The Wife, the Bull & the Cuckold
Copyright© 2025 by Jessica Lansdown
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Sally and Steve have been together for a long time. Steve is a really nice man and that could be the problem. Now Sally wants more, she wants a firmer hand, she wants to be controlled and she wants to try new things, and another man. Steve will do anything for Sally and he confides in a work colleague who tells him exactly what to do to make his wife happy... and so it begins. Readers, please note that this story may jump categories as it includes, BDSM, HotWife, Cuckolding, Group Sex.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mult Consensual Heterosexual Fiction Cuckold Sharing Slut Wife Wife Watching BDSM DomSub Group Sex Anal Sex Exhibitionism Oral Sex
Steve had been an architect for most of his working career. He loved buildings; the very modern ones, the old ones and just about everything in between. As long as the building had style, in his opinion it would be ageless and classic. He liked to think of himself that way too; although, most of the time, he felt a long way from classic or ageless. He was a creative at heart and, although he was a partner at the firm, he was content to let others handle the business end of things because for him it was all about design. In recent years he had taken more and more of a back seat in terms of decision making, preferring to avoid any and all confrontation wherever possible.
His wife Sally was just as beautiful and vibrant as ever, planning this, arranging that, determined to enjoy life to the full and dragging easy going Steve along for the ride.
She was a journalist, fun loving and articulate with an inclination for the dramatic. Sally had a very keen imagination with a definite dark sexy side which Steve had always loved. Her natural exuberance and love of life more than compensated for any lack of spirit from Steve and he still felt lucky to have her.
They were a popular couple with a good group of friends. Most weekends would see them out in a local restaurant, at the cinema or maybe the theatre. Sometimes they would host or attend dinner parties at home, or at a friend’s house.
They were a sociable middle class couple that on the surface enjoyed life and had everything going for them.
But couples can run out of romantic and sexual steam and that can have quite an impact on a relationship.
Sally and Steve fell into that category. They’d been together for many years and the passion had definitely worn a bit thin between them. They were still good mates though and could talk about most things without any problems and often had long conversations about life, love and work.
During one of these conversations Sally had suddenly admitted that she had been wondering what it would be like to be with another man sexually.
Sally’s new boss was a good looking 40 something man and she was sure that he had been trying to flirt with her. The local butcher seemed to be suddenly rather chatty too; complimenting her on her clothes or hair and even the guy in the garage seemed to be giving her the eye. Perhaps she was imagining it. Still, all this attention real or imagined had made her feel ... attractive, desired and she knew that she wanted to keep feeling that way.
She loved Steve, but he was so laid back. They hardly ever had sex anymore and if they did, it was usually because she had initiated things. She didn’t want to have an affair, she had no intention of doing anything behind Steve’s back so she decided to raise the subject and see what happened.
‘What do you think?’She asked, although she went on before he could reply determined to get it all out.
‘It would need to be someone who is perhaps a bit controlling and a bit dominant,’ she confided, ‘I’ve never really experienced anything like that. You are so laid back, which is always great, but I’ve read a few books recently where male dominance was an integral part of the story and it made me feel, well I liked the thought of it. How would you feel about that?’ she asked, deciding not to mention the attention from her new boss or the local tradesmen.
‘Come on, I think you know don’t you?’ Steve replied. ‘I’m sure we’ve talked about it before. I’ve always loved the idea of you being with another man, as long as you come back to me in the end. But I do think that I would like to be involved in some way, or at least watch him fucking you.’
‘Oh, well, that’s good to know. So you wouldn’t be jealous or anything?’
Sally couldn’t decide if she was disappointed or glad at that thought.
‘No not Jealous. I’d be happy if you were having a good time and as I said, I’d want to know that you were always coming home to me and that whatever we were doing we’d be doing it together. You’d be my sexy wife ... that’s my sexy wife!
‘But you say you’d want to be involved. I know you’ve never been one for controlling things so how involved would you want to be?’ Sally asked. ‘I mean on the side lines, fully involved with the sex, or what? The reason I ask is because I want someone to take control which means that you can’t be in control as well. Are you happy to concede control to another man if it comes to it?’
‘Yes of course. I’ll do whatever it takes and I mean that. I want you to have some fun and I’d love to see you being completely pleasured by another man, I think it could be terrific and very horny too.’
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