Love in the Balance
Copyright© 2025 by WittyUserName
Chapter 1
Romance Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Eight friends navigate love, friendship, and finance as they find their places in the world.
Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Light Bond Rough Spanking Group Sex Hispanic Female Anal Sex Cream Pie Facial Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy Tit-Fucking Big Breasts
~Wednesday January 01, 2025~
“Three! Two! One! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Eight voices cried out together, filling the small apartment with the sounds of their mirth.
The cheering stopped when the group paired off into four couples for the traditional New Year’s kiss. A thin guy who was well over six feet tall was locked in a passionate embrace with a slim blonde. The couple was humorously mismatched, with his brown haired head towering at least a foot over her blonde. She was stretching up while he bent down to press their lips together.
Standing several feet to the right on the light-gray carpet was the next couple. He was much more average in stature and build, with his arms wrapped around a beautiful woman with long brown hair. Her body was pressed against his as they kissed fiercely.
The third pairing consisted of a sexy Latina and a muscle-bound guy who would not have been out of place on a football field. He was about six feet tall with blond hair and she was probably five or six inches shorter with shining raven hair. Their kiss was more hesitant, showing that the two of them were not as familiar with each other as the first two couples.
The last pair had an equally hesitant kiss, just pecking each other’s lips repeatedly. The woman looked to be the youngest and was by far the shortest. At barely five feet tall, she was a cute, freckled redhead with pale skin. Her partner was quite a bit taller with brown hair. Unlike the others, he was carrying a few extra pounds and had a round, jovial face.
Conner and Leslie, Steven and Jane, Noah and Camilla, and Theo and Sienna. That was their group. Or “The Gang of Eight” as they informally called themselves.
While the apartment wasn’t large, it was quite nice and took advantage of what space was available. A large television was mounted on the wall and there were framed pictures on either side. Facing the television was a large couch with a recliner off to the side. A small table with a lamp was beside the couch and a nice coffee table sat in front of it.
Signs of their New Year’s Eve party were littered all over the apartment. There were several empty bottles of beers, a few glasses of half-drunk wine. A large plate with a single mozzarella stick and a bowl of marinara sauce was resting on the coffee table. In addition, a stack of board games were resting on the floor, along with a set-up game that appeared recently abandoned.
“And a very happy birthday to you,” the brunette smiled, cutely scrunching her nose while squeezing the upper arms of her guy.
Jane Silver was a slim, twenty-seven year old beauty with green eyes and light brown hair that fell to her lower back. As an HR specialist, Jane was a very compassionate and approachable person. She could be tough when she needed to, but she never stopped caring. She had a cute voice, kissable lips, and an adorable face. Everyone loved the small mole just over her upper lip.
“Right! Happy birthday, buddy! Woo!” the guy with the jovial face cheered as the redhead he was kissing stepped back.
Theodore Caldwell was an outgoing guy who always had a wise-ass remark ready to go. He was of average height and had hazel eyes. At twenty-six, Theo loved to party and was always good for a laugh. Sadly, he didn’t have much luck with the ladies, but he was a good guy and a hard worker at his job as a bookkeeper.
Standing a couple feet in front of Theo was Sienna Griffith, the five-foot-nothing redhead. She was the youngest of the group, at only twenty-one years old. After graduating community college she got a job as an accounts payable specialist. Sienna was the only one of the group who still lived at home with her parents.
“Last birthday of your twenties, ready to be an old man?” the tallest guy teased after Sienna expressed her birthday wishes.
“Don’t be an ass, Conner,” the blonde rolled her eyes.
Leslie and Conner Pearson were the only married couple of the friend group. Conner was a very slim man who was well over six feet with brown hair and green eyes. He was a mechanical engineer and the only person in The Gang of Eight who did not work at Sphinx Accounting and Bookkeeping Services.
Conner’s wife, Leslie, was a full foot shorter than he was. A beautiful blonde with blue eyes, Leslie was the oldest of the group at thirty-one. Her husband, who she met in college, was a few months younger. Leslie was a financial controller liked by everyone she met.
“Steve got his New Year’s kiss, how about a birthday bang?” the sexy Latina asked with a smirk. “What do ya say, Jane?”
“I say mind your own business,” Jane replied with a small blush.
“C’mon, Silver!” the Latina giggled. “Take him to his room and make some music!”
