Trish’s Journey
Copyright© 2025 by Dark Vision
Chapter 10
Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Patricia (Trish) Kirkland tells about her journey into womanhood. During her journey, she learns about sex, friendship, and fishing. Follow Trish as she changes from a shy virgin to an eighteen-year-old woman who relishes sex and adventure.
Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Fiction Sharing Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism First Oral Sex Petting Slow
“What would you like to do now, baby?” Kyle asked me.
“Let’s go up on the flying bridge and relax, sweetie. It’s so nice out here tonight. But first, I need a big kiss!”
Kyle took me into his arms and hugged me as we kissed. My heartbeat increased as his hand moved over my back and his tongue tangled with mine. We held the kiss for several moments, then moved our faces apart.
“I love you, Trish. You make me so happy I can’t describe it with words.”
A lump formed in my throat, and I smiled. After taking a deep breath, I kissed Kyle’s chin and leaned my head against his chest.
“I love you too, sweetie. More than I could ever tell you.”
We remained embraced for a few minutes before I pulled back a bit. “Would you please grab me a soda?”
“Sure. Diet?”
“Yes, please. Would it bother you if I had a cigarette?”
Kyle shook his head, so I unlocked the cabin, went in, and got my cigarettes, lighter, and gum out of my purse. When I returned to the cockpit, Kyle was waiting with two sodas.
I went to the ladder to the flying bridge and started up. Glancing back, I saw Kyle coming up right behind me. As I stepped onto the deck, I realized he could look up under my skirt.
“Like the show?
“I wasn’t looking, honest.”
I laughed, took my soda from him, and pulled the tab. “Want me to do it again?”
Kyle looked so cute when he blushed, and this time was no different. I went to the front of the flying bridge and sat on the forward-facing bench seat. After taking an empty soda can from the wastebasket for an ashtray, I lit my cigarette. Kyle sat near me, but I knew he wouldn’t get too close while I smoked.
“I’m sorry, it’s only the second I’ve had all day.”
“I know. I wish you’d quit.” Kyle smiled at me. “I want you to live for a long time, baby.”
Kyle’s voice was so sincere I wished I had never lit the cigarette. I took a couple more drags and dropped the half-smoked butt into the can. As I shook the can, I could hear the hot coal hiss. I took out a stick of gum, folded it in half, and began to chew.
Once I could taste the peppermint flood my mouth, I drank my soda. Kyle watched my every move and moved closer to me. I put my legs over his, kicked off my deck shoes, and wiggled my toes as Kyle put his arm around my shoulders and held me. I draped my arm over his shoulder and ran my fingers through his hair, and he put his hand on my knee and began rubbing me.
When Kyle leaned in to kiss me, I stopped him, removed my gum, put it into the soda can I used as an ashtray, and kissed him.
The sun was setting, and the warm breeze felt great as we cuddled and kissed. Kyle’s arm slipped under my shoulders as his fingertips stroked my breast. I moved a little, giving him complete access, moaning as his hand closed around my boob.
While he rubbed my breast with his right hand, his left stroked my leg. He moved from my knee to the hem of my skirt but never ventured any higher. The fingers on my left hand tangled in his short hair while my right hand stroked his cheek. As we kissed, I wished Kyle would move higher on my leg.
Over the weeks of our relationship, I’d been the one to initiate anything we did. Now, I wanted Kyle to take over and become the aggressor. I wanted Kyle to do what he wanted to do.
I moaned into his mouth and wiggled as his hand moved lightly on my leg. The closer he got to my skirt, the more I moaned. The first time I felt his fingers on my thigh, I sucked on his tongue and pushed my chest against his hand. When Kyle’s hand went higher, and I felt his fingers on the cheek of my butt, I kissed him harder and hoped he would become even bolder.
A couple walking down the pier startled Kyle and me. We moved our heads apart, and he pulled his hands from under my skirt. While turned on, I didn’t want to be a spectacle. When I shifted a little, my thigh bumped against his erection. Kyle moved to break the contact.
“Let’s go in the cabin and watch television or something, Kyle.”
“Okay, if you want to.”
We climbed down to the cockpit, went into the salon, turned on the television, and searched for something to watch. After scrolling through the channels, we decided nothing was worth watching, so I checked the cabinet, found several DVDs, and settled on Risky Business. I put the disk in the player and turned it on.
