A Happy Bunch - Cover

A Happy Bunch

Copyright© 2025 by DeeKay

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Leo breaks up with his girlfriend and meets a hot bisexual couple to have very naughty fun with

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   CrossDressing   Fiction   Sharing   FemaleDom   Rough   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Facial   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Water Sports   Size   Smoking  

An hour after Brit leaves, I get out of the shower, dry myself off and in a chair next to my soaking wet bed.

Where’s that magic ointment Kari gave me? Ah, here in the drawer. I pick up my phone and call Kari while I gently massage Junior with Kari’s soothing homemade oil.

“Hey babe!” Kari says in a low, seductive voice. “What’s up?”

I pause for a moment, then tell her all about my hot rendezvous with Brit.

“Oh my...” Kari purrs, her voice thickening with excitement and lust. “Wait ... I ... hold on...”

I wait for Kari to speak again. It sounds like she is moving some stuff around, then she says, “That’s better. Now tell me what you did to her one more time ... give me all the naughty details!”

I know Kari well enough to realize that she already has taken off her panties and is going to rub and finger-fuck her pussy as she listens to my story.

Thwack! Smack! Squish! Slap!

Oh yeah, Kari is definitely going crazy on her pussy. I hear her purr and whimper, grunt and groan. I keep my voice deep and low, almost whispering to my phone, telling my older married girlfriend how hard I fucked Brit.

“She squirted all over the place. The bed is totally useless...”

“Ohhhh, damn!” Kari whines frustratedly. “Fuck ... no, no, no ... don’t wanna come like this. I need you here baby ... beside me ... inside me ... come on over and fuck the shit out of Mommy’s pussy honey. Please!”

And then, suddenly Kari’s heartfelt plea turns into a stern order, “I really need you to get your cute ass over here, pronto!”

I can’t say no to my beautiful Kari. I don’t want to say no to her. I can take a sick day, or a personal day, or if I ask my boss nicely, I can take a few days off. So I say, “I’ll be there in a couple of hours.”

“Yay!” Kari cheers ecstatically. “I love you so fucking much baby!”

Before I can utter a word in response, Kari disconnects the call. Oh my ... oh!

She loves me?

You already know how I feel about Kari and Ken. I haven’t expressed my true feelings to them so far, because I don’t want to ruin a good thing. Wait a second, what am I doing? I am overthinking the crap out of this thing. I need to hurry up and pack my bag. My Kari is waiting for me. I can still hear her soothing voice, her lustful words and her passionate declaration of love:

“I need you here baby ... beside me ... inside me ... come on over and fuck the shit out of Mommy’s pussy honey. Please!

“I love you so fucking much baby!”

I love you too Kari. I love you!

“Long time, no see,” Ken laughed as he wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me closer into him. In his white muscle T-shirt and matching tight shorts, Ken looked hotter than ever. His strong, tender hands rubbed my back, up and down, down and up until one hand found its way inside the back of my pants and the other one pulled my face up toward his mouth.

He kissed my lips gently, then moved his mouth down to my neck as his middle finger slid into my tight anus. I had to fight the urge to reach for his majestic dick when I felt his massive bulge press into my stomach, instead I put my hands on his broad chest, pushing him back gently.

“You have to wait for your turn Ken,” I said panting. “I believe Kari has dibs on me right now.”

“Right,” Ken agreed reluctantly. “I don’t know what you said to her buddy; she’s been bouncing off the walls since your phone call.”

“Leo, honey!” Kari’s hypnotic voice came from inside the house. “Get your sexy ass in here baby ... now!”

Shaking with excitement, I entered the living room. When I laid my eyes on Kari, my jaw dropped, my dick started to throb and my heart began to beat thump-thee-thump-thump in my chest like a drunk drummer.

Kari was sitting in a white comfy chair with her long legs crossed elegantly, holding a purple mojito in her right hand. I suddenly felt woozy, high on lust, trying to take in the sight, smell and sound of this incredibly alluring woman sitting in front of me, thanking the Universe, God, Jesus, Lucifer and the Seven Dwarfs for bringing her into my life. I was beside myself with lust, knowing that I was about to touch, kiss and fuck the shit out of her shortly.

She was wearing her lustrous golden hair in loosely braided pigtails, which were tied with purple bows, fusing an aura of youthful freshness with her mature gracefulness. Everything she wore was either purple, or a shade of purple, violet or maybe lavender. Close your eyes and pick a shade, because to be honest I don’t know the difference, so just use your imagination to color this scene.