Jane’s roommate was Camilla Garcia, a gorgeous twenty-four year old of average height with black hair and brown eyes. Camilla was hired right out of college as an accounts receivable specialist. She was outgoing and always the life of the party.
“Can all the guys get a birthday bang?” a tall, muscular guy who kissed Camilla wondered. “What do you say, ladies?”
“We say ‘no.’” Sienna grunted and rolled her eyes.
Noah Beck was Theo’s roommate and fellow bookkeeper. Unlike Theo, Noah was a six-foot-tall wall of muscle. He could often be found at the gym in their apartment building and played football in college. Noah was twenty-five and had much better luck with women than Theo.
“Speak for yourself, girl!” Leslie laughed, standing on her toes to kiss her husband’s cheek. “My man is so getting lucky when we get home!”
“He’s leaving you here?” Theo suggested, making everyone laugh.
“Well, that explains why you’re single,” Sienna retorted.
Other than Conner and Leslie, the rest of the group were all single. Camilla and Noah dated casually, while Theo usually went home alone every night. Sienna went on dates but was much more careful about who she hooked up with. Leslie had been the one to suggest that the six single people pair off so that she and her husband weren’t the only ones kissing in the new year.
Camilla and Sienna each reluctantly grabbed a guy while the married couple were obviously going to kiss each other. Sienna wasn’t really attracted to Theo, while Camilla didn’t want to date anyone in their friend group. The kisses were a little awkward, but it was a New Year’s tradition! Everyone agreed that Jane should kiss Steven Martucci, the owner of the apartment they were all spending New Year’s in.
Steven wasn’t a very tall guy, but he was a handsome man of Italian heritage with light brown hair and green eyes. His close-cropped beard looked great on him and he had an amazing smile complete with dimples. Steven had started out as an accountant at Sphinx Accounting and Bookkeeping services, but he eventually transitioned to a pure finance role. His job as a financial analyst paid incredibly well, allowing him to easily afford his own place without needing a roommate.
The worst kept secret in the social group was that Steven and Jane were friends with benefits. The two of them had a casual intimacy that was easy to spot, even for Theo. Everyone knew that they had even hooked up at the office on more than one occasion. Neither of them had been on a date in months, and the other six expected them to officially become a couple.
Steven thanked everyone for the birthday wishes before the girls decided he deserved more kisses. Leslie was married, so she only gave him a quick peck on the lips. Sienna pressed her body against his and lightly kissed him. Camilla had to show off, grabbing the back of his head and shoving her tongue in his mouth.
“Jealous?” Camilla asked Jane with a wink after breaking the kiss.
“About what?” Jane wondered, sounding actually curious, to Camilla’s disappointment.
Jane, focused on Camilla, didn’t see how Steven’s face fell at hearing that.
“So, ah, you got any big plans for your birthday?” Leslie asked, attempting to distract Steven.
“Nothing at all,” Steven answered with a light laugh. “I’m gonna sleep in, do some cleaning, a few loads of laundry.”
“Whoa, watch out ladies, we’ve got a wild one here,” Sienna teased.
“If you’re not careful he might whip you up your very own budget,” Theo added.
“Big talk coming from the guy with the exciting bookkeeping job,” Noah countered.
“Hey! You’re a bookkeeper, too!” Theo glared at his roommate.
“I’m also a former college quarterback,” Noah smirked before taking a sip of his beer.
“That is such a weird combination,” Leslie giggled.
“I think everyone here is a little nerdy,” Conner added. “I’m an engineer, you’re all in finance or accounting. Oh, and we spent New Year’s Eve playing board games.”
“You’re my sexy engineer,” Leslie purred, smiling at her husband.
“Just a shame you nerds can’t all be as handsome as me,” Theo shook his head. “I feel so bad for you.”
“You’re an idiot,” Sienna grunted.
“How about we finish the game?” Steven offered.
It wasn’t easy to find a game that could accommodate eight people at once, but The Gang of Eight had managed to find a couple. They had split off into smaller parties to play other games earlier, usually two groups of four. For this last game of the night, they all wanted to play together.
The game was set in eighteenth century Europe and each player took on the role of a powerful nation. Competing to expand by garnering the most support, each player had to win wars to increase their territories. More territories meant more people, which meant supplying more goods, leading to more support. It was a long game that took over an hour to finish.
