Desiring Daddy's Attentions - Cover

Desiring Daddy's Attentions

Copyright© 2025 by Lorenzo Harris

Chapter 3: Desiring Daddy’s Attentions - Loving Lori

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Desiring Daddy’s Attentions - Loving Lori - My husband Dave is puzzled by our daughter Lori's "squirrely" behavior lately. I know why she's this way - she wants her father to touch her. How do I know? Because I was the same way when I was her age. And my mother knew just how to handle it.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Nephew   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Fisting   Oral Sex   Squirting  

Like I said, I don’t have to “arrange” situations for Dave and Lori to be together any more – they seem to be pretty good themselves at arranging get-togethers. On the other hand I do make it a point to give them opportunities to... “get together” – some errand, or something I need to do.

Like Saturday mornings. Only on Saturday mornings I didn’t have some bogus “errand” to run. I had a real errand – my nephew, Kyle.

My brother Kevin and his wife Jan and their son Kyle live about 12 minutes away, in a subdivision similar to the one where we live, and 15-year-old Kyle is on his high school wrestling team. And every Saturday morning he has four hours of wrestling practice. The first two hours of his practice are with his teammates, at school. The second two hours involve wrestling with his horny aunt, at a “love motel” not far from his school.

This started when I dropped by one Saturday morning to have a cup of coffee and chat with his mother Jan and I happened to see Kyle in his wrestling uniform – I think it’s called a “singlet” – before a teammate picked him up for practice. But I didn’t give a rat’s ass about what a piece of cloth is called. I cared about what was inside that tight, clingy, skimpy piece of Lycra. One look at the bulging biceps and bulging pects – and bulging crotch – and I started to feel woozy, and I immediately knew that my sweet nephew and his loving aunt needed to get a lot closer!

The very first time it happened, I was on the phone with Jan and she mentioned that she had a doctor’s appointment Saturday morning and she didn’t know how she’d get Kyle to wrestling practice. Of course I suggested that I’d be happy to do it, and that “maybe afterward Kyle and I can stop and get a snack.” So I put on my best – meaning tightest-fitting – yoga pants, the new electric blue ones with the silver swirls – and my new matching yoga bra-top, the one that shows my nipples when they’re the least bit aroused.

And I also made sure that my new “best-fitting” electric blue yoga pants displayed a conspicuous cameltoe...

Then I thought ... for the final touch I put on just the slightest splash on my best cologne – just enough to send a signal – the “signal” that I wanted Kyle to know that I wanted him to be attracted to me.

I don’t think Kyle was very experienced with girls, and certainly not with women. But I think he’s bright enough to pick up on the signals I was sending him.

Jan was already gone when I got to their house. Kyle was just finishing a toaster waffle and the last of some protein supplement milkshake when I let myself in and took off my trench coat – and gave Kyle a look at what I’d prepared for him.

And just as I would have predicted – and just the way I had it planned – Kyle’s eyes went directly to my bra – and to the nipples that were insistently pressing against my stretch nylon yoga bra.

And then, just as I would have predicted, his eyes traveled downward, to my form-hugging yoga tights – and then stopping to linger on the crotch, and on the cameltoe that I made sure was obvious before I got out of the car.

I just stood there looking at my nephew until he finally felt that he had to say ... something.

And what he said was just what I was hoping for.

“Jeez, Aunt Angie, you look ... great... fantastic... in that...,” and he was uncertain how he should describe what I was wearing.

“Thank you, Kyle, I was hoping you’d feel that way.” He looked a little puzzled when I said that. “Because I wore this – these – just for you. So, ... you really like them ... me?”

“Hell Yeah! I mean, heck yes, Aunt Angie, you look hot!

“Do you really think so – that your Aunt looks ‘hot’?” I stepped up until there was only a few inches’ space between us. I put one hand on his uniform and ran a fingernail slowly down his chest, then leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. Except that I held my soft lips against his adolescent cheek for maybe five seconds, so it was well beyond a “fond aunt” kiss. I stayed close to him, breathing on his cheek, and half-whispered into his ear, “Maybe, after your practice, you and I can find something else to do?”

I took a step back and looked straight at my nephew, and then just to make sure there was no confusion I asked him.

“Kyle, would you like to fuck me?”

He looked too stunned to say anything, but his answer was obvious. So to help him out – and to seal the deal – I added, ‘Because your Aunt Angie would like very much for you to fuck her...”

There wasn’t much talking on the drive to wrestling practice – the tension in the car was pretty thick. But when we finally pulled up and stopped in front of the gym entrance I leaned over and gripped his thigh – not the bulging crotch, but right next to it – and said, “I told your mom that after practice you and I might stop for a snack ... unless there’s something else we’d like to do...” I gave his thigh a final squeeze and watched him attempting to use his sportsgear bag to hide his erection as he walked to the doors.

