My virginity was short-lived. I was going to make love and do it with Kyle.
I went out to the cockpit and lit a cigarette. My mind was at ease with my decision, which I made without difficulty. I knew I loved Kyle and wanted to share my love with him in the most intimate manner possible.
As I leaned against the gunwale and smoked, I began to think of the moment we would consummate our relationship. My dreams were of a romantic evening ending with Kyle and me in a passionate embrace, coupled with the other.
I knew there would be pain. It was part of the rite of passage. I’d read stories about girls having their first sexual experience, and the descriptions were usually the same. I was willing to endure the pain for Kyle’s love.
One of the things that made my decision so easy for me was that Kyle never asked me to go all the way or told me I’d do it if I loved him. I knew he loved me, and I loved him.
The more I thought about it, the more excited I became. My excitement was not only mental. It was physical, too. My pussy tingled, and my nipples throbbed like when Kyle touched me.
“Ahoy there!” The cheerful voice snapped me out of my daydream, and I turned around.
“Hi, sweetie!” I sprang to the transom door and threw my arms around Kyle’s neck when he stepped into the cockpit. “Why aren’t you working?”
Kyle kissed me. “I’m all finished with work. I told my boss I was taking a trip, and Friday would be my last day. He said he needed me, and it was too late to find a replacement.”
“How did you get off?” I kissed him before he could answer.
“I called Hank and asked if he wanted my job. He agreed and came to the yard. My boss hired him and told me I could work next year if I want to.”
“That’s great!” I hugged him harder as we began kissing again.
“We have a problem. Steve’s mom might not let him go.” We released each other. “Follow me. I have to put the sheets in the dryer.”
Kyle followed me below while I told him what Lindy said and our plan. He thought it was a good idea and asked how he could help. I took the towels out of the dryer, put the sheets in, and took the towels into the stateroom to fold them. When I dropped the towels on the bed, Kyle tackled me.
I fell onto my back on the bed as Kyle fell on top of me, put his mouth on mine, and began kissing me. His tongue snaked out, and I took it into my mouth as his hand moved up my side, covered my breast, and began to massage it.
Our play quickly turned passionate. When Kyle pushed my tee shirt up and began working it off, I helped him. Kyle removed his shirt while I took my bra off. He put his arms under me, gripped my shoulders, and kissed my neck. Kyle’s waist pushed against my crotch, and I wiggled. His kisses moved to my breasts, then he started to suck my nipples.
Kyle’s mouth on my breasts and nipples turned me on like the night on the boat. I humped my hips and rubbed my crotch against his stomach as he moved his mouth from one nipple to the other.
Arching my back, I reached for his butt and pulled on him. Kyle kissed his way back to my mouth and covered it with his. Our tongues dueled, and his saliva drained into my mouth. I had to swallow it, but I didn’t care. Kyle’s erection was centered over my mons and grinding against me after moving up to kiss my lips.
I got one hand between us, fumbled with the snap on his denim shorts, opened them, and tried to work the zipper down. Kyle helped me, and we got his shorts low enough for him to kick off.
My shorts had an elastic waistband, making them easier than Kyle’s. Our mouths still worked together as we got ourselves down to our underwear. The feeling of his hard cock against me with only his underwear and my nylon panties for insulation was exhilarating. I opened my legs, pulled them back, and rolled my hips until his cock bumped against my clitoris.
My love and lust collided, and I pulled my mouth away from his. “Now, Kyle, I want you to make love to me right now!”
My voice was gravelly as I told Kyle of my desire. He didn’t question it. Kyle and I struggled and removed our underwear, kicking them away when they reached our feet.
Kyle panted and groaned as he positioned himself and his blunt cock pressed against my vulva, then slipped between us. Kyle and I shifted, turned, and pushed while trying to get his cock buried in my pussy. His dick went up between us, down to my butt, everywhere but where I wanted it.
We tried to kiss. We tried to make the moment more than animal-like rutting but without success. Kyle’s cock rubbing against my clit pushed my body toward an orgasm, an orgasm I wanted to experience with his cock in me.
Nothing I could do would stop the spasms in my stomach and coursing through my body. My pussy contracted, and my toes curled as my climax hit and ripped through me. As my orgasm skyrocketed, I heard Kyle let out a throaty groan. His cock was between us, where it usually landed when it slid up through my labia and began to throb.
I could feel his semen gushing and smearing our stomachs as we squirmed. Kyle began mumbling as I moaned.
Kyle collapsed on me when we were spent, and I let my arms fall to my side. His mouth was next to my ear, and I could hear him gasping for breath. We were both wet with sweat and sticky from his misaligned discharge. Like Kyle, I was trying to catch my breath.
