Trish’s Journey - Cover

Trish’s Journey

Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision

Chapter 11

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

When the alarm went off, I pressed the button to silence it. Kyle was on his side, facing away from me. He was still sound asleep, so I decided not to wake him. I carefully got out of bed and went to the head. When I returned, I stood at the side of the bed and stared down at Kyle.

As I watched him sleep, my heart filled with love and contentment. Kyle and I ventured into a new realm of sexual exploration. I felt we came through unscathed. Our adventure was warm and loving, as well as exciting and fun. I looked forward to what we would do next.

I walked around the bed so I could see Kyle’s face. He looked peaceful as he slept. His mouth was open slightly, and his breathing shallow. Looking closely, I could see his eyes moving behind his eyelids. I wondered if he was dreaming, dreaming of me.

Kyle stirred, and I stepped back, left the room, went up to the galley, and started a pot of coffee. I couldn’t remember what time our parents were supposed to arrive, but I wanted to have hot coffee ready when they did.

While the coffee brewed, I went to the cockpit and gazed at the rising sun. The morning air was brisk, with a breeze from the southeast. My bare feet left footprints on the dew-coated deck as I walked around. Folding my arms over my breasts, I looked around for signs of life in the marina. The sound of an engine in the distance and the clanging of sailboat riggings were the only things disturbing the tranquility.

Feeling chilled, I returned to the salon, walked across the carpeted deck to the galley, leaned against the counter, and listened to the coffee maker sputter and hiss as the hot, dark liquid filled the pot. When I heard the last gasps and saw the steam roll out around the top of the coffee pot, I knew it was ready.

After filling a mug, I went to the table, sat down, and held the hot cup. I stared into the black coffee and saw my distorted reflection staring back at me. What seemed strange to me was that I didn’t feel much different than before Kyle and I did what we did. I felt less concerned about him seeing me naked or touching me than I had in the past, but I didn’t feel like what we did was wrong.

Wrong. Why did the word keep coming up in my thoughts? What was ‘wrong’ anyway? How could being in love be wrong? How could making love be wrong? I had trouble with the word, and I didn’t know why. No matter how hard I tried to make the things Kyle and I did wrong, I couldn’t.

I finished my coffee and left the mug on the table when I got up to go to the stateroom. Kyle was asleep but had rolled onto his back with his arms spread out. I thought about waking him up for a moment but decided not to. Instead, I went around to the side of the bed opposite Kyle and climbed in next to him. As I snuggled against his side, I was grateful he hadn’t woken up. I wanted him to wake up next to me after our first night of sleeping together.

Lying on my side facing him, I rested my head on Kyle’s arm and put my hand on his chest. When I began rubbing him, he stirred. Watching his face, I smiled as his eyes fluttered open, and he saw me. A smile formed on his face, and I leaned close to kiss him. When our lips met, his arm pulled me to him.

“Good morning, sweetie. Sleep well?” I said.

“Hmmm, the best I have in a long time, baby. You?”

“It was wonderful waking up next to you this morning.” I kissed him.

“What time is it, Trish?”

“Almost eight. I was up and made coffee.”

“Do you know what time our parents will be here?” Kyle said.

“No, I don’t remember when they told me they’d be here.”

“I guess we should get up. We don’t want our parents to find us in bed together.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know.”

“Kyle, I don’t care if they do.”

“You don’t?”

“No. I mean, what’s the big deal? It’s not like we’re doing something we shouldn’t be, right?”

Kyle smiled, then kissed me as I lowered my hand and felt his erect cock straining against his shorts. Gripping him, I slowly moved my hand up and down.

“Mmmm, looks like someone else is up this morning.”

Kyle exhaled. “Yeah!”

“It feels so nice and hot. Do you like it when I do this?”

Kyle’s answer was a groan and a nod. When I slipped my hand into the waistband of his shorts and wrapped my fingers around him, Kyle’s eyes closed, and he grinned. I stroked him for a moment before he moved my hand away.

“What’s the matter, sweetie?”

“I have to pee!”

I looked at him, then we both laughed. Kyle rolled out of bed, went into the head, and closed the door. I got out of bed and made it. A few minutes later, he returned to the room, looked at the bed, and faked a pout.

Kyle came to me, put his arms around my waist, and rested his hands on my butt. He pulled me close and kissed my forehead. I looked up, and our mouths came together. As Kyle and I kissed, he squeezed my bottom. When we stopped, I grinned and wiggled out of his arms.

“I guess we better get dressed, sweetie.”

Kyle chuckled. “Can I watch?”

Grinning, I pulled my nightshirt over my head. “No, I don’t want you to watch me.” I chuckled, pushed my panties down, then bent over to pick them up.