So now most Saturday mornings it’s me that my stud nephew demonstrates his wrestling holds on.

Now it’s his hungry aunt’s body that he pins to the mat and who gets to experience his “pile drivers” and his “body slams.” I even practice a few moves of my own. In fact, I’ve been working on my “head scissors” hold. My stud nephew seems eager to help – he even volunteers his head for me to practice on.

What about Kyle’s mom, Jan? Several times recently she’s mentioned that she needs to “get healthier” and in better shape, so I got her three-month gift enrollments in two hours of Saturday morning Pilates and Dancercise classes. And as for me, I’ve had to “dust off” my old diaphragm until my new birth control pills kick in.

And these times with Kyle have got me wondering. What would it look like if Kyle was fucking Lori? Or maybe Kyle and Dave fucking her...

Or maybe the other way, with Kyle and my brother Kev fucking me? Or maybe...?

I’ve even caught myself fantasizing about Kyle and one of his wrestling buddies – or more! – and I’m in a motel room or one of their parents’ basements and one of them is lying on his back and I’m laying back on him with his cock up my ass, and two of them are standing over my face and I’m jerking them off while Kyle is on top, fucking me, and the final teammate is on top, fucking Kyle’s ass...


I think Dave is getting suspicious about the regularity of all the “errands” I suddenly need to run on Saturday mornings. But I think he doesn’t want to do anything that might jeopardize the amount of “quality time” he and his daughter enjoy all those times when I’m away.


I’ve just gotten home from a satisfying – very satisfying! – morning with my nephew, and of course I expect that my husband and my daughter are upstairs in bed, doing ... Well, that’s why I’ve arranged these Saturday mornings with Kyle. Well, one of the reasons, anyway.

I already showered at the motel – yes, I even have a credit card that’s mine so Dave’ll never see those regular charges at the B’rer Rabbit Motel every Saturday – so there’s no need to take one now. So I put down my bag and I go up the stairs to see what there might be to see. And of course I head straight to our – Dave’s and my – bedroom door (maybe we need to think about getting a larger bed for Lori so they’ll have someplace else to enjoy themselves without occupying my bed).

I look in the bedroom and, of course, I see Dave and Lori, and of course, they’re heavily into some sort of sex. This time, Lori’s on her knees and her father has most of his cock hidden in her ass. Except the first thing I notice is that Lori isn’t exactly on her knees. Instead, she’s in a crouching position, which has the effect of making her ass more prominent – and available.

And she’s wearing leggings. You know – long knit leggings, like the ones she was wearing that very first evening, the one when she and her dad were scrunched together on the couch and I arranged their positions “so they’d be more comfortable?” This time the leggings have red, white, and blue stripes, and the way they reach halfway up her thighs, they have the effect of practically “framing” the top of her thighs and her firm round ass, almost like they’re on display. Which I guess is exactly what they are.

“That’s it, Daddy – fuck your little whore in her tight little ass.”

Well, I guess she’s had that talk with her dad about how she wanted them to “talk more” and to say dirty words like Michie and her dad do.

Dave responded immediately.

“That’s right, you little slut – take your Daddy’s big dick up your hot little asshole!”

“Do it, Daddy – I’m your little anal slut – fuck me in my hot, tight little asshole!” And this little drama must be getting to Lori, because she has one hand between her legs and she’s clutching her pussy like crazy.

And then Dave says, “Ohhh, fuuuck – take that you little bitch...!”

That’s it, Daddy, shoot your filthy jizz all the way up my dirty little asshole...”

Being a good Daddy, it looked like that’s exactly what Dave did – he shot his “filthy jizz” all the way up his anal slut daughter’s tight little asshole. He humped his hips into Lori’s raised ass that was so prominently framed by her slutty leggings and lunged into her asshole half a dozen times before pulling her hips tight against him and releasing his load deep inside his daughter’s rectum. Lori’s hips began jerking in her own orgasm almost the moment she felt her daddy cum inside her. Finally, she collapsed onto the bed and Dave fell forward onto her, being careful to catch his weight on his forearms.

They stayed like that, catching their breaths and enjoying the last of what was obviously a terrific anal fuck-and-cum, until Dave slowly backed out of his daughter’s asshole and rolled onto the bed on his back. Then Lori got off her knees and turned around in the bed – and parked her hips right over Dave’s face. And by “her hips” I mean her gaping asshole, now creamy with Dave’s cum ... and whatever else.

And that’s when Lori really surprised me. No, astounded me. I watched my daughter take her dad’s cock, which had been inside her asshole only moments before, into her mouth and suck it clean. Then she turned and put her face right in front of her father’s. They looked at each other, I don’t know whether it was a “challenge” or more like a “you know what to do” look.

