Love in the Balance - Cover

Love in the Balance

Copyright© 2025 by WittyUserName

Chapter 3

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Eight friends navigate love, friendship, and finance as they find their places in the world.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

~Friday January 17, 2025~

“WOO!” Sienna cheered, her arms above her head and auburn hair flailing around her face as she danced.

Electronic dance music was pumping through the various speakers, filling the entire club with an intense beat. Flashing lights flared throughout the room, revealing the large mass of thrashing bodies as everyone danced. Sienna’s dress twirled about her thighs while she danced with Leslie.

Jane and Camilla returned from the bathroom a few minutes later and rejoined the group. The four ladies stood in a circle as they danced, enjoying an amazing girls’ night. People were all around them and more than a few guys were admiring the girls, hoping for a chance with one of them. Dressed in their clubbing best, it was understandable why the girls were getting so much attention.

Leslie had on a sparkly green green dress that fell to her upper thighs and looked great with her sunny blonde hair. The dress covered one shoulder and had a long sleeve while the other side was sleeveless. There was also a large cutout along Leslie’s side, showing off a section of her flat stomach.

Jane was wearing a black spaghetti strap dress that could barely contain her massive breasts. The dress was pretty simple, but it got her quite a few looks. It didn’t hurt that her boobs were jiggling enticingly as she bounced around to the music, laughing and cheering.

The youngest girl in the gang looked amazing in a red dress that accentuated her auburn hair. Sienna’s outfit had side straps, leaving her shoulders bare and showing off the cute freckles on her pale skin. It was a modest, v-neck dress that was much less risque than what Camilla had on.

Camilla looked incredible in a sequin corset top that left her belly button exposed. Her midnight hair framed her face, drawing attention to her flawless beauty and amazing skin tone. She was the tallest woman in the group and the black miniskirt she wore showed off her long, toned legs.

As time passed and the women continued to dance, some guys would work up the courage to come over and join them. Camilla was quite flirty, happy to grind on any guy who came by. Sienna and Jane would let the occasional guy dance with them, although they weren’t nearly as aggressive. Leslie flashed her wedding ring at anyone who got too free with their hands.

Their section of the dance floor grew more and more crowded, ultimately resulting in a close-packed sea of bodies. Camilla, Sienna, Jane, and Leslie were squished together as men and women danced all around them. The flashing lights increased in intensity, the volume of the music failing to drown out the cheering and hollering of the crowd.

Needing a break from dancing, the girls made their way over to the bar and found a space large enough for the four of them. The bartender got to them a few minutes later, beads of sweat running down the sides of his face. From the way he was stumbling, he’d had quite a bit to drink himself. Before he could ask what they wanted, he noticed Jane and froze. She was resting her elbows on the bar and leaning forward, giving him a great view of her impressive cleavage.

“My eyes are up here!” Jane yelled out over the music.

“Whoa, those are huge,” he whistled before looking up and blinking rapidly. It took him a few seconds to realize there were four women in front of him. “What can I get you ladies?”

The four girls all order mixed drinks. Leslie was teased a bit, but she reminded the others that she couldn’t possibly be pregnant yet. The rest of The Gang of Eight were thrilled that Conner and Leslie were trying to have a baby, so it came up quite often in conversation.

“Thanks,” Sienna said to the bartender when he placed the drink in front of her.

“Margarita,” the bartender smiled, handing Camilla her drink. He then turned to Jane. “Yours is free if you flash me.”

“Just give me my Pina Colada,” Jane rolled her eyes.

“You sure,” he smirked. “I assure you that I like making love at midnight.”

“But you don’t even have half a brain,” Leslie retorted.

“No need to be rude,” the bartender laughed.

“Yeah, she was rude,” Camilla sarcastically replied.

“I know!” he agreed, reaching to take a pretzel and toss it between Jane’s breasts so it slid down the front of her dress.

Jane froze. Her face went completely blank and she was just staring off into the distance. Sienna seemed incredibly confused, while Camilla and Leslie ran to Jane’s side. Leslie placed a hand at Jane’s lower back and Camilla lightly touched the HR specialist’s shoulder reassuringly.

“Just give her the fucking drink!” Camilla hissed. “Or we’ll tell your boss you’re drunk on the job.”

“Alright, alright!” the bartender rolled his eyes. “Jeez, take a fucking joke.”