Kyle was close to me, so I found myself at eye level with his crotch when I was straightening up. His cock was hard and pushing against the material of his nylon running shorts. I have no idea what made me do it, but I leaned in and kissed his cock through his shorts.

When I looked at him, Kyle looked shocked. I felt my cheeks warm as I blushed.

“I guess I should have been undressing instead of watching you.” Kyle’s voice quivered.

“Why, so you’d have been naked?” I grinned and watched him blush.

Kyle nodded his head and cleared his throat. I grabbed his shorts by the legs and tugged them down, causing his cock to spring up and slap his stomach. I put my hand around his shaft as Kyle stepped out of his shorts. Our eyes met and locked. He looked cute as I gently squeezed and relaxed my fingers on his member.

As a big grin formed on my face, I leaned over and planted a kiss right on the rubbery tip of his cock. I could taste his fluid as I licked my lips, then kissed it again, pressing my lips against him for a moment. Kyle began rubbing my back, causing me to sigh. The vision of the hot dog and the things we did with it the day before popped into my head, and I almost laughed.

I gave Kyle’s cock another kiss, then stood up. We looked into one another’s eyes and began to chuckle. Kyle leaned over, kissed both of my nipples, and we laughed.

“I’m going to take a quick shower.” I put my hand on his cheek and grinned. “I wish you could take one with me, but I don’t think we should, not right now.”

“I know. I wish we could, too.”

“I’ll be right back.”

I went into the head, turned on the shower, and stepped in. I hadn’t bothered to close the door and grinned when I saw Kyle watching me. I shampooed my hair, rubbed the soap over my body, and rinsed in record time. When I got out, Kyle came in the head and entered the stall. While I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair, Kyle showered. I saw him in the mirror, and we smiled whenever our eyes met.

While Kyle dried off, I went into the stateroom and dressed. After putting on my warm-up suit pants over my red panties, I put on the jacket without a bra. When Kyle entered the room, I sat on the bed and watched him dress as he put on a pair of boxers and sweatpants. Kyle pulled a clean tee shirt from his bag, pulled it over his head, and came to me.

“I’m ready, baby.”

I looked up at him and grinned. “Me too. I wish we had time.”

Kyle and I laughed, put away our clothing, and went to the galley. I poured myself a cup of coffee and poured Kyle a glass of juice. We went outside and stood in the cockpit, watching the marina come alive.

Our parents arrived a half-hour later and came aboard.

“Good morning, kids,” Mom said. “Have you two been up long?”

“Morning, Mom. I got up at seven, and Kyle got up about seven-thirty.”

“Did you sleep well, Kyle?” his mom asked.

“Like a baby, Mom. Where’s Dad?”

“He’s helping Mr. Kirkland with the cooler. They’ll be here in a minute.”

Mom saw the coffee and smiled. “You’re a sweetheart. I need some hot coffee.” Mom turned to Mrs. Phillips. “Would you like a cup, Betty?”

“I’d love one, Beth. Don didn’t give me time to have any this morning. He was like a kid getting ready to go. I haven’t seen him so excited in quite a while.”

Mom and Mrs. Phillips went to the galley, and Mom poured two mugs of coffee.

“Come on, Betty, I’ll show you the boat,” Mom said.

Kyle said he would see if our dads needed any help and left. I heard them in the cockpit a few minutes later and went outside. Kyle’s dad carried a cooler, and Dad had a couple of bags. We took the things into the cabin, and I began putting away the food they brought while Dad showed Mr. Phillips the boat.

Once the food was stowed, I lugged the cooler into the cockpit and put the beer and wine into the refrigerator. Kyle was on the flying bridge, so I went up to see what he was doing after emptying the cooler.

Kyle had a towel out and was wiping down the dash and seats. “Hi, sweetie, I could have done it.”

“I know, so can I. If I go out on the boat, I should pitch in and do some of the work.”

I grabbed another towel and began helping Kyle mop up the dew. When we finished, we hung the towels to dry. I put my arms around his waist, hugged him, and stretched for a kiss.

“I love you so much, Kyle!”

“Not as much as I love you, baby.”

“Bet me!” I said.

We laughed and kissed again. “Kyle, have you watched me when I pull out of the slip?”

“Sure, every time. You pull forward until the stern clears the piling, then reverse the port engine to turn the boat. Once you’re in the canal, you put the port engine back in forward and drive out.”

I smiled. “Think you can do it?”

“Yeah, I think I can. Why?”

“I want you to take her out this morning.”

Kyle grinned, displaying his delight. I felt great because of his happiness. We kissed again, then went down to the salon.