Noah was playing as France and was eliminated first. Steven’s Russia fell not long after. Soon it was just two people left. Great Britain held on awhile but was ultimately defeated by Spain. Sienna was the winner. Everyone congratulated her before polishing off their drinks.
“Present time!” Leslie declared.
“You guys didn’t have to get me anything,” Steven protested weakly.
“Too fucking bad, we did!” Camilla laughed while rummaging through her bag and extracting a wrapped box.
Steven sat on the couch while the others sang happy birthday, then it was time to open presents. His gifts were fairly standard for a nerdy guy; a new button-down, a board game, a gift card for a restaurant. There was some teasing when he unwrapped Jane’s present; a very nice wristwatch.
“Are you sure there’s nothing going on between you two?” Sienna asked, pointing between Steven and Jane.
“We’re sure,” Jane spoke up quickly.
“Yeah, positive,” Steven sighed.
“So, you wouldn’t be jealous if our guy went out and found a hookup?” Noah wondered.
“I would not,” Jane insisted, shaking her head.
“It is his birthday, I would think a thoughtful and loving blowjob would be the least you could do,” Theo added.
“You heard the guy, Camilla, get on your knees,” Jane smirked, gesturing at Steven with her head.
“Why me?” Camilla frowned. “Sienna’s already eye-level with most guys’ waists.”
“Yeah, but you’re the slutty one,” Jane argued while Sienna flipped off the Latina.
“I am not!” Camilla gasped. “That’s so mean!”
“Personally, I’m very pro-slut,” Theo interjected.
“That’s not how you get laid, man,” Conner told the resident comedian.
“Did you forget I’m your roommate?” Jane asked Camilla. “Didn’t you bring home yet another new guy a couple weeks ago?”
“A girl has needs,” Camilla giggled and blushed. “Besides, he was hot.”
“I’m available if you want some stress-free loving,” Noah offered.
“Yeah, me too!” Theo said a little too quickly.
“Keep dreaming, buddy,” Sienna snorted.
“He can’t be any worse than the guy who wanted to pee on me,” Camilla crinkled her nose in disgust.
“Ew!” Leslie gasped.
“Whoa, and I thought my first boyfriend trying to talk me into butt stuff right after popping my cherry was bad,” Sienna winced.
Steven and Jane were both grateful when the conversation was derailed by the other girls complaining about men they’ve dated. Jane really liked Steven, but she had a lot of issues with commitment and relationships. Steven was aware that Jane had a past and didn’t pry for information, but he couldn’t help wanting more.
After a little more light banter, the eight friends cleaned up the mess from their New Year’s Eve party. It was after 2:00AM by the time they finished and everyone was tired. Seven of the group had their coats on and were standing around chatting with Steven before leaving.
“You’re really not doing anything on your birthday? That’s so sad,” Sienna pouted.
“It’s no big deal, it’s just a birthday,” Steven chuckled.
“If you feel that bad, I’m sure we can go back to the topic of a birthday bang?” Theo suggested.
“Shut up,” Jane rolled her eyes at Theo.
“Jealous after all?” Conner spoke up.
“You shut up, too,” Jane grunted.
“I’ll be able to keep myself busy,” Steven said as the group made their way to the door.
The truth was that Jane was going to be coming over for dinner. Steven was going to get his birthday bang after all, but neither of them wanted the others to know. Jane insisted their relationship was casual, and Steven didn’t want to pressure her.
“Watching porn and jacking off?” Camilla suggested, making a motion with her hand to suggest stroking an erect penis. “What a fun birthday.”
“Well, I’m not going out,” Steven replied with an exasperated sigh. “I have to be up bright and early for work on Thursday.”
“Right, we’re all getting laid off,” Theo grumbled.
“We’re not getting laid off,” Leslie rolled her eyes. “The company is doing great, that’s why we got bought.”
“Doesn’t mean we won’t be given the boot,” Noah sighed, shaking his head.
It was understandable that people were concerned about their jobs; Sphinx Accounting and Bookkeeping Services had just been bought out. The company had seen explosive growth, allowing it to thrive in the financial district of Lower Manhattan. Its success drew the attention of Bauer International Holdings, which quickly pounced and made an offer.
Bauer International Holdings was an American holding company founded in 1946 with its headquarters in New York, New York. As of the end of 2024, the Bauers were valued at one hundred forty-one billion dollars. They specialized in real estate, but they were involved in all aspects of the financial district as well. In addition, Theodore Bauer, the chairman and CEO, seemed to want to use the acquisition as a test for his favorite employee.