They kissed. Then they proceeded to mouth and lick each other, sharing the tastes and feel of whatever she had licked off her father’s cock and he had sucked out of her oozing asshole.


Well, you know what I wanted from Dave that night.

If I hadn’t already been full of my nephew’s cum I would have marched into the bedroom right then and demanded that my husband give me the same thing he’d just given our daughter. Then I thought better of it and decided that now was the time to enjoy the afterglow – or, at least, the afterfuck – from my morning with Kyle. I’d get Dave tonight.

We both had things to do that day so we never really had much of a chance to talk, and by “talk” I mean telling Dave all the things I saw him and Lori doing this afternoon and demanding that he give me, his lawfully wedded wife, the equivalent amount of attention that I am legally entitled to.

“Okay, Dave tell me everything you and our little slut daughter did this morning.” I purposely said slut to let him know that I knew the kinds of games that he and Lori are playing.

Dave smiled and pulled me over him and kissed me – a real kiss, too, not some quick peck on the lips.

“What’s to tell. I know you saw most of it when you were standing there in the hall outside our door.” Then he added, “Lori knew you were watching, too.”

So you mean that a lot of what I witnessed this morning might have been my daughter putting on a show for her mom?

“But what you really want to know is how things got started, right?”

Yeah, I guess that’s what I really wanted to hear – how the steamy anal fuck session I watched there in the hall – how that got started.

“Right after you left for Ky ... for Jan’s this morning I slipped back into bed and layed there and stroked myself and hoped that Lori would come in for a little playtime. And in five minutes she was in our room and she was completely naked except for those striped leggings. Damn, those things are sexy on her! Naked, with those pointy little tits and that plump cunt with those fine little hairs that’re starting to grow, and then those damned leggings – they only make her seem even more naked!

“But anyhow, she comes in and the very first thing she says is, ‘I’m really horny this morning, Daddy. I been playing with my kitty all morning waiting for Mom to leave. But I didn’t let myself cum, Daddy – I saved that for you. Will you do that for me, Daddy – will you make your little Kitten cum, huh, will you Daddy? Will my Daddy make his little Kitten cum?’”

“And then the little minx goes into my dresser drawer – she didn’t even have to look around, she just pulls out the prescription bottle for my boner pills and says, ‘Here, Daddy, I want you to have these this morning.’”

And while Dave is telling me this my pussy is starting to squirm and I can feel myself getting wet. I know my daughter likes sex with her dad but I didn’t have any idea that she was so ... forward? blatant? about it.

“So did you take the pill?”

“Damn right I did!

“But anyhow, I guess she was waiting till the pill had a chance to kick in, so she kneeled over me and plunks her pussy right on my mouth and says, ‘Eat me, Daddy – make your little girl cum.’ And then she says, ‘Who knows – maybe you’ll even make her squirt. I know how you like that, Daddy – when you make me squirt.’

“So like she said, I started eating her pussy – lately it seems like she wants it more intense than I used to do it – and I reach back because I know how she likes it when I finger her asshole. But then she stops me and says ‘Wait’ and she reaches over to the bedside table and there’s this open jar – I got a glimpse of the label – something like AnalGlide or something like that – and she brings it over and holds it out to me and says ‘Here, use this,’ and then she says, ’We’re gonna need it later.’

“So I do like she tells me ... when did she get so bossy, anyway? And I made her cum a couple of times and one time she did squirt, and you know how that turns me on – and she knows how it turns me on. And I know how much she likes it when I play with her butt. And I think that’s about when you came home and saw us.”

So now I’m really turned on, picturing what Dave’s told me, but also by the idea that my little girl has become so ... so confident, even so demanding in her sex. Good for her! Also, good for the nerdy little girl she was just a few months ago. Who knows? Maybe there are some things I should be learning from her.

Like now.

But first,

“You and Lori have been doing anal for a while now, right? I mean, this – this morning – that wasn’t the first time, was it?”

“No, we started doing anal a month or so after we started...”

That soon?? I wouldn’t have imagined...

“But it’s like she’s gotten more into it lately, and more ... I don’t know ... raunchy, and raw ... in what we do and the things she does – and says. But I guess you got to see that for yourself when you were spying on us, you filthy little pervert, you!”

I liked where this was headed!

“Yes, but I’m your filthy little pervert. So how about treating me to some of the perverted acts you’re so eager to do with your slut daughter.”

Dave got into the spirit of this game real quick.

“You think you’re a pervert? If you want to be treated like a pervert you’re going to have to act like one.”

Oh, I’m gonna like this game!

“Daddy, my little asshole feels so empty, Daddy. I saw how you fucked our little whore daughter. Can you fuck my ass like you did Lori’s, Daddy. Please, Daddy, fuck my ass like I’m a little whore...”