As I lay beneath Kyle, disappointment filled my mind. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be. This wasn’t my dream.
Kyle lifted himself and gazed down at me. When his eyes met mine, I could tell something was bothering him. I reached up, took his face between my hands, and tried to kiss him, but Kyle moved his head and avoided my mouth. He closed his eyes and lowered his head next to mine.
I began rubbing his back and felt him quiver in my arms. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what. While I racked my brain for the exact phrase to let him know everything would be okay, I was consumed with an uncontrollable urge to giggle.
After biting my bottom lip for a moment, I giggled. I tried to stifle it, but the harder I tried, the more I chuckled. Kyle’s body stiffened in my arms, and I thought I heard him sob. I knew I had to do something.
“We’re not very good at this, are we?” I said.
Kyle stirred but didn’t say anything.
“I thought it would be easy, you know, screwing, but I guess there’s more to it than meets the eye.”
Kyle lifted his head again. When he looked down at me, I smiled.
“You’re not mad?” Kyle said.
“No, I’m not mad, sweetie. Why would I be?”
“Because I wasn’t able to do it.”
I laughed and shook my head. “Sweetie, it takes two to do it. Go fuck yourself is just an expression.”
Kyle’s sad face softened, then he started to smile.
“Honey, please don’t be upset.”
“I can’t help it. I messed up our first time.”
“We’re both messy but still haven’t had our first time.” I lifted my head and kissed him. “As far as I know, we’re still virgins.”
I hugged him tightly when Kyle chuckled and wiggled my chest against his. He began kissing my cheek and moved to my mouth. His first kiss was soft and tender, but his kisses became heated. Kyle kissed me, told me he loved me, and kissed me again.
I told him I loved him too, then we kissed as our bodies began to move, and we rolled back and forth in one another’s arms. I tangled my legs with his and continued to squirm. It wasn’t long before his cock became rigid again, and I pressed against it.
Our passion was approaching the level it was when we first tried to make love. I shoved my tongue deep into his mouth, gripped his body, and rolled the two of us over. When Kyle was under me, I positioned my legs so I could rub my pussy against his firm dick. Kyle’s cock was hot, hard, and gliding over my wet labia. He began moving his hips, matching my movements.
Even though I was turned on and unable to think straight, I was coherent enough to know I didn’t want this time to end like the last. I moved up until the head of his cock was trapped against my vulva.
I pushed up, placed one hand on Kyle’s chest, reached behind me, gripped his cock, shifted my hips, and aligned the tip with the opening to my pussy. As soon as his cock touched my hymen, I cringed.
Keeping my eyes locked with Kyle’s, I adjusted his dick until it was where I thought it should be. When I pushed down a bit, the pinching confirmed it.
I didn’t think. I didn’t contemplate and didn’t stop as I pushed down and threw my head back when his cock penetrated my membrane. My yelp startled Kyle, and I heard him ask if I was okay.
My hips came down to his, and I froze as the pain shot through my lower body. My eyes filled with tears, and I blinked, squeezing the droplets onto my cheeks. I felt stretched, but the sharp shooting pain was becoming unbearable. I gritted my teeth and sucked in my breath as the sharp pains turned to a throbbing discomfort.
I became determined to see it through and leaned forward. My chest pressed against Kyle’s as he began stroking my back. He whispered in my ear, but the ringing blurred his words. When Kyle started kissing my neck, I exhaled and groaned.
Kyle must have interpreted my groan as pleasure and started moving his lower body. His cock moved in my pussy, and I felt like I was being ripped.
“Please don’t move. It hurts.” My voice was low, but he heard me and stopped moving.
We remained connected and motionless for several minutes until Kyle’s constant stroking on my back soothed me, and I began to relax. I quickly discovered I’d been gripping him with my muscles and causing some discomfort. My breathing started to take on a regular rate, and I relaxed. Slowly the pain subsided, and the feeling of his cock in my pussy became tolerable.
I lifted my hips and felt his cock pulling at the walls of my pussy. When about two inches pulled out, I pushed back down. Kyle remained still as I slowly raised and lowered myself. I moved up and down about half his length a few strokes later. My body began to lubricate, making the motion smoother.
Kyle began to move with me, quickly developing a rhythm. It only took a few more minutes before Kyle groaned. His body stiffened as I continued to move, then Kyle pushed up, grabbed my butt, and let out a series of grunts. Each grunt was accompanied by him gripping my butt cheeks and pushing up.
I stopped moving when Kyle’s body went limp, then lowered myself to his chest. His breathing was labored and came in short gasps. While I lay there, I beamed. Even though I didn’t experience an earth-shattering orgasm like some of the characters in my books described, I was happy.
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