Our parents were sitting around the table, drinking coffee and talking. Kyle’s parents were commenting on the boat, telling my parents how beautiful it was. I got myself another coffee and offered Kyle a glass of juice.

“I’m going to have a soda. I’ll be right back.” Kyle left to get a soda from the refrigerator in the cockpit.

“I don’t know how you can drink soda so early in the morning,” Kyle’s dad said.

“It’s my coffee, Dad. It has caffeine like your coffee.”

Kyle sat at the table next to me and pushed his leg against mine.

“How was your day yesterday? Did you have fun?” Kyle’s mom asked.

“We had a blast, Mom.” Kyle gave our parents a blow-by-blow description of our day.

When he finished, his parents were smiling. “It sounds like you kids had a good day, Kyle.”

“The fishing was fun, Dad. I think Trish caught as many fish as I did.”

“Where are we planning to go today, Dad?” I asked.

“It’s up to you and Kyle. We’re here for the ride.”

“How about Gull Island?” Kyle said.

I bumped against his side. “Kyle wants to go watch the girls flashing for beads.”

Dad laughed as Mom shook her head. Kyle’s parents looked confused, so Dad explained what Kyle was talking about.

“Kyle! That’s terrible. You shouldn’t be doing it,” Mrs. Phillips said.

When Dad said, “Actually, it’s a lot of fun.” Mom smacked his arm and told him to shut up.

Kyle’s dad put his arm around his wife and laughed. “Sounds like fun to me.”

“Men! Can’t live with them, and you can’t kill them,” Mrs. Phillips said to her husband.

Mom and Mrs. Phillips laughed.

“Okay, kids, where are you taking us today?” Dad asked.

I glanced at the clock on the galley wall and saw it was only nine o’clock. After some quick math, I decided to go to Lake Huron and have lunch at Lexington or Port Sanilac. If the water is flat, we might eat at Harbor Beach.

“What time do we have to be back, Dad?”

“I don’t know. How about you guys? What time do you need to be back, Don?”

Kyle’s dad chuckled and said, “I don’t have to be in the office until eight tomorrow morning.”

“There’s your answer,” Dad said.

Kyle and I got up and headed out to get the boat ready. Once the engines were warmed and everything was disconnected, I told our parents we were prepared to leave. I filled my mug and headed out.

Dad and Mr. Phillips came up to the bridge. When Kyle sat at the helm, my dad quickly glanced at me. I nodded and smiled as he smiled back. Because the breeze died, I could cast off the lines and have the boat stay in place.

“We’re ready, sweetie. Let’s go,” I said.

Kyle looked back at me as I stood behind him. He began to ease the boat forward, reversing the port engine at the right moment. Kyle moved toward the lake as soon as we were in the canal. I squeezed his shoulders, leaned down, and kissed his cheek.

“Great job, Kyle. It seems Trish is teaching you well,” Dad said.

“Yes, she has. I like driving the boat.”

Kyle’s dad had a big grin, the reaction I was hoping for. Kyle was proud as he straightened his back and held his head high. I moved to the mate’s chair, sat beside Kyle, and put my feet on the dash. Sipping my coffee, I closed my eyes and thought about how perfect my life had become.

The lake was like a millpond, so I told Kyle to take the boat up to cruising speed. I told him how to use the trim tabs to adjust the boat and get to the optimum plane. Kyle did what I told him, and we glided effortlessly through the water. He asked about the chart plotter and what course he should set.

“The waypoint for the North Channel is programmed, Kyle. Select it and follow the highway.”

Kyle scrolled through the list, found the waypoint, and selected it. The chart plotter’s screen changed and showed the path to the channel.

I leaned back and glanced at my chest. The crisp morning air caused my nipples to make pronounced bumps in the material of my nylon jacket. Nudging Kyle with my elbow, I smiled and gazed toward my chest. Kyle saw what I was looking at and smiled.

“I should have worn a bra this morning,” I whispered.

“It looks good to me, baby.”

I nodded and looked away. Dad and Mr. Phillips sat on the forward bench seat, watching as Kyle headed the boat toward the channel. Dad pointed at the shoreline, telling Mr. Phillips about what we were passing.

When I put my hand on Kyle’s thigh, he flinched. I squeezed his thigh firmly and looked at where my hand was on his leg. As I rubbed him, I watched his cock lengthen down the leg of his sweatpants. I grinned as his cotton pants rose when his cock grew. Moving my hand higher, I covered his member and rubbed it through the material.

I kept my eyes forward as I caressed him, making sure neither of our dads got up. I could feel his cock throbbing against my hand and my nipples rubbing against the silky material of my jacket. Kyle began to squirm, so I squeezed him and removed my hand. I chuckled when Kyle reached into his sweatpants and stood his cock up straight.