The bartender finished making the drinks, not charging for Jane’s Pina Colada as an apology. Jane was led to a table and the four girls all sat down to drink. The music and cheering in the background continued, but the girls didn’t talk for a few minutes as they nursed their drinks. Jane did take a moment to discreetly remove the pretzel from her dress and discard it.

“So, ah, what happened back there?” Sienna asked, shouting to be heard over the music.

“Not now,” Leslie quickly replied.

“You okay, Jane?” Camilla inquired, reaching out to place her hand on Jane’s.

“I’m okay,” Jane nodded, pressing her lips together tightly as she nodded. “C-can we just talk about something else, please?”

“Sure, hon,” Leslie smiled at Jane before turning to the other girls. “Did you girls catch the new episode of Hospital Doctors in Love?”

“Yes!” Sienna exclaimed while Jane and Camilla nodded. “That flashback of Dr. McSpoogy? Mm, he’s so sexy.”

“Fuck, I’d let Nolan Reed do unspeakable things to me,” Camilla purred before taking a sip of her drink.

“Please, speak of them!” Leslie giggled.

“He is hot,” Jane blushed cutely.

“Ass, mouth, pussy; he can have them all!” Camilla declared, all four girls laughing giddily. “Hell, I ditched the guy who asked, but I’d totally let Nolan Reed pee on me.”

“Ew,” Sienna made a face.

“That’s disgusting,” Jane added.

“Some people like water sports,” Camilla shrugged.

“You were disgusted by it, too!” Leslie reminded the Latina.

“Maybe I like disgusting!” Camilla laughed.

“I think you’ve had enough to drink,” Jane commented lightly.

“Oh, calm your tits,” Camilla rolled her eyes.

“Just one,” Sienna interjected.

“What?” Jane frowned in confusion.

“Just one. Calm one tit,” Sienna explained. “Let the other one stay crazy. That’s your party tit.”

“Can we not talk about my chest?” Jane sighed.

“Fine, let’s go back to talking about me sinking my teeth into Nolan Reed’s tight ass,” Camilla said, a dreamy look in her eyes.

“You’d probably chip a tooth,” Sienna smirked.

“Worth it,” Camilla insisted.

“Now I want to plan a trip to Los Angeles so we can run into Nolan,” Leslie laughed. “Go full groupie fan-girl on him!”

“Conner might not approve,” Jane pointed out.

“We have a list,” Leslie argued. “We each picked five celebrities we can sleep with and the other one can’t get mad. Nolan Reed is top of my list!”

“So, we’ll go to LA and stalk the guy?” Jane raised an eyebrow. “I think that’s how you end up on a list somewhere.”

“Please. Only guys end up on those lists,” Sienna waved off the concern. “Nolan will invite us to his place so he has four willing pussies to play with.”

“I’m in!” Camilla exclaimed.

“Pass,” Jane shook her head.

“Sure, but only if you ask Steven out!” Leslie grinned.

“Leslie, stop,” Jane mumbled, her words inaudible over the music. They were only able to tell what she said by reading her lips and inferring from context.

“Anyway,” Camilla interjected to change the subject, “how about we get back to dancing? I need to find a Nolan Reed lookalike to fuck.”

“I haven’t seen any tall, buff guys with blond hair and blue eyes,” Leslie sighed. “Oh! He also needs a chiseled jaw, dimples, and a smile that can drop every pair of panties in a ten-mile radius.”

“Sounds like we have a mission!” Sienna giggled.

“You two gonna fight over him or is he getting a threesome?” Jane asked, looking between Sienna and Camilla.

“I’m game if you are,” Camilla looked to the redhead.

“Not tonight,” Sienna smirked and shook her head. “I’m spending the night with my vibrating buddy.”

“You’d rather have a toy buzzing on your clit than be power-fucked by a buff dude?” Leslie questioned, clearly confused.

“Eh,” Sienna shrugged. “Yeah, Nolan Reed is dreamy. If the opportunity ever did come up I’d absolutely let him do me, but I’m not really into the buff look. I actually kind of like dad bods.”

“Then why aren’t you dating Theo?” Jane asked loudly, needing to repeat herself to be heard.

“His personality,” Sienna grunted.

“Yeah, that’s fair,” Jane replied while Camilla and Leslie laughed.

“C’mon, ladies!” Camilla announced, downing her drink and getting to her feet. “Let’s get out there and dance!”

Leaving their empty glasses, the four women returned to the dance floor and immediately started moving to the music. The area they chose had a few open spots, allowing the ladies to dance as a group. Camilla and Jane were holding hands as they faced each other and swayed. Sienna bent forward and placed her hands on her knees while playfully grinding her ass against Leslie’s crotch.