Through her thin robe I could see that she was wearing a sheer bra that framed her amazing round breasts perfectly, a matching waist-high garter belt with beautiful lace details, and of course matching nylon thigh-high stockings and exquisite high heel shoes. I had never seen her wearing this outfit before, so it was definitely new, and probably worth more than my entire wardrobe, my car and my furniture all put together.

Her make up also had a purple theme, her smoky eye shadow, her lipstick, her cheek rouge, her mascara and of course her short but elegantly manicured fingernails were all painted in different shades of the same exciting, fresh color.

Kari sat motionless and quiet for a while, giving me the chance to take a series of mental snapshots. She finally uncrossed her legs and stood up from her chair, snapping me out of my delirious state.

Oh, my beautiful, elegant, lovely Kari. So naughty, so nice, and so goddamn fuckalicious!

She began to step toward me. I was awestruck, and afraid if I touched her she might disappear. I was also afraid to mess up her outfit and her makeup. Knowing her and knowing me, I knew that soon enough this elegant woman, her fancy lingerie and her meticulous makeup will all be drenched in cum, sweat, spit and whatnot.

“Here,” Kari said, handing me her purple mojito. “Drink it up. It’ll calm your nerves.”

Before I brought the glass up to my mouth, I noticed a stringy, creamy white substance floating inside the drink. Somehow, I instantly knew what it was.

“It’s Ken’s fresh cum,” Kari laughed melodiously, her eyes gleaming with girlish mischief.

Looking at the outline of Ken’s hard dick through his shorts, I found it a bit hard to believe that Ken had recently ejaculated his semen into a cocktail, but then again, we’re talking about Ken, the hottest, most virile man I have ever met. So, why not? A Purple, Semen Mojito! I took a sip. Wow! Fucking fantastic!

“So?” Kari asked impatiently. “How was it?”

“It’s smooth, creamy and absolutely delicious!” I confessed before downing the rest of my drink. “You got some more?”

“Sorry buddy,” Ken said. “I had enough cum for only three drinks.”

“Have you made any other drinks with your cream? I think a cumpuccinno would taste awesome with some freshly frothed man-cream.” I said, laughing lightheartedly.

“Oh my Lord, Leo!” Kari gasped, her lips quivering visibly. “We’re so fucking lucky to have found you sweetheart. No one else could have been as cute, naughty and hot as you. You’re so goddamn perfect for us.”

“Are you kidding me?” I said as I stepped toward Kari. “I am the luckiest guy in the world!”

“I love you Leo!” Kari purred softly as she put her lovely hand on the back of my neck, pulling my face into hers.

“I love you too!” I finally managed to mumble right before our lips met in a passionate, loving kiss.

“Wow!” Ken exclaimed as he draped his arms around Kari and me, pulling us into his muscular chest. “I love you two too! I love the two of you? I love you both ... too?”

The three of us laughed and huddled up, kissing and licking, touching and moaning. Suddenly Ken stepped back and slipped out of his clothes, and Kari dropped her expensive panties to her ankles and then with a little sexy wiggle stepped out of them.

They both watched me with lustful eyes as I stripped naked in front of them as slowly as I possibly could, and then they complimented me on my ripped abdominal and gluteal muscles. I do sit ups, crunches and squats every single day, but the credit for my recent extra leanness goes to Kari and Ken and our intensive and highly athletic sexual activities.

“Keep your super-duper one-eyed-jack away from us Kenny!” Kari said to her husband in a playful tone, pointing at his throbbing python. “You have to wait your turn. I need the kid’s full attention all to my own self for a while.”

Clearly disappointed about being benched, Ken went to the kitchen and returned with his camera.

I turned my full attention to Kari, took a deep breath and softly said, “You look stunning tonight Kari,” then I grabbed her golden pigtails, pulling her closer to me. “I want to slide inside you and stay there forever. I want to inhale you and never exhale again. I love you!”

Kari’s lips began to quiver and her lovely green eyes welled up with tears. It seemed that my words had set fire to her loins. She sighed a long sigh, pressing her lovely body into mine. Our mouths melted softly together, our tongues gliding hotly in and out of our panting lips while Kari ground her golden bush and steaming cunt against my hard, pre-cum oozing cock.