“Companies do tend to have layoffs when they get bought,” Camilla admitted with a wince.
“Steve here will just have to put in a good word for all of us with the new boss,” Sienna shrugged.
“I seriously doubt Megan Bauer is gonna listen to a single word I have to say,” Steven rolled his eyes.
The twenty-five year old Megan Bauer was the only child and sole heir of Theodore Bauer. She recently got her MBA from Harvard and had graduated with highest honors. Theodore letting her handle an acquisition all by herself was his way of testing his daughter.
“She wants to meet with you to go over the finances,” Jane pointed out.
“Well, yeah, but I’m a financial analyst,” Steven shrugged. “The only way she’ll listen to me is if it’s to make cuts to the budget so her rich daddy can make his money back.”
“You don’t know that, the meeting could go well,” Leslie argued.
“Yeah, right,” Steven snorted, his mood darkening. “She’ll probably just tell me to save them millions before playing on her phone the rest of the day. Nepotism at its finest.”
“Megan did just get her MBA, she is qualified,” Sienna responded.
“A spoiled rich girl who never had a care in the world? Sure,” Steven shook his head angrily.
“You know, for a guy who hates corporate so much, maybe finance wasn’t the smartest career choice,” Noah observed.
“I don’t hate corporate,” Steven argued. “I just hate when people get fucked over so some rich asshole can buy another yacht.”
“How did you end up majoring in accounting?” Jane wondered. “I never asked.”
“I didn’t know what I wanted to major in,” Steven shrugged. “I was good at math, I was organized. Someone suggested accounting and I figured I could always change it later. I never did.”
“Sounds like someone passionate about his career,” Theo laughed.
“I like the numbers and spreadsheets well enough,” Steven explained. “I just hate wealth hoarding. If a job is worth paying someone to do, it’s worth paying them enough to live a life of dignity. Something the Megan Bauers of the world will never understand.”
The birthday boy complained for a few more minutes, his ranting getting worse and worse. Leslie finally suggested one of the single girls flash Steven to get him to shut up. Everyone laughed before finally deciding it was time to get going. Sadly, Steven never got to see any boobs.
With the others gone, Steven staggered into his bedroom with a tired yawn. The long day had caught up with him and he quickly stripped down to his boxer briefs before falling into bed. Steven was out cold seconds after his head hit the pillow.
No alarm was set to wake him up, causing Steven to sleep in until after 10:30AM. It was a very nice change for someone who was usually up early. With a yawn and a stretch, Steven grabbed his phone and replied to all the birthday texts from friends and family.
In addition to a morning text, Jane had also sent him a number of pictures. The first was of her laying in bed with a smile on her pretty face. She was wearing a white camisole and no bra, her hard nipples and the outline of her areolas clearly visible. The second was of her legs. Jane was still in bed and all that could be seen was her shapely legs, up to her thighs. It was a teasing picture that made Steven smile.
Jane: Happy birthday! Here’s a little preview.;)
Steven: Thanks! How about showing me a little more?
Jane: I did just get out of the shower...
Steven: Mm, show me.;)
Steven didn’t have to wait long for a picture. Jane was holding up the phone, aiming it at herself as she sat on the couch. Her long hair was damp from showering and her green eyes sparkled with a mischievous twinkle. A white towel was wrapped around her, tucked between her breasts and hanging down to just below her crotch.
Jane: Squeaky clean!
Steven: Lose the towel.
Jane: Hm, no, thank you.
Steven: Please?
Jane: Do you usually have to beg for the kitty? It’s kind of pathetic.:P
Steven: I don’t have a witty comeback.
Jane: Shocking.
Steven: It’s my birthday, just give me this one.:)
Jane: I guess it wouldn’t hurt to give you a little peek.
The next picture was a downward view of Jane’s chest. While the towel was still obscuring her nipples, Steven got a great view of Jane’s very impressive cleavage. He responded with a quick shot of the tent in his boxer briefs.
Jane: Mm, is that for me?;)
Steven: All yours, babe.
Jane: I wanna suck it!
Steven: I want you to suck it.
Jane: Would you like me to get on my knees as soon as I come over?
Steven: I would like that.