Even while dancing with Jane, Camilla was still on the lookout for her buff guy. The girls had their space at the moment, but there were definitely people nearby. Some guys were cute, some weren’t. Others were already taken. Camilla’s gaze darted all around the dance floor, watching Jane and making sure not to miss a potential hookup.

Leslie, Sienna, and Camilla all kept a close eye on Jane. Sienna wasn’t sure what the issue was, but she was perceptive enough to know something was going on. Camilla and Leslie clearly had some idea, and Sienna knew she could get the information out of Leslie later.

Jane was laughing and having a good time while they enjoyed the less-crowded section of the club. However, this was a nightclub in Manhattan on a Friday night. Soon the entire dance floor was full of people pressing together and bouncing to the music.

The crowd seemed to be making Jane anxious, which surprised Sienna. Jane was never nervous like this. Someone brushing up against Jane made her jump, especially if it turned out to be a strange guy. At least Jane seemed able to manage it; she was still dancing and appeared to be enjoying herself.

Guys and girls would join the four ladies, dancing with them for a few minutes before moving on. Sienna had to fend off a couple of men who were very persistent, but they finally took the hint. Leslie went back to her earlier strategy of flashing her wedding ring to warn away admirers.

“You okay?” Sienna shouted over the music while bouncing up and down with Jane.

“I’m good!” Jane yelled back.

“Hey!” Leslie exclaimed, joining the other two. “Where’s Camilla?”

“I don’t know!” Jane answered, looking around. “She was just here!”

Sienna, Jane, and Leslie started dancing through the crowd while looking for the fourth member of their group. The sexy Latina was nowhere to be found and wasn’t responding to text messages. They were starting to worry, but decided to dance for a few minutes before looking some more.

“Glug! Glug! Glug! Glug!” Camilla gurgled, her mouth hanging open as a large penis slammed down her throat.

“Fuck, that’s good!” a large man moaned, thrusting his hips forward until his balls hit her chin.

Camilla Garcia was on her knees on the floor of the filthy one-person bathroom in the back of a Manhattan nightclub. Her cheeks were bulged out, her big brown eyes watery as she looked up at the man looming over her. The cups of Camilla’s sequin corset top were pushed down, exposing her breasts to the open air. She was cupping her left boob, pinching her own nipple while her right hand was up her skirt so she could play with herself.

The big guy was gazing down at the sexy Latina, his eyes heavy with lust. His massive hands held her small head, fingers buried in her long, dark hair. Holding her head tightly, he roughly fucked Camilla’s face, using her mouth as if it were a pussy.

Camilla had gotten lucky; the guy she was going down on looked quite like the famous drama star. The man with Camilla was over six-feet tall and very muscular. His eyes were blue, but instead of being blond, he had light brown hair that was slightly gray at the temples. Looking to be in his mid-thirties, he was probably about ten years older than Camilla. She was quite happy with the sexy man she found.

Letting out a satisfied breath, the guy started pulling on Camilla more roughly, using her mouth and throat for his pleasure. His grip tightened on her head, lightly tugging on her silky hair. The tan line on his left ring finger suggested he wore a wedding band at one time.

Camilla was moaning loudly around the big dick, her fingers rapidly working her clit. Looking up at the handsome man while sucking his dick was driving her wild. Tightening her lips around his shaft, she groaned and gurgled as she started cumming on her fingers.

“Mm! Gak! Gak! MM! MM! Hurk!” Camilla squirmed, her orgasm consuming her.

The moaning and gasping caused by Camilla’s orgasm made her throat vibrate, the sensation amazing on the dick in her throat. The man groaned in pleasure, pushing himself balls-deep in her mouth. His eyes closed, his head leaning back as he enjoyed the amazing feeling of Camilla’s mouth and throat.

A couple minutes later, the guy pulled Camilla off his dick. A strand of saliva briefly connected the tip of his cock with her bottom lip before breaking. The big guy held Camilla up by the hair with one hand while she gasped for breath. His other hand gripped his cock at the base so he could slap her face with his mushroom head.

“Do you like my cock, babe?” he husked, slapping her outstretched tongue with his dick.

“Ah!” Camilla moaned each time the hard penis hit her tongue. “Mm, yes! I love your cock!”

“Do you want my cum?” he asked in a heavy voice, pushing his tip into her mouth and letting her suck on it for a few seconds.