Kyle and I sat across from the television and watched the movie. He seemed nervous, so I finally asked him what was bothering him.
“I’m not sure what you want from me. I’m afraid of doing something wrong and making you pissed at me.”
I smiled and nodded. I was going to say something, but Kyle began talking again.
“Honey, I love you so much, and sometimes, when we’re kissing, I get so turned on my mind stops functioning properly. My desire for you grows so intense I’m scared I’ll get carried away and do something wrong.”
How could Kyle know how I felt? He described my feelings to a tee. I was afraid of losing control and taking our relationship to a level it wasn’t meant to go to at the time. But, on the other hand, what was too far? Did I love Kyle enough to share myself with him? Was I ready to commit to our relationship and let it develop past the point of no return?
As I pondered my questions, the resounding answer was yes.
“Kyle, no more talking about this. Let’s be in love and go where it takes us.”
“We might find out we don’t want to be where it takes us, baby.”
“I know, but how will we ever know. If I get scared or uncomfortable, I’ll say stop, and you do the same. We’re in love, and our interconflicts work against us. I’m not saying I want to go all the way, but if it happens, it’ll be because we wanted it to,” I said.
Kyle nodded, put his arms around me, and hugged me. I hugged him back, and we held one another for the next few minutes as I became lost in my thoughts and wondered if I was ready to make love. I knew I loved Kyle with my very being and wanted to be as close to him as possible. I was sure Kyle loved me too, not because of what he said but because of what he did or, more precisely, what he didn’t do.
When Kyle’s lips softly kissed my neck, I cocked my head back. He covered my neck, throat, and chin with tender kisses before moving his mouth to mine. We began slowly sharing short kisses and pecks, but soon, our kisses became longer, and the quick pecks on one another’s lips gave way to heated kissing.
As my tongue flicked against his lips, he opened his mouth to accept it. When our tongues began to move, so did our hands. Mine ran over his back and head, his over my breasts. My passion rose, as did my body temperature. When Kyle put his hand under my snug top, I reluctantly removed my mouth from his.
I reached for the hem of my top and stared into his eyes as I pulled it over my head. Once my top was lying on the deck, I tugged his shirt over his head. We came together again, and our mouths reattached to one another’s. Kyle moved his hand up and down my back as I pressed my chest against his. I felt his fingertips trace my bra strap, and I smiled with my mouth against his.
Leaning back, I took his hands and guided them to the clasp between the satin cups of my bra.
“It’s in front, sweetie.”
I let my arms hang at my sides as he fumbled with the hook and moved his face closer to my chest so he could see. He finally figured out how to release the clasp and free my breasts. I wiggled my shoulders and kept my eyes locked with his as the bra slid down my arms. While Kyle stared at my breasts, I tossed the bra onto the pile of clothing growing on the deck.
Kyle cupped his hands under my breasts and lifted them. His eyes left mine and moved to my breasts. As he rubbed my nipples with his thumbs, I grabbed his head and kissed him.
We sat on the settee, and Kyle continued to tease my nipples. As they grew hard under his touch, I could feel pleasure shoot through my body, culminating between my legs.
This was as far as our play had progressed to date, except for me rubbing him through his pants. He saw and fondled my naked breasts, but now we were at another crossroads.
I enjoyed the pleasure for several moments, then threw my leg over his, straddled his lap, sat down on his legs, and took his head between my hands. Kyle looked up at me, and I kissed him hard. His hands were still attached to my breasts, his thumbs torturing my nipples. Yet, instead of pain, his torture caused immeasurable pleasure.
I came close to climaxing in the past, but never as close as I was right then. I groaned, threw my head back, and let animal-like noises escape my throat as Kyle removed one of his hands from my breast, put it around me, and pulled me to him. When I felt his mouth close to my boob and his tongue flicking against my nipple, I began grinding my crotch against him.
I pulled his head to my bosom and groaned as Kyle suckled my breast. I was lost in the moment’s pleasure, seeking release, and my mind was void of all thought as I concentrated on my impending orgasm. Just when I thought I couldn’t be any more turned on, Kyle moved his mouth to my other breast and sent me up another level.
As he suckled my breast, I wiggled on his lap, trying to find something to rub my sex against. I thought about touching myself for a moment, but I grabbed one of his wrists and thrust his hand between my legs. Kyle hesitated, then his hand moved as fast as his tongue.