Jane: I won’t be able to wish you happy birthday with a cock in my throat!
Steven: That’s okay, you already said that.:P
Jane: I’m getting wet.
Steven: I’m not sure I can wait for you to come over!
Jane: Well, you have to! You need to save up that hot cum for me.
Steven: Understood.
Jane: Thank you, sir.
Steven: Remember that for later.;)
Jane: You got it!:*
With a sigh, Steven placed his phone on the bedside table before standing and stretching. He loved flirting with Jane and wished things could be that way all the time. Jane went out of her way to make it seem like they were just friends whenever anyone else was around.
When they were alone it was like a switch flipped in her brain. She would flirt with him and be physically affectionate. They would even go out on what could be considered dates. Yet, she would always keep an invisible barrier between them. Her walls would go back up at the slightest provocation. Steven loved their time together, he just wished she would let him into her heart.
He felt pathetic for mooning over Jane, but the evidence suggested she did want to be with him. At least, it usually suggested that. Also, he wasn’t in his early-twenties anymore. At almost thirty, he wanted to start thinking about finding someone to settle down with. If it wasn’t Jane it would have to be someone else.
Steven took a shower and dressed in blue jeans and a white button-down shirt. Then he sat on the couch and watched some television while having a quick lunch. His mother called and they ended up talking for over an hour. Hearing questions about his future, marriage, kids, it all made him think about it even more. He wanted to explore that possibility with Jane, but if that wasn’t going to be an option, he might end up moving on soon.
It was both a holiday and his birthday, but that didn’t mean Steven didn’t have work he needed to get done. He was going to be stuck in meetings with Megan Bauer all day and had to be sure all of the financial statements were accurate. The last thing he wanted was to deal with was a suggestion for layoffs or pay cuts.
Setting up in his home office, Steven started up his computer and got to work. Two ultra-wide monitors displaying spreadsheets full of information. Even more spreadsheets were minimized, and Steven was switching between them rapidly. Thousands of general ledger codes and cost objects, tracking expenses and income, and viewing the company’s income over time.
The reports he needed to provide Megan with were already written. Steven’s main goal today was to take a look at the company’s expenses to see where he could recommend cutting costs if asked. Recommending a budget was part of his job, and he would never suggest a layoff just to make the owners even richer.
Steven certainly wasn’t against a company owner making a healthy profit; a company had to be profitable to survive, after all. But, he believed they had to be both realistic and respectful of their employees. The Bauers seeing a massive initial return on investment just wasn’t reasonable. Sure, it was more about the company’s net worth than anything, but he knew they spent a lot to acquire Sphinx. He was prepared to quit if Megan attempted cutting half the work force and dump twice as much on everyone else. Fuck, he knew he wouldn’t be able to control his temper if she laid off hard-working, productive employees just to prove to her father she had the skills to make it in the corporate world.
The longer he worked the more Steven’s mood soured. Sphinx Accounting and Bookeeping Services was highly profitable, but he was scared that wasn’t enough. He knew most executives couldn’t see past the next quarter’s profits, and he expected Megan Bauer to be more of the same.
Engrossed in his work, Steven completely lost track of time. He jumped when the intercom buzzed, realizing that Jane had arrived. Shutting off his monitors, Steven got to his feet and went over to the intercom by the front door so he could press the button.
“Hey, Jane,” Steven said. “Sorry, I lost track of time.”
“I figured when you didn’t tell me what you wanted for dinner!” Jane’s voice laughed. “I got your usual.”
“Thanks, I’ll buzz you in,” he replied, hitting the button to unlock the front door to the building.
A couple minutes later Steven was opening the front door to allow Jane inside. She was wearing a cute beanie and a long brown coat that fell to her knees. Her face was pink from the cold and Steven thought that having her calves bare probably wasn’t the smartest idea. Jane stepped into the apartment, her heels clacking against the floor.
“Hey, birthday boy,” Jane grinned, leaning over for a kiss.
“Hey, Silver,” Steven responded, pecking her lips. “Let me take those for you.”
“Thanks!” she said, walking forward with her arms still full.
Steven grabbed the bag of takeout and the ice cream cake, walking them into the kitchen with Jane following. She tossed her purse on the table while Steven placed the takeout on the counter and the cake in the refrigerator. He glanced back at Jane as she took off the beanie, letting her light brown hair fall free.