“Yes! I want your cum!” she gasped, kissing his length as he rubbed it all over her pretty face. “Oh God, I want it so bad!”

“Where do you want it?” he growled, once more sliding into her mouth, allowing her to suck him.

“Mm, in my mouth!” Camilla whined in a high-pitched voice. “Please, cum in my mouth! I wanna taste you, I wanna swallow you!”

Releasing his dick, he reached out and squeezed Camilla’s tits before holding her head in both hands and pushing his erection back in her mouth. Camilla formed a tight seal with her lips, sucking hard as the guy resumed fucking her face. Drool was running from her lips as tears leaked from her eyes. She struggled to breathe through her nose while blowing the guy.

Camilla sucked as hard as she could, moaning loudly while looking up at him with longing. Just the tip was in her mouth when semen started spurting. The taste coated her tongue, the smell filling her nostrils. She squirmed with pleasure as her throat undulated, swallowing every drop he gave her.

“Holy shit, that was amazing,” the guy gasped as he put away his penis.

“Why, thank you, Lance!” Camilla giggled, fixing the straps of her corset and putting her boobs away.

“We should head back to your place,” Lance suggested.

“Oh yeah? What’s wrong with your place?” she wondered.

“It’s nothing impressive,” he winced. “I had to take what I could get after the wife kicked me out.”

“Ouch,” Camilla nodded in understanding. “Well, how about we find a way to cheer you up?”

“What was it you said you wanted me to do when you brought me in here?” he asked with a smirk.

“Smash my pelvis, bruise my esophagus,” Camilla grinned. “Mm, and you already took care of one of those.”

Camilla washed her face before exiting the bathroom with Lance and leading him to her friends. Jane, Leslie, and Sienna were annoyed that Camilla had disappeared without saying anything and the Latina quickly apologized. She then introduced the other three girls to Lance.

Despite Camilla wanting to leave right away, she was convinced to stay a little while longer. She danced very suggestively with Lance, grinding her butt against him while he ran his hands along her side. Jane glanced at them occasionally, not happy that there would be a strange man in their apartment again.

“Bye, girls!” Camilla gushed, hugging Leslie and Sienna at the same time.

“You’re really gonna take that guy home? What if he’s some pervert!” Sienna exclaimed, hugging Camilla.

“I hope he’s a pervert!” Camilla giggled. “I could use a good butt-fucking tonight.”

“Gross,” Jane scrunched her nose.

“No, anal can really feel good if you’re in the mood,” Leslie interjected.

“It can!” Camilla grinned.

“Are you gonna start seeing him?” Sienna asked the Latina.

“Of course not!” Camilla laughed. “He’s just a one-night stand. Sometimes a girl just needs some dick, no strings attached.”

“I could never do that,” Sienna said. “I know I’ve talked about wild sex, but I need a connection.”

“Really? You’ve never let a guy pump and dump?” Camilla asked, seeming shocked.

“Why is that so surprising?” Jane questioned with an eye roll.

“Because I firmly believe that every girl has a slutty phase in her life,” Camilla explained. “She just has to get it out of her system.”

“Makes sense to me!” Leslie nodded.

“Your hook up is looking over at us, I think he’s horny,” Jane observed.

“Mm, I’m not gonna leave mister muscles waiting,” Camilla husked, leading the girls.

The group of five left the club and stepped out into the darkness. They started splitting up as they all got on the right subway line to head to their destination. Camilla and Lance were making out heavily while sitting down in the subway car, oblivious to everyone else around them.

Jane looked across the subway car, watching Camilla and Lance kiss passionately. Even as she watched, Lance cupped one of Camilla’s breasts from outside her coat. Shaking her head, Jane took her earbuds out of her purse and placed them in her ears.

Setting her phone on shuffle, Jane was shocked at the first song that started playing. It was a song she had shared with Steven, one he had said made him think of her. There was one lyric in particular that applied to their situation, one that made them both anxious about the future. Jane felt her heart catch when she heard it. The lyric reminding her that Steven only had a piece of her heart; he wanted the whole thing.

Fear of losing Steven clawed at Jane’s insides, causing tears to form in her eyes. She blinked them away while letting out a breath. Jane wanted to confide in him, to get close. She was scared. She knew she was a coward, she knew that! Knowing didn’t make it any easier to stop.

Steven wouldn’t wait forever. He wanted to settle down, to start a family. Hell, Jane wanted that, too. What could she do. She felt a panic attack start and reached for anything to try and calm down. Maybe there was a gesture that would buy her more time? Jane opened her messaging app before she could chicken out.