“You have a way with words honey,” Kari purred a moment after we broke our kiss. “Your words ... they make me melt, like magic, flowing out of your cute mouth and straight into my heart.”

“There’s no way I can ever do justice to your beauty with my words,” I humbly confessed.

“Can you do justice to me with your hot cock?” she whispered hotly as she nuzzled my neck.

“Uh-huh,” I replied, then swiftly reached for her boobs, and with a swift jerk ripped those expensive laced cups almost clean off of the rest of her bra, turning it into a very hot shelf bra.

To be honest that particular bra was designed for that exact thing. The cups were stitched very loosely so they could be ripped clean off easily.

“Oh!” Kari gasped sharply, looking down at her exposed tits, clearly impressed by my fashion-inspired act of savagery against her fancy tit sling. After taking a few steps backward, she sat on the sofa, leaned back and spread her long legs wide apart. Her perfect tits rose and fell gently and her long nipples stiffened as she stared at my throbbing hard prick with lustful eyes.

“Leo the Destroyer!” she mused in a low voice. “I want you to fuck me just like you fucked Brit earlier. I want you to fuck me really hard. Don’t be nice. Just bang the piss out of my cunt and don’t stop until I come all over your sweet fuck-stick!”

Wow! Kari was definitely on fire. The look in her eyes was burning hot lava. I looked down and stared at the sticky film of hot moistness along the pink flesh of her open pussy lips. She definitely didn’t need any lubrication, but I leaned down and spit on her cunt anyway, making her gasp with excitement.

Once her golden bush and twitching pussy were thoroughly drenched in saliva, I leveled my dick with her steaming slit and threw my hips forward, burying my dick inside her to the hilt.

Kari began to moan and whimper immediately. She tried to clutch my dick by tightening her cunt muscles, but I had already started to piston my cock back and forth. Twisting and churning her ass, she continued to try and catch my dick in order to squeeze it with her strong, well-trained pussy. I decided to stop moving for a minute to let her do whatever she needed to do. I wanted her to feel in control of my dick and of her strong PC muscles and vagina.

“Oh, m’god!” Kari groaned as she squeezed my hot rod as hard as she could.

She continued to groan straineously through gritted teeth. Her sexy brows creased in concentration, her fists clenched tightly, she looked so fucking hot, but I decided to take charge of the situation and not let her do whatever the fuck she wanted to do to me to and my hardworking prick.

After all, she wanted me to fuck her the way I fucked Brit earlier. While she was trying to squeeze the life out of Mr. Junior with her cock-choking snatch, I reached for her pigtails and coiled them around my hands.

“OH, FFF!” she cried out in pain.

Now, I was in charge of her body. Still lodged firmly inside her, I pulled in the reins of her pigtails, causing Kari to squeal and jerk. Now she was at my mercy and had to do whatever I wanted her to do. I pulled and pulled on those golden pigtails until Kari had to lift her ass off the sofa. Then she tried to regain control of the situation by locking her legs around my hips, and that was exactly what I needed her to do.

I stepped back and turned my body slightly to my left, lifting Kari off the sofa completely, then with a powerful jerk of my hips, I simultaneously let go of her pigtails and launched her body onto the corner of the sofa.

“Fuck yeah my boy,” Ken cheered. “Take her down and fuck her hard baby.”

“Woo-hoo!” Kari squealed like a little girl, landing on her back, her legs still wide open, with one foot on the sofa cushion and the other on the floor.

I wasn’t about to let this scorching hot milf regain any form of control over her own body or mine, so I threw myself over on top of her, ramming my prick all the way up inside her with my weight on top of her body.

“Wow!” Ken exclaimed joyfully as he watched me take charge of his beautiful wife.

Curled up between the sofa’s armrest-back and my imposing body, Kari looked surprised, uncertain of what to expect next.

“Where did you...”


I had never been so aggressive with her, but I was not about to second-guess my actions, so I grabbed the front of her shoulder and pushed her back with my right hand, while I started to swat her bouncy tits and hard nipples with the back of my left hand. At the same time I began to pound my dick back and forth inside my sexy opponent’s wonderfully moist slit with incredibly powerful jerks and thrusts of my young hips.

Gasping loudly, Kari opened her mouth, and of course I spit into it over and over again. Looking at Kari’s face and into her lust-glazed eyes, I knew that I already had driven her crazy with my confident, dominant moves.

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