“Any chance you’re naked under there?” Steven asked with a grin.
“I’m afraid you’re out of luck, buddy,” Jane giggled as she took off her coat and tossed it over a chair.
Jane was wearing a cream-colored dress that fell to mid-thigh. The dress was elegant but still didn’t look out of place in such a casual setting. Delicate straps left her shoulders bare and showed off the few freckles on her light skin. The fabric lifted and pressed her breasts together, creating a very enticing cleavage. With her heels, Jane was almost as tall as Steven.
“Wow,” Steven gasped, his eyes wide as he struggled to find words.
“Still disappointed I’m not naked?” Jane smirked, posing prettily.
“I am not disappointed in the slightest,” Steven said sincerely, approaching Jane and placing his hands on her hips.
“Aren’t you sweet,”she commented, kissing him again.
“You brought me dinner and cake, I have to be sweet,” Steven replied.
“Well, I do have a promise to fulfill before we eat,” Jane said with a wink.
“And what might that be?” he wondered.
“A birthday BJ,” she declared, crouching in front of him.
“I thought you said you were getting on your knees?” Steven teased while she unbuttoned his jeans.
“I’m wearing heels and we’re on a tiled floor; this is what you’re getting,” Jane rolled her eyes as she pulled down his pants and boxers, freeing his half-hard dick. “Don’t complain and enjoy my mouth.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Steven replied as Jane struggled to balance on her heels while crouching.
Jane didn’t want to waste any time, so she grasped his cock at the base and lifted it to her lips. She giggled cutely when Steven gasped from feeling her mouth on him. Lunging forward, Jane engulfed the entire shaft in her mouth, sucking hard as he quickly started to harden.
“Mm, mm, mm!” Jane hummed as she started bobbing her head on the rapidly thickening length.
Gripping his thighs tightly, Jane moaned loudly as she enjoyed giving a blowjob. She loved giving blowjobs, giving a man such intense pleasure, having full control over his enjoyment. Her tongue lashed the underside of his shaft, and she wriggled happily when he shuddered.
Steven’s hands slid into Jane’s dress and bra, his fingers closing around the big boobs he loved so much. Jane’s tits were amazing, so big and soft, yet firm at the same time. Her nipples were hard and pressing into Steven’s palms as he played with her breasts.
“Fuck, that feels good,” he gasped when Jane took him deep.
“Gak!” she gagged, his cock buried in her throat as she rolled her green eyes up to meet his.
Jane loved the way Steven looked at her, the way he touched her. He was gazing down at her like she was truly perfect in his eyes. His hands felt so good on her tits. She could feel the dampness between her legs as he rolled a nipple between his fingers.
As the minutes passed, Steven’s control began to slip while Jane blew him in the kitchen. Removing his hands from her dress, he buried them in her long hair. He began lightly pulling her head back and forth, encouraging her to bob her head faster.
“Jane!” he hissed, his leg shaking slightly.
Her lips were a tight seal around his shaft, she could taste the saltiness of his skin on her tongue. Jane’s eyelids fluttered, her cheeks caving in as she sucked hard. Little bubbles of spit were forming at the corners of her mouth and she could feel herself salivating.
“Glug! Glug! Gak! Glug!” Jane gurgled, her fingernails digging into his skin.
“I’m close,” Steven warned, tossing his head back as he held her head tightly. “Fuck, I’m close. Keep going, keep sucking!”
Sliding her mouth down his length, Jane engulfed the entire shaft. Her eyes started watering as she looked up at Steven while moaning loudly so her throat would squeeze his length. Jane held the deepthroat as long as she could before backing off and coughing slightly. Then she went back to work, sucking and slurping as she did everything in her power to make him cum.
“I’m gonna cum!” he gasped loudly, his fingers twisting in her hair. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
The first jet of warm semen caught Jane on the down stroke, hitting the back of her mouth and making her cough. Her throat contracted as she gulped down the first blast just before the second arrived. She heaved slightly as her mouth filled with cum.
“Don’t swallow, don’t swallow!” Steven ordered.
“Mm! Mmhmm!” Jane nodded slightly, swirling the cum around her mouth with her tongue.
Steven shuddered slightly as the last few drops leaked out of his tip and onto Jane’s tongue. Her eyes sparkled up at him as she slowly bobbed her head on his softening penis, sucking on him gently, almost lovingly. Until she finally released him.
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