Jane: Are you awake?

Steven: Yes. How’s the club?

Jane: Heading home now. Camilla’s bringing a new conquest.

Steven: That guy’s not gonna know what hit him!

Jane: Yup! She’ll fuck his lights out and send him home tomorrow morning with a smile.

Steven: I think he’ll be okay with that.

Jane: If he’s like the others, he will be. I’m surprised you’re up so late.

Steven: It’s a Friday night! I’m young, crazy, I could be doing anything!

Jane: It’s 2:00AM, so it’s Saturday morning. And you’re playing video games.

Steven: Actually, I’m rereading Halcyon Days. The second book is coming out soon.

Jane: Nerd!:P

Steven: And you’re sleeping with a nerd, what does that say about you?

Jane: That I have low standards.

Steven: Ouch. That hurt!

Jane: Maybe this will cheer you up; what are your plans for Valentine’s Day?

Steven: I don’t have any plans, you?

Jane: Same. It’s a Friday. We could grab dinner or something? Maybe a movie? I don’t know.

Steven: Jane, I’d love that. I wanted to offer, but I didn’t want to pressure you.

Jane: We’re friends, we can hang out without it being weird.

Jane: And we can fuck without it being weird.

Steven: How romantic.

Jane: I try! Now, get some sleep. Talk tomorrow?

Steven: Sure. Sweet dreams.

Jane: Night, night!

Camilla and Lance continued making out and groping while Jane led them to the apartment. The couple barely managed to not walk into the street and get hit by a car. Lance pressed the Latina against the side of the elevator, kissing her passionately while squeezing her tits as best he could through her winter coat. Camilla mumbled a quick goodnight to Jane before pulling Lance into her bedroom and practically shutting the door in Jane’s face.

Lance wasted no time taking his coat and shirt off before getting Camilla topless. She rubbed her boobs against his chest while they kissed, her hard nipples running along his skin. He slid his hands up the back of her skirt, squeezing her butt cheeks from outside her panties.

After kissing for a few minutes, Lance and Camilla got completely naked. Camilla then dropped to her knees and started blowing Lance again. He enjoyed her mouth for awhile before pulling the sexy Latina to her feet and aggressively tossing her onto her bed.

“Mm, I like it rough,” Camilla purred happily.

“Good,” Lance husked, climbing up on the bed.

Sitting up, he looked down and admired Camilla’s naked body. Her caramel skin was blemish free and there wasn’t an ounce of fat on her tight, young frame. Parting her legs, Camilla slid a hand between her legs and used two fingers to spread her labia. Lance’s cock throbbed as he admired her pink interior.

Camilla giggled when Lance pounced on her, planting kisses all over her neck before working down to her breasts. He slobbered all over her tits for a couple minutes before kissing down to Camilla’s pubic mound. Lance then placed her toned legs over his shoulders and buried his face in her twat.

Her playful giggles quickly turned into moans and pants as Lance started eating her out. She arched her back, her hands buried in his hair as she held his face to her crotch. Camilla moaned passionately, her boobs jiggling on her chest as she bit her lower lip.

“Fuck, yes!” Camilla hissed. “Eat me! Eat my pussy!”

“Mm!” Lance hummed, sucking on her clit while pushing two fingers inside her.

He could feel her legs shaking, her body tensing. As an experienced guy, Lance knew that he was about to make his latest girl cum. Increasing his efforts, Lance rapidly flicked her clit with his tongue. Moments later, Camilla exploded, letting out a small scream before whimpering several times.

“Fuck me!” Camilla husked. “I need you in me!”

“I’m gonna fuck your pretty, little brains out,” Lance growled, sitting up and stroking himself.

“Wait. Hang on,” she said, reaching over to pull open the drawer of her bedside table.

“You really do like to get kinky,” he smiled, his eyes lighting up when Camilla pulled out a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs.

“You have no idea,” Camilla breathed, leaving the key on the table and handing the cuffs to Lance. “Cuff me!”

Camilla raised her arms above her head and allowed Lance to cuff her to the headboard. Her legs went back over his shoulders and he leaned over to kiss her ankle, making her giggle. Lance then thrust forward, embedding his erection in her Camilla’s warmth.

“Fuck, yeah!” Lance roared in triumph, a cocky expression on his face as he looked down at his latest conquest.