There was an explosion in my body, and I began to quiver. I closed my eyes and could see tiny white dots floating around while my hips rose and fell as Kyle’s hand rubbed against my mons. Suddenly, I lost all sense of where or who I was. My head fell back, and I screamed.
The next thing I knew, I was lying on the settee with Kyle sitting on the edge, stroking my hair away from my sweaty forehead. I regained my composure and noticed I was still naked from the waist up. My chest was red and rising and falling with my labored breathing.
“Are you okay, Trish?” Kyle asked.
I nodded and smiled.
“Are you sure? You scared the shit out of me!”
I lifted myself and managed to sit up. Putting my arms around Kyle’s neck, I hugged him. “You’re the best, sweetie. I got so turned on, I must have zoned out for a second.”
Glancing at his lap, I saw a big wet stain on his khaki shorts. “It looks like someone else was turned on too.”
Kyle blushed and tried to twist away so I wouldn’t see the wet spot in his shorts. I took his face between my hands and kissed him. “It’s okay. I’m sure my panties look the same way.” I pulled my skirt up and saw my panties were indeed soaked.
“See, sweetie?”
Kyle smiled. “I made you wet?”
“Oh yeah, you sure did.” I smiled. “We’re both a mess, darling.”
I leaned over and picked up my top. After pulling it over my head, I told Kyle I needed fresh air. He followed me, scowling when I took a cigarette out of my pack.
We stood in the cockpit and leaned against the gunwale. I slowly smoked my cigarette as I thought about what had happened. Searching deep in my soul, I tried to find the slightest feeling of guilt, but it didn’t exist. Instead, my feelings were of love and satisfaction. I also felt giddy.
Finishing my smoke, I dropped the butt into the water. I put the gum I’d brought into my mouth and chewed it.
“Is everything okay, Kyle?”
Kyle nodded.
“You seem like you have something on my mind, sweetie.”
“I don’t know, I’m feeling kind of weird. Are you sure you’re not mad at me?”
“Mad at you? Why in the world would I be mad at you?”
“Because I touched you between your legs.”
I couldn’t help giggling as I moved in front of Kyle and looked into his eyes. “Kyle, I put your hand between my legs.” I moved closer and kissed him. “I wanted you to do it. I wanted you to rub my pussy. I wouldn’t have been mad if you had done it without me helping you.”
“Everything seems to be going so fast.”
“They’ve sped up, haven’t they?” Kyle nodded. “That’s okay, isn’t it? I mean, you want to do things, don’t you?”
“Yes, as long as I don’t hurt or upset you.”
“Baby, I want to do things too. I’m not afraid of being hurt, not anymore. You say you love me, and I believe you. We have so much fun together. When we’re apart, I feel like part of me is missing. When Lindy told me she didn’t know anything about what we did together because you never told Steve, I didn’t know what to think.
“I’ve always heard guys brag about what they do with their girlfriends. That’s how the girls get reputations, but you don’t, and it means so much to me. There isn’t any single thing I can put my finger on to define my love for you, Kyle. Many little things make up the whole.”
Kyle’s worried look warmed, and he began to smile. “What things do you want to do?”
I shrugged my shoulders.
“What is there you don’t want to do?” Kyle’s smile grew.
Feeling slightly randy, I replied, “I can’t think of anything right now.” As soon as I realized what I had said, I blushed and covered my face with my hands.
“I guess you didn’t mean to say what you did,” Kyle said.
I uncovered my face, looked at Kyle, and couldn’t help but smile. His face looked like I’d just taken away his favorite toy. I took a deep breath. “Yes, I did.”
I moved closer to Kyle, put my hands on his shoulders, and stretched to kiss him. He put his arms around my waist and kissed me back. His hands drifted to my bottom as we stood in the warm night air, gripped my buttocks, and pulled me closer. I kissed him harder and moaned as Kyle worked my skirt up.
I felt the warm breeze caressing my flesh as my skirt came up. Kyle only took a few moments to work my skirt high enough to get his hands on my bottom. His hands covered my bare butt, and he gasped. I’d forgotten I was wearing a thong, exposing my butt to his touch. His fingers slowly kneaded my flesh as I moaned into his mouth.
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