“You’re a brat!”

“Yeah, but you love it.” I patted his erection. “So does your cock.”

Kyle shook his head. “What am I going to do with you?”

I looked into his eyes, batted my eyelashes, and smiled. “Love me.”

“I do love you, baby.”

“Kyle, keep your eyes forward.” I began to lower the zipper on my jacket. “You shouldn’t be looking at me.”

I pulled the zipper down when Kyle glanced at me, exposing my breasts. He chuckled and reached over, slipping his hand into my open Jacket. His fingers gripped my boob, then he removed his hand. As I zipped up my jacket, we both laughed.

Dad turned around and said, “What are you two up to?”

“Nothing, we’re just fooling around, Dad. I’m going down to see Mom. Will you make sure Kyle is all set?”

“Sure, but it looks like he’s doing fine.”

After giving Kyle a quick kiss, I went down to the cabin. Mom and Mrs. Phillips sat at the table, talking. I poured the last coffee into my mug, asked Mom if I should make more, and began brewing a fresh pot when she said I should.

Once the coffee maker was set, I joined them at the table.

“Is your father driving?” Mom asked.

“No, Kyle is. He has been ever since we left the marina. He’s learning fast, Mom.”

“Did you kids stay up late last night?”

“No, we were tired and turned in early.”

There was an eerie silence as I looked from my mom to Kyle’s. They traded glances, then smiles formed on their faces. I suddenly felt uneasy and felt they knew something. I tried to force a smile but found it difficult.

“Is there something wrong?” Mom asked.

I took a deep breath. “No, Mom, nothing’s wrong.” I studied Mom’s eyes, then looked at Mrs. Phillips. “Everything is perfect. Kyle and I slept together last night, but it wasn’t wrong.”

Mom and Mrs. Phillips began to smile, then they laughed. Mom turned to Kyle’s mom. “I told you they wouldn’t try to deny it, Betty.”

Mrs. Phillips shook her head. “If I’d told my mother I slept with my boyfriend, she’d have skinned me alive.”

“That’s because she would have taken it wrong,” I said. “When I said we slept together, that’s what we did.”

Mom raised her eyebrow.

“We were tired, and we went to sleep, Mom. Kyle and I aren’t doing what you’re thinking.” I suddenly felt threatened. “Besides, as you said, we’re adults.

“Look, Kyle and I are scared but also in love. Being in a relationship is new to both of us. Feeling like you two disapprove of what we do makes it harder for us. I don’t want to feel what we’re doing is wrong.”

“Trish, your mother, and I don’t disapprove of what you and Kyle are doing. We know you’re in love. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. However, we are your moms and want to protect both of you. That’s what parents do. We don’t want to see you kids make mistakes,” Kyle’s mom said.

“Betty’s right, honey. We want what’s best for you.” My mom smiled at me.

“Kyle and I both know we’re going to make mistakes. We already have. Isn’t it part of life, part of growing up? I think our love is strong enough to get us through almost anything. I don’t want to be hurt or hurt, Kyle, but we’ll deal with it if it happens. If we don’t get to try, how will we learn?”

Mom and Mrs. Phillips sat and stared at me for a moment, then Mrs. Phillips said, “You are a very mature girl for your age, Trish. I wish I’d have been as smart as you when I was your age.”

“Kyle’s smart, Mrs. Phillips.”

“Yes, I know he is, but I don’t know how mature he is. Sometimes I worry about him.”

“Kyle’s mature, mature enough for me. I understand why you worry about us, but you don’t have to.”

“It isn’t a matter of having to, but we do,” Mom said.

“How I wish I could have talked to my mother like you can, Trish. Kyle’s father talks to him, but they don’t tell me what they talk about.”

I smiled and thought about what Lindy had told me about Kyle, not telling his friend Steve about what we had done together.

Mom chuckled. “After what I went through with Amy, I decided I wouldn’t live with my head in the sand with you. I don’t know if it would have changed what she did, but at least she would’ve had someone to talk to. Amy and I talked, but it always dealt with something she did, not helping her learn. When your sister was your age, she was wild and out of control.”

“Maybe Amy was a normal eighteen-year-old, Mom. Maybe what she did was what eighteen-year-old girls do. Maybe I’m a prude.”

“Well, I was a little younger than you when I discovered boys,” Mom said as Mrs. Philips nodded.

“See, I guess I have a lot of catching up to do.”

When Mom and Mrs. Phillips began to laugh, I did, too. After a few minutes, I got up, went to the head, and returned to the galley. I poured the cold coffee out of my mug and refilled it. Mom came over to the counter, hugged me, and held me by the shoulders.

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