Gripping her thighs, Lance started rapidly hammering Camilla’s little pussy. Her wrists strained against the handcuffs, her body squirming. His thrusts were strong and fast, his entire length burying in her hole, getting deliciously deep inside her.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!” Camilla gasped, her eyes rolling back.

“Yeah, take that cock, slut!” Lance hissed, fire in his eyes. “Take my dick! Take it!”

The degrading term was a huge turn-on for Camilla, and she arched her back, cumming hard. Lance responded by reaching forward and grabbing her boobs, squeezing them roughly as he continued to pound her. When she started coming down from her orgasm, he lightly slapped her left boob, making her gasp and cum again.

“Again!” Camilla begged wantonly. “Hit my titty! Hit me again!”

“Is this how you like it, hm?” he snarled, slapping her tit three times in rapid suggestion.

“Yes! Oh God, yes!” she whined, her toes curling. “My face! Hit my face! Slap me!”

Lance lightly slapped Camilla’s face, causing her to gasp and cry out happily. Her pussy was absolutely soaked and he could tell how much she was loving his actions. So, he slapped her a little harder. She bucked her hips, desperately trying to get every inch of cock inside her.

“Harder!” Camilla pleaded, her fingers clawing at the headboard.

He was happy to oblige, his slap making her cum yet again. He slapped her face three more times before squeezing her tits and using them as leverage to fuck her as hard and fast as he could. Camilla was screaming her head off, and there was no doubt that Jane could hear.

Rough sex was always fun for Camilla and she was in heaven. At her request, Lance placed a hand on her throat and lightly squeezed. Camilla knew it wasn’t the smartest request to make while her hands were bound, but she was completely lost to her lust. He only choked her for a few seconds before slapping her again.

“Whose pussy is it?” he asked, grabbing her chin and leaning forward to look into her eyes.

“Yours!” Camilla groaned, her legs bent backwards due to Lance’s position nearly folding her in half. “It’s your pussy, it’s your pussy!”

Sitting back up, he held her thighs and lifted her butt off the bed so he could keep thrusting. His balls slapped her ass, her pussy gripping him tightly. Lance could tell that he wasn’t the only experienced one; Camilla knew how to squeeze her vaginal muscles, how to maximize his pleasure.

“Where do you want me to cum?” he wondered, his voice thick with lust.

“Wherever you want, baby,” Camilla moaned. “In me, on me, make me yours!”

“I wanna cum on your tits,” Lance announced, his release moments away.

“Cum on my titties!” she begged loudly,

Lance pulled out of Camilla and pushed her legs aside. He knee-walked along the bed until he was kneeling by her chest. The handcuffed Latina smiled at him as he started jacking off, aiming his erection at her breasts. Camilla moaned happily when Lance exploded, coating her boobs in warm cum.

Her hands flew to her chest when Lance released her from the cups. She scooped up some semen and popped it in her mouth, her eyes on his as she moaned and sucked the cum from her fingertip. He smirked happily as he watched the nude girl.

Camilla walked to the bathroom naked, grateful that Jane was shut in her own room. After washing up, Camilla returned to the bedroom and climbed into bed so she could suck Lance hard once again. It was time for round two.

Lance was learning just how wild Camilla was. She had him handcuff her to the bed once again, this time while she was crouched in doggystyle. He then used her lube to get her ready before shoving his cock up her ass. Camilla begged him to fuck her harder while he pulled her hair and slapped her ass. She screamed when he came up her butt.

Jane was laying in bed while trying to sleep. As usual, Camilla was loud. The neighbors could probably hear the Latina beg her one-night stand to fuck her up the ass. Despite herself, Jane ended up sliding a hand into her panties and getting herself off.

~Friday February 14, 2025~

Friday was a very busy day at Sphinx Accounting and Bookkeeping Services. The raises were a complete success and everyone was hopeful for the future of the company. In addition, the hiring freeze was about to be lifted. HR had been busy crafting job postings that were slated to go live on Tuesday after the three-day weekend.

Megan’s plan was to address the growing trend of do-it-yourself accounting. A lot of smaller companies were trying to save money by handling accounting and bookkeeping themselves, even if no one there is really qualified. The result is often large mistakes and massive tax bills. Megan hoped Sphinx could address that. It didn’t hurt that it was tax season as well.

They were going to hire a lot of marketing experts and increase the advertising budget. More bookkeepers would also be needed to handle the increased workload. The resources Bauer International Holdings had were on an entirely different level, and Megan used them well to help Sphinx.

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