Dave and I’ve been doing this for lots of years now – not the part about Lori, but about the teasing talk – and I could feel his cock hardening and poking into my side. He rolled me over and pinned my shoulders to the bed, and I couldn’t help but notice that the way Dave pinned me is different from the way my nephew does. When Kyle “pins” me he uses the technique he’s learned in wrestling. Also, he pins me kind of “respectfully.” Dave doesn’t use any “technique,” and he’s certainly not “respectful.”

Right now I’m liking Dave’s technique better.

I also liked what he said.

“Get on your knees, you little slut!”

That’s what I wanted to hear. And do.

I pushed Dave off me so I could roll over and get on my knees. And then Dave saw them.

I thought Lori looked so hot and so slutty in those leggings that I went out this afternoon and bought a pair – or three – for myself. I tried on all three pairs and picked the pair that I thought looked the sexiest – meaning, the sluttiest.

Actually, they were almost identical to the ones Lori was wearing that first nigt, when she was sitting on the couch scrunched up against her dad watching a movie.

Dave didn’t know because all along I’d kept my legs under the bed sheet, even when he had me pinned down on my back. But when I did like he said and got on my knees, he saw.

And his reaction was exactly what I hoped for. As soon as he saw my thighs and ass framed by the slutty leggings he buried his face in between my buttocks and went crazy eating me, then trying to drive he tongue up my asshole.

I love it when Dave is this way.

“That’s it – eat your slut daughter – lick her asshole, shove your nasty tongue up her nasty little asshole!”

Dave groaned. He loves when I talk filth. And he responded by doing like his “little girl” asked – demanded – and shoved his tongue up her – my – nasty little asshole.

It felt sooo good. Except it really didn’t feel a lot. What “felt” good was the image I had in my mind, of my handsome stud husband with his face buried in my ass cheeks and his tongue stabbing into my nasty asshole. It wasn’t actually nasty because I’d already smeared it with cherry scented and flavored love oil. But it was still nasty, because it’s still an asshole.

I didn’t have to tell him any more because I knew what he’d do. And sure enough, I felt him pull that stiff muscle of his tongue out of my ass – with one more lick of the cherry love oil – and get up onto his knees, and then I felt his stiff cock sliding up and down my ass crack a couple of times, kind of to get it lined-up, and I felt it slide over my slick butthole – and then the pressure, as he placed the tip of his hard cock against that slick butthole – and he pushed.

Like I said, he wouldn’t encounter much resistance because I had already prepped my ass, outside and in. But maybe a few dirty words of encouragement?

“Are you gonna do it, Daddy? Are you gonna force your big Daddy dick into my tight teenage ass? ‘Cause you know how I love it when you do that – when you put your big Daddy dick in my tight little teenage ass.”

Now I had him hooked.

“Yeah, little girl, my big Daddy dick is going right up your little teenage ass. There!” and he slammed into me, and he wasn’t gentle about it, because he could tell I was already lubed-up pretty good in my “tight teenage ass,” and because he knows that when I get this way I don’t want gentleness – don’t want him to hold back – just give in to his lust and his dirty impulses.

God, I felt it! My ass went from empty and craving to stuffed and strained – just like I was hoping – just like I was craving.

“Are ya’ going to fuck me like a whore, Daddy? Because that’s what I want to be for you – I want to be your little anal whore – can I be that for you, Daddy?”

And then, the last little thing I thought would put him over the top.

“Fuck me like your daughter – fuck my ass like you did Lori.”

... and out went any last bit of restraint. Except instead of ramming his cock into me he started taking long, slow strokes – the way he knows I like it. Out, so slowly it felt like his dick was two feet long, and then in, feeling like his penetration of my ass would never end. And then o-u-u-t-t-t and then i-i-i-n-n-n, and out and in.

And I came. When I feeling like this and when he fucks me this way I can cum without my clit ever being touched. Like now.

And when he felt me start shaking – yeah, my anal orgasms are like that, just shaking like I was having an epileptic seizure – he knew to drive his cock all the way into me, so I practically felt it in my throat, he was in so deep, and he reached around and squeezed one nipple – hard.

And that’s when my shaking turned into bucking, and Dave knew this part, too, and he reached around me and held on tight – and once again I had that feeling – that same feeling: that I’m united with the love of my life.

But Dave hadn’t cum yet. He’s a good husband.

“Dave, pull out now.”

I’m sure that he didn’t really want to do it, but he also knew that it was always a good idea to take my lead.

He backed of me, slowly and... thoughtfully. Still, it left me feeling so empty and hollow. Like I knew it would.

But I had plans. This wasn’t the end of things by a long shot.

With Dave off of me I was able to get off my knees and roll onto my back – and spread my legs, with the tight leggings that made me look like a junior high school tramp – and pull them back...

... putting my asshole right in front of my still hard, still un-relieved husband. He didn’t need any more guidance.

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